The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1718 They are in Paris (Thank you to the chair in the world for becoming the leader!)

In response to strong requests from the audience, the special exhibition "Return - Them from 1911 to 1933" at the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery" was postponed until March 10th. Immediately afterwards, Zhao Xin and Xiaoshu held an exhibition in the evening After working all night to set up the exhibition, Yao Fen and Ge Ling also brought designers over to help.

The next day, March 11, the special exhibition "Them - Paris from 1910 to 1940" was grandly displayed at the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery". What was on display this time was the large Works inside the container.

The opening of an art exhibition in China has never attracted so many foreign ambassadors and consuls general to China. They stood in a row on the stage and cut the ribbon together.

Not only did this exhibition include the ambassadors and consuls general of the countries where the painters' works were exhibited, but also the French Consul General in Shanghai. Although there were no works by French painters in this exhibition, there were so many painters from all over the world at that time. They are all studying in Paris, which is also a very proud and worthwhile thing for him to participate in.

"They are in Paris", this is something that Parisians and French people should be proud of.

Along with these ambassadors and consul generals, there were also reporters from their domestic media. In addition, the previous art exhibition of the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery" caused a sensation in the country. This time, the domestic media also gathered here, plus The parking lot at the entrance of the "Riverside Art Museum" was packed with visitors who were eager to enter the museum.

Fortunately, Zhao Xin and the others were already prepared. All the vehicles that came to attend the opening ceremony on this day were parked on both sides of the road outside the gate of Genshan Power Plant, and were directed to the nearby community. Sister Guihua asked the security guards of the community to also Come and help Zhao Xin and the others maintain order.

Half of the visitors were teachers and students from Gome. This exhibition had caused a sensation in Gome before it was even shown. The reason was that Xiaoshu passed some photos of some of the paintings to his former colleagues at Gome. Watch with teachers and students.

Everyone was surprised when they saw it. They didn't expect that in countries such as Vietnam, Mexico, Peru, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, etc., which were originally inconspicuous, there are still such a group of painters, and their works are actually outstanding. This surprised everyone. I was so surprised that I told my colleagues and students about it. This exhibition became famous in the United States even before it was shown.

Liu Qing and others also came to report on this exhibition. Not only did they report it as news, but they also planned to do a special feature. Zhang Chen gave Liu Qing an idea. This time, not only did he appear on the scene to introduce these works, but also asked Xiao Shu appeared on the scene, as a first-class young painter in China, and the resident painter of the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery", and talked about his feelings from his perspective.

Liu Qing strongly agreed with this plan, but Xiaoshu said no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, let me just say yes, and if I tell many people, I don’t know what to say.

Zhang Chen said: "You don't know what to say, so how do you usually explain it to children in the oil painting studio? I heard about your explanation, and the response was pretty good."

"Those are all children." Xiaoshu said.

"Are you tricking them?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No no……"

Liu Qing smiled and said: "Then just think of us as a children's show, and there are children behind the camera. Besides, why are you nervous? If it doesn't work once, do it a second time. If it doesn't work twice, do it a third time. Keep filming until you forget to be nervous. until."

Xiaoshu had no choice but to agree, and the shooting time was set to be at 9:30 in the evening, after the oil painting gallery closed.

"Then prepare yourself." Liu Qing and Xiaoshu said, "Are you like your brother-in-law and don't need to prepare?"

"I can't." Xiaoshu said.

Liu Qing followed Zhang Chen to the office upstairs in the dynamic zone. She pestered Zhang Chen and told him to make time for a trip to Europe in the near future. Zhang Chen felt a little embarrassed.

The expansion project of the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery" has reached the final stage. In the "Sky City" e-commerce industrial park, the construction of their own factory has also reached an advanced stage. Zhang Chen is the most experienced in installing many equipment, pipelines and circuits.

He can give on-site opinions based on actual future needs to construction teams that have never built a garment factory. There are many things that designers cannot draw, and what they draw is not practical. It is not like Zhang Chen who grew up growing up. , people who have experienced factory construction several times, really don’t know how to install and arrange it properly, and it would be very annoying to change it later.

And the most important thing is that the renovation plan for his dynamic zone has not been finally approved yet. This is his highlight this year. If he doesn't finish it for a day, he feels uneasy, even if he goes to Europe.

"Can you postpone it for a few months and go again in July or August?" Zhang Chen and Liu Qing asked.

Liu Qing said no, because then the material on hand would not be enough, and he would not be able to edit out so many things, and the broadcast of "The Story of Paintings" would be suspended.

"How many domestic episodes will you do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Why are you so shameless? The audience has already accepted our current arrangement. "Painting" talks about foreign countries, and "One Man's History of Oil Painting" talks about China." Liu Qing said.

"Then let's make the paintings we bought. Those paintings are also very talkative." Zhang Chen came up with an alternative plan.

Liu Qing looked at him and became a little angry: "Didn't you say that we should do a special topic? I have already submitted the special topic to the superiors, and the superiors have agreed. Do you want to do the same batch of works twice?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, he had no more moves.

