The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1701 The closed door

As time passed, everyone began to feel nervous. Although no one said anything, they all understood that Qian Fang saw Chen Yaqin in the bathroom twice, standing there blankly wiping tears, but she did not say anything. , walked away quietly and sighed.

seven days.

Time passes day by day...

They are waiting for the final verdict. The result of Meng Ping's genetic test means his life and death. If the test passes, at least his life will not be cut off so quickly and can continue. But if...

Qian Fang quietly asked Xiaofang, what will be the result?

Xiaofang said, don't worry, most people will get through it, and only a few won't.

A minority, what is the proportion of a minority, Qian Fang did not dare to ask any more.

When Xiaofang said this, she felt that her heart was trembling.

After hesitating for a day, Qian Fang finally said what no one dared to say. Qian Fang asked: "Xiao Fang, what if Lao Meng fails the genetic test?"

The road to surgery is blocked, and chemotherapy will only aggravate Meng Ping's faster death. Targeted therapy is already his last resort. What if this road is still blocked?

Xiaofang smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Everyone knows the answer. If there is nothing to do, they are helpless and waiting to die. Hope is racing with death, and the one who wins is always the arrogant god of death.

As the days passed, everyone's faces became more and more solemn, and their voices became softer and softer. Although no one expressed any expression in front of Meng Ping, they knew that Meng Ping was actually waiting for him, too. Final verdict.

Waiting makes people so anxious, and makes time so long and short. Everyone is looking forward to this day, but they think it comes too fast. In the blink of an eye, seven days have passed, Meng Ping How many more seven days will there be?

It seems that only at this time did everyone realize a cruel fact. It turns out that the time of each of us is counting down from the moment we are born.

Tick ​​tock tick tock tick tock tick tock…

At noon, Zhang Chen woke up and felt a bit bitter in his mouth. He took the cigarette on the bedside table and took two puffs. Even the cigarette was bitter. He didn't want to smoke anymore, so he put out the cigarette in the ashtray.

He got up, pulled on his slippers and walked into the bathroom. He rinsed his mouth with mouthwash, squirted it, and then spit it out, but the bitter taste still didn't go away, as if it was stuck tightly in his mouth.

Zhang Chen squeezed out the toothpaste and brushed his teeth carefully, inside and out. After brushing, he still gurgled, spit out the water, and shook his head.

He stuck out his tongue in front of the mirror and looked at the coating on his tongue. There seemed to be no change.

He took a towel and washed his face. After washing, he walked out of the bathroom, got dressed and walked out. He saw Liu Yun and Xiaofang sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Have you had lunch?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaofang told him that he had eaten it in the company.

Zhang Chen took milk and bread from the refrigerator, walked over and sat down, took a sip of milk, shook his head, took two more bites of bread, and put the bread down.

"What's wrong?" Liu Yun asked.

Zhang Chen said: "I don't know why, but my mouth feels bitter, and everything I eat tastes bitter."

Xiaofang asked: "Do you want me to cook you a bowl of noodles?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and said, forget it, let's go.

"Then you should eat some more." Liu Yun said.

Zhang Chen picked up the milk and bread and said, "Let's eat on the way."

Liu Yun and Xiaofang also got up. The three of them went downstairs, got in the car, and drove out of the community to the hospital. Today was the time for Meng Ping's genetic test report to arrive. They were still on the way, so Qian Fang called and asked Zhang Chen :

"Zhang Chen, where are you?"

"We've passed the tunnel and arrived at the Bund." Zhang Chen said.

"The doctor just told me and Yaqin that Lao Meng's genetic test report has arrived and asked us to get it. Neither of us dared to go. We will wait for you." Qian Fang said.

"Is Xiaofang here?" Qian Fang asked.

"It's definitely coming." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, then hurry up." Qian Fang said.

Zhang Chen said yes.

Xiaofang is the only person in their group who can clearly explain what is going on with genetic testing and targeted therapy. She is the authority among them. At this point, people naturally regard her as theirs. Backbone.

Zhang Chen and the others arrived at the ward. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they saw Qian Fang and Chen Yaqin waiting anxiously at the elevator entrance. They all walked to the doctor's office together. The doctor saw so many people coming in and said to them, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, report." Professor Shan Cui took it away and I called him.

As he spoke, he picked up the phone on the table, said a few words, then kept nodding "hmm", put down the phone, and said to Zhang Chen:

"You should go to the conference room you went to that night. Dean Wu and Professor Cui are waiting for you there."

When Xiaofang heard this, her face turned pale. The others were still thanking the doctor, and then everyone walked outside together.

Walking to the corridor outside, Xiaofang pulled Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen slowed down and the two of them fell behind the other three people. Xiaofang approached Zhang Chen and whispered: "It's over."

Zhang Chen looked at her and suddenly understood. He felt dizzy for a while.

Obviously, if the test results are satisfactory, Professor Cui and Dean Wu don't need to see them, they can just let the doctor on duty tell them the results, and then continue the original treatment plan.

Even Dean Wu has to show up again. It must be because the test results are not satisfactory. This meeting is of a consoling nature.

