Every morning, Xiang Nan still goes out from the back door of the community and goes to the riverside park to sing his voice. Although the International Street Theater Festival has opened, Xiang Nan is very busy every day. He has to meet too many people and talk too much, and he feels that his voice is a little tight. You are dumb, but the more you feel like this, the less you can give up practicing your voice. Oftentimes, lifting your voice is doing health exercises for your voice.

The section of riverside behind Xiangnan's community is already the most secluded place in the entire riverside park. However, in the past few days, there have been too many people from outside Yongcheng, and the place has become more crowded in the early morning.

Along the Xin'an River, thick fog begins to lock on the river at four or five o'clock every day, the kind of majestic sea of ​​clouds that can only be seen at Qingliangtai or Guangmingding in Huangshan. Here, you only need to stand on a building or on the road by the river to see You can see it from the steps leading to the river from the Cultural Square, from the Rainbow Bridge or Baisha Bridge.

But the sea of ​​fog is not the sea of ​​clouds after all. Compared with the sea of ​​clouds, it appears more delicate and graceful. If the sea of ​​clouds has masculine qualities, this sea of ​​fog has feminine beauty.

When you walk to the river, you will be immersed in such mist. Take a breath and it will be cool and sweet. It is not only the river water that "tastes a little sweet", but also the river mist. Walking in such mist , giving people a misty feeling, the strange fog on the river is thickest in the early morning and evening, and only begins to gradually dissipate at nine or ten o'clock in the morning and midnight.

For this reason, there are many outsiders who come to experience the river fog in the early morning. When walking in the fog, they wander too far and go astray.

Xiang Nan stood between two cherry blossom trees on the river bank, facing the river. The people behind her seemed like mist to her, and she was babbling or ahhhhhh to herself.

Standing there, Xiang Nan felt someone sitting on a nearby stone bench staring at her. There would be such curious people every day. Xiang Nan did not take it seriously at first as usual and continued to practice her voice. When I started singing, the sound of banging clothes on the pier not far away also stopped. The sound going south seemed to be unable to fall due to the thick fog, and drifted towards the center of the river.

But out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that this figure looked familiar. He turned south and saw that the person staring at her was the Thai woman performing the balancing act in the atrium of Yongcheng Central Mall.

Xiang Nan smiled at her, and she smiled at Xiang Nan.

She was still wearing the black clothes, but she had a pair of wooden slippers on her feet. Seeing her, Xiang Nan felt a sense of intimacy for some reason. She walked towards her and sat down next to her.

Sitting on the edge and looking again, Xiang Nan found that this woman was actually older than she looked. She looked only in her thirties, but when she got closer, she could see the fine crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, especially her When she smiles, she must be in her forties. Her skin is very good and almost transparent, which is what makes her look young.

Neither of them can speak a word of Chinese, and neither can speak a word of Thai. There is no way to communicate through language. They can only smile at each other, and then demonstrate and imitate.

In fact, she didn't like communicating with others or talking. When she saw Xiang Nan, she seemed to smile more.

She patted Xiangnan's arm gently, and Xiangnan was startled. When her arm was touched by her hand, Xiangnan felt that her hand was very cold, like a piece of ice, so cold that it would People get burned.

She then pointed at herself, then closed her eyes. Xiang Nan understood that she was asking her to follow suit, and Xiang Nan nodded.

She closed her eyes, and there seemed to be no sound, but Xiang Nan heard that she was slowly breathing in through her nose, but very slowly, the breath was as thin as a gossamer, as if it was floating in by itself, but time But it was very long. Xiang Nan had never seen a person take such a long breath.

Then, she moved her neck slightly, opened her lips slightly, and began to exhale slowly through her mouth. Xiang Nan had never seen a person exhale so evenly and long.

She opened her eyes, smiled slightly and gestured to Xiangnan. Xiangnan followed her example, closed her eyes, and began to breathe slowly. She tried her best to control herself, silently thinking, "Slower, slower, slower," but there was no way. As slow as she was, the more Xiang Nan tried to slow down, the less he seemed able to do it. Xiang Nan couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and his breath began to become a little disordered.

She stretched out two fingers and gently placed them on Xiang Nan's neck. It was magical, like a switch suddenly turned on, or like a noisy person who suddenly quieted down. Xiang Nan suddenly changed his mind. Get even breath.

The two cold fingers on Xiang Nan's neck started to separate up and down, and then slowly came together, like ice sliding on the glass. The speed was so slow that it was almost imperceptible. Xiang Nan gently followed the movement of her fingers. Breathing in gently, she felt a steady stream of cool, sweet mist entering from between her nostrils.

Xiang Nan felt that his lungs were like an empty valley. The breath that came in continuously slowly filled the valley, but it did not feel bloated and stuffy, but like a hollow filled with gas. The balloon felt lighter and lighter, as if it was about to fly. This feeling was so wonderful.

