The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1710 Tell stories, listen to stories

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang drove to the parking lot of Longjuwu Funeral Home in Hangzhou. Xiaofang parked the car and Zhang Chen asked her:

"While we are sitting here, will your sister see our car?"

Xiaofang was not sure either, she said hesitantly: "Maybe."

Zhang Chen thought for a while, handed the urn to Xiaofang, and said to her: "You sit here and call your sister. I will go down below and your sister will follow me when she sees me."

Xiaofang said yes.

Zhang Chen got out of the car and walked around the parking lot first, then went to the store next to the parking lot where he bought wreaths and wrote elegiac couplets. Then he walked up the row of high steps at the end of the parking lot and walked into the funeral parlor. In the service hall, looking around, I feel like there is always a pair of eyes looking at me.

He walked out of the service hall and walked past the farewell halls one after another. There were two halls where memorial services were being held. Zhang Chen thought to himself that Xiao Zhao would definitely not be in them.

He walked to Xiao Zhao's farewell hall that day. The hall was empty. Zhang Chen walked around in it, came out, and then walked to the hall at the back where he was waiting to receive the urn. He also stood for a while at the door of the incineration workshop. , there was a cart parked inside the door, with a corpse covered in white cloth waiting in line for incineration.

Zhang Chen stood for a while, thinking that he had visited the entire funeral parlor, and there was no place he had not visited, except for the incineration workshop with a row of incinerators. If he entered there, he would be kicked out.

Zhang Chen muttered something in his mouth and whispered: "Xiao Zhao, let's go, let's go."

He walked back to the car, opened the door, sat down in the passenger seat, and took the urn from Xiaofang's hand. The two of them waited for another five minutes, as if waiting for Xiaozhao to get in the car. Zhang Chen said , let’s go.

Xiaofang started the car, and Zhang Chen started shouting: "Xiao Zhao, we are coming for you, come with us."

"Xiao Zhao, we are leaving the funeral home and going to the cemetery."

"Xiao Zhao, turn left here and reach Xixi Road."...

They arrived at the parking lot of the cemetery and parked the car. Zhang Chen got out of the car holding Xiao Zhao's urn. The two of them shouted while going up the hill until they walked to Xiao Zhao's tomb. Zhang Chen put Xiao Zhao's urn in his hand. The two people sat down in front of her tomb. What surprised them was that after so many years, the handwriting on Xiao Zhao's tombstone was still very clear, as if it had just been written.

Xiaofang said: "The staff at this cemetery are really hardworking."

Zhang Chen looked at the tombstone next to him. The handwriting was blurry and older than Xiao Zhao's tombstone. Zhang Chen understood. He said, "It's not a person from the cemetery, it's a small tree."

Xiaofang also understood and snorted: "This guy, has he told you about this?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, and Xiaofang said, "You never told me that this guy is always like this?"

"How is it always?" Zhang Chen asked.

"He just likes to dominate my sister." Xiaofang said with a smile, "When we were young, when my sister came back, we would always have a big fight and fight over who she would sleep with at night. My sister had no choice but to stay with the three of us. We were squeezed into the same bed, with my sister sleeping in the middle and each of us sleeping on one side.”

Zhang Chen laughed and shouted: "Xiao Zhao, did you hear that? Is this the case?"

Xiaofang continued to smile: "It's not over yet. If my sister turns sideways, the other one will definitely not do it, and there will be another quarrel."

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing. He remembered that when he went back with Xiao Zhao, one on each side, he had to squeeze her brother and sister even when walking on the field ridge. Zhang Chen said:

"No wonder."

"What's the wonder?" Xiaofang asked.

"No wonder your sister sleeps so well. It turns out it was all trained by you."

Xiaofang nodded: "Now that I think about it, my sister was squeezed in the middle all night and had to sleep on her back. How uncomfortable it would be, but my sister has never been angry."

Xiaofang said, her eyes were red, and she shouted: "Sister, thank you!"

The two people sat in front of Xiao Zhao's grave for more than an hour. The sun set a little, and then they held Xiao Zhao's urn and shouted all the way down the mountain.

When they went up the mountain, there were staff watching them from a distance. Although they felt a little strange, they just felt sorry for the deceased and thought about why there were only two people walking him up the mountain. It was so deserted.

