The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1776 Zhang Xiangxi’s Milk Powder

The two of them went upstairs, took a shower, and just sat down on the sofa. Xiaofang became worried again and said, I don't know how the little guy is doing. I'll call and ask.

Zhang Chen quickly picked up the phone on the coffee table, stood up and said, I'll call.

Zhang Chen walked away a few steps and dialed his home phone number. As soon as the call came through, his mother said anxiously on the phone:

"Chenchen, what a sin! This little guy refuses to drink milk powder or eat rice cereal. He just cries..."

Before his mother could finish speaking, Zhang Chen quickly interrupted her: "Okay, I understand."

He hung up the phone and Xiaofang asked, "How was it?"

"I just finished eating and fell asleep." Zhang Chen said.

"Having no conscience." Xiaofang cursed, "I forgot about my mother so quickly."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Of course, they say that a mother is a mother if she has milk. Now you don't have milk to feed her, so she still hasn't forgotten you."

"Hmph, let's see if I come back to take care of her." Xiaofang said.

While Xiaofang was replying to emails to clients, Zhang Chen picked up the phone and walked into the bathroom. He called home and asked his mother how Zhang Xiangxi was doing.

"It's pitiful. Maybe I was really hungry. I barely ate a few mouthfuls of milk powder. I cried while eating. I was tired from crying and fell asleep now. What a sin." Zhang Chen's mother said.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Chen quickly comforted him, "Just get used to drinking."

Zhang Chen's mother sighed and said, "That's right. Today's children are too delicate. When you were her age, I had to participate in competitions and voluntary labor, and there was no milk powder at home. There was nothing your grandmother could do. , fill the bottle with warm water, add a little sugar, you can hold it and drink it to make your belly round, and a bottle of rice soup can also handle it."

Zhang Chen laughed: "No wonder I still like drinking water so much."

After hanging up the phone with his mother, Zhang Chen thought for a moment, called Tan Shuzhen and told her about Zhang Xiangxi's refusal to drink milk powder. Tan Shuzhen asked:

"What kind of milk powder are you giving Xixi?"

"What a delicious meal." Zhang Chen said.

"In this case, I will go to the supermarket tomorrow. In addition to Dumex, I will buy a can of domestic and foreign milk powder. I will send it to her and give her a try. It may be because of the taste."

Tan Shuzhen said, Zhang Chen laughed, and Tan Shuzhen asked: "Why are you laughing?"

"I originally wanted you to do this for me, but I didn't expect you to volunteer yourself." Zhang Chen said, "I don't dare to let the old ladies do it. I'm afraid they will go to the wholesale market again and buy fake milk powder."

"Yeah, leave it to me. I'll go to the supermarket as soon as it opens tomorrow." Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen said yes and then asked: "By the way, how are Ganzi's parents?"

"Nannan has gone back to work in the troupe. They also want to go to Yongcheng. Their original houses in Xinjian Village have been demolished. I have arranged a new house for them. I have been buying furniture in the past two days. Xiaowu and I will give it to them In the past, you don’t have to worry about it.”

"I'll be back tomorrow and send it over with you." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen said yes.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen walked out. Xiaofang looked at him and said, "It's been so long, I thought you fell into the toilet."

"I don't know what I ate before. My stomach feels uncomfortable." Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang quickly asked: "Is it okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Just clean your stomach and intestines and you'll be fine." Zhang Chen never dared to tell Xiaofang that Zhang Xiangxi was not used to the milk powder thing. He was afraid that Xiaofang would cry again after hearing this.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Chen asked, Xiaofang said right away.

"When you're done, go to bed early." Zhang Chen said.

The two of them lay on the bed. Xiaofang began to have breasts again. Her breasts were so swollen that it hurt when she touched her hands. Zhang Chen quickly got out of bed and found a big bowl. He hadn't been here for a long time, and he didn't have any. After preparing the breast pump, Zhang Chen could only suck it up one breath at a time. After a few puffs, Xiaofang pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaofang's face turned red and she said incoherently: "Why do I feed Zhang Xiangxi and she is fine for how long? When you suck... Oh, give me the bowl and I will squeeze it myself."

Zhang Chen understood and laughed. He imitated his mother's tone and said, "Oh, it's no wonder that you young people really can't stand it."

"Rogue!" Xiaofang spat at him, her face flushed, and she turned slightly to the side, carrying Zhang Chen on her back.

Zhang Chen came over and said to Xiaofang: "We are already an old married couple, what's the point of being embarrassed? OK, I can't stand it. Come on, I'll help you get the bowl. Let's finish it quickly and get down to business." "

Xiaofang thrust the bowl into his hand and shouted, "Take it."

Zhang Chen took the bowl, the two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

After milking, Xiaofang couldn't wait to finish the business. Xiaofang nestled in Zhang Chen's arms. Zhang Chen felt that his chest was wet. He stretched out his hand to touch Xiaofang's eyes. Xiaofang's face was filled with tears. Zhang Chen I was shocked and asked quickly:

"What’s wrong with you?"

Xiaofang shook her head: "I miss Xixi."

Zhang Chen hugged her tightly and said to her: "When you finish your work and return to China, I will take her to Pudong Airport to pick you up."

Xiaofang nodded.

The next morning, Zhang Chen sent Xiaofang and Liu Qing to Pudong Airport. Mr. Wan and his secretary had also arrived. The two groups met together. Zhang Chen saw them off and drove out of Pudong Airport. Instead of going back to "Century Splendid", go directly to Hangzhou.