Liu Qing was also a little irritable, but she didn't tell Zhang Chen about her troubles. What Liu Qing was worried about was their program. Starting from the second half of last year, the ratings dropped sharply, not only for their program, but for the entire TV station. The ratings of the programs have dropped sharply, and the audience seems to have gone to watch the various talent shows on local stations.

When it comes to talent shows, no matter how hard CCTV does it, they can't do it as a local station. CCTV's directors all have a background in evening shows and are used to grand narratives. They all appear to educate and guide people. How could they be used to putting down their posture for the sake of ratings? To please the audience, besides, they are CCTV, they cannot just rely on ratings.

Having said that, for any TV station, ratings are still a very important indicator. This is true for their literary and artistic programs, and even more for special programs. Compared with Liu Qing's programs, they are pretty good, like the previous ones. "Hundred Schools of Forum", which has been extremely popular this year, is even more miserable and is on the verge of being withdrawn from the shelves.

For producers like Liu Qing and others, it is very disappointing if not many people see something you have worked so hard to produce.

There is another reason that Liu Qing cannot talk to Zhang Chen, and that is that there are too many requirements from above. For example, in their special topic department, there are fewer and fewer things to shoot, and there are more and more things to avoid. Fortunately, their "Scar Art" episode has been filmed and aired a long time ago. If it were now, it would basically be "clicked".

She couldn't shoot this, she couldn't shoot that, so Liu Qing could only work harder on what could be photographed. This is why she felt that she had to visit several European countries and art museums as soon as possible to collect more materials.

Liu Qing and Zhang Chen were sitting there bargaining. Tan Shuzhen came in from outside. Tan Shuzhen and Liu Qing were very happy to meet each other. The two started a heated discussion. Xiang Nan's "Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu" yesterday They have already performed their first show in Beijing, and they will perform a total of six shows this time.

Liu Qing and Tan Shuzhen said: "After last night's performance, the response was very good."

"Really?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Yes, my colleague called me and told me that several experts they interviewed praised the play, especially Xiang Nan's performance."

"thanks, thanks!"

"Experts say that Xiang Nan will be a first-class actor in any opera genre. The implication is that Xiang Nan is a pity in a small opera genre such as Wu Opera." Liu Qing said.

"What kind of small opera? We are the masters of Peking Opera."

Zhang Chen was unconvinced and shouted. Liu Qing waved her hand at him, showing disgust, and told him not to interrupt. As soon as the two women started chatting, she left Zhang Chen aside.

Zhang Chen knocked on the coffee table with his hand and said, "Hey, Tan Shuzhen, what do you want from me?"

Only then did Tan Shuzhen remember the reason why she came to Zhang Chen. Tan Shuzhen looked at Liu Qing and felt that it was okay for her to talk about it. Tan Shuzhen said:

"The renovation plan for your building has been agreed upon by other departments, but there is one last one, the Planning Bureau. I have made an appointment to have dinner with Director Sun tonight."

When Zhang Chen heard this, he panicked and said, "No, no, if I go, it will only make things more troublesome for Tan Shuzhen."

"The project is your project. If someone wants to meet you, why don't you hide away? I'm the only outsider performing a one-man show?" Tan Shuzhen said.

"Didn't you handle the other departments by yourself?" Zhang Chen said.

"Brother, I'm begging you, can you just show up and be a Clay Buddha without saying anything?" Tan Shuzhen asked, "I invited you in the name of your company."

Zhang Chen said: "You can say that I went abroad."

Tan Shuzhen was so angry that she was half dead, and Liu Qing patted the sofa and laughed.

Tan Shuzhen said: "Then you can send someone to go with me, brother? Go to Sanbao Village, Gaosha Village, Shanghai Luwan District and Songjiang. I can be said to be your vice president. In front of Director Sun, I will always You can't talk nonsense, right? People know that I am beautiful even if I burn to ashes."

"Let me go, I can say that I am Brother Zhang's assistant." Liu Qing said.

Before Tan Shuzhen said anything, Zhang Chen shouted: "Okay, okay, Tan Shuzhen, don't you think the problem is solved now?"

Liu Qing looked at Zhang Chen and said, "I'll help you solve this problem. You really want to go abroad. Can you go to Europe for half a month?"

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Okay, okay."

Tan Shuzhen shook her head, sighed, and said, "Okay, then make a box of business cards for Liu Qing right away. Even if it's a painting, you can draw one for her."

"No, no, sister Shuzhen, just go like this." Liu Qing and Tan Shuzhen said.

Thank you to the human chair, winsonliu, the doll tin soldier, the two fishes, and the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for the chair in the world, Doll Tin Soldier, Marck, I 19790607, Salted Fish Sewer, Wandering Mayfly, Youzi Xiaoliu, Milky Way, Light and Light, Book Friends 20191217033238847, Ashina Feng, Clear Mind, Purple Pai, Dong Long Dong, Crazy Spear, I Have Ten Hearts, Humorous Tribe, CYTYP, monthly tickets are stuck! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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