The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1636 Two new employees

Tan Shuzhen sent Zhang Chen downstairs to the dynamic zone and told him that if he wasn't going to eat Japanese food in the evening, I'd better bring seafood back and we could cook on the side.

Zhang Chen said yes, "Why did you suddenly become kind and didn't even eat Japanese food?"

Tan Shuzhen glared at him and cursed: "It's not you. Eating Japanese food is like going to the execution ground. Facing a person who has no appetite makes me lose my appetite too."

Zhang Chen said okay, I will thank you on behalf of those sea urchins.

"Get out!" Tan Shuzhen scolded, and Zhang Chen got out of the car with a smile.

When Tan Shuzhen came back from get off work, she walked into Zhang Chen's office. Zhang Chen had already laid out a disposable tablecloth at the conference table, as well as placed the stove, tableware, and condiments.

Tan Shuzhen was overjoyed when she saw it and shouted: "Let's eat, let's eat."

After saying that, he put the vest bag in his hand on the conference table. Zhang Chen walked over while scolding you for wanting to drink blood.

When I got closer, I was happy to see that the ingredients in the bag had not only been washed, but also chopped and chopped. Zhang Chen shouted:

"Hey, are you so diligent?"

Tan Shuzhen said with a smile: "I thought that since I am here to do the washing, I might as well go next door to buy it early and let the chef in the unit help me clean it up."

The water boiled and the two of them sat down to eat. Zhang Chen was about to pick up a shrimp when Tan Shuzhen caught his chopsticks with her chopsticks and said to him:

"Let's make an agreement first. After dinner, you can go watch a movie with me."

"what movie?"

"I don't know. Anyway, just accompany me to see it."

Zhang Chen said yes, it's okay to be idle. The worst is to go to the cinema and sleep, just don't let me go shopping with you.

Tan Shuzhen giggled. She looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Zhang Chen, are you afraid? If we stay together like this every day, sooner or later we will become a family."

Zhang Chen said he wasn't afraid. Apart from not having sex, we were already a family.

"Get out!" Tan Shuzhen scolded, her face slightly red.

Someone knocked on the door and Zhang Chen said come in.

The door was pushed open a crack, and the two heads of Xu Qiaoxin and Xiaoli were put in. The two of them were laughing. Xu Qiaoxin asked, "I smell the fragrance, can we rub it in?"

"Come in, come in, I bought a lot, I knew I might meet you two greedy cats." Tan Shuzhen shouted.

Xu Qiaoxin and Xiaoli came in, and Zhang Chen asked Xu Qiaoxin: "Why, you're not going back home either?"

"Teacher Wang won't let me go back," Xu Qiaoxin said.

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked, "Did you quarrel?"

"How is it possible? Teacher Wang is kind-hearted now, how can we quarrel?"

Xu Qiaoxin shook her head and continued:

"Aren't we going to the United States? Teacher Wang said that we need to wean our son. She said that when weaning, my son cannot see me as a mother. When he sees me, he will not be able to give up the idea of ​​breastfeeding, and he will cry, which makes me Now I feel like a thief. I only dare to go back when my son is asleep. I sneak out before my son wakes up. I hear my son crying in the middle of the night. When I reach the door of Teacher Wang’s room, I don’t dare to go in.”

As Xu Qiaoxin said, Tan Shuzhen kept nodding: "Teacher Wang is right, weaning must be done resolutely."

"Where's Xiao Wu, has he abandoned you too?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Why is he following me? He works overtime at the construction site at night." Xu Qiaoxin said. The other three people couldn't help but laugh. Xiaoli said:

Xu Qiaoxin reached out and hit Xiaoli and scolded: "You are a gangster because you have been with Wenwen in Beijing for too long."

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Li, who quickly said: "I haven't finished my work here yet. Once I'm done, I'll go to Gongchen Bridge."

Zhang Chen scolded: "Do you think I am a black-hearted capitalist and will force you?"

"You are not, I am, I will force myself." Xiaoli said.

Zhang Chen thought about it, and said to Xiaoli: "You have to take care of so many factories down there now, Xiaoli, shouldn't Gongchenqiao find someone to take charge of that area?"

Xiaoli raised the chopsticks in her hand, swayed and said, "No, I already have someone, and they will come to replace me in a while."



"Who are you talking about, which Qianqian?" Zhang Chen was surprised and asked.

"The Qianqian of Wenwen and Qianqian, what other Qianqian could there be?" Xiaoli glanced at Zhang Chen and said, "By the way, when you went to Beijing this time, those two die-hards didn't tell you?"

"No, what did they say?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Their factory is going to be demolished, and they are currently in a stalemate. They have agreed to compensate them 28 million, but Wenwen insists on 35 million. Once the negotiations are settled, they will return to Hangzhou." Xiaoli explain.

"Let me go, then these two people have become rich women?" Zhang Chen shouted.

"Haha, this is finally the right result." Tan Shuzhen said with a smile.

Xiaoli nodded her head.

Zhang Chen said: "If Qianqian comes, Xiaoli, you can really hand over Gongchen Bridge to her. I went to their factory and saw that Qianqian manages it very well."

