The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1838 I’m afraid it won’t end well (Thank you Qingjingwuwei 2012!)

The entire "Yongcheng Nongfu Spring Summer International Street Theater Festival" lasts for one month. For such a long time, the most worrying thing is whether the event will not be completed.

That is to say, in the beginning, there will definitely be a lot of invited guests and tourists. This will not be a problem, but whether they are guests or tourists, it is impossible to stay in Yongcheng for a month. , especially those performing here are mostly foreign troupes that everyone doesn’t understand.

After the freshness wears off, the most feared thing about the whole event is that it becomes deserted. Except for some local idlers, there are no other audiences. In each venue, there are troupes singing empty city plots, and there are no ghosts below. It's like that The scene is really terrible.

This is why they must have indoor performances. The indoor performances will be performed by well-known domestic theater troupes. Each theater troupe has its own loyal fans. In this way, at least some theater fans will be guaranteed to be there. Stay here until the end of the theater festival.

Zhang Chen was alerted to the possibility that the whole event might come to an end and called Xiang Nan. Xiang Nan panicked when he heard about it. They just thought about it and thought it was possible.

Because it was the first one, Zhang Chen reminded them that it was not comparable to the one in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. It had been held for many years and attracted a large number of regular audiences every year. They came from all over the world. If Yongcheng Street Theater Festival persists, it will also It has this effect, but the first few sessions are the most difficult. The popularity has not been established, and a fixed audience group has not been formed.

Zhang Xiangbei also felt that what his father said was right. Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan said that if they don't want to end the show, it's not enough to just rely on theater fans. How many people are there? They still need to attract more ordinary tourists. Even if It’s only the tourists who come to watch the fun, so that’s okay.

Xiangnan called the people from the troupe and the security team together for a meeting. Xiangnan told everyone about the issue they were worried about. When everyone heard it, they all felt that this was indeed a cause for alarm and started talking among themselves.

While Xiang Nan was talking to everyone, Zhang Xiangbei wrote on the paper with a pen. After Xiang Nan finished speaking, he said to him: "Zhang Xiangbei, come and talk to everyone."

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, he raised his head, looked at everyone and said:

"Our biggest advantage is that we are close to Hangzhou, and the expressway only takes more than an hour. Hangzhou itself is the most popular tourist city in the country. As long as we have a way, tourists who go to Hangzhou will be willing to spend two or three days longer. Time, if we turn here from Hangzhou, we will have the basic audience, and it will not be unfinished."

Everyone thought what Zhang Xiangbei said made sense. Ding Yousong said, "The question is how can we get them to turn around?"

"The most important thing is that the intensity of publicity should not be reduced. Online, the theater festival or Yongcheng must always be a hot spot, so that it can attract people. On the one hand, we can contact the major travel agencies in Hangzhou. If they It is the best and most direct way to bring some tourist groups from home and abroad to us.”

"This is possible, but it is very difficult. The main reason is that the time is too tight. The travel plan of the tour group has been arranged long ago, and it is difficult to change it temporarily. It would have been better if we had had this idea a few months earlier." A representative from the Sports Bureau said.

"You're not talking nonsense. If you had thought of this earlier, would you still need to hold an urgent meeting now? This is the first time, everyone is inexperienced." Zhang Xiangbei said, "This matter is left to you to contact. Even if you can get a group Come here and it will be a success.”

The man said okay, I'll go back and make arrangements.

Zhang Xiangbei looked at everyone and continued: "Another way is to organize some other activities at the same time as the drama festival, so as to attract more people."

As soon as the activity was mentioned, someone from the theater group immediately said:

"We can continue to hold weddings for fishermen with nine surnames. This is our specialty in Yongcheng. It used to be that during the Xin'an River Summer Art Festival, there were always weddings. The bride and groom, Lishi people, etc. were all performed by our troupe. , there are a lot of people watching.”

The so-called fishermen with nine surnames refer to the nine surnames Chen, Qian, Lin, Yuan, Sun, Ye, Xu, Li, and He. In the early Ming Dynasty, they were all Chen Youliang's generals and helped Chen Youliang and Zhu Yuanzhang fail in their struggle for the world. Later, he was demoted to the Xin'an River and was never allowed to live ashore, study, wear long robes, or marry anyone on the shore.

There is also a very strange inaccuracy, that is, when they go ashore, they cannot wear the whole shoe, that is, they have to put the heel of the shoe under their feet and pull it along.

The contempt for the fishermen with the nine surnames lasted from the early Ming Dynasty to the Republic of China. It was not until 1949 that the fishermen with the nine surnames began to come ashore one after another. First there were new fishermen's villages, and then they became integrated into the crowd, making them indistinguishable from each other.

This kind of contempt for a certain group of people will last for a long time. When Zhang Chen and his friends were young, fishermen with the nine surnames had already begun to come ashore, but the contempt for them was still there.

Yongcheng people have a proper name for these fishermen, called "Yilang Ning". If a person is called "Yilang Ning", it means that his family is a boatman, young men and women, and they can even talk about love. Pass them, although the ban on intermarriage has long been abolished.

The fishermen with the nine surnames have lived on the Xin'an River for generations and have formed their own unique living customs, especially the bride throwing in their wedding ceremony, which means throwing the bride from her mother's family's boat to her husband's family's boat. There is a complete set of The process is very enjoyable to watch.

In the past ten years, the fishermen with the nine surnames have been assimilated into the people of Yongcheng. After everyone became unfamiliar with the word "Wei Lang Ning", the weddings of the fishermen with the nine surnames were excavated and used as folk performances.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, this is okay, but this alone is not enough. When it comes to Xinanjiang, I thought that we can continue to make a fuss about 7017.

