The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 192 If you have the guts, don’t come

After a long silence, Liu Ligan said, "Lily, you really went too far today. Everyone was originally happy."

Jin Lili said angrily: "Am I going too far? Or are you doing this too stupidly? Why don't you let others tell you if you are stupid?"

"You said yes, but I don't compare like you. Everything is compared with your company. How can we compare? We are all compared with Mr. Xia, how can we compare? He has been in the mall for how many years, how long have we been together? Besides, , we arrived in Hainan with nothing, no money, no background, and few people we knew. What could we rely on if we didn’t rely on ourselves?

"Even if you are talking about a white wolf with empty gloves, the hand that is stretched out must be a golden hand, at least it is gold-plated. Our hands are pitch black, and the dust in the fingertips has not even been washed away. What can you get by going out? Really, it’s good if they don’t treat us as beggars, but let’s trap the white wolf, and the white wolf should trap us.”

Liu Ligan's statement was so fresh that Jin Lili burst into laughter. She said, "No one starts out with bare hands. Mr. Xia doesn't have any background either."

"That stage is also different. I don't believe that Mr. Xia was able to do whatever he wanted from the beginning. He never felt depressed." Liu Ligan said.

Jin Lili stopped talking. She remembered what Mr. Xia had told her. It was the Chinese New Year and she didn't have a penny, so she went to Chen Ming to borrow money to buy rice.

"What you see is that when he has succeeded, there are still many people who died on the way to success. You have not seen that in five or ten years, we will still be able to control the wind and rain, but now, there is no way but to recognize Damn it, I have a business worth a few hundred dollars, but I still treat him as my biological father."

"I hope, I hope you have that day."

"There will definitely come a day. I'm very confident about this. If nothing else, look at it. We went to the island together, Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan. They are from Peking University. By the way, you used to always like to use Chen Qihang to find Zhang Chen is talking about things, look at it now, Zhang Chen is no worse than Chen Qihang, right? You are no worse than Lin Yiyan, right?"

Jin Lili lowered her head and sighed softly. Thinking about it in her mind, she also felt that she had gone too far just now. She didn't know what was going on. She couldn't control her emotions recently, especially when she was with Zhang Chen. When we are together.

Seeing that the atmosphere had calmed down, Liu Ligan said to Jin Lili: "Lily, we all came from Yongcheng together, so we have been through adversity together. I don't think I need to hide some things."

Jin Lili was stunned for a moment, and she said, "If you have anything to say, you can tell me."

Liu Ligan looked at her and said, "I think you have something wrong now."

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Jin Lili was surprised.

"Yes, you, I don't know if you have changed a little because your work has been smooth sailing recently."

"What a joke, what am I going to do?" Jin Lili shouted, but she felt a little guilty in her heart.

"Really, you're a little bit cross-eyed now." Liu Ligan said.

"What's the meaning?"

"You just look down on people who are better than you or better than us, and look down on people who are on the same level as you, or even below the level. You were not like this before."

"Nonsense, do I? I look down on Lin Yiyan, and I also look down on Liu Yun. Xiao Wu, do you think I look down on you?" Jin Lili asked Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu shook his head and said, "Brother Ganzi didn't mean that."

"That's not what you mean, what does that mean?" Jin Lili asked, glaring at Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Look, even Xiao Wu has heard it. I'm talking about attitude, not behavior. Your current attitude towards people, I use one word, may be inappropriate. Don't be angry."

"It's long-winded, that's what you say."

"You are a bit arrogant now, and you like to boss people around. Do you understand?" Liu Ligan said.

Jin Lili was stunned. After a long time, she sighed and whispered: "Zhizhi, when you say...well, I don't know what happened recently."

"Maybe it's because there are too many people flattering you and flattering you. Surrounded by such people and this kind of voice, it is easy for people to become arrogant. You are being put up and you can't get down." Liu Ligan said .

Jin Lily had to admit that there was some truth in what Liu Ligan said. Indeed, from the time she arrived in Sanya, whether in Jiya or Jinling Resort, the department managers and the waiters below all regarded herself as a big shot. Miss Jin grew up with Jin. Miss is short.

Because their project was in Sanya, it was now a star project. When they came to the relevant departments, those people from the relevant departments who usually ignored people also looked down upon her. When she invited others to dinner or activities, those people, He doesn't call her Miss Jin or President Jin, but Beauty Jin. I have never seen anyone look bad at me in this journey.

