The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1730 Two Troubles

When Zhang Chen was away, Xiaofang and Tan Shuzhen had dinner at Tan Shuzhen's house every day. Occasionally, they would go to Zhang Chen's parents' house for dinner, or go to a hotel to eat.

After eating, the two of them would either go shopping or take a walk by the Mishi River. Sometimes they would also go to the "Women's Street" next door.

Tan Shuzhen and Xiaofang walked into the "Ladies Street" next door. They hadn't seen each other for a few days. Xiaofang was shocked when she saw Wu Huan's face covered with acne and asked, "Did you not sleep well?"

Wu Huan nodded.

"Are you anxious?" Xiaofang continued to ask.

Wu Huan was right, he was obviously very sleepy, but when he lay on the bed and his head touched the pillow, he immediately woke up.

"It's not because I didn't sell you 1.5 billion, and I feel reluctant to part with it, right?" Xiaofang smiled.

"No, no, absolutely not, boss." Wu Huan said, "I was thinking, looking at the money in the account, it is burning like this every day, but not a cent comes in, so I feel anxious, I am worried every day Think about how you can make money.”

Xiaofang understood, and she said to Wu Huan: "This is not something you should consider. If the money is spent, you can still proceed to Series B. What you have to consider now is one thing."

"What is it, boss?" Wu Huan asked quickly.

"You just think about how to increase traffic. Do you understand that when the number of registered users of 'Ladies Street' reaches 100 million, your task will be completed brilliantly." Xiaofang said.

"Don't worry about making money or not?" Wu Huan asked.

Xiaofang said: "Don't worry about it, just worry about the flow."

Wu Huan let out a long breath and said, "That's easy. I have a few plans. I'll think them through tonight and I'll report to you tomorrow."

Xiaofang said yes.

Xiaofang and Tan Shuzhen walked out, and Tan Shuzhen said with a smile: "It's an eye-opener for me. There are companies that just spend money and don't care about making money. Your money just falls from the sky?"

Xiaofang smiled and said: "It's not that they don't make money, it's that they save it to make a lot of money in the future. I asked them to focus on building traffic. Traffic is actually money. After the traffic increases, they only need to find a conversion method to make money. Without traffic, , it’s nothing.”

Tan Shuzhen shook her head: "Anyway, if the company below me can only spend money but not make money, I will definitely fire the general manager. By the way, when will Zhang Chen come back?"

"Tomorrow." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen and Liu Qing first returned to Beijing from Paris, and then flew back to Hangzhou from Beijing. Xiaofang went to Xiaoshan Airport to pick him up. The two reunited after a long separation. When they first met, they were a little embarrassed, but when they arrived In the parking lot, we got in the car and hugged each other immediately.

Zhang Chen asked: "How is your family?"

"Not good." Xiaofang said.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I'm in trouble." Xiaofang said, "And there are two of them, both of them are big trouble."

Zhang Chen was startled and asked quickly: "What's the big trouble?"

Xiaofang held back her laughter, shook her head and said, "We'd better go home."

"Okay, let's go home quickly." Zhang Chen said quickly.

Zhang Chen drove the car and turned to look at Xiaofang from time to time. Xiaofang looked outside with a serious face. Later, Xiaofang said: "Don't look at me, drive well."

Zhang Chen wanted to ask, but quickly closed his mouth.

The two of them drove to "Splendid Home". They didn't even go to Zhang Chen's parents' house. Instead, they went directly to their own home. After entering the door, Zhang Chen called:

"Xiaofang, can you speak now?"

"Sit down first." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen sat down on the sofa, and Xiaofang also sat down next to him. Xiaofang asked Zhang Chen: "Do you want to hear the first thing or the second thing first?"

Zhang Chen was confused. You didn't tell me the first and second things. How do I know which one is first and which one is second?

Zhang Chen said: "Anything is fine."

"Want to hear the big one or the small one?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Chen said it was big.

"I'm pregnant." Xiaofang looked at Zhang Chen and said.

Zhang Chen shouted "Aha", hugged Xiaofang, and said with a smile: "What kind of trouble is this? This is a good thing, is it true?"

Xiaofang nodded and pushed him away with her hand. Xiaofang said: "It's not a problem. Tell me, if my belly gets bigger, how can I still work? I have several projects to work on. What should I do if I have a belly? , this little guy came at the wrong time."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Any time is a good time to come. When your sister was pregnant with Zhang Xiangbei, or when we just started our own business, your sister had a big belly and had to ride a bicycle to open the stall door every day. There was a mountain of clothes tied to the schoolbag rack behind the bicycle. What should we do? There were only two of us, so it was impossible not to do this.

"No matter what we do now, our conditions are better than those then. And Xiang Nan, it was the same when Tan Shuzhen was pregnant with Xiang Nan..."

"What happened when Sister Zhenzhen was pregnant with Nannan?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, knowing that he had made a mistake, he quickly said:

"What I mean is that when a woman is pregnant with a child, it is always hard, but it is also the best time. Besides, your job is not to follow two reclamation warriors to reclaim the wasteland. You need to dig with a hoe every day. Instead of sitting there and talking to people, pregnant women can't talk to people? Who is not born by a pregnant woman and dares to discriminate against pregnant women?