When he saw Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao carrying the urns down the mountain again, he was shocked.

When Zhang Chen and the others walked to their car in the parking lot, four or five cemetery staff members had already gathered around them. Someone asked:

"Whose urn are you holding?"

Zhang Chen said: "It belongs to my wife."

"Is your wife's grave here?"


"Then why don't you bury it?"

"If you don't want to bury her, I'll bring her to have a look."

"In which section, row and number is her tomb located?"

Zhang Chen shook his head: "I forgot, who would remember this?"

"That won't work. You have to go to the office with us to verify." The other party said.

Zhang Chen said I won’t go, we are going home.

"Can't leave," someone shouted.

At this time, a worker remembered and shouted: "By the way, are you the one who ran away holding his wife's urn?"

That day, it was this worker who was preparing to help Xiao Zhao seal the tomb. That incident left a deep impression on him. When he saw Zhang Chen earlier, he felt familiar, and then he remembered it.

Zhang Chen was right: "It's me. I brought my wife to see if her house is leaking."

"No, no, after you left that day, I sealed it back, sealing it well."

Zhang Chen said: "Thank you."

The worker said: "Let's go, let's go."

Xiaofang and Zhang Chen got into the car. When the car door was about to close, Zhang Chen heard the worker whispering to others: "Don't mess with him, he's crazy!"

Zhang Chen smiled and was too lazy to pay attention to him. Zhang Chen shouted: "Xiao Zhao, we are going home."...

The two of them returned home. Zhang Chen held the urn and asked Xiaofang, "Do you want your sister to accompany you?"

Xiaofang said yes.

Zhang Chen carried Xiao Zhao's urn into Xiao Fang's room and put it on the bedside table. Zhang Chen took a long breath and asked:

"Do you think your sister is back?"

Xiaofang stood there, thinking quietly for a while, pricking up her ears as if listening to something. After a while, she said:

"I feel it coming back."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said: "Xiao Zhao, you may not have heard what I said to you this morning. You are no longer alone over there. Meng Ping is also here. You go find him."

Xiaofang said: "Yes, go to the freshman registration office."

Zhang Chen said: "Maybe you don't need to look for him. You will soon find out that this guy Meng Ping has made earth-shattering wherever he goes."

Before the "Sky City" e-commerce industrial park was built, the studio of Xiaofang and her team was located by the Mishi River, in the townhouse Zhang Chen bought for Xiaofang, which was next door to Tan Shuzhen's home. .

The house was originally well-decorated. Even after so many years, it was still very well cleaned. I went to the furniture market to buy furniture and put it up before it could be used. The first floor was used as an office and the second floor was used as a dormitory for their team members.

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang said that if the working conditions in this place were too simple, they could put them in a hotel, which would only last half a year.

Xiaofang said no. These people will work with entrepreneurial teams in the future and experience the feeling of starting a business themselves. Moreover, this condition is already very good for them. How many companies are there in Hangzhou? Can they live in Mi In a townhouse by the city's river?

Zhang Chen was right when he thought about it. Compared with when he and Xiao Zhao started their business, these people were already in heaven.

Xiaofang called her team for a meeting. Xiaofang said: "I have read all your emails and I am very disappointed to be honest. Let me tell you the conclusion first. None of the projects you recommended meet the standards of our company. It can be said that the entire army Submerge, let me tell you the conclusion first, and then you can tell me what the problem is?"

The team members spoke one by one, thinking and talking about the shortcomings of the project. After they all finished speaking, Xiaofang said to them:

"What you just said didn't get to the point. You were all talking about this plan and that plan. The only thing you didn't say was your own reasons. If an army fights a war, , the entire army was wiped out, do you think it was more the enemy’s fault, or yours?”

Everyone looked at each other. They were all talking and chattering just now, but now they didn’t dare to say anything.

Xiaofang said: "These projects were selected by you from hundreds of projects. After repeated discussions and screening, you finally submitted them to me. They all have one characteristic, that is, the plans are all perfectly written. , with rich pictures and texts, and the binding design is also very particular. Every plan is ultimately aimed at listing on Nasdaq.

