The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1664 Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu

For the play "Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu", through Xiang Nan's promotion, two playwrights from Shanghai finally collaborated to write the script. Ding Yousong, who graduated from the Composition Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, was also recruited into the troupe by Feng Laogui. Responsible for composing the music for this play.

Unable to find a suitable opera director, Xiangnan simply found a drama director from Hangzhou to direct the play. She believed that drama directors have broader ideas.

Xiang Nan plays Juliet in the play, Yin Tao plays Huo Xiaoyu in the play, and there are two newly recruited actors, one plays Romeo and the other plays Li Yi, Feng Laogui plays Tang Xianzu, and Xu Jianmei simply disguises herself as a man, playing of Shakespeare.

Xu Jianmei begged for mercy and said to Xiang Nan: "Good Nan Nan, it's okay if you want me to play a foreign devil. It's fine if you want me to play a devil. But if you want me to read all those books, it's a bit difficult for me."

In order for Xu Jianmei to play Shakespeare well, Xiangnan bought a set of ten copies of "The Complete Works of Shakespeare's Plays". This was very difficult for Xu Jianmei. Xu Jianmei said:

"Nannan, if you show me a set of comic books, I can still understand them. But this set of books, let alone understand them, I can't even read."

Xiang Nan smiled and said: "Aunt Jianmei, how can you play Shakespeare well if you don't read these books? If you don't understand, isn't there Director Ding who can read to you every day? Think about it, together every day Reading Shakespeare is so romantic."

Xu Jianmei was amused by Xiang Nan and promised to continue watching.

Xiang Nan also bought a collection of Tang Xianzu's dramas for Feng Laogui. Feng Laogui was a little embarrassed. He looked at Xiang Nan and said quickly, "I'll read it, I'll read it. I promise to read it all."

"We still need to understand." Xiang Nan said.

"Okay, I promise to understand it deeply." Feng Laogui said.

In this play, Xiang Nan discussed with the two screenwriters and the result was to combine Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" with Tang Xianzu's "The Purple Hairpin". The two screenwriters were very bold, combining the on-stage and off-stage , also integrated into one.

At the beginning of the play, it was the Lantern Festival. Li Yi and his friends went out to enjoy the lanterns. They met Huo Xiaoyu. In a panic, Huo Xiaoyu accidentally hung the purple jade hairpin she was wearing on the top of a plum tree, and Li Yi picked it up. When they arrived, Huo Xiaoyu realized that the hairpin was missing and hurriedly came to look for it. When she met Li Yi, the two fell in love at first sight.

At this time, in the auditorium in front, a person stood up, but it was Shakespeare. Shakespeare clapped his hands and praised, "It's love at first sight. Love at first sight is really a subject that dramatists can't finish writing."

As Shakespeare spoke, he walked from the auditorium to the stage. When the audience's attention turned to Shakespeare, the scene on the stage quietly changed to the city of Verona, Italy, where the Capulet family was holding a grand banquet. Celebrating the birthday of thirteen-year-old only daughter Juliet.

Romeo, the seventeen-year-old son of the enemy's Montague family, sneaked into the party wearing a mask. He saw the beautiful Juliet and was deeply attracted by her. Juliet was also moved by Romeo, and the two fell in love at first sight.

At this time, in the auditorium on the other side, a person stood up, that is, Tang Xianzu. Tang Xianzu shook his head and sighed, Brother Sha, although you fell in love at first sight, the design of this plot is a bit flawed.

Tang Xianzu walked towards the stage as he spoke. Romeo and Juliet continued on the stage. Shakespeare came to meet Tang Xianzu and asked him what his flaws were.

Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare said, why did you write about Romeo sneaking into the enemy's banquet to find Rosaline, the woman he liked?

Looking for a woman you like, but because you see a prettier woman, you turn to a prettier one and leave the woman you are looking for aside. Isn't this kind of liking too cheap? This Romeo is too showy. People, at least many of my viewers here won’t like it.

Shakespeare asked Tang Xianzu, what is your Li Yi like?

Tang Xianzu narrated the following story, and the scene on the stage began to change, continuing the story of "The Purple Hairpin".

The whole play is like this, the two plays are combined together, and Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu are interspersed. They discuss each other's scripts and try to modify them.

The climax of the whole play, that is, the last part, is when the two plays are performed simultaneously on the same stage, with a mixture of sorrow and joy:

Romeo saw Juliet drinking the fake poison and thought she was really dead. After kissing Juliet, he took out the poison and drank it and died. Juliet woke up and saw Romeo committing suicide for herself. She was extremely sad and pulled out Romeo's hand. He stabbed himself with the sword, and finally fell to Romeo and died.

At the same time, on the other side of the stage, with the help of the guest in yellow shirt, Li Yi and Huo Xiaoyu finally met. Only then did the two people realize that all the misunderstandings were caused by Lu Taiwei's instigation. Bury the hatchet.

Li Yi gave Huo Xiaoyu the purple jade hairpin to wear, and the guest in yellow shirt also brought up the issue of Lu Taiwei's exclusive power. Finally, the emperor issued an edict: Li Yi was granted the title of bachelor of Jixian Palace and the minister of Luantai, and Huo Xiaoyu was appointed as the minister of Taiyuan. Mrs. County.

The other side was filled with mournful songs, while the other side was filled with joy. The two stories of love at first sight had different results in the end.

Zhang Chen read the script and told Xiang Nan that it was good, good, and indeed innovative.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and put forward his own suggestions on the design of the stage. He said that the scenes of "Romeo and Juliet" could be mainly placed in the evening and in summer, while the scenes of "The Purple Hairpin" could be placed During the day, place it in the snowy winter, so that when the scene changes, the audience can immediately enter another experience.

