The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1883 Hey hey hey

The background music on the stage started ringing, and the so-called competition officially started. This competition is free hip-hop, much like the arena of ancient Chinese martial arts competitions. Anyone can get on. There is no host or referee. How good or bad is your performance on the stage? , depending on the applause, boos and cheers below.

The one who stands on the stage till the end is the winner.

When two people are singing on stage, one will cheer when he opens his voice, and the other will be booed when he opens his voice. If there are too many boos, you will be embarrassed to stay on the stage, and you can only walk off the stage in despair. , the most important thing is that under everyone's booing, your brain will soon short-circuit, and you will suddenly be at a loss for words on stage, speechless, like an idiot.

As long as there is such a brief pause, there is no doubt that you have lost, get out.

At this time, if you still want to stay on the stage, the people below will collectively boo and knock you off.

The competition is about whose on-site reaction is quick, who is articulate, and also whether the content you sing can resonate with the audience and bring out the lowest things in the black ghetto.

So swearing is indispensable, and it is even more indispensable to show off one's family history and suffering on stage. He is taking drugs, his brother is in jail, his sister is just a bitch who can be fucked by thousands of people, and his father was shot by a gangster and died suddenly in the hospital. On the streets, etc., it’s just how miserable it is.

This is a bit like a domestic talent show. The contestants talk on stage about how poor their families are and how difficult it is for them, in exchange for everyone's sympathy.

However, here, the content is more naked, the language is more straightforward, and it is more sensational.

There is also the option of scolding each other face to face. You can call them ugly, stupid, smelly niggas, or bastards who should have gone to hell long ago. You have scolded the other party’s ancestors for eighteen generations. It’s best to be able to scold them. When the opponent is unable to resist and becomes frustrated, you win.

Of course, everything must be expressed in the form of rap. If you are not capable enough, stutter, or are verbose on stage, the content is bland, the performance is boring, and there is nothing outstanding, you will also He was immediately kicked off the stage.

In rap, the rhythm and melody are basically the same. Many people have already prepared this part of the words, but what impresses the audience the most is whether you have a tone change in the middle. The content of this part is also Whether the rhythm and melody are novel enough or not, if they are novel enough, they can bring you a lot of applause and cheers.

Moreover, you have no way to prepare for this part in advance. You have to look at the different performances of your opponents and adapt accordingly on the stage.

There are countless ways to win, it all depends on how you perform on stage. As long as you can resonate with the audience, win more applause and cheers, and make your opponents feel timid.

The first person to take the stage was a thin and tall black young man. He looked as weak as a poisonous insect. His hair was standing on end and tied together. He stood there like a sharpened pencil. A lock of hair is the tip of the pen.

He took a microphone from the microphone stand at the entrance to the stage and started jumping and singing on the stage.

It was the first time for Xiang Nan and the others to see such a performance, and they found it very fresh. Although they could not understand what he was singing, they could still follow the rhythm immediately. Xiang Nan and Yin Tao followed his rhythm and kept nodding their heads. .

However, most of the audience in the audience are probably used to such performances, or they may have just begun and have not yet entered the state. Anyway, the excitement is yet to come. Most of the audience did not even turn their eyes to the stage, but were chatting with a group of people. The companions who got up were joking and laughing, and the voices of the audience almost drowned out the singing on the stage.

Xiang Nan nodded and looked behind him. He felt a little sympathy for the singer on the stage. This was too embarrassing. He looked more like he was here to warm up before the official performance.

When Xiang Nan and others perform, they often encounter such a situation. Before the opening, the audience is noisy. At this time, when you go on stage, your appearance is a skill. It depends on whether you can attract everyone's attention to the stage in an instant. Once you open your voice, it depends on whether you can win the applause of the whole room.

If you cannot do this, the next performance will be difficult. You will not be able to control the entire theater at all, and the performance will basically be considered a failure.

In some theater troupes, when the main actors do not have this ability, they have no choice but to let the clowns go to the front of the curtain to make everyone laugh before the curtain is even raised, or they can have the martial arts perform a series of somersaults to make everyone laugh. The eyes are attracted to the stage, this is the warm-up.

Xiang Nan felt that this guy, even if he was just warming up, had already failed in his performance.

This thin man was jumping and singing on the stage while watching the reaction off the stage. The expression on his face was a little stiff. Xiang Nan felt that he could hardly sing anymore.

At this time, Slim Man also discovered that most of the audience in the audience regarded him as nothing. Only the two Asian girls in front of the stage kept nodding their heads and resonated with him.

He moved towards this side and stood in front of Xiang Nan and Yin Tao. He bent down and kept singing and talking. He spoke too fast. With Xiang Nan's English proficiency, she couldn't hear a word clearly. Zheng Xinxin He said, he is praising you, he is praising you very disgustingly.

Xiang Nan and Yin Tao understood and waved to him. This time, he became energetic and the expression on his face became vivid.

Immediately, there were boos not far away, probably because some people disliked him for being a flatterer and his singing was not greasy at all.

A small young man, about eighteen or nineteen years old, walked onto the stage. The most eye-catching thing about him was that he had a gold tooth in his mouth.

He took the microphone from the microphone stand at the stage, pointed at the thin man and started singing. Xiangnan and the others could not understand what he was singing, and they could tell that it was not a good thing. Zhang Xiangbei said, the challenge has begun, Xiao The guy was scolding him.

