The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1950 Did we lose?

Wenwen woke up from a nightmare. She stretched her head and looked at the crib beside the bed. Liu Wenqian was sleeping soundly. She turned to look at Qianqian, who was also sleeping soundly.

Wenwen got out of bed, picked up Liu Wenqian from the crib, walked into the bathroom, squatted down, held Liu Wenqian's back to her chest, spread her legs, and peeed while Liu Wenqian's hands were scratching in the air. He stood there without opening his eyes. When his hands stopped, he started to urinate.

Wenwen put Liu Wenqian back in the crib and opened the door. It was dark outside. Wenwen walked outside to the living room in the dark. The door leading to the outside platform from the living room was open. Although the air conditioner was not turned on in the living room, it was cold in the middle of the night. The wind was blowing, and there was still water vapor.

It was also dark on the platform outside. Wenwen looked outside and saw one star of fireworks extinguishing. Wenwen walked out and saw Liu Ligan standing in front of the open window, looking at the reservoir outside.

In addition to a lounge chair on the platform, a new bamboo bed was added this year. This was custom-made by the bamboo craftsman Liu Ligan asked Liu Wenqian to make bamboo baskets for him. This summer, Liu Ligan, every night, Basically I sleep on this bamboo bed.

At night, all the windows on the platform are opened. The cool wind from the mountain brings water vapor and fills the entire platform. The grape leaves on the glass ceiling are rustling in the wind. Lying here, it is indeed better than in the room. It's even more comfortable with the air conditioner on.

Sometimes Wenwen and sometimes Qianqian would lie on the bamboo bed with Liu Ligan. At that time, it was not hanging upside down on the grape trellis, but under the dense grape trellis.

But they never sleep here until dawn. First, they dislike the fact that there are too many mosquitoes here. Even though they lit two or three mosquito coils, it was of no use until Liu Ligan planted a lot of tuberose and lavender on the platform. This is a lot less. This is what Wu Rengui told Liu Ligan, saying that these two plants have the effect of repelling mosquitoes.

Wenwen and Qianqian did not dare to sleep until dawn on the platform. The main reason was that the humidity on the platform was too heavy. At four or five o'clock in the morning, the place was filled with fog instead of wind. From the reservoir, The misty fog came, and the whole person was immersed in the fog.

Liu Ligan is not afraid of this. He said that mosquitoes neither plow nor cultivate the land, so they must be given a way to survive. If they are not even afraid of these mosquito repellents and still fly in, the only reason is that my meat is too fragrant.

As for Wu, he said that this is the way to cultivate immortality. Over time, maybe he can become an immortal.

"Go away, go and cultivate your immortality. I'm afraid that when you become an immortal, your knees will be ruined and you will become a cripple. You will be the Tieguaili." Qianqian scolded, Wenwen laughed beside her.

In order to avoid knee pain in the future, they did not dare to sleep here for too long. I mean, it was enough to tire themselves out.

Wenwen walked over and walked to Liu Ligan without noticing him. He stood there blankly looking outside. Wenwen asked:

"What, can't sleep?"

Liu Ligan seemed to shiver for a moment, and then he noticed Wenwen. He turned around and said, "No, I just woke up and took a look at the scenery."

Wenwen wanted to say, don't lie. You have been acting like this for several days at night. From the day Beibei left, I have seen you standing here in the middle of the night every day. You must have something on your mind. ?

Wenwen thought for a while and didn't say anything, but stood there silently.

"Why didn't you sleep?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I just woke up too." Wenwen said.

"I'm going to help Wen Qian pee." Liu Ligan turned around and said, Wen Wen grabbed him:

"Already done."

Liu Ligan said "Oh", stretched out his hand and hugged Wenwen, and Wenwen's head leaned towards him.

The two people stood there and continued to look at the dark lake outside.

"Do you want to leave?" Wenwen asked.

"If you want to leave, where should you go?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Leave here and go back to Hangzhou." Wenwen said.

"Who said that?"

"No one needs to say it, we can all see it. When you come and leave from Beibei, you become absent-minded. Your heart is no longer here."

Liu Lizhan was silent, then sighed.

"If you have any ideas, you can tell me." Wenwen said, "Actually, Qianqian and I have been talking about this matter these past few days. We are waiting for you to tell us when."

Wenwen smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, it was earlier. From the day you came, we knew that this day would definitely come. Let me ask you something, okay?"

"What's up?"

Wenwen said: "That's it. There was a big advertisement in the newspaper, 'Looking for Liu Ligan'. Are they looking for you?"

Liu Ligan said yes.

"The one named Tan is a woman, right?"

Liu Ligan was right.

"She came here again?"

"No." Liu Ligan said, "It was Beibei who told me something that I didn't even know."

"What happened?" Wenwen asked.

"He told me that I have a daughter." Liu Ligan said.

"Ah!" Wenwen shouted, "You have a daughter, and you don't even know it?"

"I don't know, this matter is very complicated." Liu Ligan said, "By the way, do you still remember Jin Lili?"

"Remember, Brother Zhang Chen's old girlfriend was very fierce and didn't think highly of others." Wenwen said, "Qianqian and I were a little afraid of her at that time."

