On February 14, 2015, Valentine's Day, although it was raining lightly in Hangzhou, the temperature rose sharply on this day. From the lowest temperature of 5℃ the day before, it rose to the lowest temperature of 13℃. Today is New Year's Eve. On this day, many couples, after celebrating their own festival, will separate the next day and embark on their own journeys home.

This time of year is Zhang Chen's busiest time. He doesn't care about Valentine's Day, and he won't be like other small bosses who spend this day hiding from his wife and busy sending flowers and chocolates everywhere. Gifts come rain or shine.

The workers in the factory are starting to go home. Just arranging their train and bus tickets is a headache. The e-commerce industrial park and the dynamic zone below are already preparing to close their doors, and they have to arrange the Spring Festival duty. Tuxiangyuan University Hotels and logistics bases are open normally during the Spring Festival, but there are still many people who have to go home, and the remaining manpower is tight.

For the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery", the Spring Festival is a time for everyone to rest, but it is also their busiest time. At this time every year, a special exhibition to welcome the new year is arranged. This exhibition is their highlight every year.

Because their oil painting gallery has held joint exhibitions with the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum in New York every year in recent years, this has made them famous among young oil painters in China. Everyone wants to have the opportunity to participate in this joint exhibition. This is The best chance for their work to reach the world.

If not for such a joint exhibition, how could their works have appeared in the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum in New York?

Having their works exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum in New York can also add a beautiful touch to their creative resume, which is very attractive to auction houses and collectors.

After the opening of the world-famous painters' hall in the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery", the newly discovered works of Picasso, Matisse, Dali, Pissarro, etc. on display in it also made their oil painting gallery more sophisticated. Opportunities to communicate with other art museums around the world.

They will lend their collections to other art museums, and in turn, other art museums' collections will often appear in their museums.

Domestic audiences finally have the opportunity to see those world-famous paintings up close before their eyes.

All these have greatly increased the popularity of their art museum. Zhao Xin has become very busy and often flies around the world. She just returned from Antwerp, Belgium yesterday, and this morning she arrived at Zhang Chen's office.

She came to report to Zhang Chen about her negotiations with several collectors in Europe. They had several works that Luo Zhongli created in Belgium when he was sent to study at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium in 1984.

Zhang Chen looked at the photos she brought and asked Zhao Xin, had they been sent to Luo Zhongli to read them?

Zhao Xin nodded and said, "I saw it. He confirmed that he painted it when he was there. I didn't expect that we would see him again one day."

"That's good." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "Then let's make a decision and buy it. By the way, how about Xiaoshu's place?"

"We are almost ready. There will be no problem opening the day after tomorrow." Zhao Xin said.

Zhang Chen said okay, then I'll go over and take a look at it in the evening.

The exhibition arranged by Xiaoshu and the others this year is "We Post-1995". Almost all the authors participating in the exhibition are students who have just entered the Academy of Fine Arts and started their undergraduate studies. They have almost no chance of participating in such a high-level exhibition. not yet.

It was Zhang Chen’s idea why he chose the post-95 generation generation. Zhang Chen said that they are almost the most energetic, they still retain that kind of simplicity and drive, and their works are the most interesting. After several years of professional study at the Academy of Fine Arts, their Things may have become sophisticated and vulgar. In a few years, when they look back at their works, they may be scared.

We should record this.

Xiaoshu and Zhao Xin also thought what Zhang Chen said was very interesting, so they decided to hold such an exhibition to show everyone the works of the youngest generation of oil painters in China. After the exhibition, most of the works will be become their collection.

Xiaofang walked in from the door. Zhang Chen looked up at her and asked her what happened?

Xiaofang shook her head and said it was okay, you continue.

Xiaofang and Zhao Xin said hello, walked to the conference table, opened their laptops and got busy, while Zhang Chen and Zhao Xin continued talking here.

After Zhao Xin finished reporting, she stood up, said goodbye to Xiaofang, and walked out. Xiaofang then greeted Zhang Chen and said:

"Honey, come here and take a look."

Zhang Chen walked over and stood behind her. He saw that on Xiaofang's laptop, Mr. Huang's "88 Finance" website was opened. Zhang Chen laughed and asked:

"What, the landlord is going to collect rent at the end of the year? How is the profit?"

"I think there's something wrong with them." Xiaofang said.

"Oh, how do you know?" Zhang Chen asked.

"This time at the end of the year should be their busiest time. Those who have no money have to borrow money to tide over difficulties. People who lend money will also have a lot of financial needs at the end of the year and will withdraw cash. Are you right?" Xiao Fang asked.

Zhang Chen nodded.

