The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1894 Different signatures

Xiangnan and the three of them arrived at the second floor of the art museum. The second floor is also divided into two exhibition halls. One is the permanent exhibition hall, and the other is a special exhibition hall. Every once in a while, a special theme will be planned. Exhibition, what is on display here today is a planned exhibition centered on "Castle in the Sky".

The permanent exhibition hall is called "The Place Where Film Was Born". This place is designed and arranged according to the artist's studio. The desktops and bookshelves here are a bit messy and not neatly tidied up. It feels like master Hayao Miyazaki. Just finished and just left the seat.

There are many manuscript pictures of the hidden girl on the wall, and there are many materials and precious manuscripts about Hayao Miyazaki's works on the bookshelf. You can browse these at will, but remember to return them to their original places. Only in this way can the next person Very easy to appreciate.

Since it is called "the place where movies were born", here is a detailed display of Studio Ghibli's entire process of completing an animated film, from original painting, storyboarding, to coloring and editing, visitors can see everything How a pencil sketch turned into a classic and popular Ghibli cartoon step by step.

What impressed Xiang Nan and the others most in the exhibition hall was a lead bucket in the corner on one side of the workbench. The bucket was filled with used pencil tips. These pencils had produced countless drawings. , this seemingly inconspicuous but unforgettable scene, Xiang Nan feels, is a tribute to the original animators who worked hard for animation.

There is also a hand-cranked projector here, allowing visitors to experience animation screenings themselves.

They walked out of "the place where movies were born" and walked into the "Castle in the Sky" themed exhibition hall next door. The original paintings, manuscripts, and storyboard sketches of "Castle in the Sky" were plastered everywhere, and airplane models, pterosaur toys, and boats were hung on the roof. Hooks and small children's linens were hung on the ropes, and the bookshelves were filled with books such as "The World's Aircraft Series".

The exhibition hall also restored several classic rooms in "Castle in the Sky" based on "Castle in the Sky".

There is a room that also displays some of Hayao Miyazaki's design concepts and ideas about aircraft, as well as the introduction and analysis of the weapons designed in several of the master's works, giving people a deeper understanding of everything in the story. know.

Ding Yousong sighed after seeing it. He said that this place is fun, but it's a pity that you can't take pictures. Yin Tao, why don't you take a picture secretly for me.

Xiang Nan scolded: "Don't do this kind of thing. When you go to other people's places, you must learn to respect other people's rules and don't be looked down upon by others."

"That's right." Yin Tao said, "Your behavior is like arriving at our theater and the curtain is raised, but you still want to sit down and eat melon seeds."

Ding Yousong's face turned red because of the two of them, and he laughed.

The three of them went to the third floor. The area on the third floor is smaller than the one below. On one side is the famous Totoro bus house. Unfortunately, only children under six years old are allowed to crawl around in the furry Totoro bus. Yin Tao looked at her with greedy eyes, and Ding Yousong asked her:

"How about it, do you want to be a spectator eating melon seeds?"

Yin Tao rolled her eyes at him.

There is also a book reading room and a souvenir shop on the third floor. There are animation storyboards for sale in the book reading room. The storyboards of all the movies produced by Studio Ghibli can be purchased here.

The three of them all felt that these storyboards drawn by Hayao Miyazaki were so memorable. Xiang Nan chose "Spirited Away" and "Goodbye, Firefly", and Yin Tao chose "Spirited Away" and "The Sky". "City", Ding Yousong began to want to get a copy of everyone, but was scolded by Xiang Nan and Yin Tao.

Xiang Nan told him, we have to go to Taipei and then go home. You are carrying so many books and don’t need other luggage?

Ding Yousong scratched his head while selecting. He held each book in his hand, put it down, and picked it up again, as if he was reluctant to give up any book. He already had difficulty in choosing.

Xiangnan looked at him and shook his head. Xiangnan gestured in English with his hands and asked the clerk, "Can we help you mail it directly to China?" The clerk said yes. Ding Yousong was overjoyed and quickly asked the clerk to pack everything for him.

After the clerk helped Ding Yousong finish packing, Yin Tao asked: "Xiao Siyan, what will you do if you meet Hayao Miyazaki later and ask him to sign his signature on your hand?"

Ding Yousong glared at Yin Tao and cursed: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

He wanted the clerk to open the bag and take out two books. Xiang Nan saw that it was too troublesome and told him to buy two more books and consider them as gifts from me.

Ding Yousong bought another copy of "Porco Rosso" and a copy of "Howl's Moving Castle".

The souvenir shop next to it is not large, only about fifty square meters, but it is the most crowded place in the art museum. More than a hundred people are crowded here, and everyone is here to buy souvenirs that cannot be bought outside.

The name of the souvenir shop is "Mamma Aluto", which is the name of the sky pirates in "Porco Rosso". "Mamma Aluto" is Italian, which means "Mom, help me!" I came here. A child can point to the toys on the counter and shout "Manmayut!" to his mother. The mother will definitely be embarrassed to refuse.

