The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1639: One for each

Below Gaofang, the Western Zhejiang Technical School, about two hundred meters away from the Wu Opera Troupe, moved to Hangzhou and merged into the Zhejiang Hydropower Technical School. In the original campus, except for some retired personnel, they guarded their dormitories. Waiting for the demolition, there are basically no people around.

West Zhejiang Technical School belongs to the Provincial Electric Power Bureau. After the relocation, conflicts arose between the Electric Power Bureau and the Yongcheng local government.

The Yongcheng City Government believes that the land acquired at that time was unclear and it was one of the many units that were established after the hydropower station was built. These units occupied most of Yongcheng County at that time. Now these units have to be moved. Naturally, the land must be repaid to the Yongcheng City Government without charge.

The Provincial Electric Power Bureau believes that the entire Yongcheng County was a barren land at that time. This land was originally created by them by digging mountains and filling ditches. Although the land is still state-owned land, the name on the land certificate belongs to their Western Zhejiang Technical School. How can any of it be returned? Of course, the right to dispose of this land belongs to them. They are also considering whether to build a sanatorium or training center here.

The gate of West Zhejiang Technical School is opened on the main street of Yongcheng, and the other side is close to Xin'an River. Everyone knows that this is a piece of fat, and they will not give in to each other, so they turn over the conflict and the dispute reaches Hangzhou. When they arrive in Hangzhou, the Electric Power Bureau It is a unit with real power. The most important thing is that the successive heads of the province are all from the electric power system, and the relationship is intricate.

After all, the Yongcheng City Government is a first-level local government, and their opinions have to be considered by the higher authorities. Of course, the Hangzhou City Government is also on their side.

The two sides were in a stalemate and fell into a tug-of-war. Although the Western Zhejiang Technical School had moved and the gate was closed, the sign at the gate was still hanging there, and the on-duty staff and retirees inside were still there, as if they had become hostages. The Yongcheng City Government has nothing to do.

The gods were fighting with each other, but Tan Shuzhen was a mortal. Regardless of this, she found the Provincial Electric Power Bureau and asked them to rent the vacant school hall and dormitory building.

The Provincial Electric Power Bureau knew that her purpose in borrowing the assembly hall and dormitory building was to move the original Wu Opera Troupe personnel and practice rooms here. All the buildings on Gaofang were to be demolished to build dormitories.

The office director of the Provincial Electric Power Bureau originally graduated from Zhejiang West Technical School. As soon as he heard about this situation, he immediately agreed. He explained the reasons for his agreement to several directors. They all thought it made sense and immediately agreed. agree.

The director's reason is very simple. As long as this house is lent to the Wu Opera Troupe, the Yongcheng City Government will not only have to solve the problems of their retirees, but also the problems of the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe. Once the Wu Opera Troupe borrows this house Just two years.

In the past two years, whoever dares to raise the issue of the demolition of the West Zhejiang Technical School in the Yongcheng City Government will have to solve the problem of the Wu Opera Troupe first, and whoever will cause trouble will have two more years.

The Provincial Electric Power Bureau immediately signed a loan agreement with Tan Shuzhen and the others, and the loan was for free. The reason for the loan was simple: to support Yongcheng's cultural undertakings.

Things went so smoothly that even Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen felt strange. How did they know that there was such a thing?

The Yongcheng City Government watched the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe move into the Western Zhejiang Technical School and was helpless. They even saved the money for renovating the office building and dormitory building. You are looking for a dormitory building and a practice room. What can you say? What, besides, compared with the land of Western Zhejiang Technical School, everyone is more anxious to see the landmark building of the theater rising from the ground.

You can live here for two years, but you can't move the land anyway, so the Yongcheng City Government and the Provincial Electric Power Bureau ceased operations.

There was only a wall between the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe and the dormitory area of ​​the Xin'anjiang Hydropower Plant. Tan Shuzhen then went to find the director and secretary of the hydropower plant. Both parties were old acquaintances. After knowing that the Wu Opera Troupe was restructured, Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen became the actual members of the Wu Opera Troupe. The boss, the factory director and secretary laughed, then we will really be neighbors and brother units from now on.

