The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1916 Dongguo Whole Pig

It was only after five o'clock, and it was still early for dinner, but Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu were on the road at noon and had not eaten enough. By this time, they were already hungry. Zhang Xiangbei said that he was hungry. We went out to eat, and he asked Liu Dehua, what’s delicious in Shouguang?

Liu Dehua said: "Shouguang Grains."

"What?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"It's just grinding young mung bean sprouts, spinach juice, green radish, etc. into a puree with a stone mill, and steaming them into tofu..."

"No, no, no, if you eat this kind of food, you won't be able to press the brake or accelerator." Zhang Xiangbei said, "We are all carnivores."

Liu Dehua laughed: "I thought people in big cities like to eat this kind of food. If you want to eat meat, great. Shouguang's 'Dongguo Whole Pig' is very famous."

"Roast suckling pig?" Xiao Wu asked.

"It's not a suckling pig, it's a big pig, one weighing more than 100 kilograms." Liu Dehua said.

Xiao Wu turned to Zhang Xiangbei and asked, "Can the three of us eat a pig?"

Zhang Xiangbei scratched his head and said, "It seems like I can't eat it. If Fatty Sun and Uncle Tang are here, I probably can."

Liu Dehua couldn't help but laugh. He said: "In other restaurants, when they cook, they use the whole pig, including pig head, pig trotters, pig blood, pig intestines, pig lungs, pig heart, pig liver and so on. But They are sold separately, you can choose what you like and buy it, a whole pig can’t be eaten by a whole table of people, how is that possible?”

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu both stood up, and Zhang Xiangbei said, "Then let's go."

Liu Dehua took them downstairs and told them that there was no need to drive, just walk there, a little bit.

The three of them walked for more than ten minutes and arrived at a restaurant with the words "Dongguo Whole Pig" written on the door. Zhang Xiangbei asked Liu Dehua, this restaurant invented this dish?

"Wherever there is, it has a history of hundreds of years." Liu Dehua said.

Zhang Xiangbei looked carefully and saw that in the lower left corner of the door, there were the words "XX Restaurant" in small letters. The words "XX" were blurred and could not be seen clearly. This should be the industrial and commercial registered name of this store. , "Dongguo whole pig" is just their signature dish.

Something is being done here, "This profiteer." Zhang Xiangbei muttered.

The three people went in and found a seat to sit down. On one side of the store, there was a glass partition with two windows open towards them. It was like a place selling braised vegetables and cold dishes in other hotels.

Liu Dehua told them to go over and see what they wanted to eat.

The three people walked to the glass window and saw a table covered with white tiles. There were rectangular stainless steel plates on the table. On the largest plate, there was a whole marinated red sauce. The pig, lying there, looked so peaceful. On the plates beside it were everything from pig belly to pig blood.

The waiter asked them: "What do you need?"

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Have a little of everything."

"Then three sets, okay?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

The waiter took two magazine-sized stainless steel plates, stabbed it with a knife, cut off an ear from the pig's head, and threw it into the plate. He then stabbed half of the pig's mouth off, threw it into the plate, and cut off the knife. When the knife passed by, the smell of meat wafted out from inside. They saw that the meat was already crispy and rotten, and Zhang Xiangbei's mouth almost watered.

"You're in luck."

The waiter said something. Before Zhang Xiangbei and the others understood why they were so lucky, the waiter then asked:

"Would you like a pig tail?"

Zhang Xiangbei said he wanted it.

At this time, the waiter threw not only half but the whole pig tail into the stainless steel plate. Only then did Zhang Xiangbei understand that the good luck he meant actually meant that they came early and all parts of the whole pig were still healthy. , one could tell from his tone that the pig tail, in particular, was a hot commodity.

The waiter then gave them a piece of walnut meat from the pig's head, broke off half of the pig's gums, and threw it into the plate with the teeth. The pig's body looked complete when it was placed there, but in fact But it was already chopped. He put a pig's front hooves on the plate, and the plate was almost full.

We weighed, asked for the station number, wrote the order, and then came the second set.

He put a large piece of meat with ribs on the stainless steel plate and asked, "Do you want more?"

"One more piece." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Just the three of you?" the waiter asked.

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

"Bon Appetit." The waiter smiled and put in another large piece. The plate was also full.

We weighed, wrote the order, and then came the third plate.

"Can half a catty of each kind be okay?" the waiter asked, and Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

The waiter gave them half a catty of each, and collected all the parts of the pig. This was the whole pig. Looking at the original whole pig inside, it was now incomplete, like a murder scene.

Zhang Xiangbei didn't know if Dongguo, the "Dongguo Whole Pig", was Mr. Dongguo's Dongguo. If so, the pigs would hate him to death, no matter how kind-hearted he was.

The three people each carried a stainless steel tray back to their seats, sat down, Zhang Xiangbei picked up the menu, opened it, and asked Liu Dehua, what else is Shouguang special?

Liu Dehua pointed to the "Yang Mouth Salted Crab Roes" and said, "This is it."

Zhang Xiangbei turned to the little girl who was ordering and said, "Here comes this."

