The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1682 Lao Tan takes action

Lao Tan and Lao Yang returned to Hangzhou early. It was not as Tan Shuzhen said. After watching two games, they were relieved and did not want to watch it again. How could it be possible that their granddaughter's play would cost Lao Tan 10,000 yuan to watch? He couldn't get tired of watching it over and over again, let alone on such a big stage.

Even Lao Tan himself has performed for a lifetime, and the number of times he has performed on such a big stage is only a handful.

Lao Tan and Lao Yang are in such a hurry to return to Hangzhou because they have important matters.

They all know that it is now a critical moment for Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe and Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe to fight for the quota to Beijing. Although the performance of Yongcheng Wu Troupe in Shanghai was a great success and received rave reviews from the media, the quota for admission to Beijing is still at stake. After all, it was those people from the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism who made the judgment, not the media. Those people are difficult to be influenced by the media.

There are some, even some who are reckless. The more good you say in the media, the more critical they will be. Otherwise, how can they show their authority? Some people still like to pose like this.

Lao Yang also found out a piece of news that was even more unfavorable to the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe, that is, three of the eight people on the selection panel were members of the Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe's restructuring leading group. Think about it, on the cusp of the restructuring , you gave the place to Beijing to a county-level theater troupe, can the work of these three people in Zhejiang and Wu continue?

I don’t know if the table will be overturned.

At the end of the performance the next day, Lao Yang and Lao Tan said, "Teacher Tan, there is no other way. You must play at the critical moment."

Lao Tan rolled his eyes at Lao Yang, knowing what he meant.

Lao Yang ignored Lao Tan's eyes and continued:

"Teacher Tan, just look at Xiang Nan and the others. Are they no less capable of enduring hardship than we were back then? The popularity of this show is also here. Logically speaking, the theater company's affairs have nothing to do with me now. No more, I shouldn’t talk too much, but I just feel distressed when I see them, and feel that it is too unfair for such efforts to be given without reasonable rewards.”

Lao Tan's heart was moved. He looked not far away and had just finished the game. It was already November. He was still sweating profusely. Xiang Nan said to Lao Yang, "Okay, I'll show off my old face. Let's do it." Go back tomorrow.

When Lao Tan and Lao Yang left the Chengzhan Railway Station in Hangzhou, Lao Tan made a phone call. After making the call, he led Lao Yang straight to the dormitory of the provincial government agency in Baoshi Xincun.

For the first time in so many years, Lao Tan made up his mind to find Chang Qian, the former director of the Provincial Department of Culture. Director Qian can be said to be a legend in Zhejiang’s cultural circles. He is both a famous playwright and a famous actor. calligrapher.

In 1956, when Lao Qian was still 24-year-old Xiao Qian, he completed the adaptation and rehearsal of Kun Opera "Fifteen Strings". This was a big event for the national theater circle, because Kun Opera had long been lost and was completed by Xiao Qian. As a result, the organization decided to let him lead the team to perform in Beijing.

As a result, when the first show opened, there were only a handful of audiences in the entire theater. People in the capital said that Kun Opera had long since disappeared. What kind of Kunqu opera are you watching now?

Therefore, Xiaoqian and the others had no choice but to run around and find Dai Bufan, a drama critic from Zhejiang who was working at the Ministry of Culture at the time. Through them, they also visited many seniors in the theater world, visited celebrities, and mobilized them to support the show.

As a result, the news spread like wildfire and even reached Luo Ruiqing, who was the Minister of Public Security at the time. Luo Ruiqing loved going to the theater. After watching the Kun Opera "Fifteen Strings" by the Zhejiang Kun Opera Troupe, he was very surprised that there was such a good drama. , and quickly reported to the chairman.

The chairman loved to watch Ping Opera when he was in Yan'an. He heard that the long-lost Kun Opera was choreographed by Zhejiang and it was a new thing, so he proposed to watch it.

As a result, the crew of Zhejiang Kunqu Opera Troupe's "Fifteen Guan" had the opportunity to perform at Huairen Hall in Zhongnanhai.

On April 17, the chairman watched the performance at Zhongnanhai Huairen Hall and greatly appreciated it.

