The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 179 Dumped Syndrome

In the spring of 1991, the economy in Hainan, like other places, was even more sluggish, but Liu Ligan found that after the Spring Festival, the panic and pessimism of the second half of the previous year was slowly disappearing, and everyone seemed I have been prepared to live a hard life for a long time. Now that I am mentally prepared, I feel calm.

No matter how bad it is, how bad can it go?

All complaints and disappointments are caused by dissatisfaction with reality and the status quo. Since you have accepted the reality, there is nothing to complain about.

Some companies have begun to recruit people. Most of the vacant positions are left by those who went back to the mainland during the Spring Festival and never came back, or who left Hainan to look for opportunities elsewhere. No matter how bad the economy is and how shrinking the business is, as long as Your company is still open, and some positions are indispensable.

However, the number of people recruited by each unit is obviously less than before. It is rare to see the kind of people who can easily recruit dozens or hundreds of positions. The future is still unknown to everyone, who dares to throw away their hands and feet.

Even companies like Jin Lili and others are doing well and have launched new projects, but they dare not recruit people. Who knows what will happen to Sanya after the hotel is built? Will the hotel lose money or make money?

According to Mr. Xia, if you have to pay, you won't be able to pay much. After all, there are big trees providing shade. If you want to make a profit, I'm afraid there is little hope.

Fortunately, their original purpose was to use this project to get investors' money. Now that the investors' money is in place, they unexpectedly encountered a big fish like Haifa, which came to their doorstep and gave them an additional two dollars at a time. A loan of tens of millions was an astronomical figure at the time.

The bank's actions are also normal. Since business cannot stop and loans still need to be extended, then instead of investing money in those bad companies and loaning out the money, it will go to waste and even the interest cannot be guaranteed. It is better to concentrate on high-quality companies. In this way , companies, banks and individuals, everyone benefits, especially individuals, who take benefits from such companies, the risk will be much smaller.

They have become rich and angry, but Jin Lili and his company have not expanded. They are still three people, but the personnel have been adjusted. Now, Lao Bao lives in Sanya, and Mr. Xia and Jin Lili have returned to Haicheng. They have to make money and repay The monthly bank interest still depends on the old business. In Sanya, it is just a loser who invests money every day.

And with a lot of funds in hand, they started to start a business like Mr. Take them all, both the upper and lower families like such people.

Liu Ligan suddenly felt that life had become easier. His BB machine kept ringing all day long, and he received some orders every day. Although the orders were not big, both the company and Liu Ligan felt that When your mind calms down, life won't be so hard.

Liu Ligan himself knew that these were of course the result of his sweeping the building, but the concentration of so many businesses was still a bit surprising to him. A single company would not feel it, but when it was concentrated here, he could feel it. This is the Spring River Warmth, everyone is ready to make a move, and the entire society is brewing a big change.

When it came to the specific business, he thought about it carefully and figured it out. It was because everyone had no money in their pockets now and had to be careful about every expenditure. As a result, small newspapers like them were advantaged.

Nowadays, it is difficult for big newspapers like Hainan Daily and Haicheng Evening News to see large-page recruitment notices. Who will spend the money to recruit a few people? It is better to look for tabloids. Instead, look for tabloids, like Liu Li Professional newspapers like these have become the first choice, and they have become the broadsheet among tabloids.

Because they only had a budget of a few hundred or a few thousand, the office directors had no confidence and no longer spoke loudly. They not only had to find tabloids but also acquaintances to find ways to get discounts. In this way, the first thing they thought of was Liu Pole.

Liu Ligan is a person who feels like an old friend at first sight. The second time he meets someone, he feels like he can have a heart-to-heart relationship with him. The third time he meets him, he is almost a life-or-death acquaintance. Who would he look for if not him?

After figuring this out, Liu Ligan went to the director and told him to adjust the newspaper's advertising fee downwards.

The director doesn't understand. Why didn't you ask for a price increase when no one advertised? Now that there are more customers, why don't you take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit and lower the price?

Liu Ligan told the director that if the price is adjusted when there are no advertisements, then we will lose the money for drinking soup. At that time, companies were not recruiting people. Those who really wanted to recruit people did not care about money. If you lower the price, they would be fine.

