The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1959 Liu Ligan’s Philosophy

After returning to Hangzhou from Nanjing, Liu Ligan became very busy and very idle. He was idle during the day and busy at night.

Every night, he would treat guests at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel. After eating, he would wash his feet or sing. He didn't go home until midnight every day. Tan Shuzhen knew what he was doing and didn't bother to ask.

There is one thing Tan Shuzhen is sure of, that is, Liu Ligan is outside, and he will not give in no matter what. For example, when singing at KTV, he will cuddle and cuddle, and in the end, he may even open a room and make arrangements for others. The little sister on the stage, but he himself, will never move.

Tan Shuzhen knew it well, and Liu Ligan knew it even better. He knew that he was now on probation. As long as there was one breach, Tan Shuzhen would immediately sentence their relationship to death and execute it immediately, without any room for change.

Every afternoon at two or three o'clock, Liu Ligan arrived at Zhang Chen's place. As soon as he came in, he showed off that he had slept in all his life.

Zhang Chen looked at him and cursed, I think Tan Shuzhen's land will be plowed by you sooner or later.

Liu Ligan laughed.

Then he sat down to brag with Zhang Chen, regardless of whether he had something to do or not. If he had something to do, Zhang Chen would just walk away. He would sit there alone, look at his phone, or fall down and take another nap on the sofa.

When he had nothing to do, he just sat on the side, smoking, drinking tea and bragging. At 5:40 in the afternoon, Liu Ligan went downstairs on time and went to the box below to wait for his guests. Zhang Chen had always refused to this kind of banquet. Liu Ligan invited him several times, but Zhang Chen didn't bother him. So Liu Ligan had no choice but to go alone.

Sometimes Tan Shuzhen would come over after get off work, but Tan Shuzhen didn't bother to eat this kind of meal. Although she knew all the people Liu Ligan invited, Tan Shuzhen would not go with Liu Ligan because she said she was fine. There is no need to chat with those people. Chatting can easily cause trouble. She would rather eat with Zhang Chen in Zhang Chen's office.

Xiaofang usually eats in her office. Occasionally, she will come over to eat with them.

After the relationship between Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan was made public, Tan Shuzhen consciously refused to appear with Liu Ligan. She did not want others to say in the future that she relied on Liu Ligan.

Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan, are you going to tell the world that Hu Hansan is back?

"Of course, I must be the first to invite them as soon as possible. We can't suddenly meet them by chance on some occasion. If we meet by chance, they will have a knot in their hearts. When you come back, you won't even say a word, but they will still smile at you in person. Ruhua, but this knot will never be untied from now on. Didn’t you see that before I invited everyone here, I didn’t go anywhere and just stayed here with you? "

Zhang Chen frowned and said, "Why the hell do you hate it so much? There is a crow making noise in my ears every day."

"You think I'm willing? You're not a fucking beauty, and I'm tired of looking at you." Liu Ligan said, "Come here, let me show you the beauty."

As Liu Ligan spoke, he dialed Wenwen's phone number. As soon as the call came through, Liu Ligan told them that he was at Zhang Chen's place. Wenwen and Qianqian both yelled, "I want to hug brother Zhang Chen." Wenwen and Qianqian came to video chat with Zhang Chen. While Zhang Chen was chatting with them, Wenwen and Qianqian refused to leave. They had a lot to say. Liu Ligan snatched the phone from Zhang Chen’s hand and shouted:

"The call is over. If you want to talk to Niwai again, you can call yourself. It's father-daughter channel time. Show me Liu Wenqian quickly."

Wenwen put the mobile phone in front of Liu Wenqian. When Liu Wenqian saw Liu Ligan on the screen, she giggled, yelled "papa, papa", and then burst into tears with a "wow".

Liu Ligan quickly said: "Wen Qian doesn't cry, Wen Qian doesn't cry, dad is here, dad is here."

Liu Ligan said, but his eyes were already red. Zhang Chen stood up and walked out, leaving Liu Ligan alone in the office.

When Zhang Chen came back, he saw Liu Ligan sitting there alone. When he saw Zhang Chen come in, he looked at Zhang Chen and wanted to say something but couldn't. When Zhang Chen also sat down on the sofa, he ask:

"Will you be so sad when Beibei goes to the United States?"

Zhang Chen said no. He was already so old when he went to the United States. Besides, he was with Xiaofang when he went there. What should I be sad about? He was not alone.

"But my daughter is still with Wenwen Qianqian. When I think about it, why am I still sad?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I understand you." Zhang Chen said, "When Zhang Xiangbei was very young, I would be sad to see him."


"When I was in elementary school." Zhang Chen said.

"A few days I went to see him off. There was a long alley in front of their school. I sent him to the entrance of the alley and saw him carrying such a big schoolbag. When he walked in alone, I looked at that I feel sad about the back view. I feel that he has to face the world alone and is a bit isolated. I also feel that at such an old age, he has to experience things that he doesn’t like, which will be sad.”

Zhang Chen said, Liu Lipole nodded, a bit like.

Liu Ligan said that when I was carrying her, I felt at ease in my heart. I felt that as long as I was around, she would be safe. When I looked at her through the screen, I also felt that it was difficult for her to face the world at such a young age. It was too difficult to be separated. Although she had been abandoned by her parents since she was a child, at that time, she was probably unconscious and could not feel the pain. It is different now.

"Besides, I can't bear the thought that I forced all this on her," Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Not only have you become more plain-minded, but your heart has also softened."

"I turned out to be a murderer?" Liu Ligan asked.