The next day, he sent someone to the theater troupe to deliver three instructions: first, to congratulate the adaptation and performance of "Fifteen Strings" for their success; second, to promote it, and to promote it, any suitable performance can be performed according to the characteristics of each type of play. ; Third, reward the troupe.

On April 25, "Fifteen Strings" was performed in the auditorium of an agency directly under the State Council. The chairman went to see it again in person. The chairman watched "Fifteen Strings" twice in a row, causing a sensation in the capital.

On April 19, the Prime Minister also watched the performance of "Fifteen Guans" and met with all the cast and crew. He encouraged everyone and said, "You, Zhejiang, have done a good thing."

On May 17, the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Dramatists Association jointly invited more than 200 celebrities from the capital's cultural circles to hold a symposium on Kun Opera's "Fifteen Guan" at Ziguang Pavilion in Zhongnanhai.

The Prime Minister attended the symposium in person and delivered a long speech of about an hour. He praised Kun Opera as an orchid in the south of the Yangtze River and praised "Fifteen Strings" as "a successful example of adapting classical plays" and an example of "letting a hundred flowers bloom and bringing forth the new".

From April 10 to May 27, "Fifteen Strings" was performed in Beijing for 47 times, with an audience of more than 70,000. On May 18, "People's Daily" published a story written by Tian Han titled The editorial "Starting from "One Play Resurrected a Type of Opera"" pushed Kunqu Opera and "Fifteen Guan" to the extreme of public opinion.

Xiaoqian returned from Beijing with a great reputation and became an important writer in Zhejiang's cultural circles. He successively wrote the Yue opera "Rouge" and "Liu Yuniang", the Shao opera "Yu Qian", the Wu opera "Xi Shi's Tears", the Peking opera "Nan Ping" "Evening Bell", the opera TV series "Mrs. Dayi" and the TV series "Shaoxing Master".

He not only won the first and second prizes from the Ministry of Culture, but also won the "Flying Award" and the "Golden Eagle Award".

While becoming an excellent playwright, he also took up the post of director of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture.

At that time, Lao Tan was in the Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe and was the first fan Li in the Wu opera "Tears of Xi Shi" written by Lao Qian. The two formed a deep friendship.

Lao Qian was very happy to see Lao Tan. He said, "I know you have been in Hangzhou all the time. I was just wondering when you would think of me, old man, and come and see me."

Lao Tan quickly said: "I've wanted to come for a long time, but I'm sorry. You have already made a name for yourself across the country and are in a high position. How can ordinary people like us have the nerve to disturb you."

"Are you scolding me?" Lao Qian said with a smile, "Being in a high position is just a job. Now this job is gone. After I quit, I will be at home, writing calligraphy and editing books. What’s the difference between her and your Lao Tan? By the way, if it’s your Lao Tan’s daughter who is famous all over the country, is she now a famous female entrepreneur who doesn’t even sing in dramas?”

"It makes you laugh. Remember that she is an opera singer." Lao Tan said.

"Why don't you remember? I have seen her perform several times and awarded her awards. I was deeply impressed. Hey, I know she has gone into real estate. I feel sorry for her. After a while, Wubian is already in a slump. This is one less person. A promising actress." Lao Qian said, "Why, Lao Tan, to be honest, is it because you are enjoying your time at home that you have forgotten me as an old friend?"

"How dare you." Lao Tan said quickly.

Lao Yang said: "Director Qian, Teacher Tan is not idle now. He has returned to Yongcheng to lead a class of students."

Lao Qian looked at Lao Tan with wide eyes: "You? Are you going to lead a class for students? Lao Tan, do you want to use your spare energy or do you want to earn double retirement salary?"

"Teacher Tan is a voluntary worker." Lao Yang said.

Lao Tan smiled and said: "I have no choice but to be pulled back by my granddaughter."

"Granddaughter? Tan Shuzhen's daughter?" Lao Qian asked.

Lao Yang said yes, he was the one who came back from Beijing Film Academy.

Lao Qian laughed loudly and said: "I've heard, I've heard, I've heard that there is such a thing. Students at the Beijing Film Academy, with their bright future ahead of them, want to go back to Yongcheng to learn local opera, haha , I just didn’t expect that this turned out to be Tan Shuzhen’s daughter, your old Tan’s granddaughter. Tan Shuzhen gave up acting to work in real estate, but I didn’t expect that her daughter gave up movies and returned to the theater troupe.

