The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1953 You may not have expected it (Thank you Huang Pipi!)

Except for Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan, everyone present here is a smart person with rich enough experience. After a round of excitement, they all know that sad things cannot be mentioned, such as the name Meng Ping, and Liu Ligan cannot ask about unspeakable things. For example, why did he and Lao Meng disappear in the first place? This kind of thing is in the past. From now on, just pretend that it never happened, as long as the person comes back.

There are also some things, such as what Liu Ligan has done outside for so many years. Liu Ligan can only tell Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen about these things, so that they can know, and they will gradually know in the future. Let them know without asking again.

The topic soon turned to the just-concluded Yongcheng International Street Art Festival, and Zhang Xiangbei's company. Everyone present was elders, and only the two of them were juniors. It is normal for elders to care about the work of juniors. thing.

Xiangnan told them about the art festival, especially about Namu. He talked about the fog ball, the erected cup and the bench, which suddenly aroused everyone's interest. They all said that it was too great. It's amazing.

Xiaofang said that special abilities are not pseudoscience. People with special abilities do exist. Even Newton and Einstein are also people with special abilities. It is difficult for other people to reach their heights, but their Ability is manifested in science, and the results can be seen. Others, such as perfumers and sommeliers, have different senses of smell and taste than ordinary people.

Even good chefs, you have to admit, they are people with special abilities. The same raw materials, ingredients and seasonings, even if they are cooked in the same kitchen and the same pot, they will taste better than others. This is not What is a special ability?

We humans have too little research on ourselves, and our understanding is too shallow. As for the chef I mentioned, no scientist in the world can explain it clearly, and there is no way to copy an exact chef.

"Today's artificial intelligence and robots can already defeat humans in playing Go and chess, but it will be much more difficult to create a machine chef that can beat chefs. All the chess records can be input into the computer to create Go and chess masters, but Even if you input all the recipes in the world into a computer, you still won't be able to create a second-rate chef.

"This Namu, she is a person who has special talents in a certain aspect. This ability cannot be explained or thoroughly studied. If her ability can be thoroughly studied, there may be a qualitative improvement in many aspects. If we make a leap, mankind will make great progress."

Everyone agreed with Xiaofang's statement.

Xiang Nan stood up and showed them the breath-taking technique that Namu taught her, and also sang a piece. Tan Shuzhen secretly admired it. She felt that even when she was young, she couldn't do it. Although other people were not so professional in duet singing, But they were all impressed by Xiang Nan's breath being so long.

"Aunt Xiaofang is right. I just learned a little bit and I feel that it has benefited a lot. Our whole group also feels that she has helped us completely subvert the original vocal method." Xiang Nan said.

Then talking about Zhang Xiangbei's "Home Delivery", Wei Wenfang said: "Such a huge logistics and such a large delivery volume, sometimes we are scared to death just thinking about it."

"Is your courier company different?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The difference is huge." Wei Wenfang said, "By the way, Beibei, have you ever thought about which link in your entire process might be stuck? You must have a plan, otherwise the whole process will be paralyzed. of."

Zhang Xiangbei thought for a moment and said, "Let's deliver it. After all, there is such a large quantity and it is not easy to deliver it on time every day. But fortunately, we already have a way."

"What can we do?" Wu Zhaohui asked.

"First, the second-hand uncle is very supportive of us. He has transferred the backbone of the original logistics base to us for the delivery team in each city. We are established on their basis. They already have delivery experience. Now Every day, I am taking the newly recruited people to get familiar with the roads in each city.

"Second, we have divided the institutional users and individual users into two parts instead of lumping them together. On the 15th of next month, the institutional users will go online first, and the individual users will go online on October 10th, so that there is a buffer. Expect."

"The two-step idea is very good." Wei Wenfang said, "However, according to our experience, distribution will not be the difficulty. If it is not possible, just add more people and vehicles, and reduce the distribution area. The most difficult part is , it’s actually sorting, we call it sorting, I don’t know what you call it.”

"We also call it sorting." Zhang Xiangbei said, "There will be no problem in sorting. We still learned from you, and we are also planning to divide the work into districts first and then divide it into communities."

Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui shook their heads together. Wei Wenfang said: "Sorting is the biggest problem, and it is the same for us. You are more complicated than us."

Even Lao Tan and Han Emperor Liu Bang found it strange. Lao Tan asked:

"What's so difficult about sorting? Isn't it just like the postal and telecommunications offices delivering letters and newspapers in the past? Just distribute the letters and newspapers on each street to different postmen and let them deliver them? In those days, bicycles were all used as means of transportation. More progress.”

"Yes, Brother Tan, you are right. Our sorting process is also based on this. But it turns out that there are only so many newspapers and letters on one street, one postman, two mail packages on the bookshelf, and the front stalls are hung A postal parcel contained newspapers and letters from more than a dozen streets.

"Furthermore, at that speed, even if a letter arrives in one place, such as Hangzhou, it will take two or three days to reach your hand. It takes one day to go from the city bureau to the branch office, and another day to go from the branch office to each post office. The postman starts delivering again. Can you still accept the current speed?

