The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1740 I won’t leave in Chenzhou

Now that Chen Yaqin has been taken away by them, Liu Ligan feels that this card may soon become unusable, and he must withdraw all the money in it.

Liu Ligan didn't dare to go to the counter to get it. If he went to the counter to use someone else's card, he could withdraw 50,000 yuan at a time. However, Liu Ligan was still worried that he would be exposed when the person who wanted to withdraw money had to show his ID card.

Although the bus driver Master Su told him that economic criminals are rarely wanted, Liu Ligan is still very worried, especially now that Lao Meng and Chen Yaqin have been taken away, he is the only target. Who knows what will happen next? What's up.

The only way is to withdraw 20,000 yuan a day from the ATM until all the money is withdrawn.

Judging by common sense, Liu Ligan also knew that Chen Yaqin had nothing to do with this matter. She was taken away by the police, and at most they only made a record and would not go in. She was not a person involved in the case, and generally speaking, the police would not keep an eye on her. every one of her accounts.

But for the sake of safety, Liu Ligan still didn't want to lead any clues to Ningyuan, which would cause him to get angry. Liu Ligan decided to take out all the money in Chenzhou before leaving. In this way, he would be here Stay for another ten days.

Liu Ligan continued walking along the street. He saw a foot bath shop and walked in. Behind the counter, there was a woman in her thirties sitting, who must be the proprietress. The proprietress was surprised when she saw him. , although their foot bath shop is open 24 hours a day, I have never seen anyone come to wash their feet so early.

"Is the camp open, beauty?" Liu Ligan asked.

"We're open for business, but the technician won't come until nine o'clock." said the landlady.

"It doesn't matter. Please open a box for me first." Liu Ligan said, "I took a long-distance bus all night and my back is sore. I need to lie down."

The landlady said, "Okay," she came out from behind the counter and led Liu Ligan to the box. Liu Ligan asked:

"Can you take a shower here? After riding in the car all night, I feel a little uncomfortable in such hot weather."

The landlady was embarrassed and said, "We can't take a shower here...or else, since there's no one around right now, you can go to the bathroom at the end of the corridor to take a shower, and I'll get you a basin."

Liu Ligan said yes, thank you beauty, you are really a kind person and a beautiful heart, and you are the best good person in the world.

The landlady giggled and walked away. After a while, she came back with a plastic washbasin in her hand. Liu Ligan saw towels, shampoo, and soap in it. Liu Ligan quickly said thank you.

He walked to the bathroom at the end of the corridor, locked the door, took off his clothes, filled the basin with water, and poured it over his body.

After taking a shower, he walked back to the box. It was very cool in the box. The landlady had already turned on the air conditioner for him. After taking a shower, Liu Ligan felt refreshed. He lay down on the recliner and fell asleep soon.

I don’t know how long it took, but someone patted his thigh. Liu Ligan opened his eyes and vaguely saw a girl standing in front of him. The girl asked him what set meal he wanted, and Liu Ligan said anything was fine. , you are so smart, just help me arrange it.

The girl walked out with a smile. After a while, she came back with a wooden basin. She put Liu Ligan's feet into the basin. Liu Ligan felt sleepy again. He told the girl, "You are here to serve me." If I fall asleep, don't stop and keep adding clock until I wake up.

The girl nodded and said yes.

Liu Ligan quickly fell into sleep. In his dream, he felt someone massaging his feet, calves, thighs, arms and shoulders. It was so comfortable that he couldn't describe it. It made him feel as if he was about to wake up. , and fell asleep again in a daze.

When Liu Ligan woke up, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. When the girl saw him opening his eyes, she asked, "Do you want me to massage your back again? I've been massaging your thighs for several hours."

Liu Ligan said yes, and the girl flattened the recliner. Liu Ligan turned over and lay face down. He thought of it and asked quickly:

"Beauty, did I cause you to miss lunch?"

The girl said that she had already eaten. It would only take five minutes to have a meal.

Liu Ligan was relieved. The girl knocked and pressed on his back. After a while, he fell asleep again.

When Liu Ligan woke up again, it was already past four in the afternoon. He said to the girl:

"Beauty, do you have hypnosis skills? Why do I fall asleep as soon as you massage me?"

The girl giggled, and Liu Ligan said, "No, no, I must treat you to a midnight snack. What time will you get off work in the evening?"

The girl's face turned red, and she felt coy for a while, then whispered to Liu Ligan, "Twelve o'clock."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the door."

The girl nodded quickly, and Liu Ligan stood up and walked out, feeling relieved. He knew that his backup plan had been implemented, even though the girl looked a bit ordinary.

Liu Ligan walked to the counter to pay, and the proprietress laughed when she saw him: "Did you fall in love with our technician and add so many extra hours?"

Liu Ligan said seriously: "How is it possible? I like you. Lying there, all I dream about is you."

The landlady's face turned red, she giggled, and reached out to hit Liu Li's pole.

