The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1750 How many melons are on a vine?

Although their project did not hold a formal signing ceremony, the news that the town was going to build an 18-story building still spread like wildfire.

Everyone ran to the street to look at the state-owned hotel in the center of the street. Although the hotel was still the same hotel and there was no difference between today and yesterday, looking at it, they imagined that an eighteen-story building would soon be erected here. , the feeling is still different.

Eighteenth floor, oh my God!

Everyone looked at the state-owned restaurant with a sense of respect, and even the restaurant's business suddenly improved. Although the dishes here are old and the taste is average, but think about it, this restaurant has been around for as long as many people can remember. The restaurant is going to disappear soon. Every meal you eat may be your last meal. Is it still meaningful?

On the third day after Liu Ligan and Chen Yong returned from Chenzhou, the hotel stopped operating and preparations for demolition began. A stall was set up in front of the hotel and began selling the oil, salt, soy, vinegar and dry goods from the north and south in stock in the hotel. These items were sold out. Then sell the restaurant's bowls, spoons, dishes, tables, chairs and benches.

Everyone felt strange and asked Manager Lin, if they are all sold out, can they be sold again?

Manager Lin said, what should I do if I don't sell it? If I don't sell it, I have to find a place to store it. These are old things. If they are piled there for more than a year, will they still be useful? Besides, after the hotel is built, do we still use these old things in our new hotel? Take it?

"When the time comes, all these things will be purchased new. Where will we get the money?" Someone asked, "The county company only promised us our basic salary for more than a year. Will they still have the money to buy these things for us?"

Manager Lin looked at the person who asked the question, smiled enigmatically, and then cursed: "Are you stupid? Don't we still have half of the business space to rent? If we rent it out, we will have no money, and it will be given to others for free. of?"

When everyone heard that it made sense, they suddenly realized that this leader was a leader, he spoke well, his vision was far-reaching, and he had a lofty position, which was different from us ordinary people.

Then sell it. Sell everything in the hotel except the people. Sell the old ones and buy new ones later.

The things here are almost sold out, and the demolition team from Chenzhou No. 2 Construction also drove excavators and bulldozers and entered the site with dignity.

The hotel started to be demolished, and the news that the eighteen-story building was to be built here spread even faster. It spread not only throughout the town, but also to the county seat. Some units thought, why can Manager Lin and others do it, but I can't? Manager Lin and the others just have a piece of land and an old building. We also have it, and ours is still in the county seat.

Many units came to talk to Chen Yong. Chen Yong often went to the county town with Liu Ligan and Wenwen or Qianqian. Wenwen and Qianqian were assistants, and Liu Ligan was the vice president.

While talking to them, Liu Ligan went to Chenzhou and continued to contact the two construction companies he had previously contacted. He soon signed three cooperation projects, one for each of the two construction companies, and the other one was still handed over to The second construction of Chenzhou was completed.

Although Chenzhou Second Construction is the strongest and its status as a state-owned enterprise makes it easy for them to get bank loans, Liu Ligan still cannot hand over all projects to them. That would be risky, except for the funding. In addition to risks, there may be other frictions in the cooperation between the two parties.

If you put all your eggs in one basket, if the basket overturns, all your eggs will be shattered.

Back and forth, Liu Ligan won six projects in Ningyuan County. The largest project was to cooperate with Ningyuan's Federation of Industry and Commerce to build Ningyuan's landmark building, Ningyuan Building, with 26 floors, to help Liu Ligan and the others. The person who advanced the funds for the construction was a construction company from Changsha.

Liu Ligan knew in his heart that this was also the last feast. It wouldn't be long before people here would discover the value of the land, and all the land would be auctioned and auctioned in real ways, instead of just going through the motions or buying and selling it like now. If you play the game on the sidelines, then, if you continue to do real estate here, it will not have much value and it will not be worth doing.

To be honest, the housing price of a place is still affected by the development of the local economy and the income status of the residents. In a place with a weak economic foundation like Ningyuan, Liu Ligan predicts that no matter how much the housing price rises, 5,000 will be a ceiling. , and the increase from more than one thousand to more than five thousand will be a long process.

In the middle, house prices of two to three thousand will be a reality for a long time.

It is impossible here to be like the county town in Zhejiang. In a short period of time, the house price has exceeded 10,000, 20,000, 30,000... The total house price is here. If you want to know how much money there is in real estate, it is impossible. As long as the land in this area begins to be truly market-oriented, Liu Ligan feels that there will be no value in doing it anymore, and the input-output ratio will be too low.

Therefore, if he wants to eat, he will eat this saliva, and if he wants to harvest, he will harvest this crop of leeks.

Next, do it for whoever you love, I won’t earn that hard-earned money.

After several contracts in the county were signed, their Ningyuan Tianyi Real Estate Co., Ltd. moved to Ningyuan County, where Chen Yong took charge. Liu Ligan took Wenwen or Qianqian with him in the car every morning. I went to work and came back in the evening.

Although the situation has been calm for such a long time, Liu Ligan still has a shadow in his heart. He doesn't want to show his face or be too ostentatious. He feels that he should stay in this small town and hide upstairs in the "Qianqian Supermarket" to sleep more soundly at night.

