The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1746 Something embarrassing

Liu Lizhan put his arm around Wenwen and Qianqian's shoulders and led them into the store. There was a pair of eyes not far away, staring at their backs, almost getting angry.

Liu Ligan brought Wenwen and Qianqian into the store and said to them: "Come on, let's discuss the merchandise display in the store."

When he reached the cashier, Liu Ligan said, "Why is this place empty? Do you know that although this cashier is small, every inch of it is valuable."

"What can this bigger butt be used for?" Wenwen asked.

Liu Ligan said: "Wherever the farts are bigger, all the farts are golden. Put a small shelf here, and put some inconspicuous and cheap things on the shelf, such as chewing gum, lighters, batteries, Wangzi steamed buns , Alpine toffee and betel nut, etc., when people pay for them, they will pick up one or two. If you add up, you can sell a lot in a month.

"Think about it when you went to the supermarket and saw these dispensable and optional things. Many times, when you saw them, did you just buy them?"

The two of them thought about it for a while, and it was true.

Liu Ligan said: "Let's go and let me tell you how the things on your shelves should be placed."

Liu Ligan led them inside. Just after Liu Ligan said a few words, Wenwen called out: "Wait a minute, I'll get paper and pen."

Wenwen ran to the cashier and came back with a pen and paper. As Liu Ligan spoke, she remembered it.

When the supermarket closed, they did as they were told and began to rearrange the placement of the products. The next day, an old customer came in and asked Xiaohua if you had more things. Why do you have so many things? I've never seen it before?

Xiaohua held back a smile and said to her, "Yes, we bought a lot of new goods last night."

When taking inventory the next night, Wenwen found that today was not a special day, but the sales volume was more than 500 more than the previous day. In the next few days, Wenwen and Qianqian were convinced. Knowing that it was that night, they After rearranging the goods on the shelves, it worked.

Starting from the next day, wholesale bosses from Yongzhou or Chenzhou came here one after another for on-the-spot inspections. Liu Ligan was responsible for receiving them and talking to them. Everyone returned satisfied in the end.

When Liu Ligan was negotiating with upstream wholesalers, one person from Wenwen and Qianqian accompanied him, and the other went to hotels and agency stores in the town to discuss agency sales, sign agency sales agreements, and then I went to eight or nine nearby villages.

In just over a week, all upstream and downstream parties have been negotiated, and the distribution of goods has been implemented.

Every day, there are a lot of goods, delivered from Chenzhou or Yongzhou. These goods arrive at the door of the store, are placed for a while, and are then sent by tricycle to other agency stores and hotels in the town, as well as to the middle schools leading to the villages. Wenwen and Qianqian recruited two new people to deliver goods to buses and agricultural vehicles.

Wenwen takes Liu Ligan to the other side of the street almost every day to urge the foreman to work faster. They are too busy now, and Wenwen is eager to open the supermarket here.

The contractor finally finished all the work amidst Wenwen's nonsensical outbursts every day.

Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian were busy every day since they got up in the morning. They were busy receiving and delivering goods, as well as decorating the new supermarket. They were busy until dinner. Even Qianqian stopped going out. The three of them After eating and taking a shower, sometimes I go out to watch movies or play billiards. Most of the time, I just watch DVDs or play cards at home.

On a whim, the three of them went to the street to buy a DVD player, stereo and amplifier, moved the TV set from Wenwen's room, and started karaoke in the living room.

Sing until nine o'clock in the evening, when the supermarket closes, go down to collect the sales and take inventory. Not only the goods in the supermarket, but also the goods sent out during the day, and at the same time, list out which points need to be paid the next day. Account settled.

After all the goods in the supermarket were changed from distributed goods to consigned goods, Wenwen and the others had more money in their accounts. In addition, the storefronts at the other end of the street began to be rented out, and the rent was a large amount of income.

In addition, what they didn't expect was that selling goods also gave them a large amount of money. Liu Ligan told them that this was the capital pool.

They settle accounts once a month with their previous family, and settle accounts with their next family, those consignment stores and hotels that sell their goods, once every ten days and a half, so there is a half-month time difference in between, which is a lot. The payment for the goods was left in their account first, and when they were about to settle the bill with the previous party, a new payment for the goods came in from the next party.

This is equivalent to a sum of money that will always be in their account. Both Wenwen and Qianqian find Liu Ligan's statement of the capital pool very vivid.

After they had more money, Wenwen and Qianqian discussed and bought a white Hyundai car. The two of them went to the driving school in the town to sign up, but they were too busy and did not go to school a few times. More At that time, after the supermarket closed in the evening and the accounts were settled, Liu Ligan took them to the open space in front of the town government to go to school.

Anyway, it was already midnight by the time they were free.

After two days there, Liu Ligan became familiar with the old man who was the gatekeeper of the town government. He drew two rectangles with chalk on the cement floor, then sandwiched them with bricks, erected a few clothes drying poles, and began to teach Wenwen Qianqian backed the car into the warehouse.