Xiang Nan is here, buying gifts for all the members of his group who are unable to come to the Ghibli Museum.

After buying the gifts, they passed the iron cage spiral staircase and arrived at the rooftop garden. In the rooftop garden stood the mechanical soldiers from "Castle in the Sky". Photography was allowed outdoors. The three of them quickly took out their mobile phones and took selfies. , and then take photos of each other.

After coming down from the roof garden, they returned to the second floor, passed through the kitchen of the airship where Richida worked in "Castle in the Sky", and walked out of the planning exhibition room. Outside was a wooden platform, and on the other side of the platform was a yellow wooden building. The house is the "Straw Hat" restaurant of the Ghibli Museum.

When Xiang Nan and the others walked to the platform, they saw He Hongmei already sitting here, occupying a table, drinking coffee, and they quickly walked over.

He Hongmei ordered the Ghibli Museum's signature "pork chop sandwich" and drinks for the three of them. Ding Yousong and Yin Tao sat down. Xiang Nan remembered something. She walked aside and called You Guodong. A phone call was made to ask him if they could bring two more people over for dinner tonight, one of whom was also from their troupe and was the one who played Xiao Qing.

"There is another one, my aunt. She works in Japan, Professor You. Isn't this very presumptuous?" Xiang Nan asked.

"No, no," You Guodong said with a hearty smile, "It's good to have two more people. It's so lively. The house is really too small. If it were bigger, we'd like to invite the whole group over, Captain Feng , bring your aunt and Xiaoqing with you, we will give you a warm welcome."

Xiang Nan quickly said thank you.

Xiangnan went back and sat down, and told He Hongmei and Yin Tao that they should go to Professor You's house for dinner together in the evening.

He Hongmei nodded and said, "Nan Nan, eat quickly." He Hongmei pointed at the sandwich in front of Xiang Nan.

Everyone ate their sandwiches and sat drinking drinks. He Hongmei's cell phone rang. She picked it up and spoke to the other person in Japanese.

After hanging up the phone, He Hongmei stood up and said to them, "Let's go."

"Where to go?" Xiang Nan asked.

"Don't you want to see Mr. Hayao Miyazaki? He happens to be here today and has just finished lunch. In a while, he will take a lunch break and you won't be able to see him if you want to," He Hongmei said.

As soon as the three people heard this, they stood up quickly.

He Hongmei led them back to the "place where movies were born" on the second floor. There was an inconspicuous small door on the edge of the exhibition hall. When they opened it, there was an open-air wooden corridor. They walked through this wooden corridor and reached the end. It's a closed door.

He Hongmei knocked on the door and said something in Japanese. Someone answered the door, and then the door opened. It was the woman Xiangnan and the others had seen in the morning.

Inside the door was a very small hall, which should be the woman's office. The woman led them to an open door, clicked on the door twice, said something to the person inside, and turned around. Smiling at He Hongmei, He Hongmei led Xiang Nan and the others in.

Inside the door, an old man with white hair and a white beard, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, stood up from a brown workbench. Xiang Nan's eyes lit up when they saw that this man was none other than Hayao Miyazaki.

Hayao Miyazaki was kind-hearted and always smiled when he looked at people. He came over and hugged He Hongmei. He Hongmei introduced Xiang Nan and the others to Hayao Miyazaki one by one. Hayao Miyazaki stretched out his hand to hold it, Xiang Nan His hands felt soft.

The studio is very small, only about eight or nine square meters. It is a bit messy inside. There are drawings scattered on the workbench. There are stacks of books and materials in the corner of the workbench. The style here is similar to "the place where movies were born". It was really consistent, but Xiang Nan and the others could not imagine that a world-famous master would work in such a small studio.

In the studio, in addition to a chair where Miyazaki Hayao just stood up, there is also a single sofa with wooden armrests in the corner, which is probably where he sits and rests when he is tired from work. There was no place to sit outside, so everyone could only stand.

He Hongmei asked Xiang Nan and the others to take out the books they bought. She asked Master Hayao Miyazaki to sign them. Miyazaki signed it for them. He was creative and signed one book for each of them and the other book. Not only did he sign it, , even looked up at me, and with just a few strokes, I drew a portrait of them.

Xiang Nan and the others looked at it, feeling ecstatic in their hearts. This was no ordinary signature, but something very special.

After signing the autograph, Xiangnan asked He Hongmei in a low voice, "Can we take a group photo?"

He Hongmei talked to Hayao Miyazaki, and Hayao Miyazaki readily agreed. They took photos with Hayao Miyazaki one by one. He Hongmei said, okay, let's not disturb the master anymore.

They said goodbye to Miyazaki, and when they said goodbye, Miyazaki not only hugged He Hongmei, but also hugged each of them.

He Hongmei took them outside and said goodbye to the woman. They did not go out through the original door, but walked through a short corridor, then went down a set of steps, walked to the end, opened the door and went out. They had arrived at Ji. Outside the Buli Art Museum, not far away is the parking lot.

Thank you Yuanxi and Book Friends 20201109111351923 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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