The company is in the county town and has recruited a group of new people. These newly recruited people soon understood that the real boss of the company was Wenwen Qianqian.

The commander-in-chief at the back is Boss Liu Yang. When something happens, they directly ask Wenwen Qianqian. When something important happens, they directly ask Liu Ligan. Anyway, you asked Chen Yong. , Chen Yong still has to ask Liu Ligan.

Several times, Liu Ligan and the others arrived late. Although Chen Yong, the general manager, was already there, everyone felt as if they hadn't officially started work yet. They gathered together to chat, and Chen Yong walked over. , didn't care when they saw it. When Liu Ligan and the others arrived, everyone immediately returned to their desks and got into work mode.

Over time, Chen Yong became numb to this situation. He knew that his general manager was just a business card to the outside world. If someone in the company asked him something, he would simply say, call Mr. Liu.

Chen Yong became a bystander in the company. He watched Liu Ligan's daily work and felt that he learned a lot every day.

With so many projects going on at the same time, Liu Ligan and the others were very busy every day. In this busy state, 2009 passed by without even realizing it, and the Spring Festival would soon follow.

Liu Ligan thought of something. On this day, instead of going to the county seat, he found Manager Lin and said to him:

"Didn't you ask me what to do with that half of the business premises? I thought of it."

Manager Lin quickly asked: "What to do?"

"Make a market."

"Doing the market?"

"Yes, let's make a market, a small commodity market." Liu Ligan said, "You divide it into small rooms of two or three square meters each. I did the math and found that there can be about two hundred stalls. Not too many. Rent it out at an annual rent of 4,500, so you can earn nearly a million in rental income a year, which is pure."

"The market needs to be managed by someone, so don't I still need to pay a salary?" Manager Lin asked.

Liu Ligan said no, you still have management fee income every month, and the staff salary is all included in it. If it is not enough, you will charge some sanitation fees, and add a little more on top of the electricity bill. The pigs have already entered the pen, so it is not up to you to kill them. With you?

Manager Lin became happy and said OK, then I will listen to you and engage in the market.

"And we're going to do it now," Liu Ligan said.

"Do it now? Aren't all houses still pouring basements?" Manager Lin asked, puzzled.

"What does it matter if the house is pouring a basement? As long as there is a rendering and a floor plan, it is enough. The Spring Festival is coming soon, and people who go to work outside are coming back, so we need to start booking stalls at this time."

Liu Ligan and Manager Lin said: "People living in the local area are still hesitant about whether this can be done. Those who work outside know the value of market stalls. Many people may come to pay a deposit to rent a stall. They can't do it." Okay, then make plans not to go out to work anymore, or find a way to make a living for your family members who are still here."

"Yes, Boss Liu, what you said is true. People in this town have a lot of money. The really rich ones are the ones working outside." Manager Lin said.

"It's not just those who work." Liu Ligan said, "You have pretty good-looking girls here. I know there are quite a few out there, either in KTV or doing that. They are well-informed. , only be ruthless when you really take action.”

Manager Lin chuckled.

Liu Ligan said: "Together with you, I am also starting to prepare to launch it upstairs, just in time for the Spring Festival."

"You haven't even heard of it yet, and you're going to start selling the house?" Manager Lin was surprised again.

Liu Ligan said: "Didn't you start renting out stalls before you even had any shit?"

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Liu Ligan had a rendering of the building here. He found the art teacher of the town middle school to guide him and drew a rendering of the market. Although it was incomparable with the one drawn by Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan looked at it Very dissatisfied, but made do with it and had to use it.

Then he went to Yongzhou and found an advertising company. Two large billboards were erected along the street of the construction site, one for the building and one for the market.

After the billboard was erected, people working from other places began to come back one after another. People in the town, especially those in the surrounding villages, returned home and would come here the next day to see the strangest things in their hometown. things.

Manager Lin asked Liu Ligan, people have started to come back, can we start selling?

Liu Ligan said there was no rush and he would warm up first and wait until the second grade of junior high school before officially starting.

He posted a notice at the door of the construction site, informing everyone that the houses in the building would be available for sale on the second day of the new year, and the market would also start booking on the same day. Liu Ligan's plan was that maybe someone would reserve a stall and go buy it. The house above, or conversely, if you buy a house, you can reserve the stall below.

Not only did I give you a home, I also gave you a business stall. Isn’t this a set meal?

In the next few days, Liu Ligan took florets from the supermarket, together with Wenwen and Qianqian, and Manager Lin sent cashiers from their hotel. Liu Ligan gave the lecture himself and began to train them for a week. .

Selling a house is not about selling a house, but about skills and knowledge. What I want to teach you now are skills and knowledge.

Liu Lipole kept a straight face and spoke to them seriously.

Thank you Quadratic VC for the reward of two fishes, one up and one down, at around three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to the little brother who eats fish, Guandian Electromechanical, CYTYP, Pi Wusun, Xiao Husuansa, The Chair in the World, Looking at the Plum Blossoms, Young Master Mianzhi, zpengyong1, and Book Friends 20180512122110518 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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