The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1896 Dinner in New York

Xiangnan they just flew from Japan to Taipei to start their Taiwan tour.

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang returned to China, only more than a week apart. In the meantime, Xiaofang, Liu Yun and the others held a dinner at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel to celebrate Fanhua Network's successful landing on Nasdaq. Zhang Chen and Xiaofang is going to the United States again soon. This time she is going to Yale University to attend Zhang Xiangbei's graduation ceremony.

Zhang Xiangbei called Zhang Chen and said, "It's just a graduation ceremony. You don't need to come. It's too much trouble to run around."

Zhang Chen also thought that if it wasn’t just a graduation ceremony, what’s the point of going there? He told Xiaofang that since I was a kid, Lao Zhang never even went to school to attend a parent-teacher meeting. If the teacher had anything to do, he would call him. I told the teacher that if Zhang Chen disobeys me at school, you will be beaten to death. You will not be held responsible if he is beaten to death, so I hung up the phone.

"When we graduated, the diploma was just a piece of paper. I stuffed it into my pocket and went back. I forgot to take it out when I got home. I didn't know where I dropped it later," Zhang Chen said.

"Yours is a primary school, Beibei's is a university."

Xiaofang looked at him and said that Zhang Chen only graduated from elementary school once. He had a falling out with his teacher in junior high school and dropped out of school without even a junior high school diploma.

"Elementary school and college are not the same. They are just graduates. What's the point of going there?" Zhang Chen said.

"What's there to go to?" Xiaofang looked at Zhang Chen with wide eyes, "Do you know how important graduation ceremonies are in the United States? Do you know what kind of student's family has no parents attending the graduation ceremony? "

"What kind of home?" Zhang Chen asked, "It's a home for people like me who have to fly for more than ten hours and are too lazy to go."

"Refugee homes," Xiaofang said, "Only in refugee homes, if family members cannot attend, there will be no family members accompanying them to the graduation ceremony."

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, but then he thought about it. He felt that Xiaofang was trying to trick him, and asked, "Refugees? I don't know. There are still refugees who can go to Yale."

"Of course there are, political refugees. Which university in the United States doesn't have a few such students? Harvard has the most. They escaped from Cuba, Iran and other places, etc." Xiaofang said, "Those three days, if I were alone , It’s very pitiful that you just watch other people’s families having fun together, and you are the only one, alone.”

"Three days?" Zhang Chen was startled and asked, "What do you mean, a graduation ceremony takes three days?"

"That's right, so how much do people take it seriously? The three-day graduation ceremony is very tight. Don't listen to what Beibei said. He is pretending to be cool. He will regret it when the time comes. Don't be a People secretly cry, "No, we must go." Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen said okay, let’s go.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Chen remembered and asked, "That's not right. When you graduated, didn't anyone at home go there?"

Xiaofang giggled: "Yes, I was almost like a refugee at that time. Do you think I was pitiful? However, I am a graduate student and Beibei is an undergraduate. He should be more vulnerable."

Zhang Chen remembered that when Xiaofang graduated, Xiao Zhao was no longer here, and it was impossible for her parents to go to the United States alone. Xiaofang should have known that she was very busy at that time, so she deliberately did not tell her family. Regarding the graduation ceremony, if Xiao Zhao was here, Xiao Fang would definitely tell Xiao Zhao, and Xiao Zhao would definitely attend Xiao Fang's graduation ceremony.

"Are you psychologically affected by this?" Zhang Chen wanted to ask Xiaofang, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

The graduation ceremony was from May 14th to 16th. Zhang Chen and Xiaofang simply brought Zhang Xiangxi with them this time, and the whole family went to Zhang Xiangbei's graduation ceremony. Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said that they would also let Xixi watch it. See the school where her mother and brother attend.

They flew from Shanghai to New York on the 12th. Zhang Xiangbei drove from New Haven to pick them up at the airport. Xiaofang was right. Zhang Xiangbei knew the three of them and decided to come to his graduation ceremony. , he was still very happy and said "oh" on the phone.

Zhang Xiangxi hasn't seen Zhang Xiangbei for a year, but when Zhang Xiangbei and his grandma video chat, Zhang Xiangxi can always see Zhang Xiangbei and chat with him.

At the airport, Zhang Xiangxi saw Zhang Xiangbei from afar and shouted. However, instead of calling Zhang Xiangbei "brother", she followed her grandmother and called him "Beibei".

Zhang Xiangxi shouted "Beibei, Beibei", which made the other three people laugh. Zhang Xiangbei took Zhang Xiangxi from Zhang Chen's hands. Zhang Xiangxi grabbed his collar and hair and tried to climb up. , Zhang Xiangbei knew it, and simply let her ride on his shoulders. Zhang Xiangxi slapped Zhang Xiangbei's head with his hand, shouting "Drive, drive".

As soon as Zhang Xiangbei walked quickly, Zhang Xiangxi yelled "Oh!". Zhang Xiangbei quickly braked and stopped. Zhang Xiangxi chuckled, and then patted Zhang Xiangbei's head "driving". .

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang followed behind, looking at the two siblings and laughing non-stop. Xiaofang said that she didn't know where Xixi learned it from.

"I think those two land reclamation warriors must often let her ride on their horses." Zhang Chen said, Xiaofang giggled, and she thought it was the same.