"Then let me ask you, do you set the rules of the game in this world? Why should this world give way to you and let things proceed according to your plan?

"The place where a person lives is 15 minutes away from the company, 25 minutes by car, 25 minutes by bus, and an hour's walk. This person is late every day, and let me tell you, I always hold my watch when I go out, and as a result, I am red all the way while driving. Deng, I just ran to the bus stop, but it just left the stop and refused to wait for me. Today, when I was walking, trenches were being dug on the road, so I had to take a detour.

"Listen, is every reason he has justified? But who is responsible for being late every day?"

"Of course it's him," someone said.

Xiaofang was right: "The responsibility lies with him. Since you can't control the city's traffic lights, you are not the bus driver's father, nor the mayor. The municipal company has no obligation to dig ditches and report to you first. You are still holding your watch." Go out and expose yourself to all unpredictable situations. Your mistakes are doomed and you can't blame others.

"The same is true for the plans you handed in. Just ask any of the entrepreneurial teams and ask them how many days it will take to get the business license. I guarantee that none of them will be able to tell you. How many days will it take for even one to get the business license? A startup team that has no confidence in what they have got actually swears to tell you that the company will be listed in 18 months. Is it possible?"

"Impossible." Someone said softly.

"But you just believe it's possible, otherwise you wouldn't have sent me this plan. Do you think this is their problem or yours?" Xiaofang asked.

Several people were silent, but they were sweating coldly.

Xiaofang said: "The plan is not a novel. Don't read the future they describe to you, don't listen to the stories. Of course, this cannot be entirely your fault. It has something to do with the current direction of public opinion in the country. Go watch TV and news websites. , those articles reporting on how so and so succeeded are all about their eventual success in listing on Nasdaq.

“It seems that as long as the Nasdaq is listed, it will open up the treasure trove of Alibaba and the Forty Thieves, and they can sleep on the mountain of gold and silver.

"They don't know that even among the companies listed on Nasdaq, almost 8%, nearly 400 companies, are delisted every year, and there are many more companies that are struggling on the line of life and death.

"And we are not venture capital. If we were venture capital, we would be allowed to support the listing of the company and exit with profits as our sole purpose. I told you that we are more concerned about the value investment of the company and the companies we support. Even if we can go public, for us, it will always be the starting point, not the end.

"To us, all entrepreneurial teams aiming to be listed on Nasdaq are just playing rogue. We leave these companies to venture capital investors who also like to tell stories and play rogue. We don't need it."

"I understand, boss, where should our focus be?"

"Your focus should not stop at how perfect the plan they can provide, and don't listen to long-term stories. Those who like to tell stories, when it comes to Nasdaq listing, you should ask, 'What next?' How can you guarantee that you won’t delist after listing?’ Believe me, most people start talking nonsense at this time.”

Xiaofang said, and the others laughed softly.

Xiaofang said to them: "What you have to focus on is the shining point. Even if this team does not have such ambitious goals, as long as they can clearly explain what they want to do and think clearly, let's see what they think and say." It can impress you. Just get straight to the point and focus on the project itself instead of other complicated details.

"Who among you dares to invest money in someone who can't even figure out what he wants to do? For example, if you run an online mall or APP, tell me how to attract people to your website. , just how to attract people to use your APP, as for other things, what business model, profit model, is not something you should care about.

"We are the ones who specialize in this. If you don't know how to get a license, we will help you. If you don't know how to form a team, we will help you form one. If you don't have money, we will give you money and help you do A. Round B, round N, if you don’t know how to promote it, we will promote it for you. Everything will come naturally. When you are ready to go public, we will help you go public.

"We also need to ensure that you can continue to develop and not be delisted. We are the professionals, they are not. They only need to do their own thing well."

"I understand, boss." Several people said.

Xiaofang took out three or four pages of paper from the folder and said to the team leader Xiaoya: "Please help me make an appointment with these two people."

Thank you Yuan Wang, Xu Yuenian, Smelly Socks~~, Piao Ling Yi Mayfly, Why can’t I change my name, winsonliu, Purple Hao, Breeze365, Book Friends 20180621093322406, Book Friends 20190706231054653, Book Friends 20180523112857605 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you a happy life!

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