The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1965 A Cart of Green Onions

The supervisor on duty at the dispatch center was in the canteen. He received a call from Wu Huan and hurried back.

Wu Huan told her that in addition to reminding all drivers to report any conditions on the road in a timely manner, the people in your dispatch center should not be like logs sitting here. This car has not moved for several hours, and Mr. Zhang found out Yes, your two on-duty guards are sitting here without even noticing.

"Yes, Mr. Wu, I immediately asked them to go down and ask them to pay attention to detecting problems when monitoring the movement of all vehicles. Once they find any problems, they will take the initiative to call and ask the driver." The supervisor on duty said quickly.

Zhang Xiangbei picked up the landline phone on the table next to him, stretched out his finger to press a few numbers, and said to the phone:

"Wu Yue, come to the dispatching hall immediately."

Wu Yue ran out from inside, and Zhang Xiangbei asked him if this system could be improved. If every truck stops on the way for more than half an hour, it will automatically call the police. In this way, even if the driver does not call, , the dispatch center will also immediately know which vehicle is abnormal and contact the driver in time.

Zhang Xiangbei does not believe in the behavior of a single individual. He believes that when a problem can be solved with technical means, technical means must be used. Technology is more reliable than people.

Wu Yue thought for a moment and said yes, but there was a question. What if the driver took a break midway?

"Then let them call and tell the dispatch center. The dispatcher can change the status. If he doesn't call, call the police here. Even if he falls asleep, he must be woken up. Repeat this several times and you can force him to do so. They develop the habit of proactively contacting the dispatch center," Zhang Xiangbei said.

Wu Yue said yes, I will change it immediately and try to get it out before tomorrow night.

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

The dispatcher came over and told them that the truck departed from Shouguang and that the entire truck was full of green onions shipped to the Shanghai branch.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan heard this, and their hearts sank, because they knew that although green onions are not a common dish, especially customers in the south do not use many, they are an indispensable variety, and precisely because green onions are not Dalu vegetables, when they made the purchase plan, they only ordered one truckload of green onions in each city.

If this carload of green onions was delayed on the road, they would not have a single green onion in Shanghai.

Moreover, the most annoying thing is that the drive shaft of this car is broken. You don’t need to ask Zhang Xiangbei to know that even if the car is taken to the repair shop, the repairman will not count it in the middle of the night, and ordinary repair shops will not have spare parts. The drive shaft needs to be purchased.

This load of green onions was delayed, which seemed doomed.

"Is it too late for Liu Dehua to send another truck immediately?" Wu Huan asked, "Can the cooperative collect it at night?"

Zhang Xiangbei shook his head and said:

"There is no need to ask the members of the cooperative to harvest green onions now. There is one in the vegetable logistics park opposite Liu Dehua's office. You can just buy a truck directly from there and send it over. But it is almost three o'clock now. Once you have bought it, load it into the truck and weigh it. It will take at least five o'clock to set off, and we will have to rest on the way. It will probably not be until the early morning of the day after tomorrow when we arrive in Shanghai."

Wu Huan understood that this probably meant that all orders with green onions in Shanghai would be piled up in their workshop, waiting for the arrival of this car of green onions. In this way, the delivery time would probably be missed.

"Beibei, I asked my Lianyungang company to send two vehicles to transport the green onions." Wu Zhaohui said from the side.

Zhang Xiangbei sighed, saying that it might be too late:

"The car is still on the highway now. It has to be towed off the highway before it can be unloaded. Your car is passing from Lianyungang now. It will take at least more than an hour to find it. It will take at least one or two hours to unload and load a car of green onions. By the time we set off, it will be daylight, and we will have to walk for eight or nine hours, including meals and rest, and it will be midnight when we arrive in Shanghai."

"What should we do?" Wu Huan asked.

Zhang Xiangbei stared at the map on the wall, and Wu Zhaohui said to him:

"Beibei, it doesn't matter. The green onions won't go bad anyway. It doesn't matter if we wait for the car to be repaired or to replace it. It doesn't matter if we arrive a day late."

Zhang Xiangbei smiled bitterly and said: "It's not a question of whether it will be bad. If so, there will be no green onions in Shanghai."

Wu Zhaohui also smiled bitterly. It seems that Zhang Xiangbei and his company are still different from his own express company. His express truck broke down on the road. At worst, it will arrive a day late, and the customer will not react much. If they, If there are problems during transportation, the dishes themselves will not only be spoiled, but also out of stock, which will affect many orders.

Zhang Xiangbei stared blankly at the map on the wall. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he shouted to the dispatcher:

"Help me check immediately where the load of green onions shipped to Nanjing is."

The dispatcher checked and told Zhang Xiangbei that he had just passed Rizhao and was about to leave Shandong.

Zhang Xiangbei's mind was spinning rapidly. In this way, the difference between this car and the one that broke down was only one hour. Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

"Is there any way?" Wu Huan asked.

"Yes." Zhang Xiangbei nodded and said, "Immediately contact the green onion truck shipped to Nanjing and ask him to change his itinerary. Instead of going to Nanjing, go directly to Shanghai."

