The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1956 Our Past (Thank you, Lao Chentang!)

The two of them were lying on the bed, with Tan Shuzhen nestled in Liu Ligan's arms. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen talked about their own affairs in the past few years, filling the gap in Tan Shuzhen's heart.

Liu Ligan honestly told Tan Shuzhen about Wenwen and Qianqian, and about Liu Wenqian. Tan Shuzhen listened and felt that she should be angry, but she didn't know why and couldn't get angry. It seemed like what Liu Ligan said These things did not surprise her at all. These were things Liu Ligan would do. If Liu Ligan didn't do this, she would be surprised.

Liu Ligan could tell her everything so calmly. Tan Shuzhen felt that if she was angry because of this, she would look stingy, but of course she would not be happy about it.

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, Tan Shuzhen was silent. Liu Ligan asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Tan Shuzhen sighed and asked, "Do you know? How could you be like this?"

"I know, I gave up." Liu Ligan said.

"What do you mean?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Liu Ligan was silent, thinking about what he should say to Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen seemed to hear his thoughts and said to him:

"It doesn't matter. Just say whatever comes to your mind. It's all in the past anyway and I won't care."

"I gave myself away."

Liu Ligan thought as he spoke, carefully choosing his words:

"I used to work very hard to like someone, thinking about waiting for someone. Although this person never came, I always believed that she would definitely come. However, when Xiao Wu arrived in Haicheng, tell me you When the news came about my marriage to Lao Gui, I felt like the sky was falling and everything in front of me collapsed.

"I felt like I was a fool, a big fool. From that moment on, I gave up on myself and felt that everything was not worth it."

When Liu Ligan said this, Tan Shuzhen started crying again. Tan Shuzhen said:

"But I really don't know where you are. At that time, I was alone. Do you know how desperate I was? I felt that I was completely abandoned by you. I was alone and helpless. I was at my wits end."

Liu Lizhan hugged Tan Shuzhen and kissed her. Liu Lizhan said to her:

"I know, I know, I don't mean to blame you at all when I say this. Zhang Chen told me everything. He is right. If you knew where we were and our whereabouts at that time, you could crawl They will all crawl to Hainan, I believe you will."

Tan Shuzhen nodded "hmm", and she felt that she would definitely do it.

Liu Ligan said: "But every time I called you, your mother scolded you back. Jin Lili also called you and was scolded. I wrote you so many letters. I always thought you were sure." They know where we are, it’s just that your parents are blocking you and not letting you come out. If you have the chance, you will definitely come out. Alas, it’s a combination of circumstances and that’s it. Maybe this is our fate.”

Tan Shuzhen really wanted to tell Liu Ligan that it was not fate, nor was it a mistake, but someone was causing trouble. All the letters you wrote to me were intercepted by Lao Gui. I wanted to write to you, but I didn’t know where to send it. Where to go.

I haven’t received your letter for such a long time, so I thought you had changed your mind. The outside world is so wonderful. At that time, Hainan was so miraculous in society that even CCTV’s focus interview program reported on it. You are here. In a world like that, who knows what would happen to you?

Tan Shuzhen resisted and did not tell Liu Ligan these words. When Feng Laogui was here, only two people in the world knew about Feng Laogui's interception of the letter. After Feng Laogui was gone, she was the only one who knew about it. Well, she has not told anyone, nor does she plan to tell anyone. She should leave some dignity to Lao Gui.

Things have passed, so what if other people know about it? Can everything happen again? If everything could happen again, Tan Shuzhen felt that the night before Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan went to Hainan, her mother asked When people came to the group and asked her to go back, she should have known that if she went back on her own, she would not be able to get out.

If she could do it all over again, not only should she not go back that night, but she should not even stay in the troupe. She should hide outside. No, she might as well go to the national highway, stop a passing car, and run to Hangzhou first. Wait for them in Hangzhou, so that they can go to Hainan together.

"Later, in Ningyuan, after I saw your advertisement, to be honest, I was very conflicted. I wanted to come back but was afraid to come back. First, I felt that I had caused such a big trouble and I had no shame to see you when I came back. Second, I felt that I I am already a rotten person, why would I come back? I am always wavering between returning and not returning.

"Until one day, I couldn't bear it anymore and called Lao Qiao, trying to find out more about you from his side. As a result, Lao Qiao told me about Lao Meng. He told me that Meng Ping was dead. At that time, I was desperate and gave up on myself again. I felt that I was the cause of Lao Meng’s death.

"It was me who introduced Lao Meng to Lao Ni, and it was I who led Lao Meng to do futures with Lao Ni. In the end, we fell into the futures business. Lao Meng no longer even engaged in real estate, and he was ready to idle around in Nanjing. His charterer lost his job, and it was me who brought him into the trap again, including in Hainan. In fact, it was me who brought him into the trap, although Lao Meng never complained about me.