The thin man turned around, walked back to the middle of the stage, and stood face to face with the little man. The two began to sing verse by verse. The thin man still jumped up and down towards the little man, and he was singing. While doing this, the little man kept shaking his head and hands, making a contemptuous expression.

When the thin man finished singing, the little man immediately continued singing. He held the microphone in his right hand and pointed at the thin man with his left hand. He flashed left and right, as if to prevent the thin man from jumping towards him at any time.

When the little man sang, many people in the audience laughed, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiaohu also laughed. Ding Yousong couldn't understand, so he became anxious and shouted, "What is he singing? Zhang Xiangbei, please translate it" ?

"It can't be translated, it's just funny." Zhang Xiangbei was overjoyed.

"It wouldn't be funny if it was translated." Xiaohu also said.

Then, the winners and losers gradually began to appear on the stage. Every time the little man sang a verse, there were cheers and whistles below. When it was the thin man's turn, there were boos below. The boos became louder and louder, and finally they became a chorus and continued. After seven or eight minutes, the thin man finally couldn't hold it anymore. He walked to the edge of the stage, put the microphone back on the stand, and got off the stage.

He lost.

The little man didn't stop. He circled around the stage like a victorious boxer. The content of this rap was prepared by him in advance, and people below him cheered from time to time.

Every time the little man turned to the front of the stage, he would point his finger provocatively at the audience, meaning come on, come on, who of you dares to come up.

"That's awesome." Ding Yousong said.

The crowd suddenly burst into cheers. To the south, they saw a tall, black man walking onto the stage. He looked like O'Neal playing basketball, and he was almost two meters tall. When he took the stage, he was wearing a gold reflective cloth cape in an exaggerated way, dressing himself up as a superstar.

However, from the louder and louder cheers below, it can be seen that at least in this venue, he is really a star.

When the little man saw him coming up, he walked closer and pushed his big belly with his hand. The strong man's belly pushed forward. The little man deliberately pretended to stumble back a few steps, and the audience burst into laughter.

The strong man stretched out his hand and tore off the cloak, flicking it casually and throwing it to the corner of the stage.

He was wearing a pair of big pants and a black vest, and his arms were covered with tattoos, which made him look darker, like a black iron tower.

He stretched out his hand and waved to the little man, signaling him to start.

The little man was still like that, facing the strong man, flashing left and right, pointing his left hand at the strong man and starting to sing.

Zhang Xiangbei's translator said that he was mocking his appearance, calling him a big fool, and asking whether his mother was frightened when she gave birth to him. How could I have given birth to a pig?

After the little man finished singing, he raised his right hand and shook the microphone vigorously, and a round of applause broke out from below.

The strong man started, and his performance was very strange. He stood there, but kept falling backwards and forwards with his feet. He held the microphone in his right hand, and his left hand was close to his body. He only turned over when he reached his wrist. The index finger pointed at the other person, as if he did not dare to show off and pointed at the other person quietly.

When he opened his mouth, even Xiangnan and the others were startled. He spoke faster than a crosstalk actor, as if he was saying:

"A lama came from the south, carrying five kilograms of Tama in his hand. A mute came from the north, with a trumpet strapped to his waist. The lama holding the Tama from the south wanted to exchange the Tama for the mute's trumpet from the north. , the mute is unwilling to exchange the trumpet for the lama's Tama, but the lama insists on changing the trumpet for the mute's trumpet..."

Zhang Xiangbei told Xiangnan and the others what he was really talking about. Zhang Xiangbei said that he used parallelism, saying that the guy opposite was a rat, bedbug, bat, fleas, flies, lice, roundworms, cockroaches, etc. wait wait wait.

The strong man spoke too quickly, and thunderous applause and cheers erupted from below. In this round, the little man lost, but he still refused to give up and continued to fight back. Some people in the audience gave him applause, and some also gave him he hissed.

Immediately afterwards, the strong man began to fight back even more violently.

Zhang Xiangbei told them, still using parallelism, he now said that the little man is Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pneumococcus, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus diphtheria, Bacillus tetanus, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, suppuration Sexual cocci, enterobacteria, vibrios, spirobacteria, helicobacteria, autotrophic bacteria, heterotrophic bacteria, saprotrophic bacteria, parasitic bacteria...

"Haha, it's amazing. There are also some bacteria. I don't know the translation. This fat guy is very cool." Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile.

The little man started to fight back, still using his witty language, mocking the strong man, his parents and ancestors, but the audience seemed to be overwhelmed by this, and were more interested in seeing how the strong man would fight back. .

It was the strong man's turn. This time he said that the little man was just his meal and the fish on his plate. He then shot out the names of dozens of fish, ranging from freshwater fish to sea fish, like a machine gun. Everyone in the audience The applause and cheers shook the mountain.

The little man was still flashing left and right, "Hey hey hey hey". When he reached the edge of the stage, he suddenly did a backflip, threw the microphone in his hand on the stage, jumped off the stage and left.

There were boos below.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you Puo Xiaofan, wahoji, Book Friends 20191102113546718, Book Friends 130214153304258, Book Friends 160723110955485, So What, Lao Shen Xisang, Lin Bu Hungry, Book Friends 20191217033238847 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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