After Liu Ligan finished paying, the proprietress walked out of the counter and sent Liu Ligan to the door. She and Liu Ligan were so close that they were almost touching him. Liu Ligan thought to himself, this can also be a record. However, there is a boss behind the boss lady, which is a bit troublesome.

Liu Ligan wandered aimlessly until almost six o'clock when he walked downstairs to a KTV. Liu Ligan saw a restaurant nearby and walked in. He ordered a jar of meat and a Spicy and sour fish head, a portion of Ma Tian Tofu, a portion of stir-fried pig, and a portion of blood duck, a table full of dishes, plus four bottles of beer, he ate and drank slowly by himself.

When it was almost eight o'clock, Liu Ligan saw a lot of beautiful girls passing by with fresh make-up outside the gate. He felt that it was almost time, so he called the waiter to pay the bill.

Next to the hotel is a branch of China Construction Bank, and beyond it is a three-star hotel. The KTV is on the third floor of the hotel.

Liu Ligan went upstairs. As soon as the elevator door opened, a greeter came over and asked him if he had a reservation. Liu Ligan said no.

"Who are the gentlemen?" the greeter asked.

Liu Ligan stretched out a finger, and the guest was stunned for a moment, but soon he led Liu Ligan in with a smile on his face.

The greeter led Liu Ligan to a private room with an open door, reached out and turned on the light, and asked, "Do you think this private room is okay, sir?"

Liu Lipole nodded without even looking.

Liu Ligan sat down on the sofa, and the guest asked, "Do you need to call me little sister now?"

Liu Ligan said yes.

The greeter retreated to the door and called into the corridor: "Mommy."

After a while, Mommy led six girls in and stood in a row in front of Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan's heart moved. He saw that one of the girls was very beautiful and almost chose her. However, He still endured it and asked Mommy to change another batch.

Liu Ligan watched them walk out. He seemed to hear the girl "hum" with some disdain. Liu Ligan understood her. He knew that with her condition, it would be rare for someone to be replaced. time, so I felt a little unsatisfied.

Liu Ligan said in his heart, sister, I'm sorry, but this kind of thing is about eyesight. Although you are very beautiful, the lines on your face are stiff. I know you are already an old turtle. What the hell? It's not good, I didn't even know I was sold by you, thank you.

Mommy came in with the second group of girls, and Liu Ligan immediately chose one of them. This girl was not the most beautiful among this group of girls, and she was far different from the previous one, but she just let Liu Li The pole looks comfortable, and the most important thing is to feel at ease.

Mommy led the girl to sit down. The girl sat there a little awkwardly, with her feet together and her hands on her legs. Mommy arched her buttocks and pushed Liu Lipole towards the girl, and owed He turned around, took the girl's hand, and placed it on Liu Ligan's thigh.

The girl blushed.

Mommy poured wine into the glasses of all three people, hooked one hand around Liu Lizhan's neck, drank a glass with them, then stood up and told the girl to serve well.

The girl nodded vigorously.

Mommy bent down and hooked her hands around Liu Ligan's neck, as if she wanted to kiss him. She leaned close to Liu Ligan's ear and bit his ear:

"Handsome man, my little sister has just started working for a few days. Please take care of her."

Liu Lipole nodded.

Mommy reached out and touched Liu Ligan's face twice, then straightened up and left.

As soon as mommy left, the girl immediately retracted her hand, and Liu Ligan laughed: "Why, are you still afraid that I will eat you?"

The girl was embarrassed and quickly shook her head and said, "No, no, don't get me wrong."

After hesitating for a while, he put his hand back on Liu Ligan's thigh, but only gently.

"Okay, let me introduce myself first. My name is Liu Yang. What's your name?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yanyan." The girl said.

"Cheat me with a fake name?" Liu Ligan asked.

The girl's face turned red again, and she said, "They called me Yanyan. My name is Deng Baoyi."

"Just went to work?" Liu Ligan asked.

The girl nodded and said honestly: "On the third day, I was not ordered by any customers yesterday. You are my second customer."

Liu Ligan said: "Shall we go and request some songs?"

Deng Baoyi said yes, Liu Ligan stood up and reached out to pull Deng Baoyi. She hesitated and took Liu Ligan's hand.

The two held hands and went to the song booth to order songs. After ordering the songs, Deng Baoyi poured wine into their glasses. As soon as they raised their glasses, before they touched them, the prelude of An Yixuan's "If I Didn't Meet You That Day" started playing. Getting up, Deng Baoyi shouted:

"My song, my song."

She put down the cup, picked up the microphone, and sang: "On the last night of March, I don't know where the car is going. It's carrying my soft heart in the direction of my soft heart. It cuts through the streamlined light in the sky. Love has its wings stuck to sadness." , in the playground where you disappeared..."

Liu Ligan shook his head and put down the cup.

Deng Baoyi's voice was very nice and she sang very immersedly. When she sang, she seemed to have forgotten that there was someone beside her. When she finished singing, Liu Ligan clapped her hands, and she turned around as if she was just waking up from a dream. Lai smiled sweetly at him and said:


Thank you for your monthly pass to Happy Woman, End, Hao, Yuanwang, and Kanshanshui! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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