The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1765 Two women in the teahouse

Zhang Xiangbei came back from Yongcheng. Everyone who saw him was shocked. Zhang Chen's mother and Xiao Zhao's mother almost shed tears. Zhang Xiangbei's whole body was shiny and shiny from the sun. The two of them stood there Together, he was almost as dark as his grandfather.

Xiaoshu's son Xiaocao saw him and asked, "Brother, why did you become black?"

Xiaofang felt heartbroken when she saw it. She beat Zhang Xiangbei with her hand and cursed: "What are you doing? Are you punishing yourself?"

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm just competing with my sister."

Zhang Chen asked: "Which one of you won in the end?"

"There is no winner or lose, all the rice seedlings have been planted, and neither of us has retreated." Zhang Xiangbei said.

At this time, even Zhang Chen's mother came to beat Zhang Xiangbei. She said, "I'm going to die, have you made Nan Nan as sunburned as you?"

Zhang Xiangbei said quickly: "No, no, sister, she is amazing. She doesn't get tan, she just gets red. She just needs to sleep for a night and she will be fine. You will know when you see her later."

Dinner was at Zhang Chen's mother's place. At about five o'clock, Tan Shuzhen came with Xiang Nan. When everyone saw Xiang Nan, she was still much darker than before, but not as obvious as Zhang Xiangbei. Tan Shuzhen looked at When he arrived at Zhang Xiangbei, he was also shocked. He said to Zhang Chen:

"I was shocked when I saw Nannan getting so dark. Then when I saw Beibei..."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Do you find it comforting?"

"Go, I'm not so vicious. I almost want to cry." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Me too." Xiaofang said. She looked at Zhang Chen and added: "My sister and I will file a complaint tonight."

Zhang Chen said: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just a little darker, but it has been tempered, not to mention they asked for it. Besides, what does it matter if a boy is a little darker? I'm afraid he will grow up to be a fair and tender lady." cavity."

"Are you right?"

Zhang Chen and the two reclamation warriors said that they were the most embarrassed people in the room. They were distressed and distressed, but they also felt that it was just planting a rice seedling. It was no big deal. Moreover, they were also worried that the two The old lady will point the finger at them.

Sure enough, it was okay if Zhang Chen didn't say it. As soon as he did, his mother started to complain about his father, saying that it was all you who took the lead. When he came back last year, Beibei followed us to the market every day. It was pretty good. You guys What kind of vegetables should I take him to grow in that mountain dock?

Xiangnan comforted them and said: "Grandma, it's okay. How great is Zhang Xiangbei like this? He is so masculine that Zheng Xinxin and Zhou Ruoyi are almost falling in love with him. Let Fat Sun be jealous to death and have no courage. Come down to the ground with us.”

After this summer vacation, Zhang Xiangbei will be a sophomore, Sun Xiangyang is a junior, Zheng Xinxin and Zhou Ruoyi are both seniors. When Xiangnan comes back from Yongcheng this time, one is to send Zhang Xiangbei away, and the other is also to send off. Zheng Xinxin.

Zheng Xinyin graduated from Tsinghua University in her senior year and is determined to go to the United States for graduate school. As soon as she graduates next year, she will go directly from Beijing to the United States. She will study at a language school in the United States throughout the summer and will not even have time to come back to Hangzhou.

This summer vacation, Zhang Chen didn't see Xiaohu. He asked Xiang Nan, "Where is Xiaohu? I haven't seen him for several months."

Xiang Nan's face blushed slightly and she said, "I don't care about him."

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Brother Xiaohu's mother is not in good health, so now he not only has to take care of business in mainland China, but also in Southeast Asia. He should be in Indonesia today."

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen were both surprised when they heard that Miss Cai was in poor health. Tan Shuzhen asked, is it important?

"We don't know the specifics. We just heard that the doctor advised her not to fly anymore, so Xiaohu wants to go to Southeast Asia. It turns out that his mother often travels there." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"You never told me."

Tan Shuzhen glanced at Xiang Nan complainingly, and she stood up. Zhang Chen knew what she was going to do, and said to her, give my regards to Miss Cai.

Tan Shuzhen nodded.

After returning from the phone call, Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen said that she had a bad heart. She had just had a bypass surgery two months ago, and the doctor advised her to stay still and not move.

Zhang Xiangbei stayed in Hangzhou for two days and was about to leave. This time, Zhang Chen and the others were refused delivery. Instead, they drove south and went to Pudong Airport with Zhou Ruoyi, Zheng Xinxin and Sun Xiangyang. he.

It's autumn. When Zhang Chen sends Xiaofang to the "Pillow Tea House" every day, the path by the Mishi River is covered with a layer of fallen leaves. In the early morning, the cleaners have already cleaned it once, but only a few times apart. Hours later, another layer accumulated on the ground.

Zhang Chen sent Xiaofang upstairs, sat down in the wicker chair, and stuffed a small cushion behind her. Xiaofang asked him, what are you going to do today?

Zhang Chen said: "Let's go to the construction site of the 'Dynamic Zone' first. Brother Tan is waiting for me there. Then we will go to the construction site of the 'Sky City' together. Construction of the ground inside will begin today."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Chen laughed to himself and said, "Why do I feel like a construction contractor now, running around the construction site every day."

Zhang Chen poured a glass of warm water for Xiaofang and brought it over. Xiaofang had already begun to urge him and said to him: "Let's go, dear, be careful on the construction site and wear a safety helmet, you know?"