"If you go to negotiate with foreigners with a big belly, the foreigners will give in to you. When Li Hongzhang was negotiating with Japan, he was shot by a Japanese assassin. Li Hongzhang still wrapped his head in gauze to talk to the Japanese. The Japanese were all Let him."

"You are really good at talking, my dear." Xiaofang laughed as she said it, and Zhang Chen also laughed.

"By the way, have you told your parents?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaofang shook her head: "I told my sister, she laughed at me, but I haven't told my parents yet."

Zhang Chen said: "If you tell them, you will feel even more that this little guy came at the right time."

"Okay, okay, I recognize him." Xiaofang said as she snuggled into Zhang Chen's arms.

"By the way, what is the second thing you mentioned?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaofang sat up straight, stood up, and sat on the sofa on the side. Then she looked at Zhang Chen and said seriously: "It's your business."

"my business?"

"Yes, dear, do you still remember what I told you to help you make the profit distribution model?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

"You haven't been at home for the past two days, so I've been doing it at night."

"Is it difficult to do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's not difficult to do." Xiaofang said, "I've already done it, but I think we made a mistake."

"We were wrong? Where was the mistake?" Zhang Chen asked, surprised.

"Yes, we were wrong, very wrong. I can guarantee that if we did this, your company would be finished in less than three to five years." Xiaofang said.

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was shocked: "How could it be?"

"Listen to me and let me analyze it for you." Xiaofang said, Zhang Chen also sat up straight, and he said: "Okay, okay, you say it."

"Many times, when you have a good wish, you often get the worst result in the end. This is the case. We say that 80% of the profits will be distributed. How does the profit come from? Is it income? Minus expenses?”

Xiaofang asked, Zhang Chen nodded.

"Expenditures include operating and production costs, taxes, company operating expenses, and the biggest one is investment." Xiaofang said, "As long as we announce this plan and implement it for one year, it will be chaotic in the second year. set."

"How could it be?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Why not? Think about it, in order to create more profits and spend more money, will everyone try their best to save costs?"

"Yes, but isn't it better to save costs?" Zhang Chen said.

"Some costs can be saved, and some cannot. What if because of cost saving, we end up cutting corners and shoddy goods?"

"Impossible, with so many people watching, who dares to do such a thing?" Zhang Chen said.

"Dear, you have forgotten that so many people watching are all participating in profit distribution. Every dollar saved will be shared by them. Do you think you won't? By then , I’m afraid that the people below have already done this, and you are the only one who doesn’t know about it. Everyone is hiding it from you, can you keep an eye on it by yourself?”

Zhang Chen took a breath. Indeed, logically speaking, such a thing would happen, but:

"I believe our people will not do this."

Xiaofang sighed: "Dear, the reason why all systems, including national laws, are formulated is based on the premise that everyone is a bad person, rather than assuming that everyone is a good person. If that were the case, there would be no need to formulate a system. and the law, and in the face of interests, people will also change. He is a good person today, but you cannot guarantee that he will be a good person throughout his life.

"Especially, especially your system. When it allows everyone to become bad people, you can't blame everyone, you can only blame yourself. Think about it, if our system encourages everyone to cut corners and shoddy goods, then It will definitely happen, even if it didn’t happen yesterday or today, it will definitely happen tomorrow.”

When Xiaofang was talking, Zhang Chen thought of Zhao Zhilong. Yes, Zhao Zhilong had been under him for so many years. When he was under him, he thought that one day he would betray him and even think about breaking up. Your own way? What was the final result?

Even people like Yao Fen would do such outrageous things under the pressure of various external factors. It is indeed too unreliable to place their hopes on everyone is a good person. On the other hand, if If you are too indulgent, you may turn a good person into a bad person, and if you indulge yourself, you may become a bad person.

Zhang Chen stopped talking. Xiaofang looked at him and said:

"Also, in order to maximize profits, will they find ways to evade taxes? You must know that even if tax evasion is discovered and it is illegal, the person who bears responsibility and goes to jail is also the legal person, that is, you. They can evade taxes and evade taxes." Who wouldn't take advantage of such a bargain and put it in your own pocket without having to take responsibility?

"Also, the way to maximize profits is not to invest. Any investment will reduce the company's profits. The larger the investment project, the greater the impact on the company's profits. Think about the consequences of this, which is very serious. It is possible that everyone from you down will oppose any investment. Even if you decide to invest, the following will either respond negatively or actively obstruct it.

"If everyone below objects to something you want to do alone, can you still do it..."

"Xiaofang, you don't need to say anything." Zhang Chen was already shuddering, he waved his hand and said.

Thank you 0hjklg and Quadratic VC for the reward! Thank you to Book Friends 20190407232429569, Book Friends 20170517225439985, Dong Longdong, Piao Ling Yi Yu, and Da Zhi Lao for your monthly passes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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