Xiaofang became excited as she spoke. She took a pen and paper and said to Zhang Chen, "This website can now be valued at 50 million."

Zhang Chen said yes, then I will take out 50 million.

Xiaofang looked at him and asked: "What's the point? It's just a department of your company. I said that if you want this thing to be big, you must take the road of professionalization and become independent from your company,' Qian Qian Live Room' will also be independent from your company's website. Of course, your company website will still have an entrance to 'Qian Qian Live Room'.

"But the traffic for the product may be directed to your company's website, Dibao.com or Amazon at the same time. Is that okay?"

"This is different, they are all our products anyway." Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang nodded: "Maybe sales will expand. Because of their shopping habits, some people just like to buy things on Diabao.com. With the link to Diabao.com, it will be more convenient for them. However, after the company becomes independent, , even for half an acre of land, the products sold must be commissioned in proportion."

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Also, in order to make this company truly independent, this time is different from Ladies Street. This is not venture capital, but a joint venture." Xiaofang said, "Although Ban Mu Tian is still the major shareholder, the investor's investment ratio , must account for more than half of the shares, so as to facilitate subsequent financing, mainly..."

"Or what?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Dear, you are too powerful. If you are allowed to control absolutely, the investors behind you will have doubts and they will worry that they cannot control you." Xiaofang said, "Let's do this. In the initial stage, half an acre of land is invested with two thousand yuan." Ten thousand, accounting for 40% of the shares. We, Youth Capital and Sister Liu Yun’s Pilot Investment, each invest fifteen million, each accounting for 30% of the shares, is that okay?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Whatever you say is okay or not, you can do whatever you want."

"Oops, honey, I'm serious with you."

"I'm serious too." Zhang Chen said, "I don't understand what happens next. It's not you who has the final say."

Xiaofang giggled: "As long as you understand that your wife won't betray you, that'll be fine."

"It doesn't matter if you sell it, as long as you get a good price," Zhang Chen said.

"I can't bear to do it." Xiaofang touched her belly and said, "This little guy won't do it either."

Xiaofang looked at her watch and said, "I'm calling Sister Liu Yun now."

"It's past twelve o'clock, are you still fighting?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It doesn't matter. Let's talk about the project. What are you afraid of?" Xiaofang said and stood up. She said to Zhang Chen: "I will go to the bedroom to fight. You wait here. I didn't ask you to come in, so you are not allowed to come in."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Xiaofang walked to the bedroom. Zhang Chen stood up and walked out to the balcony with a cigarette. Before he finished smoking, he vaguely heard Xiaofang calling him. Zhang Chen put out half of the cigarette in the flower pot. Inside, she pushed open the balcony door and walked back into the bedroom. Xiaofang said to her:

"Sister Liu Yun has negotiated here. She also wanted more shares, but I refused."

Zhang Chen walked over and lay down and asked, "Did I sell myself?"

"Yes, you just sold yourself." Xiaofang said, "If you regret it now, it's too late."

"Then I won't regret it." Zhang Chen said.

"I will send Xiaoya to the new company. By the way, I want you to have three people here, one Qianqian, one Guan Liang, and the other one. Who do you think it is?" Xiaofang asked.

"Xiao Li?"

Xiaofang shook her head.

"Xu Qiaoxin?"

Xiaofang still shook her head.

"Ge Ling?"

Xiaofang said no.

Zhang Chen was surprised: "Then who else do you want?"

"Wenwen." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked, "Why do you want Wenwen?"

"Dear, don't you think Wenwen is the most suitable for live broadcasting?" Xiaofang said, "The new company will retain the 'Qianqian Studio', no, it will be changed to the 'Qianqian Live Room', and it will also be added 'Wenwen Live Room' will continue to find many new announcers..."

"Call it a podcast." Zhang Chen said, "The announcer is too old-fashioned. Podcasting and blogging are the same."

Xiaofang smiled and said: "Well, let's call it podcasting. The company will also recruit many podcasters and expand many other businesses."

"I can't control this." Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang nodded: "Yes, you can't control it anymore. Your current identity is just an investor. By the way, do you think it is better for Qianqian or Wenwen to be the general manager of this new company?"

"Isn't it Xiaoya?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Xiaoya is still too young and lacks management experience."

"From a management perspective, Wenwen and Qianqian each have their own merits." Zhang Chen said, "Wenwen is driven, has strong market expansion capabilities, and has strong ability to deal with outsiders. Qianqian is more meticulous in internal management. Better at it.”

"Then Qianqian, you are right. You can leave the market expansion and the training of new podcasts to Wenwen. Wenwen will be the vice president. That's one thing. She used to be the general manager of your Beijing logistics base, and now she is here. Hangcheng coming to be the vice president is equivalent to being demoted. I don't know if she is willing to do it." Xiaofang said, "I'll ask her tomorrow, oops!"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked anxiously.

"It's okay, it's okay. Zhang Xiangxi kicked me. She was protesting that I had disturbed her." Xiaofang laughed.

Zhang Chen looked at his watch. It was already past one o'clock and said quickly:

"Sleep, sleep, it seems like it's really hard without the old lady to take care of you. Some people are too unconscious and haven't slept until more than one o'clock."

Xiaofang snorted and ducked her head into Zhang Chen's arms.

When Zhang Chen woke up the next day, he saw that Xiaofang was not there. He thought that Xiaofang had gone to his parents' place to have breakfast, so he was not in a hurry. He sat up slowly on the bed, took a cigarette, and lit the lighter. Xiaofang's voice came from the living room:

"Zhang Xiangxi said, Dad, please don't smoke."

Zhang Chen was startled, quickly put down the lighter, got out of bed and walked to the door of the room. He saw Xiaofang sitting on the sofa, with her laptop on the coffee table in front of her, and she was writing emails.

