The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1714 Two people

After the meal, even the people in Xiaofang’s team knew about the relationship between Xiaofang and Zhang Chen. On the way back, Xiaoya said to Xiaofang:

"The food in Tuxiangyuan is so delicious. Boss, you are now the boss's wife. Do you think you won't have to pay to eat here in the future?"

Xiaofang burst into laughter: "I originally came here to eat for free. Why, the free meal is delicious?"

Xiaoya looked at Xiaofang and fluttered her eyelashes: "Boss, you really don't know the sufferings of the people. Of course it doesn't matter to you. It doesn't matter to serfs like us who have just turned over."

"Work hard, and soon you won't care." Xiaofang said, "Also, I'm warning you, don't talk nonsense like the boss's wife in the future. Why don't you just call me the landlord's wife?"

"I know, I know that the boss is not the kind of person who needs to rely on the boss. You are the boss yourself." Xiaoya said quickly.

"Glib tongue."

Xiaofang cursed and shook her head. There was no way. People really couldn't get along well. After getting along well, the boundaries between superiors and subordinates became blurred. However, Xiaofang liked this kind of atmosphere, not the one on Wall Street.

At two o'clock, the two people Xiaofang wanted to meet came. They were both young men in their twenties and thirties. The acne on their faces had not yet cleared up. They were both thin and small, wearing the same style and color of clothing. The down jacket seemed to have been bought at a bargain price in a clothing store. The hem of the jacket almost covered the knees.

There are two of them, one is named Wu Yue and the other is named Sheng Chunyang.

The two of them sat there with their legs together and their hands on their thighs, looking a little shy. When Xiaoya brought them water, they said thank you, glanced at Xiaoya quickly, and then looked at her quickly. Even if they fled, they didn't dare to look at Xiaofang and speak.

Xiaofang feels that these two people are very similar to the plan they wrote. They are in a half-open state, very real, and have not yet learned how to cover up and hide themselves. No wonder such people can't tell stories.

Xiaofang said: "Please introduce yourselves first."

The two of them looked at each other, their eyes shrinking back, both wanting to let the other come first. Xiaofang pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Wu Yue, you come first."

Wu Yue's face turned slightly red and he began to stammer his introduction:

"The two of us, that one is a classmate, both graduated from the School of Electronic Engineering last year. Then, he is now working as a programmer in Hualei Company, and I don't have a job yet."

"You haven't found a job since graduation?" Xiaofang asked.

"No, I worked at for half a year, and then, the first three months were internships, and the last three months were probationary periods."

"Then why didn't you continue?" Xiaofang asked.

Wu Yue said honestly: "They didn't want me."

Xiaofang nodded and turned to Sheng Chunyang: "What about you, how are you? What does your Hualei company do?"

"After I graduated, I went to Hualei Company. We were engaged in financial software. I am still in this company now," Sheng Chunyang said.

"Where do you work?"


“What type of code do you write?”

"That's the code."

Xiaofang smiled. She felt that there was no need to ask any more. If she continued to ask, she wouldn't be able to find out the reason. Xiaoya shook her head beside her.

Xiaofang said: "I read your plan, but I don't understand it very clearly, and I feel that you didn't express it very clearly either."

"Yes, yes, none of us can write, we just don't know how to write, so we write randomly." Wu Yue said.

Xiaoya teased him: "You are too brave, you dare to send it here with random writing?"

Wu Yue glanced at her quickly, then quickly avoided her eyes, running out of words.

Xiaofang said: "But if you are looking for investment, you can't express what you want to do clearly, and others can't understand it, so how can they invest money in you?"

The two looked at each other again, and Wu Yue said, "We have a completed website, but it hasn't been uploaded yet. Can we show it to you?"

"Of course." Xiaofang said.

Sheng Chunyang took out a thick Lenovo laptop from his computer bag. There was a big word "Hualei" on the computer. It was obviously his work computer. He then took out another Put the CD into the optical drive, then pushed the computer towards Wu Yue and said:

"You come."

Xiaofang and Xiaoya walked behind Wu Yue.

Wu Yue clicked on the G drive and then clicked on a folder. Xiaofang's eyes lit up. The interface of the website in front of her was completely different from the two people. The main color of the website was pink, and the picture was simple and well-organized. It is fashionable and has some elegance. At first glance, it looks like a very formal and high-end website.

"Did you do this yourself?" Xiaofang asked.

"He designs and I program." Sheng Chunyang said.

Xiaofang waved, and several other people from the team came over. One of them exclaimed when he saw it: "It's so beautiful."

"Xiao Wu, can you introduce it to us?" Xiaofang said.


Wu Yue started to introduce while clicking through the web pages. He was still stammering when he introduced himself before. Now when he introduced the website, his speech became very fluent.

Their website, to be precise, should be a community shopping website.