But in the end, the entire stage was half summer and half winter, but the scenes of the two scenes were swapped, placing Romeo and Juliet in daytime and winter, and finally the white snow slowly made the two of them stiff. The figures are completely covered, and the scene between Li Yi and Huo Xiaoyu is placed on a summer night, with lights and colorful lights and brilliant fireworks...

"That's great, Uncle Zhang Chen. This will better bring out the sadness and joy of the two plays. Not only do you have to change the stage design, but you also need to change the script. However, the changes are so great that I will ask the screenwriter to change them right away. ." Xiangnan said excitedly.

Zhang Chen stayed in Yongcheng for two days, leaving behind the renderings of the stage design for each scene and explaining to the artist what to do before leaving Yongcheng and returning to Hangzhou. Zhang Xiangbei and the others stayed in Luo Not only did they stay here in Tongshan Villa, but Zhang Chen's parents and Xiao Zhao's parents also returned to their home in Yongcheng.

They told Zhang Chen that Yongcheng was cooler than Hangzhou, but in fact it was not because they wanted to see Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Chen returned to Hangzhou, and when he saw Tan Shuzhen, he smiled and said, Well, the two children have gone to Yongcheng, and the old people have also followed. Now we are really alone.

Tan Shuzhen giggled and said, okay, you, a lonely old man, will invite me, a lonely old woman, to eat Japanese food that night.

"Get out!" Zhang Chen cursed.

Not many days after Zhang Chen returned to Hangzhou, Xiaohu arrived in Yongcheng. He was surprised to see so many people around Xiangnan. After Xiangnan introduced them to each other, they knew who the other was. Xiaohu said to Zhang Xiangbei smiled and stretched out his hand to shake. Xiaohu said:

"It turns out to be senior brother."

Zhang Xiangbei was stunned for a moment before he remembered that Xiaohu was also Xiaowu's apprentice, but he became a disciple earlier than him, so he really should call him senior brother.

Seeing Xiaohu, who was obviously five or six years older than him, calling him senior brother, Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help but feel proud.

Now that the senior fellow apprentices were shouting, Xiaohu had the urge to spar. He ran to the car and came back with two pairs of boxing gloves, determined to compete with Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Xiangbei couldn't defeat him, so the two of them went outside. playground.

Zhang Xiangbei has a higher understanding than Xiaohu in this regard. After moving to the United States from Hangzhou, he has never been idle. He also organized a free fighting club in school. Xiaohu is no match for him. He only punches three times and two punches. He was beaten to the ground by Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhou Ruoyi and Zheng Xinxin sat there, watching Xiaohu, Zhang Xiangbei and Sun Xiangyang go out and come back twenty minutes later. Xiaohu's eyes and half of his face were swollen. The two people laughed. Zhou Ruoyi and Xiaohu said:

"Aren't the pandas in Taiwan given to you by our mainland? I didn't expect you in Taiwan to have them yourself."

Xiaohu gasped and said with a smile: "In Taiwan, we call the cat panda."

"No wonder, so yours walks on two legs, and ours still walks on four." Zhou Ruoyi said, and the other people almost laughed.

Xiangnan saw Xiaohu like this from a distance and ran over quickly. She looked at Xiaohu and Zhang Xiangbei and cursed:

"Are you two too childish to come here to fight?"

Zhang Xiangbei was scolded by Xiang Nan inexplicably. He said, "We didn't fight."

"There was no fight, so how could Xiaohu be like this?" Xiang Nan asked.

Xiaohu quickly said: "No, no, I just competed with my senior brother, but my skills are not as good as others."

"What the hell, why did another senior brother show up?" Xiang Nan asked.

Xiaohu quickly explained to her that because both of them were Xiaowu's apprentices, Zhang Xiangbei started training earlier than him, so of course he was his senior brother.

Xiang Nan understood and knew that they were really not fighting, so she breathed a sigh of relief. Xiang Nan thought about it and said to Xiao Hu:

"Then I learned somersaults from Uncle Xiao Wu, and I got started earlier than you. Am I now your senior sister?"

Xiaohu quickly said: "Yes, yes, you should be the senior sister."

Xiangnan looked at Zhang Xiangbei, then at Xiaohu, waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay, I think you two are Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu."

Anyway, he was idle. Xiaohu called the company in Hangzhou and asked them to buy this and that. The next day, a carload of equipment was shipped from Hangzhou.

There were many empty classrooms in the Western Zhejiang Technical School, so they set aside one and set up a training ground. Sun Xiangyang was very happy when he saw it, and he also went to practice.

Zhou Ruoyi and Sun Xiangyang said they were not allowed to go.

"Why aren't you allowed to go?" Sun Xiangyang was surprised. He said, "We still have to learn this in school, but let me see, our coach is not as good as Zhang Xiangbei. Of course I want to learn it."

Zhou Ruoyi said: "If you go too, then there will be no more people to buy us ice cream every afternoon."

Sun Xiangyang laughed, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I guarantee that the ice cream will be supplied on time every afternoon."

Sun Xiangyang and Xiaohu Zhang Xiangbei suggested that the three of them have a round-robin competition every afternoon, and the last person would be responsible for running out of the gate and buying ice cream for those in the rehearsal hall.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiaohu both agreed, but from then on, it was either Xiaohu or Sun Xiangyang who went out to buy ice cream every day, Xiaohu went out more often.

Later, he simply stopped running out and asked the ice cream seller to deliver ice cream and ice cream to the rehearsal hall at 3:30 every afternoon.

This way, they can concentrate on training.

Thank you Piaoling Yiyu, wxd121, Lao Chentang, Not the Impossible World, and Li Ruijin for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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