"Haha, Lao Tan, it seems that your family is destined to be associated with Wu Opera. There is no way around it."

Lao Tan also laughed and said, "I didn't expect that she would have such a choice."

"Are you very proud, Lao Tan?"

Lao Tan chuckled and nodded.

"You should be proud, Lao Tan, it shows that you still have a successor." Lao Qian said, "Tell me, Lao Tan, you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, why did you come to me today?"

Lao Tan hesitated for a moment, then finally made up his mind and said, "I'm here to ask for your help."

When Lao Qian heard this, he laughed again. He said: "Lao Tan, Lao Tan, when I was in office, you never came to me for help. I didn't expect that I had been unemployed for several years after I retired. You have no power anymore, so you Lao Tan came to me for help."

The Wu Opera "Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu" seminar was held as scheduled at Zhang Chen's club in Genshan Power Plant. Sun Jin, the deputy mayor of Yongcheng City, chaired the meeting. Sitting next to her was Ma from the Literature and Art Department of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism. Director, as well as experts and scholars from inside and outside the province who were invited to attend.

Ding Baigou took a look. Among the eight people on the selection panel, the only one who did not attend, but was the most critical figure, was Deputy Director Hong of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism. Ding Baigou felt a little regretful. Originally, Deputy Director Hong I had promised to attend today's seminar, but the interim director Thomas came with a message saying that he had urgent official business and could not come.

Ding Baigou knew the subtext of this urgent official business, and he had an ominous premonition. Deputy Director Hong was also the leader of the Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe's restructuring team. At the critical moment, he could imagine where to turn his elbow. And know.

Sun Jin also understood that this was not a good sign. She and Ding Baigou looked at each other and both shook their heads. However, the meeting still had to continue. Sun Jin was holding back a fire in her heart. She thought that she did not get it in the end. The number of places to go to Beijing must also be good for this seminar. The success of the performance of "Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu" is obvious to all, and the public's eyes are sharp.

At the beginning of the seminar, Sun Jin gave a welcome speech and invited Director Ma to speak. Director Ma stopped after saying a few words, stood up, and shouted at the door:

"Director Qian!"

Everyone turned around and saw Lao Qian standing at the door. Sun Jin and Ding Baigou also stood up quickly, and all three of them came to greet him.

Lao Qian said with a smile: "I watched the video of "Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu" last night and was very moved. I heard that there is a seminar here today, so I came uninvited and came to listen. Is that okay?"

Director Ma and Sun Jin quickly said yes, and Sun Jin said, we can't even invite the old leader, so how can we not welcome him.

In the conference room, there was no one who didn’t know Lao Qian, and everyone applauded.

Invite Lao Qian to sit down between Director Ma and Sun Jin. Director Ma's next words are: "It's rare that Mr. Qian is here today. We invite Mr. Qian to speak for us."

Everyone applauded, and Lao Qian began to speak. Lao Qian was talking about the relationship between inheritance and innovation in drama, with special emphasis on the importance of innovation.

Yesterday, Lao Tan and Lao Yang told Lao Qian about the current situation of their Wu Opera Troupe, especially the efforts of several young people. Lao Qian was deeply moved and felt that he must stand up and support.

Before Lao Qian finished speaking, Deputy Director Hong arrived. He came after receiving a text message from Director Ma. Deputy Director Hong turned out to be Lao Qian's secretary, and later became the deputy director and director of the Literature and Art Department. Before Lao Qian retired, he recommended him to serve as deputy director.

A week later, the list of people from the province who went to Beijing to participate in the Ministry of Culture's performance came out. For the first time, this province, which is a major Shaoxing Opera province, actually sent two Wu Opera troupes, Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe and Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe.

Thank you Quadratic VC and book friend 161125082840433 for the reward! Thank you Da Dao Asan, Book Friends 20170624233729264, 160529232957000, ltself, Romantic Sakura Qinqin Shu, Quadratic VC, It’s Not an Impossible World, and The Mosquito Who Doesn’t Eat Fast! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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