The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1810 Over there at the power station

When Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei returned home after dinner, it was not yet nine o'clock. After taking a shower, the two walked to the living room and unexpectedly found that Lao Tan and Mrs. Tan had gone back to their room to sleep early. In the past, at this time, the two of them would stay in the living room and watch TV until about ten o'clock in the evening before going back to the room to sleep.

Xiangnan understood that grandpa and grandma knew that Zhang Xiangbei would return to Hangzhou the day after tomorrow and the United States the day after tomorrow, so they were making room for them.

Zhang Xiangbei seemed to understand. He looked at Xiang Nan and opened his mouth without making a sound, but Xiang Nan could see that he was asking: "Do they know?"

Xiang Nan shook her head. She shook her head not to say that they didn't know, but to say that she didn't know whether they knew or not.

The two of them had evil intentions, but they were a bit guilty. They were too embarrassed to go to Xiangnan's room, and they were too embarrassed to go to Zhang Xiangbei's room. They could only sit in the living room, just sitting like this, and they were worried that their grandparents would suddenly come out, so He didn't dare to sit too close, so he could only keep a certain distance, but his hands were hooked together, feeling indescribably awkward.

Both Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei felt that their grandparents were a little different this time. Not only were they particularly enthusiastic about Zhang Xiangbei, but they also rushed them into the room whenever they had the chance. The more they rushed, the harder Xiang Nan got. He Xiangbei felt even more embarrassed and hesitated to enter the room.

Just like now, they feel that they have given up space to their two children. Instead, the two children feel an invisible pressure and feel that the space is even tighter. From time to time, they look at the closed door of the grandpa and grandma's room and feel that There are two pairs of alert eyes and ears behind.

Xiangnan looked at Zhang Xiangbei, frowned, and shook his head with a wry smile. Zhang Xiangbei smiled softly, and Xiangnan cursed: "You're laughing!"

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled, and the man came closer, while Xiangnan quickly hid away.

Xiang Nan stood up and whispered to Zhang Xiangbei, "Shall we go out?"

Zhang Xiangbei agreed that since he couldn't go inside the room, he would have more space when he went out.

Zhang Xiangbei also stood up, and the two of them walked out. The door clicked and closed behind them.

As soon as the two of them left, Lao Tan and Mrs. Tan came out of the room. Seeing that Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei's rooms were open, Mrs. Tan walked over to take a look, but there was no one there. When she came back, Lao Tan asked: "out?"

Mrs. Tan was surprised and muttered: "Why did you just go out?"

"There are so many things to do in the group, so I must have to work overtime." Lao Tan said.

The two of them sat down on the sofa, turned on the TV, and started watching.

Xiang Nan and Xiang Bei guessed right. Lao Tan and Mrs. Tan were indeed making space for them. In comparison, the two of them seemed more anxious than Zhang Chen's mother. Mrs. Tan had told Tan Shuzhen countless times, When talking about Xiang Nan and Xiang Bei's affairs, Tan Shuzhen always smiled and said that they would have their own ideas about children's matters and let them go.

"How can you let them go? Zhenzhen, go and talk to Chenchen. Nannan and Beibei are a perfect match. We both like them very much." Mrs. Tan said.

Tan Shuzhen continued to smile: "It's up to the two of them to feel that they are a perfect match. If they don't feel this way, they will still be stubborn."

"Why don't they feel it themselves? Look at these two people. Every time they are together, they never come out as soon as they get into the room. They have endless things to talk about together. No, no, no, no, Zhenzhen, they are thin-skinned kids. , I'm sorry to break the window paper, you parents can't do this, you have to go and talk to Chenchen." Mrs. Tan said.

"How should I tell Zhang Chen?" Tan Shuzhen asked, "I'll go and tell him, Zhang Chen, can I give my daughter to your son? Haha, I can't say that."

Mrs. Tan rolled her eyes at Tan Shuzhen.

Privately, when Mrs. Tan and Lao Tan were together, the two of them did not say anything on the surface, but in fact they were self-examination in their hearts. They felt that when their daughter was young, she was meddling in things by herself and was not allowed to do this or that. As a result, Tan Shuzhen's Life is in a mess. Even though I have a successful career, I am still single. What’s the use of having a successful career?

The two of them still said they were unforgiving, but in their hearts they felt sorry for their daughter. When it came to their granddaughter, they went to an extreme and wanted to promote good things for her early on, hoping that she would not have the same bad fate as her mother. There is a family in the land, and they can also take Nannan's children early.

Zhang Xiangbei has lived in their home since he was a child. They have watched him grow up, just like their own grandchildren, including Zhang Chen and Xiaofang. They all see it. The two old people feel that no matter what they think, There is nothing better than the two of them together.

Especially now, what makes them a little worried is that Zhang Xiangbei is still studying in school and the environment is relatively simple, but Xiangnan is now in charge of such a large Yongcheng center and has to be outside every day. Socializing, contacting so many people, the people outside are so complicated nowadays, what kind of people are not there?