Tan Shuzhen said yes, but you also know that the restructuring of the theater troupe is extremely difficult. This theater troupe is like a bottomless pit. When can this hole be filled? To be honest, Mr. Zhang and I have no idea, so we have come to ask for your help.

The secretary said, if there is anything we can do to help, just tell me, Mr. Tan, if you need sponsorship, we can arrange it every year. If we don’t sponsor you, units like Yongcheng will still keep an eye on us every year for any large-scale activities. You With Mr. Zhang here, there is no problem, we have the budget.

While the secretary was talking, the factory director kept nodding beside him.

Tan Shuzhen quickly said, I don’t need alms, I just want to borrow some space.

Tan Shuzhen told the factory director and secretary the purpose of her visit, and the two of them readily agreed.

Five dormitory buildings are to be built above Gao Hong. The space is a bit tight. Later, part of the mountain needs to be excavated, but the mountain cannot be dug too deep. In front and to the right of Gao Hong, there are roads below. There is no other way. The only thing I can think of is the wall on the left, separated from the hydropower plant.

The factory director and secretary agreed that Tan Shuzhen and her family should build their house on the land boundary, which is where the current partition wall is, which will be the outer wall of their dormitory in the future. In this way, it will be equivalent to the dormitory area of ​​the hydropower plant, and the entire dormitory area will have to be set back a few meters. , although it is now a flower bed.

This also means that it will only be a flower bed from now on.

After the hydropower plant is agreed, the land on Gao Hong will be enough.

After the theater was demolished, five huge billboards were erected near the street. On the five billboards, the buildings designed by Jason and the others were drawn, from the dangerous main building to the future shadows inside. The city and small theater, as well as shopping malls and supermarkets, and of course, the hotel's sky garden are indispensable.

This place has since become a place where Yongcheng people like to stop and discuss, look at the billboards, and then lie down in the gap between the billboards to see how the construction inside is going, whether they are familiar or not. People who are familiar with each other have something to talk about and have fun with.

Every night, the "bang bang" sound of the pile driver and the ramming sound of the frog rammer were heard from the construction site. It could be heard throughout Yongcheng. Before this, no building had been constructed. There would be such a big movement. Listening to the "bang bang" sound, everyone seemed to be hearing the heartbeat of Yongcheng's vigorous development.

The people who feel most proud are the people in the troupe. The new building is under construction and the old one has been demolished. There are so many new people in the troupe all of a sudden, and the student class is still expanding. This makes everyone feel that this troupe is I have truly embarked on a sunny road, and the hope of thriving and growing cannot be concealed even if I want to.

The good thing is not only this, but also the little tiger. As long as the little tiger reaches the mainland now, he will definitely go to Yongcheng. Everyone can see that as long as he arrives in Yongcheng, Xiang Nan seems to have a smiling face growing behind him. Tails, he followed Xiang Nan, everyone he saw was smiling.

Coming with Xiaohu is the person in charge of a cultural foundation under Taiwan's Fubon Financial Holdings. They have signed a ten-year sponsorship agreement with Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe Development Co., Ltd. The foundation will sponsor Yongcheng Wu Theater every year. The troupe's RMB 2.8 million is earmarked for rehearsing new plays.

Xiaohu and Feng Laogui said, we are the same in Taiwan. We fund the Cloud Gate Dance Theater and the Symphony Orchestra. We also fund many film shootings. In mainland China, this is not the first project we have funded. Mr. Bai Xianyong’s project , we also have funding.

In March, Xiang Nan and the two newly recruited actresses followed Xiaohu to Taiwan. They stayed in Taiwan for twelve days, specifically to observe and learn from the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre.

After returning to Hangzhou, Tan Shuzhen picked them up at the airport. They had dinner with Zhang Chen at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel in the evening. Xiang Nan said to Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen, "I now know what it means to do a career as a career, Uncle Zhang Chen" You are right, Teacher Lin Huaimin and the others are indeed a group of believers, not only in rehearsals and on stage, but also in life.