On the website, different people can form small communities based on their love for the same item. Here, you can write your mood diary and share it with everyone, or you can write down your feelings about the item. Share it with everyone, and community members who agree with you will hang a wind chime for you.

Everyone can serve as an initiator and share your favorite clothing and cosmetics to form a community centered on you. The website will introduce these clothing and cosmetics to you and automatically match several different links, such as and , Vipshop and Dangdang, you can compare prices with each other.

At the same time, you can also form your own shopping group for a certain product, and then go to negotiate with merchants for group purchases.

Products in all categories will be automatically sorted according to the member's rating, because you can choose your online name at will, but when registering as a member, it must be authenticated by real name, so this rating is relatively difficult to fake, and it is relatively fair. There is no registered member. Visitors have no right to rate.

Xiaofang asked Xiaoya and another girl, if there was such a website, would you log in?

Xiaoya said: "I know it. At least I don't have to compare what I want to buy and where to buy it cheaper. It will give me the answer right here."

Another girl said: "I will too. Here I can communicate with people who like the same things, and it is easy to make friends. Moreover, people with difficulty in choosing like me can leave the choice to others."

Xiaofang, Wu Yue, and Sheng Chunyang said, "You are a professional women's community shopping website. Did you come up with all this yourself?"

"Mainly because he wants to." Sheng Chunyang said.

"You also have a lot of ideas." Wu Yue said.

Xiaofang quickly waved her hand and said, "Okay, you two, I can see that you are usually homebodies, right?"

Both of them nodded, Xiaofang said: "Two otakus spend all day at home wondering about girls' shopping psychology, you are really good at it."

The other people laughed softly, Wu Yue and Sheng Chunyang blushed, Xiaofang said:

"Don't misunderstand me. I don't mean anything else. My words are literal. I think you can do it. However, there is a problem."

"What's the problem?" Wu Yue asked.

"Are you planning to start a business, just the two of you?" Xiaofang asked.

Both men nodded.

"Then who will be the boss between you two?"

Both men pointed at each other.

Xiaofang smiled and asked again: "Which one of you has management experience?"

Both men shook their heads.

Xiaofang said: "After the website is actually launched, it will definitely not be enough for the two of you. It will also recruit a lot of people. The greater the traffic, the more people will be needed. Not only will there be professional technical personnel, but also these people will be hired." , you may be good at it, and there are also artists, copywriters, promotions, customer service, administration, and financial staff. Who is in charge of these people between you two?"

Both of them were stunned.

"It turns out that you haven't thought about this problem?" Xiaofang asked.

Wu Yue said no.

"Then you are starting to think now, do you have any ideas?" Xiaofang asked.

Both of them looked at Xiaofang helplessly.

Xiaofang said: "Well, let me tell you the truth, we can invest in your website, but if you only rely on the two of you, we will not be able to form a complete entrepreneurial team, and the money invested in you will definitely be wasted. Moreover, I also tell you that in your current situation, don’t look for investment anymore, no one will invest money in you.”

The two of them looked at each other, and then looked at Xiaofang's eyes, already a little desperate.

Xiaofang's conversation changed and her tone slowed down. She said:

"Of course, we can also assign a CEO to you, but you may not be able to support the CEO we assign to you. Secondly, conflicts will easily arise. We are generally used to being bystanders and giving advice. suggestions.

"The first piece of advice I give you now is that it's best if you can form a complete team yourself. By the way, think about it carefully. Are there any such people among your classmates and friends?"

Wu Yue said with some pride: "They are better than us."

Sheng Chunyang seemed to have remembered something. He leaned down and whispered something into Wu Yue's ear. Wu Yue asked hesitantly: "Is it okay?"

Xiaofang smiled: "Can I know what you are whispering about?"

Sheng Chunyang said: "Wu Yue has a sister who works as an office director in a company. I said we can find her."

"Okay, sister, can you contact me now?" Xiaofang asked.

Wu Yue said yes.

"Call her and see if she can make time to come over. If she can come over, I want to meet her."

Wu Yue said okay, I will call her right away.

Xiaofang picked up her mobile phone and handed it to Wu Yue. When Wu Yue pressed the number, his hands were shaking. When the call went through, Wu Yue called "Sister", looked at Xiaofang and the others, stood up and walked to the window. Looking outside, he explained to his sister in a low voice. After a while, he came over and asked Xiaofang:

"My sister asked her when she would come over?"

"If it's convenient, I can do it now." Xiaofang said.

Wu Yue immediately talked to his sister, and then told his sister the address here, shouting nervously: "Please remember it, please remember it, don't make a mistake."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yue let out a long breath.

Thank you Hu Hu for the tip! Thank you Hu Hu, Yunlong Frogfish, Zhenwu Longyi, Rainman Rainman, Book Friends 20180523112857605, Book Friends 20171026225832742, take a leisurely look at the landscape, embroidery on the steel plate, Zi Zeng said, Guandian Electrical and Mechanical's monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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