The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1860 Other People’s Cheese

"The emergence of the Internet has indeed subverted many traditional economic models and brought new development opportunities. However, at the same time, various financial frauds similar to Ponzi schemes have also appeared on the Internet after being reshaped. For example, now in China The emergence of MMM Mutual Finance is a typical Ponzi scheme."

Xiaofang said: "The so-called mutual finance in this scam is to let you deposit a sum of money into the platform first, and you will get 1% interest every day, one cycle per month, and it will be automatically liquidated after one month, and you can get 100% A huge profit of 30, that is, if you deposit 10,000 yuan, you can get 13,000 yuan after one month."

"How is it possible? Even drug trafficking does not bring such huge profits." Zhang Chen said.

"But it's still possible, and some people actually get the 30% profit after saving. These people, in turn, will use their own experience to attract more relatives and friends to join in.

"I estimate that soon someone will come to you to do something like this. This is actually a game of beating the drum and passing the flowers. Those who enter first can indeed get the money, but this money is not investment profit, but the people behind. Money deposited.

"This is another snowball. As long as people continue to come in, the game can continue. Once no one comes in, or the number of people coming in is decreasing, it will collapse immediately. This scam, in the beginning, because it really let people When many people make money, it becomes even more tempting and deceptive..."

"Those who make money will also invest more money, but in the end they will lose everything." Zhang Chen said, "It's like gambling. If you don't see the winner, you will stop gambling immediately. , he will definitely come in again and want to win more.”

"Yes, that's right." Xiaofang said, "This scam was first launched in 1990 by a Russian named Mafudiluo, who deceived millions of investors. When it finally collapsed, this scam He was arrested by the Russian government and imprisoned for more than four years.

"MMM Mutual Finance has switched from offline to online and has made a comeback in China. The starting point is still in our Zhejiang Province. It was started by a few people from Jinhua. At the earliest, they came to me and wanted me to work for them. Endorse and provide the initial money to set up the website and form the company.

"In their promotional materials, they packaged Ma Fujiluo as a mathematician. In fact, this trick is all that is needed for mathematicians. Elementary school students know how to do it. It is to beat the drum and pass the flowers. When the drum stops, the flowers are still there. When it was in the hands of others, these people smashed it in and lost everything.

"Of course I exposed their trick at a glance and rejected it on the spot. Unexpectedly, various variants have emerged in China, such as Morgan Coin. The techniques are the same. The name Morgan Coin is intended to make people and Wall Street investment bank J.P. Morgan makes the connection even more confusing.

"But in fact, they have nothing to do with Morgan Stanley. Although there are many world-leading mathematicians in Morgan Stanley who design models every day, these models are indeed deceptive to a certain extent, but they are used to deceive. Other financial institutions are big frauds and would not design something like this to deceive the vegetable market ladies.”

"So what about Bitcoin?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Bitcoin is just an algorithm for the Internet, not a real currency."

Xiaofang said: "Real currency must have several characteristics, one is free circulation, the other is equivalent exchange, and the third is relative stability of currency value. If it is unstable, it will affect the freedom of equivalent exchange and circulation. You Think about it, if you have ten yuan, you can buy five kilograms of rice in the morning, three kilograms in the afternoon, and maybe eight kilograms tomorrow, what will happen to this currency?

"Bitcoin cannot circulate freely now, and its currency value is also unstable. It can be said that it does not have the basic characteristics of a currency. Its biggest characteristic is that it can make people speculate. To be precise, it is more like a game. Equipment, equipment is also a computer algorithm. If there are many people in demand, the price can skyrocket. If no one wants it, the price can plummet.

"As a currency, the most important thing is whether there is any endorsement behind it. Before the Bretton Woods system, the U.S. dollar was linked to gold, and its value was backed by gold. But now the currencies of various countries are backed by the credit of each country's government. Yes, government credit is not an empty thing. It is composed of all the resources and land of this country, its national defense and GDP.

“Only when a country’s government credit goes bankrupt will that country’s currency plummet. Relatively speaking, a country’s government credit goes bankrupt without the impact of extreme events. It is the least likely thing to happen. This is the most likely outcome for a currency. A strong endorsement is a guarantee.

"But Bitcoin does not have such a guarantee system. The reason why it still has value is that various stories and expectations support it. In layman's terms, that is, everyone recognizes it and recognizes it. Once these expectations are no longer there, everyone will treat it. When you are indifferent, it will be worthless. If you own a huge amount of Bitcoin, the Bitcoin itself will not change, but you will face the tragic situation of being unable to redeem it.

"Real currency rarely has such a possibility. In this way, you should know that Bitcoin does not mean that it is valuable when it skyrockets, but that it is not valuable at any time. A bunch of code, it just depends on how many people think it is valuable, and no one agrees with it, it is an algorithm that will be quickly forgotten.”

The two of them were talking like this, and it was past one o'clock before they knew it. Xiaofang had slept during the day and was still not sleepy at all. Zhang Chen was not sleepy either. He asked Xiaofang:

"Are you hungry?"

Xiaofang giggled: "I got hungry when you asked me."

"Then let's go to Huanglong to eat seafood?"

As soon as Zhang Chen said this, Xiaofang jumped up from the sofa and shouted, "Come on, please invite me."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Okay, after listening to the class all night, I want to flatter the teacher."

