The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1858 Family Education

Zhang Chen stood up and said to Wu Zhaohui, I just drank, please take me home.

Wu Zhaohui said yes.

The two went downstairs. Wu Zhaohui sent Zhang Chen back to "Splendid Home". The car was parked in the parking lot. Wu Zhaohui pressed down the window. The two sat in the car, smoked another cigarette, and chatted for a while. Chen got out of the car and walked towards his parents' house.

Zhang Chen pushed the door open and saw Xiaofang sitting on the sofa holding Zhang Xiangxi. Zhang Chen walked over to kiss Zhang Xiangxi. Zhang Xiangxi shouted "stinky daddy, stinky daddy" and ducked his head away. Xiaofang twitched. Nose, smiled and said:

"Yes, stinky daddy. It smells like alcohol and cigarettes. We don't want to kiss daddy."

Zhang Chen chuckled.

"Whose son is celebrating his birthday?" Xiaofang asked.

"You don't know, but the company opposite 'Splendid Jiangnan' is the company that Gangzi and Lao Meng originally owed money to." Zhang Chen said, "When dealing with the matter between Gangzi and 'Splendid China', he helped. Helped get rid of those Shaoxing people."

"A loan shark?" Xiaofang asked.

"People now stop lending money and do Internet finance." Zhang Chen said.

"Change the soup without changing the medicine, it's still the same. These companies will eventually become gangsters and rely on gangster methods to collect debts." Xiaofang said, becoming alert, "By the way, why are you with them and not participating? It’s their business, right?”

"No, how is it possible? When I heard what they said, I felt unreliable." Zhang Chen said, "Today he was serving drinks in our hotel and came to the office to call me. Sorry, I'm going to socialize."

Xiaofang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay if you don't touch it. I tell you, don't touch it. This pit is very deep and you will die!"

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked: "Why? I think it's a bit unreliable, but it's not as serious as you think. I heard that it doesn't matter now, it's not illegal."

"Yes, there is no violation of the law, but the whole thing has been led into a trap. It is not a legal risk, but the matter itself has risks. Internet finance, which sounds beautiful, is actually an imported pie. And he is seriously acclimatized." Xiaofang looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "You really want to know?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

Xiaofang agreed, "When we get home, I will talk to you in detail and make it clear to you. If someone comes to flirt with you again, you will know what to do."

The two returned home, took a shower, and sat down on the sofa in the living room. Zhang Chen turned on the computer, found the "88 Finance" website, and said to Xiaofang:

"This is it."

Xiaofang glanced at it and said, "Don't look. I'm too familiar with it. There are former colleagues who are doing this. Every day, we receive many such platforms, asking for financing, but I reject them all."

"However, when I read newspapers, not all of them talk about supporting the development of Internet finance and encouraging Internet innovation," Zhang Chen said.

"Do you know why some people are pushing these things?" Xiaofang said, "There are huge interests. They are all people who know a little bit about finance. They are kidnapped by a group of vested interests. Cataracts follow the blind people. The so-called P2P finance, online, is what companies like Zheng Huihong are doing, as well as these platform companies.

"Offline, that is, small loan companies and village banks, these half-baked financial institutions, within ten years, I am sure that most of them will die. This is no secret. In fact, everyone in the industry knows it.

"Let me give you the simplest example. For example, if the CEOs of these small loan companies and the presidents of rural banks go to the top five state-owned banks and joint-stock banks to apply for credit cards with Li Wei, a department manager below you, what do you think? Which of them is more convenient to handle and has a higher limit?”

"Needless to say, it must be them." Zhang Chen said, "They are financial institutions themselves, so what problems can they have?"

"You're wrong, it's just that it will be difficult for them to apply for it, and the credit limit will be very low." Xiaofang smiled, "Li Wei is much easier to apply for a credit card than the CEOs of these small loan companies and the presidents of rural banks. The same goes for personal consumer loans, housing loans, etc.”

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Because everyone tacitly understands that every bank has classified them as a high-risk group and is not optimistic about their workplaces." Xiaofang said, "And just because they are also engaged in financial work, their ability to evade debts is very important." and means, will be higher than others.”

Zhang Chen became more and more confused as he listened. Xiaofang said to him:

"For example, if you still owe a bank 100,000 yuan, it won't be a big deal if you owe a loan. The bank can at most go to court to sue you civilly, but if you owe 100,000 yuan on a credit card, it is a criminal case. Credit card fraud is under the jurisdiction of the police, and 100,000 yuan is an amount. It's huge, enough to put you in jail for several years.

"But is there a way to resolve this risk? Of course there is, and the way is very simple. First, don't not answer the phone call from the credit card center, and don't change your phone. Second, you should regularly pay back one hundred and two hundred, so , it fails to meet the standards for filing a case.

"Think about it, if it was Li Wei, how would she know this? But those people know who is more risky to the bank.

"Furthermore, judging from the industry and company you are engaged in, you are an entity enterprise. The collapse of an entity enterprise is, firstly, symptomatic, secondly, it is relatively difficult, and thirdly, it means bankruptcy. When the government intervenes, employees Wages will also be resolved as a first priority.

