The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1632 Request for price adjustment

"Xiao Li, what's going on?" Zhang Chen asked Xiao Li.

"It's so annoying. The order can't be arranged and they refuse to do it," Xiaoli said.

“From Target?”



"Zhao Zhilong thinks the price is low." Xiao Li said, "We have to rush the goods. The workers have just returned. Zhao Zhigang is anxious to make arrangements. Zhao Zhilong thinks the price is low and does not agree to the arrangement."

"Which order? Is the price very low?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You bastard, I've been working on it for more than a month, and dozens of cabinets have been sold out, and now I think the price is too low." Xiaoli scolded.

"Old orders?" Zhang Chen was also confused, "If the contracts for old orders have not been signed, what else is there with a lower price?"

"That's right, I think we are too good to them." Xiaoli said, "Really, boss, you are just too good to them. Years ago, you paid off all their payments, and even paid us back If you haven't received the payment, you have to pay it to them..."

"Don't I want them to have a good New Year?" Zhang Chen said.

"Hmph, you let them have a good New Year. They have a good time. After the New Year, they will do this. If there is still payment for the goods, I don't think they dare." Xiaoli scolded.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen looked at each other. In Zhang Chen's heart, although it has nothing to do with him now, he still treats it as his own factory. That's why he asked Zhao Jingjing to pay all the payments for the goods a few years ago. As long as The goods have already left the factory, regardless of whether Target pays them or not, they will be paid first.

Tan Shuzhen said: "Even when the payment is settled, we must be reasonable. Where there are orders that have been signed, the price will be adjusted if the price is too low."

"That Zhao Zhilong didn't listen to this at all. I talked to him for a long time, and he just said one sentence, either adjust the price or not do it. I had no choice, so I called the boss. I think even Zhao Zhigang didn't care about Zhao Zhilong. There is a way." Xiaoli said.

Zhang Chen asked Xiaoli: "Have you ever asked Xu Qiaoxin if there is any room for this price?"

"Zhang Chen, what do you want to do?" Tan Shuzhen shouted, "I tell you, you can't spoil them."

"I just want to understand." Zhang Chen quickly defended.

"No more, it's gone a long time ago," Qiaoxin said. You have been telling her to give her more profits to their factory. Qiaoxin has already given away all she can. She called Qiaoxin earlier. Zhao Zhigang, scold him, are you not even leaving soup for us, and all the people in our foreign trade company are doing voluntary labor for you? I think Zhao Zhigang’s face turned red after being scolded by Qiaoxin.”

"Qiao Xin is right." Tan Shuzhen said, "Let's go in."

Tan Shuzhen said, started the car and drove into the development zone. Xiaoli guided the way until they reached the building where Zhao Zhigang's office was, and then stopped.

The three people went upstairs to Zhao Zhigang's office. No one was inside. A little girl ran out from next door and told them that everyone was in the conference room.

The three people walked to the conference room. When they went in, there were more than a dozen people sitting inside. All the shareholders of the factory were here. Zhao Zhigang, Caidi, Liangfen and Lao Fu all stood up and shouted when they saw Zhang Chen arriving. Titled Zhang Chen as "Mr. Zhang."

Zhao Zhilong and the "working class" and others sat motionless. Many people turned their faces away, not daring to look at them.

Zhang Chen and the others chose an empty seat and sat down. Zhang Chen asked Zhao Zhigang, "What's going on?"

Zhao Zhigang's face turned red from suppressing it. He looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen saw that his eyes were already red, and Zhang Chen's heart softened.

"Nothing's going on. You want to adjust the labor price. We will do it if the labor price is adjusted. If we don't adjust the labor price, we can't do it." Zhao Zhilong's wife said.

"Shut up, you have no place to speak here!" Zhang Chen pointed at her and cursed.

Zhao Zhilong's wife looked at Zhao Zhilong, who was sitting silently. She flattened her mouth, muttered something in a low voice, and stopped talking.

"Zhao Zhilong, is this what your wife said?" Zhang Chen looked at Zhao Zhilong and asked.

Zhao Zhilong glanced at Zhang Chen and quickly looked away.

The "working class" sitting next to him poked him with his hand.

Zhao Zhilong said: "Yes, Mr. Zhang, we have nothing to do. Such a wage cannot be arranged. The workers think the wage is too low and they are unwilling to do it."

"This wage is too low?" Zhang Chen nodded, "This wage is already higher than in Hangzhou, when the foreign trade company works in our own factory, Zhao Zhigang, don't you know?"

Zhao Zhigang lowered his head and said, "I know, it's higher than before."

"Zhao Zhilong, you don't know?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The past was before, and the present is now." Zhao Zhilong muttered.

"That's right, this year's pork is much more expensive than last year."

The "working class" muttered something to the side, and Zhang Chen turned his eyes to him. The "working class" immediately shut up. Although Zhang Chen was no longer their boss, the people present still felt a little frightened when they saw him. .

Zhang Chen said yes, "The past was before, and now is now. Let me see how much the wages you pay workers have increased. Caidi, model 00102573, what is the wages you pay workers now?"

"There's no increase at all, Mr. Zhang," Caidi said.

Zhang Chen nodded: "Okay, the wages for workers have not increased. Who is in charge of purchasing? Please tell me how much the fabrics have increased, how much the zippers have increased, how much the adhesive lining has increased, and how much the ribbons and sewing threads have increased. How much?"