Zhang Chen sighed and said, "Let's talk about it after we go."

Xiaofang nodded.

They arrived at the second floor of the front clinic building, found the conference room, knocked on the door, and the door said please come in.

Pushing the door open, Dean Wu and Professor Cui were sitting there with serious expressions. Although Zhang Chen was already prepared, he still felt a little nervous.

Several people sat down. This time, unlike that night, Xiaofang did not sit at the edge, but in the middle. They tacitly asked Xiaofang to sit opposite Professor Cui.

Zhang Chen bit the bullet and asked, "Dean Wu, Professor Cui, are the test results out?"

Dean Wu nodded. Professor Cui pushed the report sheet towards Xiaofang. Xiaofang glanced at it and raised her head. Everyone else looked at her. Xiaofang shook her head.

"Brother Meng's genetic test did not detect EGFR gene and KRAS gene mutations." Xiaofang said, "Targeted drugs have no effect on him."

When Chen Yaqin heard this, she burst into tears, and Qian Fang hugged her.

Dean Wu sighed and said, "We are also very sorry for this result. Starting from today, we will stop taking the medicine."

"Don't stop." Zhang Chen shouted, "Don't stop that Iressa."

Professor Cui said: "If you use it, it will be in vain. It will not be effective. There is no need to spend so much money."

Zhang Chen knew in his heart that if he used it, it would be in vain, but if he didn't use it, Meng Pingping gave up all the treatment methods and just waited to die.

Moreover, stopping the medication is equivalent to directly telling Meng Ping that there is no hope for you.

Zhang Chen said: "Thank you, Dean, thank you Professor Cui. Regardless of whether it is effective or not, I just ask you to continue taking the medicine. Thank you."

Qian Fang kept nodding.

"Okay," Professor Cui said, "then continue using it, but reduce the dose."

"Use a placebo." Dean Wu seemed to know what Zhang Chen and the others were thinking, and told Professor Cui, who agreed.

The so-called placebo is made of glucose, starch, etc., which has no medicinal effect or side effects, but its appearance, size, color, dosage form, weight, taste and smell are the same as real medicine. Taking a placebo will At least psychologically, it can give Meng Ping a comfort and reduce the toxic side effects of real Iressa.

The preliminary clinical trials of Iressa were conducted at their Huashan Hospital, so they have a placebo of Iressa here.

Xiaofang lowered her head and thought for a while. She raised her head and asked, "Dean Wu, Professor Cui, what if we do chemotherapy again?"

"Chemotherapy? I told you that day that the patient's physical condition was no longer suitable for the second chemotherapy. He also had high blood coagulation and low red blood cells." Professor Cui said, "His various indicators do not allow for further chemotherapy. "

"What if we insist?" Xiaofang said.

"Nonsense and over-treatment will only aggravate the patient's condition," said Dean Wu.

"But, we have no choice." Xiaofang said with red eyes, "Even if there is only one ten thousandth chance, we have to give it a try, hoping that a miracle will happen. Without treatment, there is no possibility of improvement. It’s just me lying on the hospital bed, suffering for ten or twenty days more.”

"I agree, no matter how big the risk is, we are willing to take it." Chen Yaqin also understood that Meng Ping had no other way out.

Dean Wu sighed and said, "This decision of yours, to put it bluntly, seems like suicide."

Zhang Chen and Qian Fang both nodded and said, we also agree.

They have no choice but to take this risk.

Dean Wu thought for a while, and he and Professor Cui said: "Continue to use anticoagulants to lower the patient's blood coagulation level. At the same time, use drugs to restore his red blood cells to close to normal levels as soon as possible. After a week, we will Then evaluate the risks of chemotherapy.”

Professor Cui said yes.

Dean Wu looked at Zhang Chen and the others and said, "This is the only thing we can do."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Thank you."

Several people walked out of the conference room and walked to the corridor outside. Chen Yaqin felt as if her feet were filled with lead and she couldn't walk any more. She squatted against the wall, and Qian Fang squatted opposite her. He put his hand on her shoulder and just said a few words of comfort. The two of them started crying and hugged each other.

Zhang Chen walked over and stood beside them. Qian Fang looked up at him from below and shouted:

"Zhang Chen, why is Lao Meng so unlucky? Who the hell is it that closed his doors one by one?"

Xiaofang and Liu Yun also sighed. Zhang Chen said:

"We still have to think about how to tell Meng Ping. It can be seen that he is also waiting for this result."

"Don't tell him the real situation. Just tell him that the test results are very good and that he can undergo targeted therapy. Isn't the daily medication still on? We will lie to him." Xiaofang said, "Otherwise, I'm worried about Meng Big brother will completely collapse today, let alone undergo chemotherapy."

Zhang Chen said yes, Xiaofang was right, let’s all lie to him together.

"I'll go and tell him that you don't have to come."

Zhang Chen and Qian Fang said, yes, with just their faces, as long as they walked into the ward, it goes without saying that Meng Ping knew what the result would be.

Zhang Chen walked towards Meng Ping's ward. At this time, he strangely found that the bitter feeling in his mouth was gone, but his heart began to feel bitter.

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