The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1804 Flying to Taiwan

After the opening of Yongcheng Center, Yongcheng locals finally saw the already famous Wu Opera "Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu".

I finally got to see the performance of Feng Xiangnan, an actor who is very popular on the Internet.

Many people are not interested in Wu Opera at all. Although there is a Wu Opera Troupe in Yongcheng, it is the first time for these people to watch Wu Opera in a theater.

Especially for many young people, they enter the theater just to see Xiang Nan and Yin Tao, or the two handsome male protagonists, no matter what they are playing.

There are also some people who, when they talk about Yongcheng when they are out of town, are often asked, "Is there a theater troupe there that is famous?" I was embarrassed by the question. Although I was from Yongcheng, I really didn't know anything about Wu Opera.

For many old theater fans, because there is not even a theater in Yongcheng, the original theaters would rather show movies than undertake performances. It is so easy to show movies, but there is no economic benefit to undertaking performances, and they also have to Freeing up the guest house of the theater to take care of other people's theater troupes is a loss-making business.

Wu Opera Troupe either sends plays to the countryside or goes on tour in other places. In fact, there is no performance in Yongcheng County. After finally waiting for the opening of Yongcheng Center, Wu Opera Troupe is going to perform. How can theater fans not be overjoyed?

People who know how to play and those who join in the fun flocked to the theater in the center of Yongcheng. "Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu" was performed for six nights. It can be said that every venue was full. The audience also asked for additional performances, but the Yongcheng Wu Troupe no longer had time. According to the contract, they are going to perform in Taiwan.

Fortunately, right behind them, at the Yongcheng Central Theater, is the famous Hangzhou Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe, and theater fans can continue to feast their eyes on it.

When Xiang Nan flew to Taipei with a group of more than 20 people from the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe, Xiaohu and the general manager of Fubon Financial Holdings Cultural Foundation went to Taoyuan Airport to pick them up.

This time, Xiangnan and their trip to Taiwan will last for a total of 21 days, including eight performances at the National Theater of the Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center in Taipei, four performances at the Tun District Art Center Performance Hall in Taichung, and the Cultural Center in Kaohsiung Zhidetang performed four performances.

On the day they first arrived, there were no performance obligations. Xiaohu arranged for Mang Chao to accompany them. They first went to visit the Forbidden City, and then returned to the 101 Building to visit 101 and their Fubon Financial Holdings. In the evening, Xiaohu invited the whole group to visit the 101 Building on the 8th Have dinner at Xinye Restaurant on the fifteenth floor.

When they arrived at Xiaohu's office, the group was stunned by the luxury and grandeur of Xiaohu's office. Yin Tao quietly said to Xiaohu, "What should I do? You are such a domineering president that I don't even dare to bark at you."

Xiaohu smiled and said, "You're welcome, I quite like it."

Yin Tao said forget it, this is not Yongcheng, and it would not be good if your people heard it.

Xiaohu smiled, noncommittal.

In the following days, when Xiang Nan and the others were performing in Taipei, Mang Chao took the rest of the troupe to Shilin Night Market after the performance every night. A few friends he played with when he was in mainland China traveled all over Taipei, going to one place in one night.

In order to avoid meeting other group members, when Mang Chao took others to Shilin Night Market, Xiaohu took Xiang Nan and others to Yongkang or Raohe Night Market. When Mang Chao and others arrived in Yongkang, Xiaohu took Xiang Nan with him. They went to Linjiang or Ningxia Night Market, and everyone seemed to be playing hide-and-seek. In fact, it was Mang Chao and Xiaohu who were planning through text messages.

When they got tired of visiting the night market, Xiaohu took them to nightclubs and Eslite bookstores for coffee. They went out at almost midnight every day and returned to the hotel in the early morning. Fortunately, their performances were all at night, so they had nothing to do during the day and could still get enough sleep.

In addition to the play "Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu", there are so many performances that everyone can play it with their eyes closed. Except for the first day when they need to walk around the stage and become familiar with the stage of the Zhongzheng Theater, there are no other times during the day. Need to rehearse.

When Xiangnan and the others went to perform in Taichung and Kaohsiung, Xiaohu also went there. Except for the different cities, the content of daily life was similar, including various night markets.

Yin Tao asked Xiaohu, do you Taiwanese only know how to eat? Why are there night markets everywhere?

Xiaohu said yes, night markets are an integral part of our Taiwanese life. Don’t mention these cities, you just go to counties like Chiayi and Yunlin. In addition to nightclubs, there are also night markets for nightlife. By the way, isn’t it the same in Yongcheng? ? How do I remember that when I went to Yongcheng, we had late-night snacks every night?

Yin Tao rolled her eyes at Xiaohu, and she said okay, it's our Chinese nightlife, which consists of late-night snacks, okay?

The performance of "Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu" by the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe in Taiwan caused a sensation, and the "United Daily News" and "China Times" both made special reports.

TVBS, Zhongtian TV, and Dongsen TV followed them and made follow-up reports. Almost all of their sixteen performances in Taipei were sold out, although more than half of the tickets were donated by the Fubon Financial Holdings Cultural Foundation.

Xiaohu and Xiangnan said that even if they gave away tickets, it was amazing that so many people came to watch it. This was not the case for the performances we hosted before, not to mention the part of the tickets that were sold out. Every venue was sold out. , even our complimentary tickets have flowed to the market.

"Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu" caused a sensation. The two female leads, Xiang Nan and Yin Tao, naturally attracted everyone's attention in Taiwan. The two of them were invited to participate in a TV program. To their surprise, the program ended. The TV station editors and guests on the show told them privately that you don’t look like mainlanders at all.

