The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1643: Aim at me

"Boss, I know you. If I had told you at that time, you would have called to remind them, right?" Xu Qiaoxin asked.

Zhang Chen was silent.

"But at that time, if you said this to them, would anyone believe you? They must have thought that you were trying to let them continue to do our work, to scare them and lie to them." Xu Qiaoxin said, "That Zhao Zhilong, he is I didn’t even understand it. I learned a few words of English that no one could understand, and then I thought I was something great and could reach heaven.

"You feel so happy when you are called Mr. Zhao by Mr. Zhao. You are such an idiot. If they don't make fun of you, who will they make fun of you? That bullshit Mr. Zhao will end up with his face swollen."

Xu Qiaoxin cursed angrily. Zhang Chen wanted to laugh but couldn't. Zhang Chen asked: "When they placed the order, didn't they make an advance payment?"

"Let me tell you." Xu Qiaoxin said, "When they place the first batch of orders, there will definitely be an advance payment of 10%. Isn't Zhao Zhilong Mr. Zhao? Mr. Zhao thinks that he is rich and has money in his account. Ten percent is ten percent, isn't he still eager to get rid of us? Even though we give him twenty percent every time, he doesn't care.

"When the first batch of orders is about to be completed, the second batch of orders will come out. At this time, they will tell you that when placing orders from Walmart, Walmart never pays in advance. The last advance payment was made by their company. Yes, it won't work this time. However, as long as the goods are shipped, Wal-Mart's checkout will be very timely. They will pay right away. There is no rush.

"At this time, it is impossible for the factory not to sign this order. If not, what will so many people do next? Moreover, the payment for the goods that are almost completed has not yet been paid. How dare you offend others? Only... not only Zhao Zhilong, this idiot, saw the second batch of orders. The quantity was several times that of the first batch. He was so happy that he signed the contract immediately.

"After signing the contract, we just ordered the fabrics and accessories. The fabrics and accessories have arrived, and the first batch of goods in the factory is almost finished. Isn't that what a garment factory is like? Boss, you don't know that all goods are shipped one after another. The goods in the front are still in the back lane. In the sand washing plant, the goods in the back have already been put on the cutting bed and in the parking space. By the time the goods in the front are packed, many of the goods in the back have already started to come out.

"At this time, the thing I mentioned earlier came. Their QC had obviously seen it and packed the goods into boxes. Their boss came and said, is this your first time shipping goods from Wal-Mart? Be careful. Open the carton and check it. You will see a lot of problems and you will not be allowed to install it in the container.

"At this time, Zhao Zhilong, the idiot, was dumbfounded. The goods were already ready, the fabrics for the second order had come in, and the factory had already started production. But so far, we have only received 100% of the first batch. If 10% of the payment is not shipped, the remaining payment will not be received, and the factory will be finished immediately.

"The most troublesome thing is that they are actually a factory. They don't even have their own sales channels. If they can't sell the goods, who will they sell them to? Moreover, they only sell clothes in American and European sizes. Even if they have channels, they can't sell them. There is no other way but to accept the price reduction.

"When will you receive the payment for the first batch of goods? You have to wait until the second batch of goods is almost finished and you sign the contract for the third batch. Then the payment for the first batch of goods will arrive, so that you can have money to buy the third batch. Three batches of noodles and accessories, that's it, you are just a stupid fish, already firmly caught by their hook, they want you to be round, and they want you to be square."

He sighed and said to Zhang Chen: "It's exactly what Qiao Xin said. They are very exaggerated. Mr. Zhang, you also know the quality of the products in our factory. When it comes to normal inspection, how can we do it?" What's the problem, but if you are picky, I won't pick out a lot of clothes for you.

"For example, we all know that it is normal for fabrics from fabric factories to have a slight color difference between each piece of fabric. Why do our pieces need to be numbered? Isn't it just to avoid making pieces with color differences the same? Put it on a piece of clothing?