Zhang Xiangbei then said to Wu Zhaohui: "Let your Lianyungang company help us send a car to load the green onions and help us send them to Nanjing. It only takes more than four hours from Lianyungang to Nanjing, so it's too late."

Wu Zhaohui slapped Zhang Xiangbei on the shoulder and shouted, "Not bad, smart! I'll call right away."

Wu Zhaohui and Wu Huan both started making phone calls. After more than ten minutes, both parties had completed the implementation. Wu Zhaohui asked the boss of their Lianyungang branch to personally take people to unload and load the truck.

After a while, the boss of their branch called and told Wu Zhaohui that he had contacted the driver of the green onion truck.

The problem was finally solved, and both Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan breathed a long sigh of relief.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Zhaohui said, "Thank you, Uncle Wu. If you hadn't been here today, we wouldn't have been able to find the car even if we tried to find it in the middle of the night."

Wu Zhaohui said: "Thank you, thank you. Your business is not my business. We have been doing logistics longer than you. Express company. Fortunately, we have branches in every city along the way. Beibei, Wu Huan, you guys If anything happens on the road, just call me and my people can help.”

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan quickly said thank you, thank you!

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan slept on the sofa in their office for more than two hours. Zhang Xiangbei woke up, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and put on a set of clean work clothes. He walked to his desk and just sat down. Next, his cell phone rang. It was Wu Zhaohui, and Zhang Xiangbei picked it up.

Wu Zhaohui told him that the green onions had been loaded and the car had just set off. It would arrive in Nanjing at one or two o'clock in the afternoon. Zhang Xiangbei quickly said, thank you, Uncle Wu.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Xiangbei breathed a sigh of relief and was completely relieved. The Nanjing branch of Wu Zhaohui and his courier company, like here, is also located in the logistics base of Half Acre Field, right next to the Nanjing branch of their "Zhai Xian Delivery" Next door, their truck driver is familiar with this road and will not make any mistakes.

Zhang Xiangbei looked at his watch. It was already past six o'clock. He walked out of his office and walked to Wu Yue's technology center. Their website for unit users was officially launched at 6:30 today, with ten minutes left.

When Zhang Xiangbei arrived, Wu Huan was already here. Zhang Xiangbei told Wu Huan that the green onions from Nanjing had been shipped out. Wu Huan nodded and said with a smile:

"Why is it really like a war?"

At half past six, the "Zhai Xian Delivery" website went online. Zhang Xiangbei turned on the computer on the desk next to him, entered the "Zhai Xian Delivery" website address into the browser, and pressed Enter. The temporary web page immediately appeared on the computer screen. Wu Yue After telling Zhang Xiangbei an account and password, Zhang Xiangbei logged in and saw the homepage of their "Zhaixianshu".

Wu Huan called the customer service center and told them to send text messages to all customers to inform them that our website is online and orders can be placed today.

Then she called Shanghai and Nanjing to inform Shanghai and Nanjing that our website was online.

"I'll go, so fast! More than fifty people have logged in to browse."

Wu Yue shouted, at this time, it was only 6:40, just ten minutes after their website went online.

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said: "What are you happy about? Don't forget, these fifty or so people must be like us, they are our own people. Everyone knows that the website will be online at 6:30 today, so come and take a look. It is only around 6 o'clock now." Zhong, which unit will place the order? At least it will be after noon today."

Wu Yue chuckled and felt that what Zhang Xiangbei said made sense.

"Holy shit! What is this? Mr. Wu, look backstage!" a programmer shouted.

The two presidents, Wu and Zhang Xiangbei, all gathered around the computer. Wu Yue opened the backend of their website. The three people's eyes widened. They saw that an order had already come in.

Isn't this too exaggerated? !

Zhang Xiangbei asked Wu Yue to quickly open the order. He looked at it and immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed. The phone rang twice and was picked up. Lin Shuwan's voice rang on the phone:

"Beibei, are you still in the unit?"

"Yes, I'm here, Aunt Shuwan, did you place an order just now?" Zhang Xiangbei asked. He saw that the order was from Lin Shuwan and their LinkedIn Foreign Language School.

"Yes, I asked the chief secretary to give me the order yesterday. I just wanted to place the order myself today to support Beibei. Didn't I just receive your text message, so I tried to place the order." Lin Shuwan explain.

"Thank you Aunt Shuwan, you are our Lanbowan, the first order." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Yes, yes, it's great." Lin Shuwan smiled happily.

Zhang Xiangbei remembered it and said to Lin Shuwan:

"Aunt Shuwan, I remember my father and mother told me before that their first foreign trade order was placed by Aunt Shuwan. Unexpectedly, today, our first order was placed by Aunt Shuwan again. Thank you very much."

"Beibei, Auntie is very happy too." Lin Shuwan said.

Thank you for your first home loan and two fish rewards! Thank you to EKN, ZHAO1017, Captain Jim, Shachen Mood, zpengyong1, Crush Killer VIP, Don’t Let You Be a Demon, On the Road-Tiantian, Dragon King 123777 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you a nice weekend!

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