The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1736 Why do we hold our heads and cry?

Drive the car south to Yongcheng Funeral Home, enter the gate, drive all the way inside, pass through the entire funeral home, and continue to drive towards the mountain col at the back until you reach a stone archway with the words "Yongcheng Cemetery" written on it. , Xiangnan parked the car in the parking lot in front of the archway.

Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei said: "Get off the car."

In the parking lot in July, the sun was blazing outside. Xiang Nan said: "Take the umbrella on the back seat."

Zhang Xiangbei said "Oh", turned around, reached for the umbrella from the back seat, and got out of the car.

Xiang Nan also got out of the car. She saw Zhang Xiangbei squinting his eyes, standing next to the car and looking around, holding an umbrella in his hand, and cursed to Xiang Nan:

"Idiot, open the umbrella."

Zhang Xiangbei quickly opened his umbrella, walked over, and handed the umbrella handle to Xiang Nan. Xiang Nan rolled his eyes at him and cursed:

"Why, didn't you hold an umbrella for a girl?"

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled, held an umbrella, and shaded Xiangnan, leaned over to Xiangnan, and said let's go, and the two of them walked toward the col.

The winding mountain road was close to the foot of the mountain on one side. The mountains on both sides were very high. The afternoon sun began to slant westward. They walked inside for four or five minutes. The mountain shadows had already covered the road. Zhang Xiangbei put away his umbrella. Although the temperature was very high, But the wind in the valley was cool, and the two of them were sweating constantly, but they didn't feel stuffy.

Xiang Nan led Zhang Xiangbei up the mountain along a stone staircase. On both sides of the staircase were two rows of camphor trees. Behind the camphor trees were rows of neatly arranged tombs. They climbed up for five or six minutes. , turn right and walk along the cross passage, passing by tombs, until you reach Feng Laogui's tomb.

Behind each row of graves in the cemetery, there is a row of cypress trees. The cypress trees are not high, but because the rows of graves are stepped, the row of cypress trees behind them is still higher than their heads.

When they were standing, their heads were exposed to the sun, and when they were half-crouched, they were in the shade of the trees.

Although the ground here doesn't get the sun, it is hot. Zhang Xiangbei put his umbrella on the ground and said to Xiangnan, "Sit down."

Xiangnan sat down on the umbrella, looked up and saw Zhang Xiangbei's upper body in the sun, and cursed: "Idiot, you squat down too."

Zhang Xiangbei had just squatted down on the edge of Xiang Nan, then stood up. He walked to the road in front, broke off a few cypress branches, walked back and placed them next to Xiang Nan, and then sat down as well.

Zhang Xiangbei turned to look at Feng Laogui's tombstone. He remembered it and was about to get up again. He asked Xiangnan, "What are you doing?"

"I pay my respects to Uncle Feng." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Sit down, stop being pretentious, you don't even know him." Xiang Nan said, "Sit here, he can see you."

"Right, dad?" Xiangnan suddenly raised his voice and shouted, as if there was really someone next to him. Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help but shudder.

The two people sat there, looking at the valley below and the hillside opposite. All the tombs in this valley were on this mountain. The mountain opposite was shady and had bad geomantic omen, so there were no tombs. It was just a barren mountain, and there was nothing. The trees, the sun shining on the thatched grass all over the mountain, are shining, making the grass look wet.

The wind in the mountain col was chaotic. It came and went. When they were silent, they could hear the rustling of thatch on the opposite side, and the rustling of the cypress trees in front and behind them.

The sweat on the two people's bodies gradually disappeared. They changed their positions and sat back to back. Xiangnan sighed and said:

"My dad is so pathetic."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"No wonder my mother has always looked down on my father. Ever since I can remember, I have never seen her give my father a good look. When my father talks at home, he always glances at my mother with one eye. He is so careful. , and finally got divorced.”

Xiangnan said, Zhang Xiangbei was silent. He couldn't imagine what kind of experience it was. Zhang Xiangbei had never experienced it. From the time he could remember, he knew that his parents were very good and loving. Until his mother passed away.

Xiang Nan snorted and sneered: "The goal has been achieved, the job has been saved, and I have been born and grown up, so my father is no longer needed. They just divorced. I dare Guaranteed, my mother must have suggested it."

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Sister, I don't think Aunt Shuzhen is that kind of person."

"What is not that kind of person, that is, otherwise, why do you think my mother looks down on my father? Not only my mother, I know, even my grandfather and grandmother also look down on my father."

Zhang Xiangbei originally wanted to say that your grandparents also looked down on Uncle Zangzi, but when Xiangnan's words were a bit harsh, Zhang Xiangbei endured them and did not say anything.

Even Zhang Chen didn't know that the reason why Tan Shuzhen and Feng Laogui became strangers on the same bed was because Tan Shuzhen discovered that the letters Liu Ligan wrote to her were all written by Feng Laogui. Laogui intercepted it.

Xiang Nan didn't even know. She could only deduce that Tan Shuzhen looked down on Feng Laogui.

Also, the divorce between Feng Laogui and Tan Shuzhen was really not proposed by Tan Shuzhen, but by Feng Laogui and Tan Shuzhen the next day after Huang Linghua made a fuss in the street that night.

"Sister, you don't accept Uncle Gangzi?" Zhang Xiangbei asked, "Actually, I think Uncle Gangzi is also a very good person."