Zhang Chen said: "I thought you had passed."

Xiaofang looked at him with a bitter face and said, "I don't dare."

Zhang Chen said okay, I will accompany you there.

Zhang Chen went back to his room, got dressed, went into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, and then took Xiaofang to his parents' place.

The two people walked in and saw two old ladies sitting there with serious expressions. The two land reclamation warriors had gone somewhere.

Xiaofang called out "Mom". Xiaofang's mother saw them coming and immediately stood up to serve them porridge. Zhang Chen's mother sighed:

"Well, it's no wonder that you young people really can't stand it for such a long time."

When Zhang Chen and Xiaofang heard this, they burst out laughing. Zhang Chen's mother said, "What, did I say something wrong?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhang Chen said quickly, "I can't stand it any longer."

"Fuck you." Xiaofang blushed and hit Zhang Chen.

"You still have to be careful, Xiaofang, you have to protect yourself." Zhang Chen's mother said.

Xiaofang lowered her head and drank milk, nodding "Yeah".

Zhang Chen drove Xiaofang to the "Zhenshui Tea House". Xiaofang called Wenwen in the car and told Wenwen about the matter. Wenwen shouted:

"Okay, okay, I saw that die-hard Qianqian doing a live broadcast, and I was so jealous. Of course I'm willing to come."

Xiaofang and Wenwen said that it was a pity that after she came, she could only serve as vice president and Qianqian as general manager.

"That damn bitch, she was the one who took care of me when I was in Beijing. She took care of me very well, but I couldn't take care of her. She has so many more ideas than I do. I can't handle her, so I'm willing to lose. Also, let me I can't sit still even if I sit in the office all day long. When I'm really bored here, I run out and drive a forklift." Wenwen said, and Xiaofang laughed.

Xiaofang said: "General Manager Zhang will call the second guy later, and the second guy will arrange a replacement for you. After the handover is completed, you can come to Hangzhou."

"Great, let's see you then." Wenwen said.

After hanging up the phone, Xiaofang still kept laughing. Zhang Chen asked: "What is so funny?"

"This Wenwen, don't you think she is very suitable for live broadcasting? People who are with her are easily infected by her. I believe that the same is true for those in front of the computer screen." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen nodded, he felt Xiaofang was right.

The new company is named "Fanhua", Hangzhou Fanhua Network Technology Co., Ltd., and the name of the website is "Fanhua". The company's address is temporarily lent to Zhang Chen and his factory. Qianqian rented a room on the third floor worth more than 400 yuan. Square meters of warehouse space were vacated.

Now the goods in the factory move very quickly. They are basically packaged at the backend and then go directly to the sales center on the first floor to pack and ship out. The original warehouse has a lot of space, and "Flowers" are placed in the warehouse. They are here, too. In just two months, when the industrial park next door is completely completed, they will move there.

There are two advantages of putting it here. First, Qianqian can also help take care of Xie Zhiwei. Xie Zhiwei is still Qianqian's assistant, but soon, he will be the general manager of Zhang Chen and their clothing company, replacing Qianqian's current position. Xie Zhiwei was brought over from Beijing by Qianqian, and he worked with Qianqian in Beijing.

Another advantage is convenience. They are currently broadcasting mainly products from Xu Qiaoxin’s sales center, so they didn’t even demolish the “Qianqian Studio” on the first floor, but just changed the name to “Qianqian Live Room” , and also set up a "Wenwen Live Broadcast Room" nearby, waiting for Wenwen to take office.

The chairman of Fanhua Company was supposed to be Zhang Chen, but Zhang Chen refused. He said, I can only give out ideas on the side. You still need to do the planning for the company later. I know nothing about it. I can't be the chairman. It's good to be a shareholder.

Zhang Chen refused to be the chairman, so Xiaofang discussed with him that it would be better to let Sister Liu Yun be the chairman. I also need to avoid suspicion, which will be beneficial to attracting subsequent investors.

Zhang Chen agreed. He said that it would be best if Liu Yun was willing to become the chairman.

"I'll convince her." Xiaofang said.

Xiaofang asked Liu Yun to come to Hangzhou. When Liu Yun arrived, Xiaofang told her the matter. Liu Yun herself was an investor. She understood why it was arranged like this. She said yes, then I will be the chairman, but , I want to arrange for someone to come over.

"That's how it should be." Xiaofang said.

Liu Yun said yes, that’s it.

The general manager of Hangcheng Fanhua Network Technology Co., Ltd. is Qianqian, Wenwen is the vice president in charge of market development and podcast training, Xiaoya is the vice president in charge of administration, and Guan Liang is the technical director.

Liu Yun returned to Shanghai and sat down in her office. She picked up the phone on the table and called Ren Rongrong and asked her to come over.

When Ren Rongrong arrived, Liu Yun said to her: "I have decided to send you to Hangzhou. Hangcheng Fanhua Network Technology Co., Ltd. is still a start-up small business, but the future prospects are very good. I value this area very much and decided to send you to Hangzhou." You go and be the financial director.”

Before Ren Rongrong had time to speak, Liu Yun said, "Get ready to hand over tomorrow and go to Hangzhou to take office the day after tomorrow."

At this point, even if Ren Rongrong disagreed, she had to agree. She said yes, I understand, Mr. Liu.

Watching the office door close gently behind Ren Rongrong, Liu Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

A thunderbolt was finally safely eliminated.

Thank you zdlm001 for the tip! Thank you zdlm001, lcs0001, Book Friends 20191102113546718, Book Friends 20201109111351923, Book Friends 20200711121135567, Xiaoyao·Xiaoyao, Major7, Empty, Crabs That Do Not Eat Insects, Tamagotchi, Book Friends 20180512122110518, Books Friend 20170105213311538’s monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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