"I think we also need such a group of believers, the believers of Wu Opera. This can't be solved by holding a meeting. I think we need to instill a lot of concepts into the young students when we are in the student class. I have already talked with Xiaohu We agreed to send the teacher from the student class to study next time."

Xiang Nan chattered to them, Zhang Chen was right, Xiang Nan, your idea is very good.

"This time I came to Taiwan, I have been thinking that we must arrange new plays and have new plays so that we can attract more audiences, especially young audiences. I have never gone to see Mr. Bai Xianyong's plays, nor have I watched Before watching Teacher Lin Huaimin's dance, who would have thought that Kun Opera and dance would still have an audience, but when I arrived at the theater, I was scared..."

"What's wrong, Nannan?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"It's all young people. Think about it, can you imagine that so many young people would come to listen to Kun Opera?" Xiang Nan said, "So I think that any type of opera can last for hundreds or thousands of years. It's not impossible. The reason is that it is definitely not just for the elderly. Young people cannot see it in our theaters now because there is actually nothing for them to see.”

Zhang Chen nodded and said: "Yes, the dramas written by Li Yu back then are just like the popular TV dramas now. Every time a drama is released, there will be a lot of fans. Drama is inherently popular culture, and it should be welcomed by the public. right."

Xiang Nan nodded "hmm", she looked at the other two girls, and said to Zhang Chen:

"We have been discussing along the way that we must arrange new plays. Why do young people not like to watch old plays? We think there are two reasons.

"One is a play that everyone knows, like "The Legend of White Snake". I don't know how many movies have been produced. Everyone has no expectations for this story and is tired of watching it. We can't always rely on high-level dramas. This is a gimmick.

"It's an old drama that everyone is not familiar with. Young people are too unfamiliar with the environment and historical background of that era. Of course, they can't get into the drama. How can you move them? So we thought, we must arrange a drama that is both form and content." A very novel play.”

"Nannan, what show do you want to rehearse?" Tan Shuzhen became interested and asked.

"New Wu Opera." Xiang Nan said, "I want to arrange a play "Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu". They are both great dramatists and of the same generation. They both died in 1616. I I want to put the experiences of the two of them, as well as their writings of "Romeo and Juliet" and "The Purple Hairpin", into one play."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Xiang Nan, you have a good idea. Was it inspired by Zhang Guangtian?"

"A bit." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "But I want to go further. Uncle Zhang Chen, you have to help me with stage design when the time comes."

Zhang Chen said yes, no problem.

Zhang Chen looked at Tan Shuzhen and said with a smile: "How about it, Tan Shuzhen, Xiangnan came from the film school after all. If it were you, you wouldn't have such unique ideas."

"Let's wait and see. Don't kill her first." Tan Shuzhen said.

Xiang Nan sighed: "What I need most now is to find someone to write this play."

"Didn't Lao Yang say that I could introduce you to a screenwriter?" Zhang Chen asked.

"All the people he introduced are too old and can only write old plays. I want to find young people to write this play." Xiang Nan said, "Wenwen has already posted the news on Weibo and is looking for capable people across the country. This living person.”

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked: "Wenwen goes to the construction site every day now, she still has time to take care of your Weibo."

"She has always been in charge, and she is very energetic." Xiangnan said, "She is always quarreling with people on the Internet when she has nothing to do. As a result, others think that I, Feng Xiangnan, am an aggressive rooster. My Her character is almost destroyed by her.”

Xiang Nan sighed again as he spoke, and both Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen laughed.

Thank you to the blind man for his clairvoyance, two fishes, and the reward at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Tie Zhongshang1, Book Friends 20181218043954131, Humor Tribe, CYTYP, Lao Chen Tang, askandanswer, End Hao, engross11, Piao Ling Yi Yu, Book Friends 20170517225439985, Reader 1196318977632641024 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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