"Am I not managing well?" Xiaoli asked.

Zhang Chen scolded: "You women, why do you like to blame yourself for everything? I praise Qianqian for managing things well, but I don't mean that you manage things poorly. Understand, you also manage things very well."

Xiaoli giggled: "I'm teasing you. By the way, boss, Wenwen has chosen a position and she didn't tell you?"

"What position does she fancy?" Zhang Chen asked.

"She still wants to stay in Beijing. She wants to take charge of our logistics base in Beijing."

Tan Shuzhen knocked on the table with her hand: "Okay, ordinary girls really can't take care of this logistics base, but Zhang Chen, this Wenwen, she can really take care of it."

Zhang Chen also smiled and said: "We are also short of people, but these two people, why don't they tell me about such a big thing."

"I'll tell you if I want to get the compensation," Xu Qiaoxin said.

"Yes, they have already discussed it. They said that after receiving the money, they will send part of it back to build a new house for their families, and then they can come to work in our company with peace of mind." Xiaoli said, "That's right. Boss, just pretend you don’t know anything, okay?”

Zhang Chen said yes.

On the same day that Xu Qiaoxin and Ge Ling went to the United States, Wenwen and Qianqian came. They walked into Zhang Chen's office. When Zhang Chen saw them, he deliberately pretended not to know anything and shouted in surprise:

"Hey, rare guests, why are you here?"

The two sat down on the sofa. Wenwen said to Zhang Chen with a sad face, we have no choice but to follow you. You must take us in, please, even if we become your maids.

Qianqian sat on the edge, also crying and nodding her head.

Zhang Chen deliberately wanted to tease them, so he pretended to be surprised and asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"We escaped." Wenwen said, "We produced fake goods. Didn't we make a batch of fake Burberrys? But we were caught by joint law enforcement. If we hadn't escaped quickly, we would all be in prison now. .”

Qianqian is right, we don’t even dare to go back to Beijing.

Zhang Chen suppressed his laughter and said to them: "It doesn't matter. Don't be afraid. Since you have escaped here, don't worry. There are security guards below. I will tell them that even the police will not let them come up."

The two people nodded repeatedly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhang. I know that Mr. Zhang will protect us."

Zhang Chen said yes, of course I will protect you, "But you have to tell me first, how much money did you lose in total?"

The two of them burst into laughter and fell to one side. Wenwen banged her head on the sofa and asked, "Did that bitch Xiaoli tell you?"

Zhang Chen nodded, and Wenwen said: "Thirty-one million, it's because Qianqian is such a die-hard, she keeps saying forget it, otherwise, I will definitely not agree."

"Go away, you've used up all your tricks, you've even staged a fake suicide, you're just short of running naked, what else can you do, any more wastage will be in vain, it's better to take the money and get out." Qianqian Cursed.

Zhang Chen said you're right, just stop in moderation. After all, you two are considered rich women now.

"Rich ass, you have more than 10 million per person, how can you be considered a rich woman? We really want to come to work for you, don't let us go." Wenwen said.

"I welcome you with both hands." Zhang Chen said, "I have reserved the seats for you. Qianqian will go to Gongchenqiao to be the director of the garment factory. Wenwen, you will go back to Beijing and be the general manager of our Beijing logistics base. Okay?"

Wenwen and Qianqian nodded together, Qianqian said: "That bitch Xiaoli, did you tell you again?"

Zhang Chen said yes, but Wenwen, you are not in a hurry to go to Beijing just yet. Let me go to Kunming and Chengdu first, where there are still two pieces of land to negotiate.

Wenwen said yes, when we get here, we will listen to your arrangements.

Qianqian followed Xiaoli to Gongchenqiao Factory. Wenwen sat opposite Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen thought about it and said to Wenwen seriously:

"Wenwen, if you come here to work, our relationship must end."

"Why are you afraid that I will think of myself as the boss's wife? Don't worry, I know I can't become the boss's wife, and I won't be so unreasonable." Wenwen said.

"It's not because of this." Zhang Chen shook his head.

"What's that for?" Wenwen looked at him blankly and asked

"It's just... that's right, I just want to maintain a simple working relationship and friendship with the people below. I don't want to have a more complicated relationship. Otherwise, it will be difficult to meet and it will feel awkward when we meet."

Wenwen looked at him suspiciously: "How many people have you had complicated relationships with, making you so alert? Ge Ling, Huijuan, Xu Qiaoxin, have you all had relationships?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Your statement is very hypocritical and a bit heartless." Wenwen said and sighed, "But okay, I understand you and I agree."

Zhang Chen quickly said thank you.

"However, I haven't joined the job today, so today is not counted. Today is our last day to say goodbye. If I join the job tomorrow, we will only have a superior-subordinate relationship, okay?"

Wenwen stared at Zhang Chen and asked, Zhang Chen thought for a while and said yes.

"I'm going to book a room. I'm going to treat you to dinner and accommodation tonight. I'm going to book the best room and eat the best food." Wenwen said and stood up, her eyes a little red.

"I'll send you the place later." Wenwen said and walked out.

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