The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1967 What to do if it’s not enough

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Huan and Li Wei walked into Zhang Xiangbei's office. Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei said, it seems that we are being conservative. Some varieties are almost out of stock. Should we put them out? Taken off the menu?

"What varieties are they?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Like green beans and carrots, we didn't expect that so many people would need carrots," Wu Huan said.

Zhang Xiangbei didn't expect it either. He thought carefully for a while and finally remembered it. Zhang Xiangbei said to them:

"Carrots look inconspicuous, but I thought about it. Kung Pao Chicken and Braised Chicken both need carrots. These two are home-cooked dishes for corporate customers. Wu Huan and Li Wei, it seems that we want to To accurately grasp the demand and avoid waste and inventory, it is not enough to stay at home. You also need to study the recipes of customers, especially large customers.

"By the way, many big customers, such as schools, institutions, hospitals, etc., already have their own recipes for the week. We ask our salesmen to go deeper and communicate with customers to find ways to obtain their recipes in advance. It will be good for our procurement.”

The reason why many large customers order recipes in advance is not only for the sake of enriching the variety of dishes, but also for cost accounting. In some units, it also involves the total budget and food subsidy. It is not just what you want to do. What you do should be as rich and balanced as possible under this general premise.

You can't say that you ate well on Monday, but on the other days, it's like eating food to remember the bitter experience, and even tears are shed. There must be a comprehensive consideration.

Wu Huan nodded and said yes: "The accuracy of big data requires not only volume, but also time, and more importantly, the accumulation of our own experience. What should we do now, directly remove the varieties that are not available?"

Zhang Xiangbei thought for a moment and decided that it would be easiest for them to just remove it. If there was no such dish on the menu, customers would have no choice but to order other dishes or simply give up. But in this way First, the customers who are affected, especially those who have ordered recipes in advance, will have to recalculate and modify the recipes.

Zhang Xiangbei always believes that at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, there will be a wave of ordering climax. By that time, if customers are on their menu, they will not be able to order even simple dishes like carrots and green beans. , an idea that will pop up immediately is that it is more convenient to purchase directly by yourself.

Zhang Xiangbei is very confident that their vegetables will definitely be cheaper than those purchased by these units themselves, but if you can't meet their requirements, what's the use of being cheap?

Still the same four words: customer experience.

This is like Pinduoduo, which just launched this year. Although the products on it are cheaper than those on, the customer experience is very poor.

Especially for many customers, their trust in the seller is actually based on the things they have already bought. They think the things are cheap and good, so they want to see if the seller has anything else to buy, but they are struggling. The result on Duoduo is that there is no store at all.

Even if you buy something and want to buy it a second time, you find that the thing is no longer available and you can't find the person who sells it.

On the other hand, this encourages sellers to act boldly.

Although many items on Pinduoduo are cheap, the quality is much worse than that on As for food, they simply resorted to tampering. They either found ways to improve the packaging or added more fillers, even exaggerating for 50 grams per pack. All the desiccant will come out. Although you spend a small amount of money, you actually get very little.

The seller didn't care about this. He just moved to another place, sold the same thing for a few days, and then re-opened it with a new look a few days later. He didn't even think about maintaining the reputation of the store, attracting and cultivating the awareness of more old customers, or in other words, There is no store awareness at all.

All websites are destined to not go far if the customer experience is poor. Customer experience is the foundation for a website to survive. Zhang Xiangbei feels that websites like Pinduoduo are destined to be only transitional and temporary products. , it is impossible to go very far. When cheapness is not the only demand for online shopping, such websites will decline.

If cannot see this clearly, becomes hot-headed, and turns to Pinduoduo to learn from Pinduoduo, it will also be doomed to fail.

It is always the company itself that brings down a company, not other factors or people.

At this point, Zhang Xiangbei somewhat admires his father. His father's Half Acoustic Field clothing, whether it is on or Amazon, insists on quality in terms of fabrics, styles and workmanship. They are becoming more and more perfect, rather than becoming more and more shoddy. Their clothes are much more expensive than others, but they have always adhered to the high-quality line.

This is actually very difficult. We have to face a lot of temptations, especially the temptation of sales volume. When people face competition, of course they hope that the cost of their products will be lower and lower, and the selling price will be as cheap as possible. There may even be Make false data to deceive customers.

At this point, Zhang Chen is very stubborn. He is not afraid of sacrificing traffic, nor is he afraid of sacrificing sales, nor is he afraid that the data will not look good.

Zhang Chen always told Xiaoli and Li Wei that I want the most authentic data, and you should not be afraid that our sales volume cannot compare with other brands. If you must compare, I will give you several indicators. First, who to compare with? The second is to compare whose exchange rate is lower, and the third is to compare whose brand credibility is higher. I don’t care about the other things.