"So starting yesterday, I tried to withdraw a thousand yuan from each platform every day. As a result, they can no longer withdraw money." Xiaofang said, "I guess their capital chain has been broken."

Zhang Chen was shocked and said, "No way, Mr. Huang called me the day before yesterday and encouraged me to invest money, but I declined."

"You are such a jerk. He needs to find new funds because his capital chain is broken. He called you. Fortunately, you didn't invest." Xiaofang said, "At this time, if lenders withdraw cash intensively, it will be like a bank. A run is when their risk is highest.”

"Their company is upstairs across the street. You can see it from here. You'll know if you go over and take a look." Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, that's why I came and asked you to accompany me to take a look." Xiaofang said.

"I won't go, I won't go." When Zhang Chen heard this, he quickly waved his hands and refused: "I finally got rid of Mr. Huang. I went there today and he saw him and grabbed me. Didn't I come to him and die myself?"

Xiaofang giggled and said, "Okay, I know you are thin-skinned, forget it, I'll let you go."

Xiaofang stood up as she spoke, and Zhang Chen asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Go over and have a look. I asked Zhao Zheng to accompany me. It was originally an account opened in her name." Xiaofang said and walked out.

Zhang Chen also stood up, walked to the window, and looked curiously at the three office buildings opposite "Splendid Jiangnan". After looking at it for a while, he felt that what Xiaofang said might be right. On a rainy day, it was gloomy outside. He saw that the windows of Mr. Huang's company were completely dark, with no lights on.

Look at Qu Tianlin's company again. The lights are bright and there are people walking around inside. This is what a normal company looks like.

Zhang Chen naturally turned his attention to Lao Ni's old company. Now he no longer knew which company was here. He saw that this company, including Lao Ni's original office windows, were also brightly lit. Zhang Chen was heartbroken. I thought that the people sitting in Lao Ni's original office must not know who was sitting here where he was sitting.

The person sitting here had made a huge splash to become a nationally famous figure, and then quickly vanished into ashes.

The Jiangnan Canal flows continuously day and night. The rain falls on the water surface and soon disappears. Zhang Chen feels that Lao Ni is really like the pattering rainwater. He is very cool when it is in the air and falls on the water surface. time, it disappeared.

The Jiangnan Canal flows continuously like this, and Lao Ni's figure that once fell on it has no idea where it was taken.

There was also Liu Ligan. Zhang Chen remembered that night, when he and Liu Ligan were standing on the Zhongbei Bridge. Liu Ligan pointed to the low houses in the Hangcheng Spring Factory and told him excitedly that he wanted to be here. What happens when a tall building is erected.

Today, the building is still there, but the high-rise building and the people who were once in this high-rise building have gone to the sky and the other to the depths of the clouds.

Will Mr. Huang and Mr. Qin have a better ending?

Zhang Chen shook his head.

More than half an hour later, Xiaofang and Zhao Zheng came back. Zhang Chen asked, "It's over. The building is empty, right?"

Xiao Fang asked curiously: "How do you know?"

Zhang Chen pointed out the window and said, "You can see it from here, even the lights are not turned on."

"You are right to go, the building is not empty." Xiaofang said, "The door is locked, the corridor at the door is full of people, and even the police are here."

"Are they all investors who can't withdraw money?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaofang nodded: "That friend of yours, Mr. Huang, has probably run away."

Zhang Chen's mind immediately flashed back to the day when Mr. Huang came to his office and told him with joy that this was the first birthday he had publicly celebrated for his son. He did not expect that it would probably be the last birthday. , that little fat man, how is he doing now?

The one-meter-two-meter-high, fifteen-layer cake will definitely become the best memory of his childhood and adolescence.

And Mr. Fang, the mahjong-faced man, has always been chasing others for debts in a ferocious manner. Now he is probably being chased for debts by others, right? Will he still be so aggressive when others are chasing him for debt?

The most pity is Mr. Huang. Zhang Chen should say that he has always had a good impression of him. With his IQ, if he can do something down-to-earth, he will definitely be able to achieve results. Of course, even if he is running away now, he will also He will definitely know how to run more thoroughly than others.

Zhang Chen sighed.

"Why are you sighing?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Chen shook his head and said it was nothing.

Xiaofang sighed, and Zhang Chen asked: "Why are you sighing again?"

"I'm afraid it's just the beginning. There will be a chain reaction next. This day will come faster than I expected." Xiaofang said.

"Then do we need to withdraw all the money from the platform?" Zhao Zheng asked.

Xiaofang said no, just mention it a thousand times a day, and I will see how fast this series of thunder will come.

Thank you to the passers-by Ye Buzhan, lm53368112, Hu Hu, Nevin Moore, Lin Buxuya, Cai Yilei, and tianzonghong for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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