"Even if customers can accept it, we ourselves can't accept it. Xiao Wu knows that in Hangzhou, we have more than 60 express trucks a day. This is normal. If there is Double Eleven or something, even more... If it is not delivered by the day, our warehouse will be overcrowded and the whole warehouse will be paralyzed. I calculated that Beibei's volume is almost ten times that of ours.

"Now, the pieces we send to Hangzhou every day must be delivered to the customer on the same day. To achieve this, we have to send twice a day from the warehouse of our headquarters to the warehouse of the branch. So many pieces arrive at the headquarters in the early morning Cars that arrive before four o'clock will basically be sorted within an hour or two, and delivery to each branch will begin at five or six o'clock.

"After the branch receives it, it has to be sorted into each delivery truck, and then the courier delivers it. If any of these two sorting links is delayed, it will affect the courier's delivery. Trucks that arrive after four o'clock will The sorting must be completed in the morning and must be delivered to the branch at noon. You also have to consider the problem of traffic jams.

"Now at the headquarters, fully automatic sorting has been implemented, and the efficiency has improved a lot, so we can relax. It turns out that every early morning, Wu Zhaohui and I have to run to the warehouse to help with the sorting. There is no way, we really have to It’s like fighting a war. If you wear a shirt in the snow, you’ll be covered in stinky sweat after work.”

Wei Wenfang looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said: "Beibei, we are still doing two-level sorting, and the workload is just that big. You have more volume than us, and you are still doing one-level sorting. I don't know how much greater the workload is than us. "

"Beibei, your vegetables are not sorted automatically, right?" Wu Zhaohui asked.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "There is no way yet."

Wei Wenfang sighed and said:

"That's much more difficult than ours. Our sorting is done in whole pieces. A parcel is a piece. You are sorting one piece. There are many varieties. For example, it is normal for a family to buy more than a dozen kinds of vegetables a day. , right? A dozen items are sorted once. A dozen items need to be sorted a dozen times. It takes a dozen times to complete the sorting of one piece, oh my God!"

When Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui said this, Zhang Xiangbei immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. Neither he nor Wu Huan had any experience in this area and did not regard sorting as a difficult task. , big things, I always think that procurement is very important, distribution is very important, logistics is very important, but I didn’t expect that sorting is the most important.

Zhang Chen was listening on the side and looked at Zhang Xiangbei's expression. He knew Zhang Xiangbei's original thinking and had definitely not thought about this. Let alone him, when he was doing foreign trade and selling Lin Shuwan's goods, I just ignored the cartons and never regarded packing them as a big deal. It was too late to focus on cutting, too late to find a parking space, and too late to find a way out.

I didn’t expect that the final step was packing, and I almost missed the important event and delayed the shipping date.

Zhang Chen said: "Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui are right. There are many things that you really don't know before you encounter them, and it is impossible to think about them so thoughtfully in advance. Brother Liu, do you still remember Chu Shuwan?" During the first batch of goods, the clothes were finally finished and packaged, and finally it was stuck on the packing. Even you guys came to help that day?”

"Yes, I remember this." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said.

"Also, thank you to Lao Wan for bringing someone here, otherwise it would be too late that day."

As Zhang Chen spoke, he explained the events of that day in detail. The main purpose was to tell Zhang Xiangbei to remind him that many seemingly inconspicuous things, when they are accumulated in large numbers, become even smaller. Things can also become big things, and things that can get stuck in your neck are often things that you ignore and never pay attention to.

"Beibei, let's go to your place now to take a look." Liu Ligan said.

He seemed to know what Zhang Xiangbei was thinking. He said:

"Beibei, I know you really want to take down the world by yourself. I was like this when I was young, and I endured hardships here. Don't look down on the uncles and aunts here. We were all like you when we were the same age. Those who have started their own business have a lot of experience. Some people want to learn from these experiences, but we are not necessarily willing to teach them. That is to say, you have this opportunity.

"After we go to see it, it will only be good for you and save you from taking detours. There will be no harm. Even if there are any difficulties, we can also help to find a way to solve them. Our brains are all good. Our ideas There is only one thing to do, which is to help you do this well.”

Xiang Nan listened, slapping Zhang Xiangbei's hand beside him, and Zhang Chen said, "Beibei, thank you uncle and aunt quickly."

Zhang Xiangbei stood up, bowed to everyone and said, "Thank you, uncle and aunt!"

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said: "Okay, let's go and have a look at Beibei."

Everyone stood up one after another.

Thank you Huang Pipi for the reward of two fishes! Thank you Huang Pipi, Sichuan Forest, Sand and Dust Mood, Broken Dreams in the Void, Watching the Sky at Night, Lao Dibowei, Yunlong Frog Fish, Road, Take a Leisurely View, Traveler Ye Buzhan, White Teeth in the Sky, Changsha Huisheng, zpengyong1, book friend 20190118025224314, book friend, 20210622212500548, book friend 20181130105305944, book friend 20180512122110518, book friend 20210119215816277, book friend 202109012205439 21 monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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