Based on Xiang Nan's appearance, talent, and her conditions, Lao Tan and Mrs. Tan determined that there must be many people in society who have ideas for Xiang Nan. Xiang Nan was still a child after all. If she was confused for a moment, she would be killed by that person. If you hook up with a shady person, it will be too late by then, so they hope that Xiang Nan and Xiang Bei can settle their relationship as soon as possible.

Mrs. Tan wanted to call Zhang Chen's mother several times to find out what she was saying, but she was too embarrassed to do so because of her face. She was still a woman, so there was no reason for a woman to pursue a man. She originally counted on Tan Shuzhen, but she didn't. Thinking that Tan Shuzhen was a watertight person, at this moment, Zhang Xiangbei came back, and the two of them wanted to bring them together.

Helpless, these two people went out early and came back late every day. When they came back, Lao Tan and Mrs. Tan were already asleep. They didn't know how they were doing. When they were outside, Lao Tan and the others didn't even know how they were doing. It was rare to come back early today, so Lao Tan and Mrs. Tan hid in the room to see what tricks they had up their sleeves. Unexpectedly, they went out again.

"Oh, I really have endless worries." Mrs. Tan sighed.

"Nan Nan doesn't have a boyfriend yet. I'm in the troupe every day and I know that besides Bei Bei, Nan Nan has never been so close to any other man. I think we are just worrying about it. The two of them, Maybe it’s already healed, we don’t know yet,” Lao Tan said.

"It would be great if that's the case." Mrs. Tan said, "By the way, where is the Taiwanese? How about the Taiwanese?"

"It's okay. I don't come here much now. I heard that they went back to Taiwan. Nannan and the others went to Taiwan to perform this time, and the two of them had nothing to do. Think about it, there are so many people in the troupe going together, if they have The matter has already spread." Lao Tan said.

"That's good." Mrs. Tan nodded happily.

Driving south, she pursed her lips tightly and seemed to be angry. She didn't know who she was angry with. She drove the whole Xin'an Road to the end, and arrived under the big camphor tree in Luotongbu. Going further, Yongcheng City The district ends, and then there is a road surrounded by mountains and rivers.

We drove along this road and arrived at the Yongcheng Waterworks. Then we drove past and arrived at the rainbow trout farm. We still didn’t stop heading south, but continued driving inward.

This road goes to the end and has three ends. One is the Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station, the other is the Nongfushan Spring Water Plant, and the other is the Qiandao Lake Maozhuyuan Cruise Terminal across the hydropower station. Going further from the Maozhuyuan, you will reach Qiandao Lake. Road around the lake.

Xiang Nan pressed down the car window a little, and the crisp river breeze from outside came in. It was a bit cold, but refreshing.

There are very few vehicles on this road, even more so at night in winter. The dormitory area of ​​the power plant is in Luotongbu. Workers at the power plant like to take factory buses to work and rarely drive by themselves. There are no tourist buses that go to the cruise terminal at night. They drove all the way to Nan, passing only one commuter car from a power plant. Other than that, the road was empty.

On the other side of the mountain col in front, there was a bright light, cutting out the shadows of the mountains. Turning around the mountain col, you can see the Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station in front of you. Under the incandescent light, a high dam lies between the two mountains.

There is a bridge two to three hundred meters away from the dam. Turn left and cross this bridge to go to Nongfushan Spring Water Plant and Maozhuyuan Wharf.

I drove south and crossed the bridge. Instead of continuing forward, I turned right and continued driving in the direction of the hydropower station. After driving a few hundred meters, I arrived in front of a locked iron gate. Then I stopped the car and walked through the gate. Entering inside, there is a power transmission substation on the mountain here. When the two people got off the car, they could hear the "buzzing" sound of the power transmission substation.

This place was very quiet at night. The two people walked to the riverside, stood behind the railing and looked not far away. The turbine generator of the hydropower station was running, and there was rapid water flowing out from under the dam. From them Under the high protective embankment under the feet, the water flowed silently.

From the outside, there is not a single human figure in the entire power station. It seems to have been abandoned, and it seems to be running automatically at high speed.

The wind blows on the face. There is a fine mist in the wind here. If you lick it, it will be sweet. The two people look at each other and see that each other's faces are wet. The two people can't help hugging each other and kissing. With.

The street lights above their heads compressed their figures into one body under their feet.

They stood here and hugged each other for a while. The moisture was very heavy and both of them were a little wet. They retreated to the car, but they still couldn't bear to separate. They continued to hug and kiss, and their whole bodies became hot.

Xiangnan asked softly: "Do you want me, Zhang Xiangbei?"

Zhang Xiangbei thought.

"I want you too." Xiang Nan said, "But let's keep it for each other, okay?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

Xiang Nan pressed down the window glass a little, and the wind and water mist penetrated in. The two people seemed to be breathless, laughed softly, and then hugged and kissed.

The "buzzing" sound of electricity also came through, like a swarm of bees circling overhead.

The wind picked up their hair and intertwined it together, and the water mist made their hair wet and sticky, making them indistinguishable from each other.

Thank you to Human Chair and robingranite for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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