"No, they said this won't work. It's two pieces of clothing that are a little different in color from each other. They are both unacceptable. Just like this, the price will be lowered. Zhao Zhilong called the fabric factory, but was scolded. They said, ours Fabrics are also being exported. Even if we are exporting fabrics, we cannot ensure that every vat comes out without color difference. There is an allowable value for color difference.

"The other party scolded me, is this your first time buying fabrics and making clothes? Don't place orders with us in the future. We can't do your request.

"That's right. It's like this in every factory you go to. As a result, money is being deducted here, and Zhao Zhigang is asked to come forward and say good things to other fabric factories, so why bother.

"Zhao Zhilong had nowhere to vent his anger, so it came out of our quality control department. Our quality control department also became angry. He divided the clothes into several piles and told Zhao Zhilong, "These clothes have color differences, which one is considered genuine?" , which pile is considered waste? He himself can’t tell. According to this standard, most of the clothes will fail."

"You deserve it!" Xu Qiaoxin scolded. After scolding her, she took a look and said quickly: "Auntie, I'm not scolding you, I'm scolding that Zhao Zhilong."

"I know you're right, Qiao Xin, he deserves it. If you don't do a good job in the company, you go to find such bosses. It's really a crime." Liang Fen said, "I tell you, they are really evil. Sir, even the QC who works in the factory every day is very attractive. Every three days, Zhao Zhilong wants to treat him to drinks, go to karaoke, pick up... women, and when he is unhappy, he will pick and choose."

"I think Zhao Zhilong also likes to go. He can find an excuse to show off his Mr. Zhao style." Xu Qiaoxin sneered.

"It's really a bit like that." Liangfen said, "Now in the factory, Zhao Zhigang is still the general manager in name, but in reality it is Zhao Zhilong who has the final say. Lao Fu and I are angry watching from the sidelines, you guys say Is there such a thing? Then Zhao Zhilong also assigned himself a female secretary and a driver.

"Hoho, we said that Mr. Zhang doesn't have such a style. Mr. Zhang didn't see any female secretaries. He didn't drive by himself wherever he went. The big bosses we saw were like Mr. Tan and Mr. Liu. Aren't they all like this? This Zhao Zhilong is so powerful that he hired a female secretary. What does that female secretary do? She just helps him get food from the cafeteria every day."

Zhang Chen and Xu Qiaoxin couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

Liangfen sighed again: "We are angry, but seeing this in the factory, we are still anxious. I don't know how many times Caidi has cried. Mr. Zhang, I have no other intention in coming this time. Please help us."

Zhang Chen wanted to say something, but Xu Qiaoxin waved his hand and snatched the topic away. Xu Qiaoxin said:

"Auntie, in my opinion, you and Master Fu just don't care about their bad things and just let them go. The worst is, you guys quit. Come back to Hangzhou. Our new factory here is also ready to be built. When you come back, you will be here too." things to do.”

Liangfen hesitated for a while and said: "We ourselves have nothing. If we don't want to do it, we will do it. But there are so many people down there, and we usually take care of them. What will they do when we leave?" I just thought that things would get better in the factory."

"Come together, what are you afraid of?" Xu Qiaoxin shouted.

He sat silently for two minutes, picked up the cup and took a sip of water. Before the cup was put back on the coffee table, he picked it up and took another sip.

Zhang Chen looked at Xu Qiaoxin. Xu Qiaoxin understood. It was true that she hoped the factory would get better. She was not only a worker, but also a shareholder. When she got here, she was just a worker and not a shareholder. She was not a shareholder. , there was no need for Liangfen to go to Jiangshan at that time, and he would stay in Gongchenqiao. That factory was not only Zhao Zhilong's factory, but also Liangfen's own factory.

Xu Qiaoxin stood up and walked over to add water to Liangfen and then to Zhang Chen. There was a temporary silence in the office. Zhang Chen sat there, not knowing what to say or what Liangfen should say. Yes, let yourself help them, how should you help them.