Liu Dehua pointed at the "tiger-headed chicken" and said, "This is the same."

Zhang Xiangbei said to the little girl, "Here comes too."

Liu Dehua pointed at the "Judian Lake Loach" and said, "This and this."

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Come here."

What Liu Dehua wanted to say, the little girl snatched the recipe from their hands and hugged it to her chest. Both Zhang Xiangbei and Liu Dehua were startled, and the little girl shouted:

"That's enough, that's enough. You ordered too much. You can't finish it."

Zhang Xiangbei said, "Give it to me and I'll take a look."

The little girl hugged the recipe tighter: "I won't give it to you."

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said, "Is there anyone who serves you like this?"

The little girl glared at him and said, "This is how I serve."

"It's a joke, you are the waiter in charge of ordering, and we are the guests. The more we order, you should feel happy, right?" Zhang Xiangbei said, "Be careful that the boss deducts your salary."

"No, I'm not afraid either." The little girl shook her head: "If you can't eat it and there's a lot left over, I'll be sad to see it, and, and..."

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and asked, "And what?"

"The three of you don't look like people who can't finish the food and pack it away, right? That would be a waste. If you can guarantee that you can't finish the food and pack it away, I will show it to you and let you continue to order." The little girl looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said stubbornly.

All three people laughed, and Zhang Xiangbei said: "Okay, okay, you are more reasonable than me. I listen to you, and I also promise you that we will finish everything we ordered and won't let you Sad, okay?”

The little girl giggled, and Zhang Xiangbei said, "Can we order more wine and drinks?"

"That's okay." The little girl nodded.

Xiao Wu drank watermelon juice, Zhang Xiangbei and Liu Dehua drank beer. Zhang Xiangbei asked Liu Dehua how he drank. Liu Dehua said that one bottle was enough for him. Zhang Xiangbei said to drink more. He said, then two bottles, Zhang Xiang Bei continued to say that after eating, he would go back to sleep and get up in the middle of the night to drink more.

Liu Dehua said, let’s take three bottles.

Zhang Xiangbei was extremely happy. He thought, why are the people in Shouguang so interesting?

He turned around and asked the little girl, can we have three bottles of beer each?

The little girl said: "Three bottles are enough, any more will make you bloated."

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu couldn't help laughing, their stomachs almost hurt from laughing.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu wiped their hands with wet paper towels and couldn't wait to eat Dongguo whole pig. It was so delicious that they wanted to try everything in one bite.

The little girl came back after delivering the menu and saw them devouring their food. She came over and asked, "Is this your first time eating 'Dongguan Whole Pig'?"

Liu Dehua said: "I am a local and it is their first time to eat."

The little girl rolled her eyes at him and cursed softly: "Your local people don't even teach you friends, so what kind of people are they?"

Liu Dehua's face turned red. Zhang Xiangbei turned to ask her, "Is there anything special about this?"

"Of course." The little girl said, "Pork liver must be eaten with your hands. Pork liver can replenish qi. You must use this stainless steel knife to cut the small intestine. To eat these big bones, you must wear plastic gloves and use this straw to suck out the contents. Bone marrow is what you eat to supplement your bones, it can strengthen your bones, and you should chew it carefully and slowly when eating pig skin and pig trotters, it can beautify your stomach and harmonize your five internal organs.”

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu listened to her words and kept nodding.

"By the way, what kind of pig is this 'Dongguo Whole Pig' pig?" Xiao Wu asked.

"It can't be a sow. The sow's meat is too old, and the black pig's hair is too thick and black, and there will be traces after being shaved off, which will affect the appetite. Our pigs are all lean meat that is about ten months old. Landrace pigs are too small, even pigs under 100 kilograms are not allowed, because the pigs are too small and the meat has a lot of moisture." The little girl talked about her treasures.

"Yes, you are still an expert." Zhang Xiangbei said, "What else is there to pay attention to?"

"Pig killing is also very particular. To make Dongguo whole pigs, the pigs must be killed on the same day. To process the pig intestines, you must first turn them over and use a knife to remove the oil, then rub them with salt, then process them with alkali, and finally rub them with cornmeal, and scrape off the pig belly. The mucous membranes and lungs should be washed with clean water, and then boiled water should be used to rinse out the dirty foam. Pig heads and pig skins should be dehaired in boiling water, and yellow incense should be used to stick the hair, and finally the small villi should be roasted with fire chopsticks.

"There is also something special about marinating. It should be cooked in a stainless steel pot. After cooking, it should be placed in an environment of zero to five degrees Celsius to remove the acid. When marinating, it is served with more than 20 condiments such as amomum villosum, longan, and grass fruit. , after marinating, use white sugar to color it."

Zhang Xiangbei opened his eyes wide and asked, "How do you know so much?"

"I learned it from the chef, so that I can answer you when people like you ask."

The three people laughed, and Zhang Xiangbei said: "Okay, let me ask you another question, is the Dongguo of 'Dongguan Whole Pig' the Dongguo of Mr. Dongguo?"

The little girl was stunned for a moment, then rolled her eyes and said, "Then you have to ask Mr. Dong Guo."

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