Zhao Zhigang shook his head and said, "Don't ask. Compared with last year, nothing has increased."

"No increase at all? Zhao Zhilong, tell me, when you signed the contract with Qiaoxin and the others last year, you also went there, and you didn't do the calculation? After the calculation, did you lose money..."

"No." Caidi said before Zhang Chen finished speaking.

"Then Zhao Zhilong, tell me, you are halfway through your order and are asking for a price increase. What do you mean? By the way, is this your intention or Zhao Zhigang's?" Zhang Chen asked.

Zhao Zhigang quickly said: "I didn't. How could I ask for a price increase? It's all them."

Zhang Chen was shocked when he heard this. It seemed that Zhao Zhilong was not just him, but represented a group of them.

Sure enough, the "working class" whispered to Zhao Zhilong: "Just say what you are afraid of. You are the boss, not him. What does he have to do with our factory now?"

"That's right." Zhao Zhilong's wife also said from the side.

Zhao Zhilong seemed to be inspired. He raised his head, looked at Zhang Chen and said:

"Yes, it was my idea. Here, we set the price ourselves. If I think it is cost-effective, we will do it. If I think it is not cost-effective, we will not do it."

Tan Shuzhen waved her hand and said:

"Let me be fair. If the contract has been signed, the price will be implemented according to the original contract. Zhao Zhilong, even if you want to adjust the price, you have to wait for the new order to come in. Let's talk about the new price again. You didn't say it was the goods. Halfway through, I stopped to ask for a price adjustment. To put it bluntly, even if it’s a loss, you have to finish the contract before talking about it.”

"Mr. Tan is right. You've gone a bit too far in this matter. No matter what, it's Mr. Zhang. Do you people have any conscience?" said the old man who couldn't stand it any longer.

The "working class" glared at the old man and said, "What is Mr. Zhang? Where is Mr. Zhang from? Is there a Mr. Zhang in our factory? Old Fu, don't fucking eat the inside out."

"Yes, Master, if you don't want to make more money, you don't have to accept the dividends when the time comes." someone shouted.

Old Fu stood up and cursed: "Fuck you, if you can, come out and see if I don't beat you to death. Why don't I want the dividends? Did you give me my shares? Is it Mr. Zhang?" I gave it out of consideration for his kindness, you beasts, I think your consciences have been snatched away by dogs!"

The old man looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Mr. Zhang, I really can't sit here anymore. I'm going to make food for you, these bastards, let's see what they can do."

After the old man finished speaking, he walked out. There was a brief silence in the conference room. After a while, Zhao Zhigang said: "Okay, that's it. Everyone listen to Mr. Zhang and Mr. Tan."

"Why do you want me to be obedient?" Zhao Zhilong became upset and shouted: "Mr. Zhang, you asked me to go to Qunying Garment Factory to be the director. Damn it, I will go to Qunying Garment Factory. When I return to Sanbao, you will make me The factory director was dismissed. You asked me to be the general manager of the wedding dress factory, and I went to manage the wedding dress factory. As a result, the new factory was built and merged together, and you dismissed me as the general manager. Am I a fucking dog? "

Zhang Chen shook his head and thought to himself, it turns out that this guy Zhao Zhilong usually looks silent and has a deep grudge against him.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Okay, okay, Zhao Zhilong, you have said it all today, it's all me who is sorry for you, is that okay?"

Xiaoli couldn't listen anymore, stood up and cursed:

"Zhao Zhilong, you bastard, what do you want the boss to do? Do you want the boss to remove Zhao Zhigang's general manager and give it to you? Do you have that ability? Shameless, you think you are really the boss, otherwise Mr. Zhang gives you a machine and gives you money, you have a piece of shit here!”

"Keep your mouth clean. Who are you? Do you want to talk too much? Are you Zhang's mistress?" Zhao Zhilong's wife stood up and pointed at Xiaoli and scolded her.

"You fart!"

Xiaoli shouted and rushed over. The two women struggled with each other. Most of the other people sneered and watched the fun. Caidi and Liangfen hurried over to persuade them. Liangfen was tall and strong and got in between them. They couldn't hit each other, so they yelled at each other every two points.

"That's enough!" Zhang Chen slammed the table and shouted loudly. Everyone in the conference room was startled, and the two quarreling women also stopped.

Zhang Chen stood up, his face was ashen, and he said to Zhao Zhilong:

"Zhao Zhilong, please listen to me. If you want to increase the price, I won't even leave the store without a penny. Even if it is a breach of contract, even if Target claims compensation, I will not agree to your request."

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen Xiaoli said: "Let's go."

The three people walked out, and Zhao Zhigang quickly chased them out, shouting: "Boss, boss."

Zhang Chen stopped and turned to look at him. Zhao Zhigang burst into tears and said, "Boss, I'm sorry, I'm useless."

Zhang Chen patted him on the shoulder. He wanted to say something but didn't. He let out a long sigh.

The three of them went downstairs and walked to the car. The old man chased after him and said to Zhang Chen, "Mr. Zhang, everything is ready. You go to the cafeteria to eat."

"Thank you, Master Fu!" Zhang Chen said with a bitter smile, "How can I still eat this kind of rice?"

The old man nodded and said, "I know. Alas, I am in charge of the canteen and I don't know what they are doing. How could they end up like this?"

Thank you for your monthly votes from It’s Not Impossible, Zhenwu Ryuichi, and Rainman! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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