It’s different now. Many companies are in the middle of being approved or not. The prices are cheap and people are willing to accept it. We need to take advantage of this time to expand our coverage.

"Then what do you think is the appropriate reduction?" the director asked.

"If you reduce the price, it won't bother anyone. Just reduce it by 20%."

"Ah!" The director was surprised.

"Don't, it's like an illegitimate child fell from the sky. Your wise face has turned into Grandet. In this way, the whole newspaper does not have to bear this. I personally request that my commission be reduced." Five percent." Liu Ligan said.

"You have already asked for it, so let's cut it across the board and surrender all the fuckers. If you don't want to do it, get out of here." The director shouted.

Liu Ligan's calculation was that these were all small orders anyway, and the directors mainly relied on face rather than money to impress them. The most he could do was treat them to morning tea, and his expenses were reduced.

The director trusted Liu Ligan very much. Liu Ligan said it was okay, so he reported to his superiors that it must be like this. The advertising department was trying to kill the newspaper. The director of the advertising department said it must be like this. After a while, the leaders of the newspaper felt coy. ,It can only be the.

The other salesmen knew that it was Liu Ligan who proposed the commission reduction, and they hated Liu Ligan to death. They finally got an order, so why is the commission reduced now? But I dare not speak out, because Liu Ligan now takes over half of their department's business. If you offend Liu Ligan, it will definitely not be him but you who will get out.

Why do we call it the advertising business department, the business department? That’s because the business speaks for itself. Those vain people, get the hell out of here and go to the news department, they are the ones doing this. The director always tells them this.

Liu Ligan's own newspaper business, plus the business of several other media companies, brings in a lot of income every month, but his savings are not increasing, but decreasing.

In the past, Liu Ligan had Tan Shuzhen in his heart, and he was always thinking about how to arrange it after Tan Shuzhen came, and he would save money very carefully. Now, he is alone and feels that he has nothing to worry about. After all, the money will be spent, which is the most difficult thing. Time has passed. With his own abilities, he felt that he would never end up without a stable place to live or food to eat in Haicheng.

As a result, he became unscrupulous and spent money lavishly.

After Erhuo went to Sanya, Liu Ligan could be said to have fully taken over the erotic resources of Erhuo in Haicheng. Some things, once addicted, would become inner demons. It was difficult to control them on his own. Zhang Chen and Xiaowu and others initially regarded Liu Ligan's hobby as a joke, but later they also thought it was a disease.

Even though Liu Ligan was already in love with Liu Yun, he did not allow himself a moment of free time. Liu Yun was very busy. Like Zhang Chen and Jin Lili, they could only see each other once or twice a week, and it was still Liu Ligan. Go to Liu Yun’s club.

Now, Zhang Chen is very afraid of meeting Liu Yun, Li Yong, Chen Qihang and the others. He feels that this kind of thing will be exposed sooner or later. We are all friends. How will it end then?

Liu Ligan didn't care. When he returned to Yilin's house, he still wanted to flirt with Wenwen and Qianqian. When he wasn't going to Liu Yun's place, he would disappear as soon as Zhang Chen and the others finished eating every day. When Zhang Chen asked him, he wouldn't say anything. Later, Zhang Chen didn't bother to ask. Anyway, he knew even without asking, that he just went to do what the bastard liked to do.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu are also helpless. They are both adults. Apart from scolding, how else can you control him? You can't tie him up. Xiao Wu said that it is easy to control other things. It will take a lot of effort, so no one can There is no other way.

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and said, this can only be said to be dumped syndrome.

"What's the dumped syndrome? I think it's a city syndrome, especially in Haicheng. If it were in Yongcheng, there would be so many things." Xiao Wu said, "In Yongcheng, you just want to find a chicken, so It’s hard to find.”

Zhang Chen was silent, feeling very emotional in his heart, not about what Xiao Wu said, but about how it felt so far away and strange to hear Yongcheng now. He thought of himself, Jin Lili, and Jin Lili in the theater troupe and Gao Hong. Liu Ligan, just like the ancient people, was also so strange.

Each of them has changed so much since arriving here.

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