Xu Qiaoxin came back, sat down, and said to Liangfen:

"Auntie, we just want to help, but we can't help now. How can we help? Then put your hot face on Zhao Zhilong's cold ass? Do you know that this bastard even called me at that time and asked him to give the sample and He refused to send the sample clothes back to us. Not only did he not accept our order, he also wanted to kill us.

"Fortunately, we have a good relationship with Target. They trust us so much that they don't even send QC. They entrust us to do the inspection ourselves. Otherwise, when the QC comes to the factory, they won't even be able to see the samples approved by the customer. Yes, how do you check it?

"Moreover, we have already issued orders, and several factories are now very cooperative. It is impossible for us to say that when we need them, we will beg them. Now you are doing it here, and then take the order from them." Walk.

"To be honest, as for that bastard Zhao Zhilong, we just place the order with you again. I'm still worried about whether this guy will bite us again. When that happens, it will be miserable for us. All the factories have been offended again, and I really don’t know what else to do.

"Auntie, when I tell you this, I think you will understand. If it is your personal matter, I, Xu Qiaoxin, will definitely help you.

"However, this matter is too big. Maybe we will lose Target as a customer. Because they have to transfer orders, they have agreed to push back the delivery date once. We can't say that because we have a good relationship. , just accept it."

Xu Qiaoxin said, looked at Zhang Chen, and blocked Zhang Chen with one sentence. Xu Qiaoxin said to Liangfen:

"Auntie, please don't embarrass the boss. I don't think he can make such a decision. If you take a step back and say something ugly, it's just a request. It's the bastard Zhao Zhilong who is begging the boss, not you, aunt."

Xu Qiaoxin's words were very precise and reasonable. She looked at Zhang Chen, who nodded and said:

"Qiaoxin is right, this matter is indeed more difficult to deal with now."

After sighing for two minutes, she said: "I understand. The fault of this matter lies only with Zhao Zhilong and Fan Guoqing. Fan Guoqing was the most enthusiastic about jumping up and down. Now he is scolded by everyone and he doesn't even dare to fart."

"Fan Guoqing? Who is Fan Guoqing?" Zhang Chen asked.

"That's the 'working class'." Liangfen said, Zhang Chen nodded.

After sitting for a while, he stood up and said goodbye.

After two minutes left, Zhang Chen looked at Xu Qiaoxin and said, "Xu Qiaoxin, your level is pretty good. You can talk at length. I can't even say what you said."

Xu Qiaoxin rolled her eyes at him and said: "I don't want to suffer and suffer twice. Tell me, in terms of pressure, is it greater now than when Jessica came? In terms of conditions, it will be higher now than then. Bad? But even with such demanding conditions, I accepted the order and still had to arrange it. Why? I believed in Jessica. She just had difficulties and was not broken, so I would help her.

"This Zhao Zhilong, his conscience has been broken, and he can no longer cooperate at all. No matter whether Zhao Zhigang is dead, Caidi is dead, or they are two points, I can't control Zhao Zhilong at all now. I place the order there. I am doing it myself. Looking for death?"

"Okay, Xu Qiaoxin, what you said makes sense, but don't come at me. Didn't I agree to give it to them?" Zhang Chen defended.

"It's hard to say. If I didn't stop you, who knows what you would have said." Xu Qiaoxin said, "Boss, do you know what you are?"

"What is it?"

"You are the stupid farmer in The Farmer and the Snake. You are stupider than him. He will only be bitten once by the snake, but you will be bitten by the snake repeatedly."

As Xu Qiaoxin said, Zhang Chen laughed dumbly and cursed: "Wang Kuang, do you talk to the boss like this?"

"What else? You fire me?" Xu Qiaoxin looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Boss, let me tell you, if you are soft-hearted again, I will quit without you firing me. Go and ask Xiaoli and Zhao Jingjing I won’t do it even if I can.”

Thank you Daosheng 123, Quadratic VC, Book Friends 20210131080612174, and the reward of two fishes at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Hu Hu, Crush Killer VIP, Book Friends 20181218043954131, Chair in the World, Frivolous, Tamagotchi, and Nan Ke Yimeng 79 for your monthly passes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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