The next day, Zhang Chen sent Xiaofang's article to Li Yong and Sun Hou. Ten minutes later, Li Yong called Zhang Chen and told him:

"Zhang Chen, I read Xiaofang's article, and her reminder is indeed very correct. The current approach to Internet finance is likely to form a huge bubble. Let us change the efforts we have made over the past thirty years and build a bubble in the future. When it was shattered, it was also burned down, which had a great impact on us. I immediately submitted Xiaofang's article to attract the attention of the higher authorities."

Zhang Chen said excitedly: "Thank you Li Yong. Xiaofang was on Wall Street and experienced the entire subprime crisis first-hand. She was very worried when she saw such a scene. Unfortunately, she was a low-key person. She wrote an article, but no media dared to publish it. She thought It’s untimely and I have no choice, so I just thought of sending it to you. There are intact eggs under the cover of the nest. If the economy really collapses, how can we survive alone.”

"You're right, Zhang Chen." Li Yong said, "Thank Xiaofang for me first, and tell her that I will definitely not let her voice be annihilated. By the way, Zhang Chen, and you tell Xiaofang to be careful. One thing, be sure to pay attention to safety.”

Zhang Chen was shocked and asked quickly: "What's wrong, Li Yong?"

"Zhang Chen, if Xiaofang is the first person to burst this bubble, do you know how many people's cheese she has touched?"

Li Yong said, Zhang Chen understood immediately, and he said yes, I understand.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen called Xiaofang. Xiaofang was very happy to hear it. Zhang Chen took the phone and waited for Xiaofang to be happy for a while. Then he told Xiaofang Li Yong's reminder. Xiaofang said it was okay. , I'm just expressing my own opinion.

"You really have to be careful. Li Yong is right to remind you. What you express is your opinion, but what you touch is the real interests of others. You must not be careless about this." Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang said okay, I understand.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen thought for a moment. He called Xiao Wu and told Xiao Wu about the matter. Xiao Wu said, among the people we have trained, there is a woman with very powerful hands and feet, just two or three. Even men can't beat her. How about transferring her over to work as Xiaofang's assistant and letting her follow Xiaofang?

"Great, Xiao Wu!" Zhang Chen said, "Where is this person now?"

"Xiang sister is at our logistics base in Changsha now." Xiao Wu said, "I will transfer her over right away. Brother Chen, there is just a problem."

"What's the problem?" Zhang Chen asked.

"She may not have a driver's license yet." Xiao Wu said.

"It doesn't matter. Let her follow Xiaofang first. She only needs to follow her when going to and from get off work. When she gets to work, she will be fine. I will ask Hagen to tell the security guards of the industrial park to be more careful. When Xiaofang goes to work, she can Go learn to drive.”

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, Xiao Wu nodded and said, "Then I'll arrange for her to come over right away, Brother Chen."

That evening, before Xiaofang got off work, she saw Zhang Chen walking in. When Xiaofang saw him, she asked strangely: "Is there something going on here in the factory?"

Zhang Chen nodded vaguely and did not explain. When Xiaofang got off work and the two of them were on their way home, Zhang Chen told Xiaofang what he and Xiaowu had discussed, and Xiaofang chuckled. Get up:

"Dear, I understand. Did you come to pick me up from get off work today?"

Zhang Chen nodded and said yes. I will take you to work tomorrow. Before she arrives, I will pick you up.

Xiaofang kept laughing and said, "You guys are making too much fuss."

"No, I really don't dare to be careless. Li Yong's reminder is right." Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang shook her head and said: "None of my articles have been published, and no one has seen them yet. Even if they may touch anyone's interests, they don't exist now."

"I also said this to Li Yong, and Li Yong reminded me. He said that even if it is not published, you have already sent it to many domestic financial media, right? Do you know how many people have read your article? Articles? There are so many articles in the media advocating financial innovation and Internet innovation. How do you know that these media are not related to vested interests?

"Moreover, if they want to block your voice, they have to block it before it comes out."

When Xiaofang heard what Zhang Chen said, she stopped talking. Zhang Chen reached out and held Xiaofang's hand and said to her:

"I don't want to lose you again... Just for Xixi, you have to protect yourself, okay?"

Xiaofang said "hmm" and nodded.

The next afternoon, the girl Xiao Wu mentioned arrived. Xiao Wu picked her up at the airport and took her to Zhang Chen's office. The girl's name was Zhao Zheng. The girl who arrived with her was Er Guo's phone number. Huo said to Zhang Chen on the phone:

"Instructor, the house in my 'Splendid Home' is vacant. Please let Zhao Zheng live there. In this way, she can go in and out with my aunt every day. My Uncle Tan has the key. I have called him at noon. After calling her, he put the keys at your mother's place."

"You're still thoughtful, second-hand guy, thank you." Zhang Chen hurriedly said to the second-hand guy.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu first took Zhao Zheng to live in "Jinxiu Home". Then, Xiao Wu returned to Jiubao's logistics base, and Zhang Chen took Zhao Zheng to Xiaofang's place.

Zhang Chen also asked Xiaoli to help Zhao Zheng find a driving school in the "Sky City", so that after Zhao Zheng dropped off Xiaofang, he could go to the driving school to learn driving.

A week later, Li Yong called Zhang Chen. He told Zhang Chen that his superiors wanted Xiaofang to go to Beijing. The relevant leaders wanted to communicate with Xiaofang face to face.

Zhang Chen agreed, and the next day, Zhang Chen and Zhao Zheng went to Beijing with Xiaofang.

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