"Lao Meng is dead. I feel like a rotten person like me is in the quagmire. There is no way to extricate myself. I am hopeless. That night, Zhang Chen called me. I was on the boat. I didn't even answer the phone. Throwing the phone into the reservoir, I completely gave up on myself and decided that if I couldn't die, I would rot there.

"It wasn't until Beibei came and he told me about Nannan and told me many, many things that I decided that no matter what happens after I come back, I must come back. Nannan is my daughter, even if she She hates me as a father, and I want to come back and stand in front of her like a father."

"What do you think will happen when you come back?" Tan Shuzhen asked, "Will we all disown you? Nannan has already recognized her grandpa and grandma, so she will disown you? Let me tell you, Nannan is more sensible than we thought. many."

"Yes, yes." Liu Ligan chuckled, "The main reason is that you are well educated."

"Stop flattering."

"Yeah, if you don't want the horse, I want the one behind." Liu Ligan smiled playfully and started to move again, and Tan Shuzhen catered to him.

Tan Shuzhen got up, made breakfast, then went back to the room, woke Liu Ligan up and asked him to get up and have breakfast.

While the two were sitting there having breakfast, Tan Shuzhen asked Liu Ligan: "Will you go to the company with me later?"

Liu Ligan shook his head and said nothing.

Tan Shuzhen knew that Liu Ligan was embarrassed. He suddenly left everyone and left without caring about the life and death of so many people. Now he suddenly came back. After all, she felt ashamed, so she had better give him time to let him know. Let him adapt slowly. Wait until he adapts and feels that he has the courage to go to the company.

If the company didn't go, then Tan Shuzhen told Liu Ligan about the company's current situation, especially their strategic adjustments in the past two years. Liu Ligan said:

"Your judgment is correct. The first is to draw the front line to the first-tier cities, and the second is to reduce the asset-liability ratio. Both of these are important, and it is very likely that it will save 'Splendid China' again in the end."

Once again, that is to say, Tan Shuzhen has already saved her once, and she has indeed saved her. Although Liu Ligan has been hiding in Hongling Reservoir these years, his attention to the outside world and real estate has not diminished. Even remote counties like Ningyuan have felt it, let alone coastal areas. He feels that the entire real estate industry now is not crazy, but crazy.

"I'm thinking that the home purchase policy is tightening step by step. The more it is tightened, the weaker the liquidity of assets will be, and the greater the risk will be for us. I'm thinking whether we need to make further adjustments. It is necessary not only to reduce the asset-liability ratio, but also to increase cash reserves. Mr. Han said something that impressed me deeply," said Tan Shuzhen.

"What words?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Mr. Han said that the real estate industry is different from other industries. It is an industry that thrives and collapses. No one should want to be alone. When those inferior real estate companies fail, their effects will be quickly transmitted to the entire industry. It will cause the overall housing prices to fall, and at that time, good real estate companies will also be unlucky.

"My understanding of this is that when we focus on the company's own risks, we must pay more attention to industry risks. Now the entire real estate industry seems to be very hot, but I think it is on the cusp of the storm. Look at the increasing control measures. The more stringent it is, but the housing prices are rising more and more fiercely. What does it mean? It means that the situation of game between the two parties has emerged."

Liu Ligan nodded and said: "This will only force more stringent policies, and it is likely not to be targeted at houses, but policies directed at the real estate companies themselves."

"Yes, at this time, I have thought about it. Our only way is to reserve cash. At the same time, we need to further shrink the front line. Even in first-tier cities, we have to shrink to the city center. Next, we will only take advantage of the core of the city. We will not take land plots in regional areas or outlying suburbs. When the storm comes, the first projects that will be cut in price and difficult to sell will definitely be projects on these plots.”

Tan Shuzhen said, Liu Ligan nodded and said, I support your idea.

"By the way, if you are at home, I will send you some company information when I get to the company. You can take a good look at it at home." Tan Shuzhen said.

"No, no need to send it to me." Liu Ligan said.

"Why?" Tan Shuzhen asked curiously.

"I will not return to the company. You have done a good job. There is no room for me in the company. Don't be influenced by me. I am not coming back to return to the company." Liu Ligan said.

Tan Shuzhen didn't understand what Liu Ligan was talking about. She didn't know whether he was avoiding or out of anger. Well, give him some more time to adjust.

Thank you Lao Chentang for the tip! Thank you to Lao Chentang, Buddha, Hu Hu, Jungle Spinach of the Wind, Youzi Xiaoliu, Qianqian Dad, Little Janitor, and Book Friends 161122213501799 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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