The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1793 Airport Cafe

The summer vacation was coming to an end, and Zhang Xiangbei was going back to the United States. This time, he drove to the south and went to Shanghai Pudong Airport to see him off with Zhou Ruoyi and Sun Xiangyang.

After checking in, it was still early. The four of them grabbed a table in the cafe in the check-in hall, sat down and took a sip of coffee. Zhou Ruoyi said to Sun Xiangyang:

"Damn you, fat man, go shopping with me. I sit all day when I go to work every day. When I get here, I still sit. It's so boring."

"No, you have to go by yourself." Sun Xiangyang said.

"Do you really want me to help you?"

Zhou Ruoyi asked, and at the same time kicked Sun Xiangyang under the table. Sun Xiangyang quickly said, OK, OK, you used your trump card again, I will accompany you.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan laughed. Zhou Ruoyi picked up Zhang Xiangbei's backpack and put it on her seat. This cafe in the check-in hall is the only cafe with many customers. After placing the bag, there were two cups of coffee on the table, and there were two dead men with mouths opposite them. No one would come to occupy these two positions, Zhou Ruoyi thought.

The trump card Sun Xiangyang mentioned was that he was going to be a senior in college and needed to find an internship unit. Zhou Ruoyi promised him to talk to her father and ask her father to help Sun Xiangyang. Which police station in Hangzhou would be the best place to go to? Fatty Sun As long as he performs well there, Zhou Ruoyi's father, Zhou Bin, and Tan Shuzhen will help with activities, and he can stay at the police station.

Instead of being like most of the graduates from their school, they either go to the lower counties or work as urban management officials who are disliked by everyone.

Zhang Xiangbei's father, Zhang Chen, couldn't count on this kind of thing. He didn't know how to ask for help. Although it would be most useful if he was really willing to ask for help, even Zhang Xiangbei said that there was no chance of asking for help from his father.

Both Xiang Nan and Zhou Ruoyi were confident that their mothers and fathers would help. Zhou Ruoyi's father, Zhou Bin, was now the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Hangzhou City. It should be easy to ask friends to help arrange an internship at the police station.

Zhou Bin had actually agreed to his daughter's request, but Zhou Ruoyi felt that it was better not to tell Fatty Sun until the matter was finalized, in case there was an accident, and Fatty Sun's joy would be in vain.

Fatty Sun's whereabouts after graduation is now a big deal for these friends. Unlike Zhang Xiangbei, he doesn't have to worry about his future. Old Sun doesn't have much energy and can only rely on his friends. Don't blame them. To be so snobbish and sophisticated at such a young age is because society has taught them that it is impossible not to use all available resources in this way.

Fatty Sun has no resources of his own, so he can only rely on the resources of these brothers and sisters.

In today's crazy society, one really has to start from strength in order to find a smooth path. Children from ordinary families do not have no path, but their paths have been taken away by other people.

Fatty Sun was a little worried about his own future. He really wanted to have a stable job after leaving school, so that he could move out and completely give up his home to Old Sun. Time waits for no one, and Old Sun will not take action. It really can only be red at sunset.

Zhou Ruoyi, Xiangnan, and Zhang Xiangbei all know about Sun Xiangyang's situation. Zhang Xiangbei also knows that his father is a bit of a serious person and does not ask for help easily. Even if it is for him, he may not open his mouth. , let alone for Sun Xiangyang.

Zhang Xiangbei could imagine what he would say.

He would tell Zhang Xiangbei and Sun Xiangyang not to take the wrong path. Taking the wrong path can help you win once by chance, but you cannot win every time. To survive in this society, you still have to rely on your own strength.

Zhang Xiangbei imagined that he would next say that he didn't have anything at that time, or that he had reached this point now, and he didn't know...

Dad, this world is no longer your world. You people have already taken up all the space in this world, and there is not even a crack left for us. Even if we work ten times harder, we still can’t. It’s useless. You are just drawing on a piece of white paper. We have to overthrow the mountains you have placed on us before we can stand out.

Zhang Xiangbei and Sun Xiangyang said, it's okay, it's okay. If Zhou Ruoyi's place doesn't work, I'll call my Aunt Xiaofang and ask her to help.

When Zhang Xiangbei said this, he was actually thinking of Liu Qing. He felt that Aunt Xiaofang and Aunt Liu Qing were more knowledgeable about the world than his father, and they would understand Sun Xiangyang's needs.

Xiang Nan also said, "If it doesn't work, I'll go and beg my mother."

"Stop it, you two." Zhou Ruoyi said, "I have given my father an ultimatum. I told him that if you can't help with such a small thing, your job as director will be in vain. My daughter, I can't go out. There’s no way to see anyone.”

Sun Xiangyang followed Zhou Ruoyi out of the coffee shop. The two of them looked around. In the entire check-in hall, except for check-in islands and long queues of various races, there was no place to go. Those shops were not in Downstairs, you have to go through a long passage in another building.

"Where are we going?" Sun Xiangyang asked.