"What 7017?" Xiang Nan asked.

"Haha, I remembered it when you asked. We can use 7017 as a code and spread it on the Internet. 7017 is the code of Yongcheng." Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

"Stop being so pretentious, tell me quickly, what is 7017?" Yin Tao shouted.

"I concluded that 70 is the water in the Xin'an River in Yongcheng. It is the water flowing out from a depth of 70 meters below the Qiandao Lake Reservoir. That's why it is so clear. That's why the largest bottling plant of Nongfu Spring is here. 17 is this section of the river. The water temperature is 17 degrees all year round. The water is hot in winter and ice in summer. 7017. Isn’t it awesome?”

Zhang Xiangbei said proudly, and everyone laughed and thought this code was good.

"Okay, how about we hold a summer winter swim?" Zhang Xiangbei's thoughts wandered away, and he immediately thought of it. His eyes lit up and he shouted.

"There is winter swimming in the summer? Zhang Xiangbei, are you out of your mind?" Ding Yousong scolded.

"It doesn't exist in other places, but we have it here. This is unique." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Ding Yousong, the outdoor temperature is over 40 degrees now. If I ask you to go to the riverside and stand in the water for ten minutes, you will Can you stand still?"

"No, no, I can only stand for four or five minutes at most." Ding Yousong said.

"Xiao Siyan is bragging, I think you can stand there for two or three minutes at most." Someone said from the side.

"Look, you can't stand for ten minutes. If you cross the entire Xin'an River, will only winter swimming enthusiasts be able to bear it?" Zhang Xiangbei said, "There are so many winter swimming enthusiasts across the country. At this time, they Where can we go for winter swimming? If we say that Yongcheng can swim in winter in the summer, will it attract them?"

"Not bad, Zhang Xiangbei, this is a good idea!" Xiang Nan shouted.

"Also, as long as we type out the four words "summer swimming and winter swimming." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Comrades, the red sun is scorching like a fire. The four words "summer swimming and winter swimming" are more attractive than any summer resort. Power? Even those who are not winter swimming enthusiasts, but just want to cool off, will they come over immediately when they see it? "

"Okay, Zhang Xiangbei, this is okay." Ding Yousong said.

"Come on, tell me, do you have any good ideas?" Xiang Nan said.

"I still have some ideas, but I need my godmother's support for this." Zhang Xiangbei turned to Xiangnan and said softly.

"Want to sponsor? No need. We have money in our account, so just tell us what activities to do." Xiang Nan urged.

"It's not about money." Zhang Xiangbei said, "People hold singing contests and modeling contests. In my opinion, I think they are all outdated. How about we work with Fanhua Network to hold an online live broadcast contest? Let them Come to us to do it, select their network anchors, and the audience votes online, can we attract a lot of people?"

"This..." Xiang Nan nodded, "Yes, it can attract a lot of people, but it's all online. No matter how many people there are online, what does it have to do with us?"

“In the blink of an eye, online can change to offline.” Zhang Xiangbei said, “During the competition, several Internet celebrities will be arranged to hold fan meetings every day to have close contact with fans and canvass votes for themselves. , their crazy fans, if they have this opportunity, they won’t all run to Yongcheng.”

"Wonderful, Zhang Xiangbei, this can really attract a lot of people. In this way, our drama festival will become an internet celebrity fan festival." Ding Yousong said.

"No matter what kind of plot he is, he should be broad-minded and lively in his thinking. As long as someone comes, it's fine. It's such a small place. If someone comes, you're still afraid that he won't just take a look at it. Go to every theater venue to watch it. Fresh? As long as we can ensure that we don't mess up, I think we can consciously put the finals of this live broadcast competition a little later.

"The drama festival will close on the 20th. We will put the final of the live broadcast competition on the 23rd. This will ensure that until the end of the drama festival, there will be many outsiders in Yongcheng. As long as we can ensure that it does not end, We will succeed, and I will treat everyone to dinner then."

"Is the upper limit still uncapped?" someone shouted.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, not only is there no cap, but each of you can bring someone else with you, whether they are family members, girlfriends or boyfriends, is that okay?

As Zhang Xiangbei spoke, everyone kept nodding and saying yes, this is humane.

At this time, when Xiangnan looked at Zhang Xiangbei, he felt that he no longer looked like Liu Ligan, but indeed looked like Zhang Chen.

"Come on, do it as you say, do it right away. From the Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports, do you need your unit's approval to hold summer and winter swimming? If necessary, go back to your unit immediately to go through the formalities. The Public Security Bureau also needs to register? That's up to you. Netcom Yes, do you need any procedures for the online live broadcast competition? It’s up to you.

"The fisherman with the surname Jiu also needs procedures, right? He's from the Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Culture, Tourism and Sports? That's yours too.

"Everyone, let's continue to think about what other activities we have. Please bring them up tomorrow. The more the better. By the way, you guys from the Youth League Committee, so many online commentators below, recommend these activities of ours, especially the code 7017." How about going online? Raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while. If you don’t move now, when will you wait..."

Xiangnan looked at Zhang Xiangbei directing one by one, and everyone who was named by him immediately agreed. This style was even more impressive than her, the executive deputy director, and Xiangnan couldn't help but laugh.

Zhang Xiangbei asked: "Why are you laughing?"

Xiang Nan shook her head and said, "Nothing."

Zhang Xiangbei lowered his voice and said to her, "Then I'll call my godmother?"

Say yes to the south.

Thank you Qing Jing Wuwei 2012 for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes from Qingjingwuwei2012, robingranite, Tixi, and Yuanxi! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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