The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1720 Reconstruction

At noon the next day, Tan Shuzhen arrived at Zhang Chen's office and told him that all the procedures for the reconstruction of the dynamic zone were complete and you could start construction.

"Great!" Zhang Chen shouted.

"Are you going to design it yourself, or leave it to Jason and the others?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"I want to do it myself." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen smiled: "I knew you wanted to be a mother again and give birth to a baby yourself."

"I'll go, you said that my functions are too complete." Zhang Chen cursed.

Liu Qing has already called back and asked her assistant to start reporting their plans for their European trip to Taiwan. Liu Qing and Zhang Chen said that when the plan is finalized, Taiwan's external relations department and those art galleries and museums will finalize the filming. The matter will take about half a month, and they are expected to set off in early to mid-April.

In this way, Zhang Chen would design the renderings of the dynamic zone beforehand and hand them over to Tan Shuzhen and their architectural design institute.

Once this project starts, it must be completed within a year, otherwise it will definitely be unbearable for so many merchants inside.

In the afternoon, Lao Tan came over, and Zhang Chen called Hagen over. The three of them began to discuss how the entire project should be operated.

The most difficult thing for them is that no matter how tight the construction deadline is, all the hundreds of stores below will be closed within a year, and their business will be interrupted. They cannot say that they will go there this year. First look for a store outside, and after a year, when you have built it here, they will move it back.

What kind of business can be interrupted for a year?

The second is that in the same wholesale market, the location of the store is very critical. That is, for stores of the same size on the same floor, when good stores and poor stores are transferred, the prices will be quite different.

And there is another characteristic, that is, the bigger the brand, they will care about the advertising space outside the building, but they don’t care so much about the location inside the store, because it is very simple, their stores are very large, and consumers no matter where they are. Whichever passage you enter, whichever staircase or elevator you go up, you will reach them.

Moreover, their products are not repetitive. Even if the shoes are of the same style, with or without the Nike logo, the distance is widened. Most people who buy Nike will go straight to its stores when they come, no matter where the store is.

These brands are the most supportive of Zhang Chen and his team's renovation. After the renovation, their space suddenly increased, which is what they value most.

Careful about location, the more difficult ones are those small brands and small dealers.

Hagen said: "This can be easily solved. Our original business area was two and a half floors, and now it is five floors. And after moving the front and rear parking lots underground, the single-story area is even larger than before. In addition, Those big international brands used to be scattered on the first to third floors, but now they are concentrated on the fifth and sixth floors, which means the area on the lower three floors has become larger.

"For the original merchants, we can keep the floors unchanged, that is, you were originally on the first floor, and we will give you the first floor. It was originally on the second floor, and this time it will be the second floor. We first plan the location of the internal stores. Internal lottery, after the lottery, some people must be dissatisfied, isn't there an extra empty store, I will let you choose again."

Zhang Chen nodded and said: "This method is good, and it is the limit of what we can do. Someone will definitely ask me where I was before and where I will be after it is demolished. This is impossible. Our passages, gates, The positions of the stairs and elevators have been changed, the internal atrium needs to be expanded, and the internal layout has been changed. How can we ensure that the original demolition and original construction can be guaranteed?”

"Don't be afraid of this. There is such a person. We have given you two opportunities to choose. If you are still not satisfied, then we can only cancel the lease according to the contract and compensate him for three months' rent." Hagen said.

Zhang Chen said yes, that’s it.

"After the internal lottery is over and the agreement is re-signed, we will start demolition again, so there will be no sequelae." Hagen said, "There are still many shops, and we will attract investment after they open."

Zhang Chen nodded, and the matter was settled. Then he turned back to discuss the first thing.

Zhang Chen said: "I have been thinking about this for the past two days. Our original purpose of this reconstruction was to transfer part of the wholesale function to the logistics base. Sooner or later, wholesale markets will not be allowed to exist in the city center. , which is inevitable for urban development.

"In this case, I'm wondering if we can take this one step first, that is, build the 'Dynamic Zone' wholesale center at the logistics base first and put it into use. In this way, even if this place is demolished, the wholesale of these merchants The business has not been interrupted, only part of the retail business has been interrupted, and for some retail businesses, they will still go there."

Hagen slapped his thigh and said, "Okay, this will make the work easier."

Zhang Chen said: "At the logistics base, the rent for this year can be waived."

"There is no need to waive it, just half the charge will be enough." Hagen said.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "Forget it, let's waive it all. No matter what, we always bring trouble to others, and harmony makes money. We also hope that their business will get better and better."

Hagen said okay, that’s it.

Zhang Chen and Lao Tan said: "Brother, in this case, the logistics base will trouble you. Xiao Wu and I have calculated that there are not so many remaining warehouses. There is still a difference of more than 3,000 square meters, and new ones need to be built. , this place can’t be demolished until the logistics base is completed and all the merchants here have moved there.”