To do this, especially in the years when online sales exploded, it was very difficult to persist in doing so and do it consistently. But now, they have tasted the fruits of persistence. Those who appeared on the Internet at about the same time as them are still doing it in a popular way. Many of the brands that started in Shengshui have now disappeared, while Ban Mu Tian has accumulated a large number of loyal customers.

Their current production of each style of clothing requires a minimum order quantity of two thousand pieces. In other words, as long as there are new products on the market in Half an Acre, with their huge number of real customers, two thousand is the minimum sales volume, which will definitely It will sell out, and you generally need to keep adding orders.

Zhang Xiangbei feels that his father is sometimes a little stupid and one-minded, but his basic values ​​are correct, and the most important thing is persistence. This is probably the reason why he can make his career big and still be able to do it with ease every day. I didn't see the reason why he was so busy.

"How to decide, Mr. Zhang?" Wu Huan and Li Wei asked when they saw Zhang Xiangbei sitting there, silent for a long time.

"Don't withdraw it. Notify Nanjing and Shanghai and ask them to send people and vehicles to the local vegetable market to purchase whatever is lacking. At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, there will be a large wave of customers placing orders. Tell everyone that they must be satisfied. All the needs of customers are the same here in Hangcheng," Zhang Xiangbei said.

"But Mr. Zhang, the price in the wholesale market is higher than the price we sell to customers, so our losses will be huge." Li Wei said.

"Don't think about losses, let's just think about how to meet the needs of our customers."

Zhang Xiangbei looked up at them and said to them:

"Failure to meet the needs of customers is our work error. No matter what the reason is, it is our responsibility. Since it is our responsibility, we have to pay for the failure of our own work."

Wu Huan and Li Wei both nodded. Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan said that at ten o'clock in the evening, when orders from all unit customers should be completed, we would hold a meeting to inform Nanjing and Shanghai, as well as the following branches. There is only one topic on the agenda with the office, which is to discuss how to ensure supply. You will notify us now and let everyone consider it first.

"Nanjing and Shanghai, at five o'clock tomorrow morning, the first day of work in the workshop should have ended. Please inform us that we will hold a second meeting to discuss and summarize the first day of production. By the way, let the equipment manufacturer The factory also sent people to participate. Problems with the equipment will only be known after actual use. Those that need improvement will start to be corrected tomorrow."

Wu Huan said yes, I will arrange it right away.

Just after six o'clock, their first vegetable cart arrived. The workers below were all waiting at the door of the workshop. When they saw the cart arriving, everyone couldn't help but applaud, which shocked the driver. What was going on? , so many people are waiting for me, and they still applaud?

When he got out of the car, he realized that he was the first car to arrive. Wu Wenxin stepped forward and handed him a red envelope containing two thousand yuan. The driver smiled crookedly.

They set off from Henan together in two cars. They were in the Jiaxing service area in front. Their two drivers also entered the service area together. After entering, he urinated and the driver of the other car defecated, so he left first. Unexpectedly, The difference between the sizes is so big. He was first and got two thousand. The guy took a poop and lost everything, because at this time, two more cars arrived.

As soon as the truck carrying vegetables arrived, the workshop below started to get busy.

Not only were they busy in the workshop, Li Wei's customer service center upstairs had been busy all day, and the customer service staff who answered the phone had their voices hoarse.

Many customers place orders online for the first time. After the order is sent, they are worried and call their customer service number to ask if they have received the order, whether everything on the order is included, and whether it can be delivered on time tomorrow morning. ? After getting a definite answer, I hung up the phone.

It’s no wonder that these customers are worried that if an order is sent out but not received here, they will not be able to collect the food tomorrow morning. Not only will they resort to an empty city plan, but they will also cause everyone to have no food to eat. If they go to purchase at the last minute, it will definitely be too late. Then The division chief or general affairs manager will have his butt kicked by the boss of the unit.

Zhang Xiangbei and his "Zhai Xian Delivery" company only have one customer service center here in Hangzhou. All orders and customer calls will go here first, and they will forward them out or answer inquiries.

Just like the customer service center, their distribution center has also been busy since the morning. They have already started delivering to customers in the morning. Many customers placed orders in the morning, like Tuxiangyuan Hotel, which are not fresh products. Instead of placing orders, we imported food, frozen products, alcoholic beverages, dry goods and condiments.

They just need to pick these up from the warehouse of the partner company next door and start delivering them.

Standing in the workshop, Zhang Xiangbei saw the vegetable cleaning equipment starting to start, and the conveyor belt in the sorting workshop also starting to rotate. Different equipment made different sounds. Zhang Xiangbei thought the sound was really nice.

Thank you to reader 1297873838407110656 for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for the standby time, Midnight Wu Ge c, Dragon King 123777, Stinky Socks~~, professional season formal wear, light and thin, Changsha Huisheng, the sky is full of thunder and clouds, Xueyou learns to sing, sand dust mood, for whom the wind and dew stand at midnight 1. Monthly votes for windinwing, robingranite, and book friends: 160529232957000! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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