Erhuo divided their logistics base manual into six parts: base management, employee management, customer management, logistics management, financial management and safety management.

He distributed these six parts to everyone and asked everyone to think about it and write down what they thought was the most important. Xiao Jin was in a dilemma. He said, I have never written such a thing. How could I write it?

The second-rate guy scolded: "You kid, who are you kidding? When you were studying, you must have been the king of self-criticisms in the class. Just write the same as you would write a self-criticism."

Xiao Jin said: "I have never written a letter of apology."

"How is it possible that you are still a good student?" said the second-rate student. "Only a good student does not need to write a self-reflection letter. I was forced to do so. I copied several copies of the self-reflection letter and put them in my school bag. If the teacher asked, I would give them to you right away. One for him."

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "The teacher also told you that he can wipe your butt after you write on straw, right?"

"How do you know? I was forced to do so. The teacher really told me that." The second-rate guy looked at Zhang Chen and suddenly laughed: "I understand, instructor, when you were studying, were you also the king of self-reflection books? ?”

Zhang Chen chuckled, and the others also laughed.

Xiao Wu said from the side: "Xiao Jin has never written a self-reflection letter. Xiao Jin is in the student class of the theater troupe. When he was disobedient in the student class, the teacher would directly poke him with a red tassel gun or spank his butt with a wooden machete. Don't Letter of Introspection.”

"I know this. Our troupe was also like this at that time. In fact, he was a teacher. We called him master. He didn't know a few words himself, and he couldn't even read the self-reflection letter." Cao Minfang said.

Xiao Wu said yes, that's it. Our teacher was also a martial arts student, so he probably didn't know many words.

The second guy said, "You're a forced child, Xiao Jin. If you can't write, I'll spank you too. By the way, if you can't write, you can draw circles."

"Then I'm going to draw it from beginning to end." Xiao Jin said.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Jin said: "Xiao Jin, you have to manage the base well in the future, and you still need to strengthen your cultural studies. If you are uneducated, you will be teased without knowing it, and you will be looked at as a joke by the people below."

Xiao Jin nodded and said, I understand, Brother Zhang Chen.

Wenwen looked at the paper in her hand and shouted: "Hero, the first rule of employee management is to take good care of your ADHD."

Cao Minfang also participated in their meeting. She has experience in this area. Although her management experience is all in hotel management, hotels and logistics bases have one thing in common, that is, they both pay special attention to on-site management.

Two days later, Zhao Jingjing and Wu Zhaohui also came. Zhao Jingjing came to help them improve their financial management and provide them with short-term financial training. Wu Zhaohui was specially invited by the second-hand goods. The second-hand goods said that Wu Zhaohui could represent them. Customers, for their customer management part, put forward their own opinions from the customer's perspective.

After everyone handed in what they wrote, Ergoo, Cao Minfang and Wenwen began to draft a management manual. Ergoo asked Lao Ren to sit beside him. Ergoo told Cao Minfang and Wenwen that Lao Ren was a stevedore and wrote it out. If you want to read something to him first, if he understands it, then that’s it. If he doesn’t understand it, then rewrite it.

Zhang Chen also told Erhuo that he would rather be simple and emphasize the key points than go into detail.

He remembered the management manual of the White Swan Hotel that he had read before. It was a thick book with more than 500 pages. Zhang Chen felt that such a manual was only used for archiving or display on the table. Will have the intention to read it.

Even the few people who compiled this manual probably didn't read it all, only the part they compiled. Otherwise, the first part of the rules and regulations of each department would not be basically the same. If this were the case, , wouldn’t it be simpler and easier to implement a hotel-wide system?

The second-rate guy said yes, instructor.

As a result, it turned out that the consulting company wrote a thick book for them, with more than 300 pages, but they finished it by themselves, with only about 20 pages.

Zhang Chen was very satisfied with this. He said, more than 20 pages is what we want. When a new employee comes in and gives him half a day, he will finish it. It is more than 300 pages, which is almost as thick as a college textbook. You Can you give him half a year to study off-duty?

The second-rate guy said yes, I was forced to use such a thin book, so I could ask several of their general managers to memorize it all.

Xiang Nan and the others rehearse every day and don't dare to stop for a day. They have to rush to catch up with the drama performance of the Provincial Department of Culture at the end of October. After this performance, the province will select four theater troupes to go to Beijing to participate in the cultural performance next spring. National drama performance held by the Department.

As the hometown of Yue Opera in Zhejiang, Yue Opera is one of the major operas in the country. Yue Opera guarantees one or two natural quotas every year. The others are drama, comedy, Wu Opera, Ou Opera (Wenzhou), and Ningbo Opera. (Ningbo), Taizhou Luantan, Hu Opera (Huzhou), Jiaxing Flower Drum Opera, Lishui She Opera, Quzhou Tanhuang and Shaoxing Lianhualuo, etc.

In comparison, Wu Opera is considered a major opera among the many local operas, and it can usually get a quota. However, because it is a major opera, there is a Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe in Jinhua. For the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe , their biggest competitor is the Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe. They are a provincial troupe. You can imagine how difficult it is to overwhelm them. If you don't work hard, you can't do it.