"What do you think mainlanders should be like?" Xiang Nan asked with a smile, "Are they poor and stupid?"

The other party blushed and quickly said no, no, but Xiang Nan understood in his heart that it was, in fact.

Yin Tao scolded quietly from the side: "These Taiwanese people, don't they know that Taipei looks like a countryside when compared with Hangzhou, let alone Shanghai?"

Xiang Nan quickly winked at her to tell her to shut up.

After their performance in Kaohsiung, everyone took the high-speed train back to Taipei. They stayed in Taipei for one night and returned to the mainland the next day. That night, Xiaohu invited everyone to have dinner at a seafood restaurant in the 101 Building to celebrate Yongcheng Wu. The troupe's performance in Taipei came to a successful conclusion.

During the meal, the general manager of the foundation gave everyone a red envelope, which contained NT$80,000. He told them that this was a bonus given by their foundation. Everyone was going back to the mainland tomorrow and they could go there later. Buy some specialties and gifts for your family.

Everyone cheered.

After dinner, Mang Chao took everyone to Ximending. Xiaohu invited Xiangnan and the others to go upstairs and sit in his office. As soon as the four of them sat down and drank two sips of water, Yin Tao winked at Ding Yousong. Then he stood up and said to Ding Yousong:

"Come on, you accompany me to go shopping downstairs."

Ding Yousong quickly said okay, Xiang Nan picked up his red envelope, handed it to Yin Tao and said, I'll give this to you too.

Yin Tao said "ha": "Today we are going to go shopping!"

The two people walked out, and Xiaohu and Xiangnan were the only two people left in the office. For so many days, there had been many people around them, so they were alone. Not getting used to it, both of them were a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Xiang Nan could only turn his head and look at the night sky in Taipei outside.

Sitting here and looking out, the night sky in Taipei is not that good, because it is really just the night sky and no other buildings can be seen.

"How are you now?" Xiang Nan asked.

"It's okay." Xiaohu said, "What about you?"

"Okay, I'm finally done with my work. I've moved in and settled a big event. When we get back from Taiwan, we can start rehearsing new plays." Xiang Nan said, "I still like to rehearse new plays."

"I know."

"What do you know?" Xiang Nan asked.

"I know you like to rehearse new plays." Xiaohu said, and the two of them laughed, and then fell silent again.

After a while, Xiaohu said: "You have to go back tomorrow."

"Yes." Xiang Nan said.

"It's great when you are here. I can follow you every day. It feels like I am back to the time when I was on the mainland." Xiaohu said.

Xiang Nan couldn't help laughing and blushed slightly.

"Why are you laughing?" Xiaohu asked.

Xiang Nan quickly shook his head and said he was not smiling. In fact, when Xiao Hu was talking just now, Xiang Nan thought of Xiao Hu's nickname, "Licking Dog".

"Actually, I still miss my days in mainland China." Xiaohu said.

"Then go back often." Xiang Nan said, "Aren't you still half a Hangzhou native? Hangzhou is also your hometown."

Xiaohu looked a little sad, he sighed and said:

"I can't help myself. Look at this office. It's very luxurious and grand. It cost more than NT$20 million to decorate. But when I sit here, I often feel that this is a birdcage, made of gold. birdcage……"

"Are you the bird locked inside?" Xiang Nan asked.

Xiaohu nodded and said seriously: "Yes."

"It's a bit miserable." Xiang Nan said.

"Indeed, it's a bit miserable." Xiaohu said, "I really hope someone can help me break free from this birdcage."

The two were silent again. After a while, Xiaohu said:

"Xiang Nan, I'm going to take the liberty to say something, please don't be angry, okay?"

Say yes to Xiang Nan, that's all you say.

"Xiang Nan, are you willing to be this person?" Xiaohu said.

"Who are you?" Xiang Nan asked, surprised.

"The person who helped me break out of the birdcage, Xiangnan, I have wanted to tell you for a long time. As long as I can be with you, it will be heaven anywhere, even in this birdcage." Xiaohu said.

Xiang Nan's face suddenly turned crimson, and she remained silent. After a while, she turned to look at Xiaohu and said, "Xiaohu, I really want to help you, but I won't be the person you said."

"Is it because of Zhang Xiangbei?" Xiaohu asked anxiously.

Xiang Nan thought for a moment and said seriously: "Yes and no."

"How to say?"

"I can't tell." Xiang Nan smiled at Xiaohu, "Really, I'm not going to lie to you."

Xiangnan felt that she really couldn't explain. She didn't know whether her relationship with Zhang Xiangbei was between a man and a woman, but she knew that as long as she was with other men, Zhang Xiangbei would definitely be unhappy. , as long as Zhang Xiangbei would be unhappy or sad, Xiangnan felt that she would be sad too, and she didn't want Zhang Xiangbei to be sad.

This is what she told herself when she was holding Zhang Xiangbei and crying in the corridor of the hospital on the day Aunt Xiaozhao passed away. In this life, she will protect Zhang Xiangbei and will not make him sad.

Also at Shanghai Pudong Airport, when she held Zhang Xiangbei for the last time, she felt a sour feeling in her heart that she wanted to cry. This sour feeling made Xiangnan feel that she and Zhang Xiangbei seemed to be one.

"Is there really no chance?" Xiaohu continued to ask, still not giving up.

Xiang Nan shook her head, looked at Xiaohu and said, "Xiaohu, we will still be good friends in the future, okay?"

Xiaohu smiled miserably and said, "Okay."

Thank you zdlm001 for the tip! Thank you Luoluo Wuchen, One Flower, One World, No Future, Only Remember the Original Intention, Watch, Lao Shen Xisang for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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