Liu Ligan treats guests every day. He starts with those who have retired. Zhang Chen asked him why. Liu Ligan said that these people are the most sensitive. They have just gone through the stage of people getting tired of tea, and they should not be allowed to feel that I am treating them badly. They forget.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, aren't you asking for trouble? Don't you find it annoying to do this kind of thing every day? Wouldn't it be enough to set up ten tables, invite all the people who should be invited at once, have a feast for the guests, and tell them that you are back? Is it necessary to go to such trouble?

"Big banquet guests? That means you didn't invite them and invited them in vain." Liu Ligan said, "treating guests is a philosophical question. When a person feels that he is only one percent, will he feel that he is valued? This kind of meal , many people will regret that they are stupid and come to attend the banquet for guests. For example, only people like Li Yong can do it when they return to Hangzhou, not me."

"What's the difference?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The difference is huge. When Li Yong comes back, if he invites guests, no matter how many people are invited, the people invited will feel valued. The leader has not forgotten himself. Even if he is one in a thousand percent, he will be honored. It is very important. Regarding face matters, on the contrary, not becoming the one percent is a very shameless thing.

“Not only do I lose face, but I also feel uneasy and wonder, if so many people called the leader but didn’t call me, does he have an opinion on me?

"If I don't understand clearly and do this, then I'm out of my mind. Those who attend see themselves appearing with those who don't want to meet, and they will feel that attending is a shameless thing. He attended, You're just fucking trying to give me some face, can you do the same?

"You must invite him alone to show respect for him. Li Yong has gone beyond the level of respecting anyone in Hangzhou. Respect is always from the bottom to the top."

Zhang Chen thought about it and realized that there was such a truth. He had never figured it out clearly and was too lazy to figure it out. However, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping seemed to be born with a keen sense of the subtle differences. , this is also the reason why they can do real estate, but they never know how to do it and cannot do it.

Not long ago, real estate was a face-saving industry that mixed relationship science and thick black science, and I seemed to know nothing about it.

"You must have patience." Liu Ligan said, "I am now reconnecting myself with my past. Look at the doctor who repaired the broken arm. If he wants to regenerate his broken arm, he must have enough patience. , connect the blood vessels and meridians one by one. If you connect the wrong one, it will be short-circuited and the connection will not be possible."

Zhang Chen waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't tell me this, I'm too lazy to know."

"It's a miracle that a boss like you can survive." Liu Ligan stared at Zhang Chen, shook his head and said.

Liu Ligan had invited guests for more than two weeks in a row. This afternoon, he told Zhang Chen that it was okay. I had already confirmed eight pieces of land for a B\u0026B. He would take time to come with me.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked: "Every day you either brag at my place or invite people to dinner, and the people you invite are all old comrades who have retired. You haven't gone anywhere, how come you found a place?"

Liu Ligan laughed proudly and said:

"I just use the surplus value of the old comrades. Let me tell you, the mentality of the old comrades is very different between now and in the past. When he was in office, many people asked him for help. When you asked him, you also asked him for help. , when he is not in his seat, if he feels that you respect him and you are still on the road, at this time, on the other hand, he will be afraid that he cannot help you. "

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen continued to explain that although these old comrades have retired, their face is still there. The people he promoted and helped are still there. Hangzhou is a provincial capital, and the cadres of the provincial capital and others are still there. The places are different. Generally, when you reach the deputy office, you will be sent to the following counties and cities for training and hold deputy county and city-level positions.

These old comrades can be said to be their former subordinates all over the province. The two acres of land used as a B\u0026B is nothing. It is just a trivial matter to break the news. Just call them and they won’t help? People are all about emotions, so this little bit of face will still be given.

"Hasn't Liu Chengcheng returned to Hangzhou? If he opens his mouth now, I'm afraid he can get fifty B\u0026B land, right?" Liu Ligan said, "By the way, Zhang Chen, when will you invite Liu Chengcheng to a meal?" Bar?"

Zhang Chen suddenly became nervous and asked: "What the hell do you want to do? I won't do this kind of thing."

Liu Ligan laughed loudly: "I see you are nervous. Don't get me wrong. I just think Mr. Liu is good. He cared a lot about me in the past. I just wanted to treat him to dinner to thank him. I couldn't invite him when I was in office. I'm back." , you should have this opportunity, don’t worry, I promise I won’t say a word related to business, I’m not that vulgar.”

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief: "That's pretty much it. Let's find an opportunity in a few days. In fact, I've already treated him to dinner twice. By the way, Zangzi, don't make any arrangements for tomorrow's weekend. I'll introduce you to a beautiful woman."

"Who is it?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Liu Yun, she came back from the United States today and will come to Hangzhou tomorrow."

"Ah!" Liu Ligan suddenly became nervous.

Zhang Chen looked at him and smiled: "Don't you want to be reborn after breaking your arm and connect yourself with the past? Liu Yun should be a part of your past, right? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Tan Shuzhen will come too, they are good friends now, Tan Shuzhen didn't tell you?"

Liu Ligan quickly said: "Zhang Chen, I have honestly confessed the matter of Wenwen and Qianqian to Tan Shuzhen, but I have never confessed the matter of Liu Yun."

"Then let it go and don't mention it again. Don't worry, Liu Yun probably has no intention of getting back on good terms with you. Tan Shuzhen doesn't know about Liu Yun and you either. Don't cause too much trouble. The one Tan Shuzhen is worried about is Huang Meili. .”

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ligan and laughed.

Thank you winsonliu for the reward of two fishes! Thank you winsonliu, ZHAO1017, zpengyong1, Huanyue Lengmu, Tan Ge 2017, and Da Zhiguo for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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