The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 165 A good thing, everyone is happy

They finished dinner in a large box. Jin Lili said to her old comrades, "You go back to your room first. People from our department will have a short meeting."

The old comrades all knew that these were Dingdongs, but they all pretended not to know. Jin Lili told them that these were employees of their company, and they thought they were employees of their company.

Jin Lili told them, "We will be here in just a few minutes. Don't go out. The security in Sanya is not very good at night. If you want to go out, let people from our company accompany you."

The old comrades all agreed, and those girls, after hearing Jin Lili say that they were employees of the company, subconsciously straightened their chests and sat up a little straighter.

After the old comrade left, Jin Lili asked someone to close the box door. Jin Lili told them that the plan had changed and you would have to stay here all night tomorrow night.

"Ah!" cried the girls.

Someone wanted to say something else. Jin Lili scolded, "Ah, what, isn't it just to make money? Where are you not making money? Don't fucking pretend to me. The people you met in Haicheng are all good-looking people." Fuck you!

The girls fell silent, and Jin Lili continued, "It's better to be here, in a hotel room, than on a shabby straw mat where you are all smelly and sweaty."

When Jin Lili was scolding like this, she thought of Jiajia again. She thought that Jiajia was not uglier than you, and she didn't want to do business in the hot and shabby room of Yilin's house.

"I talked to Brother Zheng on the phone in the afternoon, and he said he didn't know you." A girl looked at Jin Lili provocatively, and Jin Lili said, "What's wrong with Brother Zheng and Brother Zheng? I don't know this kind of pony boy either. "

"But Haixiu Road is all in charge of Brother Zheng." Someone shouted.

"Come on, come over and tell me the name of your real brother and your crooked brother. I'll give you a call and have someone call him until he knows me." Jin Lili pretended to be carefree and said, "I'm back to Haicheng, and Why are you looking for trouble for me?"

"Really?" several girls asked together.

"Of course it's true." As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Jin Lili felt her head grow bigger. If people really come to find you, wouldn't it be troublesome?

But she couldn't take it back. Jin Lili could only bite the bullet and continue, thinking to herself, isn't it Haixiu Road? No matter how big the gangsters on Haixiu Road are, you can be bigger than Hai Batian. Zhang Chen is not like Hai Ba Tian. God.

"Is everything clear?" Jin Lili asked. Seeing that someone seemed to have something to say, she quickly shouted: "If everything is clear, let's adjourn the meeting. The money we paid tonight will be paid together the day after tomorrow."

Although the girls were dissatisfied, they had no choice. Besides, it was better to have delicacies here every day than to go back to Haicheng and have to cook for themselves. The most important thing is that this woman has a lot of background in terms of her style and moves. , When I return to Haicheng in the future, I can turn to her for support if I have anything to do, which is not bad.

The girls said together, Got it, Sister Lily.

Jin Lili cursed in her heart again, it's over, it sounds more and more like Mommy, this name must be changed.

Early the next morning, Mr. Xia knocked on Jin Lili's door, holding a messy contract and asking her to find a place to print it. Jin Lili took it and ran to the business center below. It was said to be a business center, but in fact it was not. There is a fax machine for sending faxes to guests, and by the way, we can get some business for Sanya one-day tours from travel agencies.

There was not much place to go in Sanya at that time. It was just to go to Tianya Haijiao to see the big rock. Tourists registered here. There were buses in the morning and afternoon to pick up scattered guests at various hotels and take them to Tianya Haijiao. .

At that time, Haicheng already had a four-way word processor that could print documents, but after asking, the hotel only had a wax paper printer in the office. The typist was a girl, very cool. She told Jin Lili that we didn't Jin Lili looked at her and said, "If it's not open to the public, I'll call your general manager here and ask him if he's open to the public."

The girl stared at Jin Lili for a while and said, okay, since you are permanent guests, I will help you. She took the document in Jin Lili's hand, looked at it, and told her that these two thousand words of documents should be typed. It will take at least three or four o'clock in the afternoon to come out.

At this point, Jin Lili had no choice. Although she knew that the other party was deliberately trying to fool her, she had no choice. Even if she called the general manager, there was nothing she could do. Typing requires the typist to lower his head and type on a dense type plate. Find out the characters one by one, and then slap them onto the blue wax paper. If you look for each character for a few more seconds, there is no problem, right?

When I encounter a few rare characters, I have to look for them from the boxes of rare characters that come with me. It’s normal to be slower.

The problem is that no one except the typist can do the job of typing, and no one can tell whether she is typing fast or slow.

"Forget it, forget it." Jin Lili took the document back from the typist's hands, returned to the main desk, and asked them, is there any place in Sanya that has a four-way word processor?