Xiang Nan has to rehearse every day. Zhou Ruoyi and Zheng Xinyin basically spent this summer vacation in Yongcheng. Zhang Xiangbei is also here to accompany Xiang Nan. Zhang Xiangbei is here, and Sun Xiangyang will definitely be here, plus one Xiaohu, the licking dog who joined on his own initiative, was not lonely this summer in Xiangnan. Although it was hard, he felt that the days passed very quickly.

In mid-August, Zhang Xiangbei was about to return to the United States and prepare to register at Yale University. For the first time, Zhang Xiangbei took the next day off. He drove a car south, and Lao Zhang opened a car and rushed to Hangzhou.

When we arrived in Hangzhou, we drove directly to the Tuxiangyuan Hotel on Yan'an Road. Zhang Chen, Tan Shuzhen, Qu Tianlin, Lin Shuwan, and Han Emperor Liu Bang were all here. We all wanted to practice for Zhang Xiangbei.

When Old Tang saw Zhang Xiangbei, he shouted: "Beibei, you are an adult after all. This is the first time I have seen you during the summer vacation."

Wu Zhaohui said, this is my first time too.

In fact, Zhang Xiangbei went to Yongcheng soon after he came back this time. It was the first time for many people here to see him.

There were a lot of people tonight, so the three private rooms were opened up. Wang Minsheng brought three cakes and milk tea. Several children were so happy when they saw it, they started fighting over the milk tea. Xiang Nan said, I'm in Yongcheng. The most bitter thing is not having brother Minsheng's milk tea to drink.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I am the same in the United States. Aunt Xiaofang and I tried making it several times ourselves, but the results were very unpleasant."

Wang Minsheng smiled and said, "Then when you come back next time, I will teach you how to do it."

"This is not bad." Zhou Ruoyi said, "After you learn it, you can open a milk tea shop at Yale and earn back your own tuition."

Sun Xiangyang said: "Why don't you open it in school and ask your father to apply for a license for you?"

"If Brother Minsheng teaches me, I will drive it." Zhou Ruoyi said.

Wang Minsheng smiled and said, "Okay, you can come and learn anytime."

"Zhang Xiangbei doesn't need to learn how to make milk tea." Xiang Nan shouted, "He told me that he is going to Yale to grow vegetables."

Several children were chattering. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen looked at them with emotion in their hearts. Tan Shuzhen said:

"Minsheng, how old were they when they ate the cake you made for the first time? In a blink of an eye, even Beibei will be in college."

Wang Minsheng also remembered that at that time, he still had to coax Zhang Xiangbei whether he was facing south or north. But now, when he and Zhang Xiangbei stood face to face, they all had to look up to him.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said: "There is also a man who grew up eating Minsheng's cakes."

Everyone followed his fingers and saw Xiaohu sitting there with a smile.

Back home, because Zhang Xiangbei was sent to Shanghai Pudong Airport the next day, Zhang Chen had a dispute with his parents. Xiangnan, Zhou Ruoyi, Zheng Xinxin, and Sun Xiangyang had agreed when they were in Yongcheng that they would go together. When sending Zhang Xiangbei to the airport, Zhang Chen meant that in this case, he and Xiao Shu could just go together.

When Zhang Chen's mother heard this, she quit on the spot. She said, "We are going to study in the United States. How could we not send him as a gift?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "He has been studying there for a few years, and it's not like he just went there. Didn't he go back and forth in the meantime?"

Zhang Chen's mother scolded: "How can this be the same? He went to middle school at that time, and now he is going to university. How can this be the same?"

Xiao Zhao’s mother said from the side, yes, it’s just different.

Zhang Chen wanted to say something else, but Lao Zhang came over and said to Zhang Chen, your father and mother are still here, and it’s not your turn to make the decision in this family. We don’t care whether you go or not tomorrow, but we must go anyway. If there is a car, we will take it. If there is no car, we will drive there by ourselves.

Zhang Chen was dumbfounded by them and had no choice but to compromise. Zhang Chen said okay, everyone will go, just like the first time he went to see Zhang Xiangbei off.

"It's different. Beibei was the youngest at that time, and now a younger brother comes to see off his older brother." Xiao Zhao's mother said, waving her little tree son in her hand.

Xiao Zhao's father waved to Zhang Xiangbei, and Zhang Xiangbei walked over. Xiao Zhao's father handed him a large, bulging envelope. Zhang Xiangbei opened it and took a look. Inside were small paper packages one by one. Zhang Xiangbei asked:

"Grandpa, what is this?"

"Rapeseed." Xiao Zhao's father said, "I wrote what kind of vegetable and when to sow it on the outside of the paper bag."

Zhang Xiangbei was overjoyed. During that time, when he went to the Peach Blossom Spring with his grandfather, he asked his grandfather for it. He told Xiangnan that he wanted to grow vegetables at Yale University. He was really not kidding. After thinking about it this way, he also planned it. Anyway, Yale has plenty of land. If it fails, he can set up a club and apply for a piece of land from the school.

Thank you Yujiu and Dong Longdong for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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