It was almost twelve o'clock when Zhang Chen arrived in Hangzhou. He drove directly back to "Splendid Home", parked the car, and rushed to his parents' house. When he walked to the door, the imagined scene of Zhang Xiangxi crying was not there. After appearing, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and walked in. He saw that Tan Shuzhen was still here, eating with his parents, and Zhang Xiangxi was asleep in the arms of Xiaofang's mother.

Zhang Chen saw a dazzling array of milk powder piled on the sofa. Tan Shuzhen saw him and said with a smile:

"Zhang Chen, your Xixi really saves you money. Do you know what milk powder she likes to drink the most? She doesn't like all imported milk powder. Her favorite is 'Guangming' milk powder."

"Of course, our Zhang Xiangxi products are authentic domestic products." Zhang Chen said.

Lao Zhang said from the side: "What's so good about foreign milk powder? It's better for us to know the goods. Guangming, have you heard it? I'm full just hearing the name."

"Then don't eat, just eat those two words." Zhang Chen's mother scolded.

After eating, Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen walked towards the parking lot together. Tan Shuzhen asked Zhang Chen: "What are you doing in the afternoon?"

Zhang Chen said: "I want to go to the supermarket to buy two boxes of milk powder first, and then come back..."

"Why, haven't you already bought it?" Tan Shuzhen asked curiously.

"Don't Zhang Xiangxi like to drink Guangming milk powder? I'll buy two boxes and come back."

"What's the rush? This can will last you half a month."

Zhang Chen said: "I'm not in a hurry. I'm afraid that these two old ladies are in a hurry and will go to the wholesale market to buy Guangming milk powder tomorrow. If there are two boxes at home, they won't go. These two old ladies, you don't have I saw diapers hanging out in front of and behind the house, and they refused to use diapers even if they were asked to use them. There were so many reasons, and it was so difficult to change their habits.”

Tan Shuzhen understood that Zhang Chen was afraid that they would go to the wholesale market and buy fake goods.

"When will Lao Liu and the others return to Yongcheng?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The day after tomorrow." Tan Shuzhen said, and Zhang Chen agreed, let's go together.

The two of them walked to the parking lot. Tan Shuzhen waved to Zhang Chen, got in her car and drove away. Zhang Chen went to the supermarket and bought two large boxes of Guangming milk powder. Sure enough, his mother started nagging her when she saw it, and started talking to him. He said that he could save a lot of money by going to the wholesale market for these two large boxes of milk powder.

Zhang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to her. He walked back to his home. He wanted to take advantage of Xiaofang's absence for more than a month to design the renderings of the Banmutian Hotel upstairs in their "Dynamic Zone".

The commute to the factory office was too long, so he might as well paint in his home studio.

Walking back home, Zhang Chen remembered. He called his mother and told her, I'm at my side. When Zhang Xiangxi wants to breastfeed, you can call me and let me know.

At around three o'clock, Zhang Chen received a call from his mother. He ran over and saw Zhang Xiangxi holding a pacifier in his mouth and sucking it with relish. Zhang Chen quickly used his iPhone 5 to take a video and sent it to Xiaofang. , although she was still on the plane at this time, when she got off the plane, she could see it and scold Zhang Xiangxi for having no conscience.

Zhang Chen laughed.

When it was time to send Lao Liu and his wife to Yongcheng, Zhang Chen drove his car to pick up Tan Shuzhen from Qiushi Academy. Xiao Wu drove a van and brought a worker with him to load their things. .

The two of them drove to the door of Lao Liu's house. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen Xiaowu went in and found that Lao Liu and his wife had already prepared large and small bags. Zhang Chen was shocked when he saw Lao Liu. Sitting there, for the first time, Zhang Chen saw that he had never been so sober before. It seemed that he didn't even drink any wine this morning.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked: "Uncle, didn't you drink when you got up this morning?"

"I didn't drink, I didn't drink. I haven't drank for several days." Old Liu chuckled.

Ganzi's mother smiled and said, "I finally got over it. After so many years of bad habits, I had to force Xiang Nan to get over it. Xiang Nan stipulated that he was not allowed to drink when he got up in the morning. He could drink two taels at noon and three taels in the evening. He was also allowed to drink I supervised him and said that if he couldn’t do it, she would ignore him.”

Old Liu chuckled: "Of course I want to listen to what Nannan says."

"In the first few days, when I got up every day, my hands were scratching all over my body. I couldn't sit or stand, just like a monkey. It's sad to be an addict. Fortunately, I finally got over it these days." Zhuangzi's mother Keep smiling.

Zhang Chen raised his thumb at Old Liu and said, "That's right, uncle, you can overcome this alcohol addiction. That's really not easy."

Old Liu looked at Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Wu, and proudly said to Zhang Chen:

"Of course, we, the working class, keep our word. If we say we won't drink, we won't drink. We can lie to ourselves, but we can't lie to Nannan."

"You are just afraid that Nannan will really ignore you." Zhuangzi's mother said.

Thank you Quadratic VC and Captain Jim for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes to Xiaoxian Zeibao, Hu Hu, Mike, Li Ruijin, Captain Jim, Shouwang, No Future, Just Remember the Original Intention, The Chair in the World, Purple Hao, Tian Wai Wai Wai, Book Friends 1611222135011799! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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