The people at the front desk didn't even know what she was talking about. There was a person who had just come to take over the shift. He didn't know what she was talking about. When he heard her ask, he asked her back, "Ms. Jin, are there mosquitoes in your room?" Do you want the floor attendant to bring you mosquito coils?

The other people laughed, but Jin Lili couldn't laugh or cry.

Jin Lili went upstairs with the document, and Mr. Xia was sitting in the office. Jin Lili told him that there was no way, there was no time, so he could copy it himself, but the document had to be made in duplicate. If he used carbon paper, he would be afraid of the copy below. It has faded and has to be written by hand, which is more than 5,000 words.

There are probably less than three hours between now and the signing ceremony at 12 o'clock. Jin Lili is alone. Her handwriting is broken and she cannot write these more than 5,000 words. Mr. Xia knocked on Lao Bao's door again and asked him to When he got up, he copied one copy, and Jin Lili copied one copy.

Lao Bao said, my handwriting is so ugly?

Mr. Xia said it doesn't matter, we should leave this to ourselves, among the three of us, who doesn't know that you are ugly?

Lao Bao knew he couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to come to the office.

Mr. Xia told them, "You are busy, I have to go back. If you have anything to do, call my big brother. It's time for Mr. Qu to get up. I want to have morning tea with him."

Jin Lili asked casually: "Where are you?"

Mr. Xia smiled and did not answer. Lao Bao and Jin Lili said, "You kid, you are not sensible anymore. What the leader wants you to know will naturally be made known to you. Don't ask about things you shouldn't know."

"Get out!" Jin Lili scolded, "Shut your mouth, the saliva can't be closed and is about to flow out."

Mr. Xia left with a smile.

The contract has seven pages in total. Jin Lili and Lao Bao said, I will start transcribing from the first page and you start from the last page, so you don’t have to wait. Lao Bao picked up the document and looked at it. He said no, no, look. Looking at the words on it, I can't even recognize Mr. Qu's dragons and phoenixes. Lao Xia's words are crawling like dogs. I feel like vomiting just looking at them. They are painted in such a mess that no one can see them clearly.

Lao Bao decided to wait for a while until Jin Lili finished transcribing the first page, and then he would copy Jin Lili's copy. Jin Lili had no choice but to let him do it.

Jin Lili read and wrote, and was shocked. This contract stipulated that although the name of the hotel was the name of the investor, outsiders thought it was the investor's hotel, but the actual investor only accounted for 100% of the hotel. Of the 45 shares, Hainan Bada holds 43% of the shares, and Mr. Xia personally holds 12% of the shares. The investor seems to be the largest shareholder, but Hainan Bada and Mr. Xia, This is what really has the final say.

The premium assessment of the land and construction in progress of the Bayview Hotel, plus the existing deposits, totals more than 63 million. In this way, in addition to the 10 million already invested in the early stage, the investor will also invest more than 1,800. Ten thousand, if this is the case, this hotel means that they did not spend a penny, made a lot of money, and at the same time owned 55% of the hotel's shares.

Jin Lili couldn't understand anymore. She leaned closer and asked Lao Bao in a low voice, is our hotel worth so much money?

Lao Bao scolded, "You think I've been working hard in Sanya for a while? Look at the land opposite the hotel."

Jin Lili took a look and found that the land was assessed as commercial housing land.

"Has this been approved?" Jin Lili asked.

"You don't know how to cut it first and then tell it later. Where is the ground, how to evaluate it? It's not a matter of evaluating the company."

Jin Lili understood, but she immediately had another question. She said: "There are still more than 7 million in bank deposits. Aren't these all loans issued by overseas banks?"

Lao Bao rolled his eyes at him: "The money is there, just turn a blind eye. Who knows what kind of money it is."

"Then will we repay the loan first?"

"Are you stupid? Is this how you do business? These more than seven million are now our assets. Once the contract is signed, it becomes a joint liability. Do you think you will pay it back?"

Jin Lili said "Oh" and understood. She said, "I'm not stupid, it's Mr. Qu who is stupid."

"Mr. Qu is not stupid. I tell you something. Don't talk nonsense. See why Lao Xia wants 12%?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised too?"

"This is held by Lao Xia."

"Oh!" Jin Lili understood completely.

"What about these people? Can't they see it?" Jin Lili asked, "There is an old man who is also the chief accountant."

"You fucking..." Lao Bao was extremely angry and cursed: "What do you think you are doing these days?"

The contract was signed smoothly. During the noon celebration, the old comrades came over to toast one by one. They were very polite to Jin Lili and said to her, "Lily, from now on, we will be colleagues."

Jin Lili was flattered for a long time, and finally realized that the hotel was built. These old comrades would definitely come often, and they would need to find Lili when they came. No wonder he was so polite to Lili.

Damn it, this name has to be changed.

Jin Lili thought angrily.

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