"How do I know?" Zhou Ruoyi said.

"I'm going, but you still call me out? Then let's go back." Sun Xiangyang said.

"Are you a fucking pig?" Zhou Ruoyi scolded, "We're almost saying goodbye, and people might be hugging each other and crying, and you still want to be a light bulb by the side?"

Sun Xiangyang understood and smiled.

Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei were sitting there. Before they could hug each other and cry, a young foreigner man and woman came over with a plastic tray in their hands. They came for Sun Xiangyang's empty seat. When they got there, they realized that There was still more than half a cup of coffee on the seat, and the two of them stood there feeling a little embarrassed. Looking around, there were no other seats.

Zhang Xiangbei quickly took away his bag from Zhou Ruoyi's seat. Xiangnan also moved their two cups of coffee to his half of the table. Zhang Xiangbei said to the foreigner in English, "Please sit down." The two foreigners quickly said Thank you, put the tray down.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan both secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This summer vacation is different from the past. Zhou Ruoyi and Sun Xiangyang are not sure what is going on. The two of them always use words to tease Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan, and must let them be together. At first, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan were a little nervous. It's strange, we have been together since childhood, do you still need to say that?

The two people then made it clear that they wanted them to be together with their boyfriend and girlfriend. This made Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan a little cautious. Someone was always reminding them that they were not biological siblings. It was impossible for them not to realize this. After realizing this, the two of them began to feel a little shy.

When they were alone together, Zhang Xiangbei's hand became more trustworthy. He would no longer reach out and take Xiang Nan's hand as he was used to before. Xiang Nan would also hold his hand naturally. Now when his hands touch each other, They will be separated like an electric shock, and their hearts will beat wildly.

The two of them no longer talk about everything, and most of it is nonsense, as they did before. Now, when they talk, some words have to be carefully considered, and as they talk, they don't know what to say, and each other's hearts will feel a little depressed.

Even when they came to see off Zhang Xiangbei today, Zhou Ruoyi and Sun Xiangyang also called to Xiangnan to come together. She didn't know why, but she felt that it would be a little embarrassing if she and Zhang Xiangbei were the only two people here.

Just now, Zhou Ruoyi took Sun Xiangyang out, and they were left alone. Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan suddenly became nervous. Fortunately, these two foreigners came, and they quickly gave up their seats to them.

But when the two foreigners sat down, they felt even more embarrassed. These two foreigners were obviously a couple. After sitting down, their heads touched each other as if no one else was watching. They got up and kissed each other from time to time, completely ignoring the other side of the table. , and two people were sitting there.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan sat there, neither looking at them nor looking at them. The two could only lower their heads and stare at the coffee in front of them. Xiangnan put a spoon into the coffee and stirred it gently. Listening, relying on this to divert one's attention.

The two foreigners were not only naked in their movements, but also in their voices. What was terrible was that the distance was so close that Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan couldn't even hear them. Xiangnan could only hear a general idea, not completely knowing what they were saying. What, but you don’t need to hear the intonation of Yinggeyanyan clearly, but Zhang Xiangbei can even hear clearly what they are saying.

"Zhang Xiangbei, you have to take care of yourself when you go back to the United States, do you understand?" After a long time, Xiangnan finally found something to say.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

"From what I can see on TV and online, the United States is still very chaotic, with robberies and shootings everywhere. You still have to pay attention to safety," Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said: "Actually, it's not that chaotic. From the American media, it seems that the country is also very chaotic. There are protests and so on everywhere. Is that true?"

"Don't be a talker, don't be brave, just remember to pay attention, do you understand?" Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I understand,..."

Zhang Xiangbei originally wanted to say, I understand, sister, but the word "sister" came to his lips and he couldn't come out.

"Also, don't always think about making money. Uncle won't give you the money. He sent you out to study, not to make money. You still have to put study first. Do you understand?"

"Oh I see."

The two people sat there, just like that, Xiang Nan kept explaining things, and Zhang Xiangbei kept answering. Although the two foreigners sitting opposite could not hear clearly what they were saying, they asked each other. A. The serious look on his face attracted their curiosity. They looked at Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei and smiled slightly.

Maybe they feel strange, what on earth are this Chinese couple doing?

Xiangnan's face turned red, and Zhang Xiangbei cursed in his heart, "What a laugh!"

Thank you to Quadratic VC, for reading books every day, two fishes for one fish, and for the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you, it’s past three o’clock in the middle of the night, I forgot my password and started over, Sanddust Mood, Dachuan Dachuan, End丶hao, Hurry is too smart, Xiaoyu Daddy, Book Friends 20201109111351923, xiongtj, No future, just remember the original intention, pcm600812, Midnight Wu Ge c, Xueyou learns to sing, Mike, Hydrogen Oxide Disinfection Knowledge Bureau, Qdragon, Book Friends, 20191102113546718, Book Friends 20180906223204934, Dong Longdong, Gongzi Mianzhi, Tamagotchi, and Qianqian Dad’s monthly tickets! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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