"Originally, four of us went to Hainan together, Zhang Chen, Jin Lili, me and my girlfriend at the time..."

"Is that the one named Tan?" Wenwen asked.

Liu Ligan nodded and said, "But that day, her parents blocked the door and prevented her from coming out. There was no other way, so she asked us to leave first, saying that she was coming to find us from behind, so the three of us had to leave first. ”

"But, she didn't come later, and we never saw her."

Liu Ligan was right, she had never come to Hainan.

Liu Ligan told Wenwen everything, and Wenwen listened quietly. After Liu Ligan finished speaking, Wenwen sighed and said:

"I didn't expect you, an old gangster, to be so rough."

Liu Ligan couldn't help laughing and cursed: "What old gangster?"

"Aren't you? You are a gangster, but you are not bad, and you are different from other gangsters. Otherwise, Qianqian and I would not have followed you for so long." Wenwen said.

"What you said is so irrefutable." Liu Ligan continued to smile.

"Then don't refute, you are leaving anyway." Wenwen said.

The two were silent again. After a while, Liu Lizhang turned his head and looked. He was shocked to see that Wenwen had tears streaming down her face.

Liu Ligan quickly pulled her over and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Don't worry about it, you're leaving anyway."

Wenwen whimpered, and Liu Lizhan held her in his arms. Wenwen broke away from him, looked at him and said:

"Honestly, have you decided to leave?"

Liu Ligan looked at her and said: "I'm very conflicted. Really, I can't bear to leave here, I can't bear to leave you and Qianqian, and I can't bear to leave Liu Wenqian, but, but..."

"You can't bear to let go of that guy named Tan, right?" Wenwen asked.

"The most important thing is that my daughter is so old now, but I have never fulfilled my responsibility as a father for a day. It has always seemed that Zhang Chen is her father, and Zhang Chen makes the decision for her in everything. Liu Ligan said.

Wenwen stared at Liu Ligan for a while, then sighed again and said:

"That would indeed be a pity. As a father, you are a good father, not like a gangster at all. Really, you are very good to Liu Wenqian."

Liu Ligan said thank you.

"Let's go. I told you that Qianqian and I have been discussing this matter for the past few days. We are already mentally prepared. By the way, can you promise me something?" Wenwen said.

Liu Ligan asked: "What's the matter?"

"When Liu Wenqian grows up and becomes sensible, I will let her find her father by herself. Don't deny her, okay? Remember her Liu is after your surname. It's not good for a girl to never have a father."

Liu Ligan nodded and said: "Okay, how could I disown her? If it weren't for the fear that you guys wouldn't let her go, I would have wanted to take her away too. Don't worry, I will definitely come to see her every year before she comes to me." of."

"Okay, then we've settled it."

Liu Ligan said, "Can you and Qianqian also promise me something?"

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"You two, if you meet someone suitable, get married. If the man dislikes you having children, just call me and I will pick up Liu Wenqian." Liu Ligan said.

"No, we won't get married. We would have gotten married long ago." Wenwen said, "Finding a village boy is not a matter of minutes. We have told you a long time ago that we will not do such stupid things. Xin The hard-earned money is spent in vain, and the work is also in vain. Why? Do you still remember the time we went back to Hainan? "

Liu Ligan said he remembered.

"Actually, the two of us hesitated for a long time at the Hai'an Pier and missed several boats. We were very scared. We knew that it would be dangerous to go back to Haicheng and we might lose our lives. But we In the end, the two of them thought about it and decided not to care. In order to make money, life is worthless. We don’t want to be poor even if we die.

"Think about it, with the money we exchanged for our lives, will we recruit a village boy and be deceived by him? That die-hard Qianqian sometimes goes to pick up boys, but she has never had the idea of ​​marrying anyone. Just for fun, men can play with women, and women can also play with men and get married."

"Don't force yourself on this kind of thing." Liu Ligan said, "Don't force yourself to get married, and don't force yourself not to get married. Just be more casual."

"No, being casual means being careless and you will be deceived." Wenwen said, "Just leave us alone. By the way, when are you going to go back?"

"It's not decided yet. I told you that I'm very conflicted and really reluctant to leave here." Liu Ligan said.

"Well, you still have a conscience." Wenwen said, "By the way, there is one thing that Qianqian and I have also discussed."

"What's the matter?" Liu Ligan said.

"When you leave, take 10 million with you. Don't go home like a beggar, otherwise you will be looked down upon." Wenwen said.

Liu Ligan said no, I don’t want money.

"It's not money, it's face." Wenwen said.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "I have money, a lot of money. By the way, if you do something in the future and don't have enough money, you can call me."

"You have money?" Wenwen was surprised, "How do you have money?"

"I am a major shareholder of a listed company. There are dividends in my account every year. However, I have never withdrawn it or even looked at it, but I know that the amount will definitely not be small." Liu Ligan said .

"Fuck, did Qianqian and I lose money and let a rich man go?" Wenwen asked.

Thank you for your monthly votes to Dance with the Heart, Mood in the Sand, Notting Hill, Wuzu, Mike, zpengyong1, and Wuyingjie! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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