Is it true, as I said to the pole, that after experiencing these things too much, people will become forgetful and lightheaded?

"It's no wonder, Lily, not to mention you, even those great people, how many of them can withstand this? Therefore, people will not only be killed with sticks, but also praised. Only the great leader Chairman Mao can teach Our comrades must continue to maintain a modest, prudent, and non-arrogant and impetuous style," Liu Ligan said.

Jin Lili chuckled: "Where is this, and the great leader has come out."

Xiao Wu also smiled and said, "Brother Ganzi gets full marks. Brother Ganzi is very good and serious when he talks to people."

Liu Ligan scolded: "You fucking mean to say that I'm not serious?"

"Being old doesn't mean you are old. Being serious is often not being serious." Xiao Wu said.

"Well said, Xiao Wu." Jin Lili smiled.

Seeing that he was almost done eating, Liu Ligan asked to pay the bill. The waiter came over with the order. Jin Lili turned around and went to dig out her wallet. Liu Ligan held her down and shouted: "What the hell are you doing, with you?" You're just kidding, you really think we'll get to the point where we can't even afford food."

As the three of them were walking back, Liu Ligan and Jin Lili said, "Lily, think carefully about what I said."

"I know, it's so long-winded." Jin Lili scolded, "To be honest, your words are not unreasonable, but I still don't like what you are doing."

"Okay, you continue to look upward, and we will work hard to get into your sight as soon as possible." Liu Ligan said.

Jin Lili giggled: "That's pretty much it."

They walked to the office. The door of the office was open. Zhang Chen was not in the office. Liu Ligan suddenly shouted: "Oh, no!"

"What's wrong?" Jin Lily and Xiao Wu were startled by him and both looked at him.

"Did this stupid young man get stuck in his thoughts and jump off a building?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Fuck you!" Jin Lili cursed, and Xiao Wu laughed.

Liu Ligan patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder and said to him: "Let's withdraw."

Xiao Wu asked: "Should I go find Brother Chen?"

"What are you looking for? They had a quarrel at the head of the bed, and they settled at the end of the bed. You want to stand next to their bed?" Liu Ligan said with a smile.

Xiao Wu's face turned red, and he kicked Liu Ligan away. Xiao Wu also chased him out the door, and chased him to the bicycle. The two of them got in the car and went home.

Zhang Chen came down from the third floor and saw Jin Lili sitting alone in the office from a distance. He stood in the dark for a while, then turned and went upstairs again.

Today, we were putting together the marble floor upstairs. Zhang Chen just lost his temper when he was on it. There were several places where the marble floor should be put together diagonally, but the workers were lazy and did not make diagonal joins.

The squad leader upstairs saw Zhang Chen going down and coming up again, so he ran over quickly and said to Zhang Chen, Mr. Zhang, I told them, they are already reworking.

Zhang Chen nodded.

Zhang Chen watched them working for a while on the third floor, then went back downstairs, wanting to go to the lobby again. When he passed the office door, he saw that Jin Lili had left, and Zhang Chen turned around and entered the office.

Zhang Chen had been sitting in the office for more than half an hour. The BB player in his waist rang. He took it off and looked at it. What was displayed on it was: "Miss Jin said: Dear, where are you? I'm going back to the room first." "

Zhang Chen snorted, threw the BB machine on the table, and ignored it.

After a while, the phone on the table rang. Zhang Chen knew that at this time, the call must have been made by Jin Lili from the room upstairs. He let it ring and refused to answer it.

On the other end of the phone, Jin Lili also knew that this stingy man must be in the office. He didn't reply to messages or answer calls. He was still angry with himself.

Okay, you ignore me, and I'm too lazy to ignore you. Let's see who can fight with whom! Jin Lili put down the phone, sat on the bed, and watched TV.

Zhang Chen was in the office. It was almost eleven o'clock when he sat down. The BB machine on the table rang again. Zhang Chen took it over and took a look. It read:

"Ms. Jin said: Are you coming or not? If not, I will go back!!! Note: Miss Jin must add three exclamation marks and the word "fuck."

Zhang Chen looked at it and couldn't help but smile. After thinking about it, he stood up, turned off the light, closed the door, and walked out of the office.

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