"Okay." Lao Tan said, "There is no need to go through the formalities there, and the drawings are ready. I will let them come in tomorrow. The warehouse of more than 3,000 square meters will be taken over within two months."

"Okay." Zhang Chen said, "Thank you, brother."

Zhang Chen turned to Hagen: "Brother Hagen, do you think this is okay?"

Hagen said yes.

Hagen walked out, and Lao Tan was getting up to say goodbye. Zhang Chen said:

"Brother, please wait a moment. I asked Huijuan to come. We will also discuss the hotel on the sixth floor. Only after we have agreed upon it can I start designing."

Old Tan sat down again. Zhang Chen walked to his desk, picked up the phone on the desk, called Zhao Jingjing and asked her, "Is Huijuan at your place?"

Zhao Jingjing said yes and she would come right away.

Huijuan walked in and saw Lao Tan, so she called "big brother", and Lao Tan asked Huijuan to come over and sit down.

Zhang Chen poured a glass of water, walked over, placed it in front of Huijuan, and sat down himself.

Zhang Chen told Huijuan about the idea of ​​renovating the dynamic zone and turning the entire sixth floor into the Tuxiangyuan Hotel. Huijuan asked:

"The store on Yan'an Road?"

"When the time comes, it will be freed up and rented to others. Otherwise, the business of two hotels so close to each other will definitely conflict." Zhang Chen said.

Lao Tan said with a smile: "It's not that there will be a conflict. This big store will definitely destroy my small store on Yan'an Road."

"How big is it here?" Huijuan asked.

"Eighteen thousand square meters." Zhang Chen said.

"So big?" Huijuan was startled, "How many tables can be set up?"

"There are probably more than 600 seats for the ten-person table."

Huijuan took a breath of cold air, and Zhang Chen asked with a smile: "What, are you scared?"

"It's not that I'm afraid. More than 6,000 people are eating at the same time. It's scary to think about it. How many people are needed in the kitchen and how many waiters are needed?" Huijuan said.

"So I want you to come over and discuss it together to see how we can lay it out." Zhang Chen said.

"I heard that there were more than 6,000 people, and my brain exploded. Let alone more than 6,000 people, there were more than 6,000 mosquitoes. How noisy would it be? The first one is how to let so many people eat together without making a fuss. Otherwise, the guests will be frightened and shout and talk while eating. Who dares to come next time?" Huijuan said.

"Zhang Chen, don't talk about it. Huijuan got to the point right away." Old Tan said.

Huijuan smiled: "I stay in hotels every day and have personal experience. I am afraid to enter the noisy lobby of several stores, let alone the guests. I am still thinking about how to transform these stores."

Zhang Chen nodded. He also felt that what Huijuan said was very reasonable. When he was making a decoration plan, he focused on the effect of the decoration. In terms of functionality, he did not consider much, and many of them were not considered at all. , there are many designs that look good on paper, and the effect is also very good after decoration, but when they are actually put into use, some problems come out.

Many times, good-looking things really can’t be eaten as food.

"Huijuan, please write to me later on which stores you feel are the noisiest. I'll go and see what's causing it. When designing this store, I'll try to figure out how to avoid it." Zhang Chen He Huijuan said.

Huijuan nodded.

"Since the area is so large, can we use part of the area to use as supporting facilities for our hotel?" Huijuan asked.

"The hotel's supporting facilities?" Zhang Chen thought this was very new and asked, "What supporting facilities?"

"I also discovered this when I was in the store. Customers have this demand. For example, many customers, especially children, do not like the drinks provided in our store. They like to drink milk tea. Can we open it in our store? A milk tea shop? Open an ice cream shop?

"Also, many guests want to continue chatting after eating, but it is really uncomfortable to sit in the dining area. Can we set up a coffee shop and teahouse so that they can have a drink after eating without getting off the elevator? Tea and coffee, it would be even better if there is a foot bath shop, and you can go soak your feet after dinner," Huijuan said.

Zhang Chen and Lao Tan looked at each other and laughed. Lao Tan said: "Okay, okay, Huijuan, you really touched my heart. I went out to eat. When I finished eating, , there is really such a demand.”

"More than 6,000 diners are a large consumer population in themselves, plus people from the shopping mall below will go up there, so I think it's okay." Zhang Chen said, "Make this part a relatively independent space, that is to say , even if your hotel is closed, it will not affect their business, as long as you can do this."

Thank you Quadratic VC, Zeng Ji, Two Fish One Up and One Down for the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to Hua'er and Young Man, lang68, zpengyong1, Sanran Daxia, Gongzi Mianzhi, and monthly votes for Cao Xiaomin, Doudou, Chuanlin, Ermao, Xu Yuenian, Zeng Ji, and Lao Chentang! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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