Zhang Chen said he understood. Zhang Chen walked out and almost bumped into someone at the door. It was Zheng Huihong. Zheng Huihong shouted:

"So considerate, Mr. Zhang, do you send Xiaofang to work every day?"

"Why, when you were pregnant, didn't I give you a gift every day?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"No, he was going to the construction site at dawn. When I got up, I didn't know where he was," Zheng Huihong said.

"So you can let him go?" Zhang Chen asked.

Zheng Huihong smiled and said: "But he will help me make breakfast. Besides, we were not so particular at that time. For eight months, I still work overtime until midnight every day... Let's go, let's go. Don't worry, I won't bully you." Your wife’s.”

"I'm still worried." Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Your teacher, Ma, is very arrogant now. Are you going to kill the gods and Buddhas to block the Buddhas and demons to slay the demons?"

Zhang Chen walked out with a smile. Zheng Huihong was stunned for a moment, then chased Zhang Chen's back and asked, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Chen didn't turn around, just raised his hand, and he turned around at the entrance of the passage.

Zheng Huihong turned around and saw Xiaofang sitting there, staring at her and laughing. Zheng Huihong said, "Why are you laughing?"

Xiaofang said: "I was calculating when you would come, but you still showed up a week earlier than I expected."

"Can't I come over from home to see you?" Zheng Huihong asked.

"Come on, is it the 'Ladies Street' that makes you restless?" Xiaofang said with a smile, "To you now, it is like gods, Buddhas and demons, right?"

Zheng Huihong walked over, pressed the service bell on the table, then sat down opposite Xiaofang and asked:

"Are you two couples on good terms today, and are you using these gods and monsters to tease me together?"

Xiaofang giggled: "How dare you, you are in the prime of your life now."

The waiter knocked on the door and came in. Zheng Huihong said to her: "A pot of Longjing."

The waiter nodded and went out. Xiaofang looked at Zheng Huihong and said with a smile:

"Okay, Sister Huihong, let me reveal our background to you first. It's time. If the price is right, we are willing to take action on the 'Women's Street'."

Zheng Huihong met Xiaofang's gaze: "What if the price is not right?"

"Then I will consider conducting Series B and then prepare to go public on Nasdaq." Xiaofang said.

"What's the appropriate price you said?" Zheng Huihong asked directly.

"Sister, are you here to trick me?" Xiaofang giggled, "If I tell you, will I put myself in a corner and not even have any room for bargaining?"

"Can you please stop smiling so playfully? When you laugh at me, I feel like the atmosphere is not right. I can't even take myself seriously," Zheng Huihong said.

Xiaofang nodded, straightened her face, and extended her right hand to signal to Zheng Huihong: "Buyers, please bid."

Zheng Huihong also laughed, and she said, "Well, it's better not to be serious. You look ridiculous when you are serious. Ninety-five million, okay?"

"No." Xiaofang said, "Do you think a website with 100 million registered members and all active users is only worth 950 million? Sister, you should also have data there, knowing that we give you a treasure network every day How much drainage, right?”

"You're doing this again with me." Zheng Huihong sighed.

"Which one?" Xiaofang asked.

"You're asking for a high price, and you're bullying me because I'm an acquaintance of yours." Zheng Huihong said angrily.

Xiaofang giggled: "It's you who are bullying customers in the store now. It's my sister who's bullying me. Every time you come here, you tease me with such outrageous prices. I've already given you my best. If the price is right, we will agree to sell it. If sister offers a reasonable price, I will take out the data and discuss it with you seriously. Sister is like this now..."

Zheng Huihong glared at Xiaofang, and Xiaofang continued to laugh: "Why, you still want to hit me? I am a pregnant woman now and I am protected."

"I'm not afraid of teaching bad children." Zheng Huihong muttered.

"No, I am teaching her that business is business. Even if your sister comes and she is aggressive, don't back down." Xiaofang said.

"Add another 300 million, 1.25 billion, no more, Xiaofang." Zheng Huihong said.

"It's a bit reliable..." Xiaofang lowered her head and thought for a moment, then raised her head and said, "1.52 billion, with one condition attached."

"What conditions?"

"You must arrange the three people on the founding team." Xiaofang said.

"There is no problem in arranging people, but the price still needs..."

"Zero point two is chopped for you, sister." Xiaofang said, Zheng Huihong tapped Xiaofang with her finger, and both of them laughed.

Someone knocked on the door, Xiaofang said please come in, and the waiter came in. She placed the tray in front of Zheng Huihong and said to her: "Your Longjing."

Zheng Huihong said thank you, and the waiter turned around and went out. Zheng Huihong poured herself tea and said, "See, a pot of tea hasn't been served yet. I don't have 1.5 billion here."

"Then the 'Women's Street' here is gone. Am I going to cry, sister?" Xiaofang said.

Zheng Huihong raised her head, glanced at Xiaofang, and cursed: "You are so sharp-tongued, will you die if you ask me to tell you?"

"Tit for tat, my sister didn't let me know a word." Xiaofang said, the two looked at each other and laughed again.

Thank you Zeng Ji, Quadratic VC, and Two Fish for the reward! Thank you Tian Wai Wai Wai Wai, Crush Killer VIP, xiongtj, Midnight Wu Gec, xiezhiwww, End Hao, Lao Shen Xisang, Dijuan Xifeng, Huang Pipi, Lao Chen Tang, Not Impossible World’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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