The fingers on her neck stopped, and then they tapped lightly. Xiangnan understood that this was asking her to start exhaling. She followed her previous example and exhaled slowly. The two fingers were already close together. The fingers slowly spread apart, and Xiangnan exhaled gently as her fingers moved.

Xiang Nan felt that there was a door that opened wider and wider. Although her eyes were closed, her eyes became brighter and brighter. She felt that her body was completely opened. She was not exhaling through her mouth, but every pore was breathing. Exuding outward.

She felt that she was slowly becoming transparent, slowly becoming pure and clean.

A finger on Xiangnan's neck pressed gently, which was a signal to stop. Then he guided Xiangnan to start inhaling and then exhaling. Xiangnan was completely immersed in his own breathing, even to her. I don’t know when those two fingers left.

Xiang Nan was intoxicated, immersed in a beautiful dream and reluctant to wake up. When she slowly opened her eyes, she saw the woman looking at her gently and smiling.

Xiang Nan knew that she was teaching her how to adjust her breath, so Xiang Nan said thank you.

The woman turned her head and looked at the fog in front of her. Her eyes penetrated into the depths of the fog, as if searching for its source.

They could hear the sound of the river flowing under their feet, but they couldn't see the surface of the river. The smile disappeared from her face little by little. She sat there and began to look like a sculpture. Xiang Nan felt that this If I hold her hand again, her hand will definitely be even colder, as cold as a marble sculpture.

But Xiang Nan didn't dare to stretch out her hand. Her focused expression made people dare not disturb her, just like how she could silence hundreds of people in the atrium of Yongcheng Central Mall in an instant.

She slowly raised her arms and swam in the mist with her hands, like two fish swimming freely in the water, or like two white butterflies, silently flapping their wings. Her hands were very Soft and soft in movement.

Her hands kept swimming in the fog, seemingly carelessly, but Xiang Nan couldn't help but open her eyes wide with a look of astonishment on her face.

Xiang Nan saw a magical sight. As the woman moved her hands, a white fog ball appeared between her hands. It was really a fog ball, round and translucent, like a crystal ball. , as big as a bowling ball, and the mist in the middle of the ball is still flowing.

She turned around holding the fog ball and handed it to Xiang Nan. Xiang Nan couldn't help but spread his hands to catch it. The fog ball reached Xiang Nan's hand and stayed for a second or two before dissipating.

Xiang Nan was stunned, and she asked dully: "It's amazing, how did you do it?"

This sentence didn't need to be translated, and the other party could understand it, but she didn't explain it and just smiled again towards Nan.

She closed her eyes and pointed to the south. Xiangnan understood that this was teaching her to immediately pull herself away from the surprise. Xiangnan closed her eyes and began to inhale and exhale according to what she had taught herself before. , the person immediately calmed down, and seemed to feel that his surprise just now became very distant.

Xiang Nan inhaled, exhaled, inhaled, and exhaled. She didn’t know how long it had passed. When she opened her eyes, she found that she was alone on the stone bench. That woman, she didn’t know when, had quietly Leaving silently, Xiang Nan didn't feel anything at all. She stood up and looked around. There was white fog all around. She had long been lost in the depths of the cloud.

Xiang Nan sighed softly.

Xiang Nan looked at her watch. It was almost eight o'clock, well past the time she had to leave every day. But for some reason, Xiang Nan was a little nostalgic for this place today and didn't want to leave for a moment.

She stood between two cherry blossom trees and began to continue practicing her voice. Xiang Nan was surprised to find that her breath was particularly long and her singing voice was floating, as if it could sweep across the wide river and reach the mountains on the opposite side.

Only then did Xiang Nan realize that the woman who was standing by her just now discovered that she had a problem adjusting her breath when practicing her voice. She taught herself how to stand there, inhale, then exhale, and then started babbling, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, she felt like her voice could go on and on without end.

I had to leave, Xiangnan looked around, but still didn't see that figure. Xiangnan was a little disappointed, and walked back, feeling full of gratitude to her. She thought about the fog ball she had just created with her hands, and handed it to I felt that my chest was filled with a kind of thoroughness and gentleness, as well as a hint of sadness. Unknowingly, Xiang Nan's eyes became moist.

When Xiang Nan returned home, he had no time and didn't even have time to eat breakfast, so he hurried into the room and changed clothes.

Back in the restaurant, she took a zip-keeping bag and put the flatbread and fried dough sticks that her grandpa had sold back into it. She also took a box of milk from the refrigerator, put her bag on her back, and hurried out. When she walked into the elevator, She suddenly felt that her hasty behavior was really a sin.

Xiang Nan looked at himself in the stainless steel wall of the elevator and smiled softly.

She felt as if she had just come from another world.

Thank you Qiao Jiaren for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for zpengyong1, Heavy Hammer Shake Music, On the Road-Tiantian, Zi Zeng Yue, Fei Long Zai Tian, ​​Tian Wai Wai Wai, Chuan Lin, The Little Brother Who Eats Fish, Chen Xiao, Void Broken Dreams, and eight taels of monthly tickets! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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