The family will stay in New York for one night today, and then rush to New Haven the next day. For dinner, they go to "Huizhen Restaurant" to have dinner. It is also considered that Zhang Xiangbei goes to say goodbye to Huizhen and his wife. Zhang Xiangbei is not a young man. Fang, I don’t know when he can come to the United States after he returns.

Xiaofang called Huizhen and told her the matter. Huizhen was very happy to hear it. She said to Xiaofang, can you come later? We closed the door and celebrated together.

Xiaofang agreed, and she made an appointment with Huizhen, and they would go there at nine o'clock in the evening.

At nine o'clock, when their family of four arrived at "Huizhen Restaurant", the door of Huizhen Restaurant was already closed, but a light was still on at the door. Looking inside through the glass, it was still the same as last time. All the other lights were turned off except for one corner, which was surrounded by a screen.

They opened the door, and the doorbell rang. Huizhen and her husband immediately walked out of the screen. Seeing them, Huizhen smiled and said:

"Great, we're just getting ready."

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang saw that Huizhen and her husband had even changed out of the uniforms of the waiter and chef and were wearing homely clothes, waiting for them.

Xiaofang and Huizhen hugged each other and asked Zhang Xiangxi to call Huizhen Auntie. Zhang Xiangxi stared at Huizhen for a while, then called "sister". Everyone laughed. Huizhen said, "Hello sister, Xixi, sister, I'll call you later." You are delicious.

Zhang Chen shook hands with Huizhen's husband Haizu. Zhang Xiangbei called "Uncle Haizu". Haizu looked at him and smiled naively. He kept saying, "It's so fast, painter Zhang. In a blink of an eye, Beibeidu was Graduated from college.

Huizhen invited everyone to sit in the screen, where a sumptuous table of wine and food had been laid out, all of which they liked to eat. It could be seen that Huizhen and Haizu had carefully prepared it.

She also prepared a cake for Zhang Xiangbei just like the Chinese people do when setting up such a banquet. On the cake, she also wrote the words "Graduation from Beipei University". The cake must have been specially bought at a cake shop. The pastry chef It was probably the first time I used cream to mark Chinese characters. It took a lot of effort to write these words, but it was still missing arms and legs, and the "wishes" and "learn" were missing a little.

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang looked a little touched and quickly said thank you, thank you! They knew that Huizhen had another purpose in asking them to come later. She wanted to be well prepared.

Zhang Xiangbei also quickly said: "Thank you Aunt Huizhen, thank you Uncle Haizu!"

Zhang Xiangxi followed Zhang Xiangbei and shouted: "Thank you Aunt Huizhen, thank you Uncle Haizu!"

Huizhen slapped her forehead and shouted, "By the way, there's also Xixi, I almost forgot."

She ran away, and after a while, she came over with a box of ice cream, which was specially prepared for Zhang Xiangxi. Zhang Xiangxi was overjoyed when he saw it.

Light the candles and turn off the lights. No one else knew what song to sing when graduating from college. Zhang Xiangxi didn't care. She sang "Happy Birthday to You". Zhang Xiangbei laughed and blew out the candles. Everyone applauded.

Haizu and Zhang Chen said, "Painter Zhang, I am happy today. Let's drink more."

Zhang Chen said yes, drink more.

During the meal, Huizhen told them excitedly: "In just over a month, my son and daughter will come to the United States this summer."

"Are you here to play?" Xiaofang asked, "Are you here to go to school?"

"Hey, they are not Beibei. They go to school here, and they can't keep up. They can't speak Mandarin well, and they still have to speak English. Let's see and have fun first," Huizhen said.

Xiaofang nodded: "By the way, has the visa been processed? If not, I can help with it."

"It's already done." Huizhen shook her head towards Haizu and said, "His brother took them to Shanghai to do it. When the time comes, his brother will also take them to the airport, and we will pick them up here."

"My company is in Shanghai. Even if I'm not here, there are still people in the company to pick up and drop off the airport. Next time you tell me, I will ask people from the company to go to the airport. By the way, Haizu, your brother, when you get to Shanghai, if there is anything If anything happens, let him come to me." Xiaofang told them.

Huizhen and Haizu quickly said thank you.

They ate for more than an hour. Xiaofang and Huizhen were full. They got up and said they wanted to take Zhang Xiangxi for a walk to digest. Zhang Xiangbei also stood up. Zhang Chen said to him:

"You stay here and drink with us. After graduation, you are an adult and you have to learn how to drink."

Zhang Xiangbei looked at Zhang Chen and felt a little confused. Xiaofang said: "You are too special. You still need to learn how to drink. Beibei already knows how to drink."

Huizhen and Haizu also laughed. Not many days ago, they saw Zhang Xiangbei, Xiaohu, and the people from the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe drinking a lot of wine here.

"Really? Then why haven't I seen him drink?" Zhang Chen asked.

"What does he have to do with you?" Xiaofang said, "Drinking while listening to you educate him? I haven't seen you and your father having a good drink together."

Zhang Chen was speechless by Xiaofang. Zhang Xiangbei stood there and laughed. Zhang Xiangxi shouted from the side: "Beibei, Beibei, I want to ride Beibei."

Haizu and Zhang Chen said, "Let Beibei go. It's past ten o'clock now. It's safer for Beibei to go together."

The four of them went out. Haizu picked up the wine glass and said, "Come, Painter Zhang, let's drink."

Zhang Chen raised his cup, clinked it with Haizu, and drank.

Thank you Hu Hu for the tip! Thank you Hu Hu, Puo Xiaofan, and book friend 20191219001549055 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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