"What should I accept? Accept that he is my father? Didn't I say that he himself doesn't know that he is my father? Huh, what should I accept? Besides, does anyone know where he is now?" Xiang Nan said, " I only have one father. He passed away and was buried here. My surname is Feng, not Liu, and I will never change my surname in my life."

Xiang Nan's eyes were red as she said, "I still remember when I was a child, my father held me in his arms every night and stood at the window waiting for my mother to come back. Almost every night, I would sit with my father in his arms. Asleep in his arms."

Xiang Nan shed tears as she spoke. She turned to look at Feng Laogui's tombstone beside her and shouted, "Dad, I really miss you, every night."

Xiangnan cried. After a while, she felt Zhang Xiangbei's body twitching behind her. She turned around and saw that Zhang Xiangbei had tears streaming down his face. Xiangnan felt strange and asked:

"Zhang Xiangbei, I'm crying for mine, why are you crying too?"

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I miss my mother too. Aunt Xiaofang is very good to me. I am very happy that she can be with my father, but... I still miss my mother very much."

Xiang Nan's heart shuddered. She recalled that day in the corridor of a hospital in Hangzhou City. They looked into the isolation ward. Aunt Xiao Zhao had left, and Uncle Zhang Chen was still drawing a watch for her. There was a lot of crying in the corridor. Only Zhang Xiangbei didn't cry. The eyes on the mask stared at the ward inside the glass in horror.

Xiang Nan remembered that she was holding Zhang Xiangbei and crying, and said to him: "Sister will always be good to you."

Zhang Xiangbei finally burst into tears and shouted, "But sister, I still want my mother!"

Xiangnan turned around, hugged Zhang Xiangbei, and said to him: "Zhang Xiangbei, it doesn't matter, you still have a sister, I will still be good to you."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and said, "I know sister, sister, you have to remember that you still have me."

Xiangnan nodded: "I remember, Zhang Xiangbei."

The two people hugged each other and cried loudly. They felt that they were two orphans abandoned by the world. They were the only two together and dependent on each other.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen decided to stay in Yongcheng for one night and see Xiang Nan's reaction.

In the evening of that day, they went to Gao Hong to visit everyone. The troupe dormitory in Gao Hong had been built and everyone had moved into their new houses. Someone saw Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen arriving on the balcony and shouted, and everyone came out. , greet them, there are many people, be sure to take them to your home to sit.

They arrived at Xiangxiang’s house first, and Xiangxiang said to them:

"Our troupe has finally made it through. Look, we won awards and were assigned new houses. We have taken advantage of all the good things. Now when we go out and say that we are from the Wu Opera Troupe, our chests are puffed up. Unlike before, people I’m embarrassed to ask.”

Xiangxiang's husband said from the side: "When our theater building is completed by the end of the year and we move in, it will be even more impressive."

Xiangxiang sighed and said, "Oh, it's a pity that Laogui is not lucky."

A sigh made everyone fall silent.

When they arrived at Teacher Wu's house, Tan Shuzhen asked Teacher Wu: "How is Nannan doing in the group? She is the group leader. Teacher Wu, you have to help her more."

"If you can't help, there's no need to help." Teacher Wu waved his hand and said, "Nan Nan is modeled after you. He manages a theater troupe very well. Besides, now, it's all dominated by their young people. We, the older ones, enjoy our leisure time.”

Mrs. Wu said from the side: "Yes, this Nannan, even us family members admire her. She talks to you with a smile and a soft voice. Even if you say you are wrong, you feel very comfortable listening to her. "

"What, Mrs. Wu, wouldn't you think of going to her office to cry?" Zhang Chen joked.

"If you don't cry, don't cry. It's too late to laugh now. Why cry?" Mrs. Wu waved her hand and said with a smile.

After coming down from Gaofang, they went to the Western Zhejiang Technical School and to Xiang Nan's office. Xiang Nanzheng, Ding Yousong, and several young musicians were discussing the matter of re-scoring "Stealing Immortal Grass". Zhang Xiang Bei sat surfing the Internet.

Seeing them come in, Xiang Nan stood up and said to Zhang Chen: "Uncle, today's audiences don't like watching martial arts dramas so much anymore. We just want to modify this "Stealing Immortal Grass"."

"Increase the literary and opera part?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiang Nan is right.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "It's normal for today's audiences not to like watching martial arts dramas. Everyone watches martial arts movies and gun fights every day, just doing a few somersaults. Of course it won't attract them. In the past, when there was no TV or movies, the audience saw Just jumping down from the high platform with a somersault is satisfying. Now, they need you to hang the wire and fly on the stage."

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, we just want to strengthen the literary and operatic part, and add Via to fly on the stage. When Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing go up to Kunlun Mountain, it will be like the flying sky in Dunhuang. What a great stage effect. ." Ding Yousong said.

After the two people left Xiangnan's office, Tan Shuzhen asked Zhang Chen:

"Zhang Chen, look at what's going on with Nan Nan. I don't believe that she really accepts this matter so calmly."

Zhang Chen said: "It's true or false. Anyway, things have been settled. Let her accept it slowly. Time will heal everything."

Tan Shuzhen sighed and said, "Okay, it's up to you."

Thank you to Quadratic VC and Daily Page for the rewards! Thank you to Lao Chentang, Dong Longdong, Hu Hu, Yuan Xi, Xueyou Singing, Er Mao, Shuyou 20180625071342028, 20180906223204934 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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