"On the contrary, as long as the capital chain of half-baked financial institutions is broken, they will collapse overnight, and there is almost no possibility of being saved. Once they collapse, they will be a huge hole that no one can fill."

"So that's it." Zhang Chen sighed and said.

Xiaofang smiled and said: "The same goes for us. Liu Yun and I, if compared with you, in the eyes of the bank, you must be a high-quality customer, and we are customers whose risks need to be carefully evaluated. Okay, let's go back and let's talk about P2P finance.

"The key to P2P finance is two points, one is peer-to-peer, and the other is small loans. Companies like Zheng Huihong and others, as well as the small loan companies and rural banks I mentioned, including these online loan platforms, are doing All this, this concept, comes from the Bangladeshi economist and banker Yunus and the Grameen Bank he founded.

“Those who are engaged in P2P finance in China especially like to talk about Yunus, saying that his Grameen Bank has helped more than 6.3 million people, especially farmers and women, and helped them get rid of poverty, so it has won the Nobel Prize. Bell Prize, but don’t tell everyone that he won the Nobel Peace Prize, not the Economics Prize.

"I will not tell you that there are many financial institutions around the world that imitate Grameen Bank, but few are equally successful. Why, because Grameen Bank is a specialty of Bangladesh. It can be used in Bangladesh, but in the United States and Europe It definitely won’t work. If you put it in China, that’s what I said, it will be severely acclimatized.”

"Will this make a big difference?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Of course." Xiaofang said, "Bangladesh has two characteristics, that is, the vast number of customers of Bangladesh Grameen Bank have two significant characteristics. One is devout Buddhists. In their beliefs, fraud will be punished. , and another characteristic is that those people are farmers, farmers who have never left a radius of 50 kilometers in their lives, and the mobility of the population is very low.

"Just like in our hometown a few decades ago, it was the same. People basically didn't go out. If you gave them money, you wouldn't be afraid of them escaping from work. In addition, in every village, there are one or two highly respected people. , you just need to develop these people into salesmen of your bank, and the money will be released through them. They will know exactly who can release it and how much can be released.

"The debtor is not mobile, and there is an indirect credit guarantee from the villagers. This is the best risk control. With such a loan, do you still have to worry about repayment? If someone fails to repay, he will almost be forced to leave his hometown. , and in countries with very low population mobility, leaving one's hometown means there is no way to survive.

"But now, do we still have such conditions? Since such conditions are gone, if you try to build such a financial institution again, it will become a castle in the air. How can it have vitality?

“Going back to these Internet financial platforms, although the entire regulatory system does not exist yet, there are still other laws that can restrict them. For example, the platform cannot finance itself and cannot collect funds as a fund pool. If you do this, you can qualitatively To raise funds illegally, that is to say, you can only lend me your money, and the platform only serves as an intermediary and information provider.

"But in fact, everyone is playing around with the edges. There are breakpoints in the middle. When you give money to the platform, the customers who borrow money are not selected by you yourself. You don't know whether they have the ability to repay. The reality is still The platform is doing it, and risk assessment is also done by the platform. Where can the platform have so much manpower and energy to do this?

"Risk control is the most crucial in all financial activities. If this link is missing, it means it is completely open. As long as your money goes out, every penny is not guaranteed. But because the platform will Matching is done in a pretentious manner, and the actual contract is signed between you and the borrower. In this way, the platform shirks its own responsibilities, and your money will definitely be lost.”

Zhang Chen felt that he vaguely felt this when listening to what Mr. Huang and the others were saying, but he did not think about it in such detail. Zhang Chen asked:

"Then tell me, why can't they control the risk?"

"How to control it? If they have to investigate and verify each loan amount of several thousand, the money will not be enough for them as travel expenses. Due diligence is a very time-consuming and energy-consuming job. If due diligence is not done, it will When you lend money, you bear all the risks yourself. Due diligence is the basic skill of a financial enterprise.

"Do you know why our risk control is better than that of banks?"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

"Our due diligence is more solid and in-depth than theirs. For example, when banks lend, loan officers and risk control will look at the company's statements, but everyone knows that the statements provided by companies to banks and tax authorities are different. You The risk is even lower if you go to the tax department to get the company's statements, but they don't. They just rely on what the company provides itself. What's the use of that?"

"What about you?" Zhang Chen asked.

"We basically don't look at the reports. For example, if I want to give you money for the factory, what will I look at? I will check your monthly electricity and water bills, the cost of buying food in the employee canteen, and the cost of buying food in your employee cafeteria. The cost of sewing thread, buying needles, and even clothing packaging bags, although these costs are small, they can truly reflect the actual operating conditions of your factory.

"If I take out your relevant data for several months this year and last year, I can clearly know your monthly production changes, and then based on the changes in inventory, I can know your true sales. , these data are the most real and cannot deceive people. I will rate your company based on these data. Can risk control be better than that of banks?"

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "This is true."

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