When leaving, Liu Ligan threw a pack of cigarettes to the old man, picked up the bucket, poured a few buckets of water on the ground, and diluted the chalk marks. Even if it was done, the next night, he could vaguely follow the marks and put two Draw a rectangle.

That night, the supermarket had closed, and the rolling shutters were pulled down. Liu Ligan accompanied Wenwen Qianqian to clear the accounts in the store. The rolling shutters were banged violently, and Wenwen roared:


No one made a sound outside the door, but the knocking on the door rang again. The rolling shutter door was not locked. Wenwen walked over, opened the rolling shutter door halfway angrily, and immediately bent down and got in from the outside. Six or seven people, including the young man who was riding a motorcycle with Qianqian that day.

Wenwen cursed: "What are you doing? It's closed!"

The leader pointed at Wenwen: "Shut up!"

Wenwen was startled and fell silent.

The guy came over, pushed Liu Li's pole, and asked, "Is it you?"

As soon as Liu Ligan saw them coming in, he knew what they were here for. When he was pushed by this guy, Liu Ligan laughed and asked, "What is it about me?"

The guy raised a thumb and pointed behind him: "Did you steal his girlfriend?"

Before Liu Ligan said anything, Qianqian scolded: "Fuck you, who is his girlfriend?"

The guy pointed at Qianqian and said, "Shut up too!"

Qianqian wanted to say something else, but Liu Lipole waved his hand, indicating that she didn't need to say anything.

Liu Lizhan looked at the other party and asked, "Is this the reason?"

Liu Lizhan's calmness made the other party stunned, and the other party said: "Then what else do you want to do?"

Liu Lizhan nodded and said, "Then wait for me."

The other party still didn't understand what was going on. Liu Ligan bent down and went out from under the rolling shutter. He walked straight to the restaurant next door. Liu Ligan came here almost every day. The people in the restaurant were already familiar with him. Liu Ligan When I walked into the kitchen, the supper hadn't started yet. The chef was sitting there drinking tea. When he saw Liu Ligan coming in, he shouted:

"Oh, Boss Liu, it's so early today."

Liu Ligan waved his hand and said, "Supper will come later, it's still early."

He walked to the chopping board, picked up the two kitchen knives on the chopping board, and said to the chef, "Lend them to me."

Before the chef could react, Liu Ligan had already gone out with two knives.

People in the supermarket were about to go out to see where Liu Ligan had gone. They were startled when they saw him coming back with two kitchen knives in his hands.

Liu Ligan threw two kitchen knives on the cashier and said to the guy in the lead:

"A woman's affairs are logically related to him personally, and there is no need for you to come forward, right? Since you want to stand up for him, well, let me ask you, do any of you have any intention of hacking me to death? Do you have such a plan? Come out, you pick one, and we'll fight."

The group of people looked at each other. They originally wanted to use the strength of the crowd to extort some money from this foreigner for food and snacks. They didn't expect that this guy would be so aggressive. He seemed to be a ruthless character. If this continued, , it is not cost-effective to go to the police station and eat in jail without being injured.

Liu Ligan continued: "If you don't have this plan, then I can tell you that if any of you dare to touch me again today, I will definitely chop him to death!"

When Liu Ligan said this, his tone was vicious. At that moment, even the guy in the lead had the intention of retreating.

Liu Ligan looked at them and smiled. He waved to the young man and said to him: "Come on, since no one will stand up for you, you have to do it yourself."

The young man stood there without moving, looked at the leader, and Liu Ligan said:

"Don't look at other people, this matter is your own business. You fucking call so many people here for a woman, aren't you a coward? Such a man, don't talk about women, I'm fucking They all look down on you."

Liu Ligan said, picking up a knife on the cash register and saying, "Here, take it, you can chop me first."

The young man hesitated, and Liu Ligan threw the knife back to the cashier. At this time, the chefs next door and others also got in. When the other party saw that someone was coming, they became even more discouraged.

Liu Ligan said to the young man:

"Come on, brother, let's make things clear today. Even if you are looking for a woman, there is a first-come, first-served basis. You said Qianqian is your girlfriend, whether she admits it or not, what I can tell you is that Qianqian has been with us for more than ten years. She was my girlfriend before. At that time, you were still wearing crotchless pants and wetting the bed. Do you think it was me who stole your girlfriend, or you who stole my girlfriend?"

Some of the people who came with them laughed.

Wenwen walked over, picked up the kitchen knife on the cashier, slapped it hard, and shouted:

"Fuck you, what are you blabbering about? You have no business fighting him, or fight me. Come on, you bastard!"

The chef stood on the edge and said gloatingly:

"You're done. If you offend Wenwen, you'll offend everyone on this street. Come on, open the rolling shutter and let everyone on this street come in."

The guy in the lead was shocked. He glared at the young man and cursed: "Forget it, I don't care about your shit, let's go!"

He said and walked out, and the others followed him out. Only the young man was left standing there alone, his face turned pale. He looked at Qianqian, and Qianqian cursed:

"Go away, you disgraceful thing!"

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