The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1626 Is it shameful or embarrassing for people who don’t understand?

Wu Zhaohui and Zhang Chen said, "Mr. Zhang, hurry up and build your base in Hangzhou so that we can move here."

"Why, Hang Silian can't be used anymore?" Zhang Chen asked.

"That place is very troublesome. It is said to be demolished every year, but it is not demolished every year. However, we dare not spend money to renovate it. Now, there are too many pieces every day, and manual sorting has long been unable to keep up. We We urgently need to use the electronic sorting system, so we moved to your place and we dared to use it." Wu Zhaohui and Zhang Chen said.

"Where do so many express packages come from?" Zhang Chen was curious.

", your e-commerce department alone has to deliver so many express delivery every day. How many online stores are there in Hangzhou now? How can there not be too many express delivery?" Wu Zhaohui said.

Zhang Chen said yes, our place and Tianjin are the same as Shanghai. We will provide the place and you will provide the drawings.

"This is the best." Wu Zhaohui said.

"It's the same. If you are forced to raise a child, you also have to pay five years' rent in advance." The second-hand man shouted.

Wu Zhaohui said there is no problem. If you dare to take it, I can pay it for ten years. In our industry, the warehouse is the most important, and we are most afraid of moving it around.

The second-rate guy patted Wu Zhaohui's belly and said, "I was raised by force. Now that I'm rich, my tone of voice is different."

"You're so angry, I still unload the goods every day." Wu Zhaohui cursed.

"That's because you are stingy. How much can it cost to hire an extra loader?" Erhuo said, "No, Wei Wenfang asked you to do it. She uses her husband like a bull. She uses it during the day and also uses it at night."

"Get the hell out of here!" Wu Zhaohui scolded, while Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu laughed.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, when will construction start here in Hangcheng?" Wu Zhaohui asked.

"After the New Year, the New Year is coming soon. I can't work for a few days after entering the site. I have to send people to guard the construction site. It's troublesome. Let's enter the site together after the New Year. Hangzhou is the same as Tianjin." Zhang Chen said, "Second goods, How about it?"

"Okay, I'll go to Tianjin tomorrow and find someone to do the planning and preliminary survey first." Erhuo said.

"What about here in Hangzhou?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Forced, you think I'm dead. The survey here has already been done, and the design has been handed over to others. Before you came back, the arrangements were made here. Director Tan said, don't ask for your instructions, let me directly Just make arrangements." Erhuo said.

Zhang Chen laughed and said that it was good, and he moved very quickly. What I'm thinking in my mind is, does this noble wife want to ignore me? Think beautifully.

Zhang Chen stood up and said to them, "Let's go and see the land together."

The Spring Festival has not yet arrived, but the "Andy Warhol Works Exhibition" has already opened. Although it is during the Spring Festival travel rush, countless visitors from all over the country still flocked to it, which shows the great influence of Andy Warhol.

The opening ceremony was very grand. Not only did many media at home and abroad participate in the report, but even the US Consul General in Shanghai came to attend the opening ceremony in person. Correspondingly, the Chinese side, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also sent people to attend.

Due to the improvement in the level of the exhibition, the organizers have become the U.S.-China Cultural Exchange Foundation and the People's Government of Hangzhou City. Zhang Chen and his "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery" have changed from the original joint organizers to co-organizers.

Zhao Xin pouted and said, the peach by her mouth was picked again, it was still a big one.

Zhang Chen laughed. He didn't care about it. He and Zhao Xin said: "It doesn't matter whether we are hosting or co-organizing. The most important thing is that the exhibition is held here, and that is enough."

"Okay, okay, I'm narrow-minded, I'll face the wall and think about it." Zhao Xin said and walked out.

After a while, she came back, sat down, and stared at Zhang Chen angrily. Zhang Chen asked her, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Xin sighed and said: "I can't hold it in any longer and have to let it out. Boss, tell me, what's so good about Andy Warhol? I haven't seen it since yesterday. What's the best? Just these paintings of his. I'm not bragging. I hold a pen with my foot and can draw better than him. This is the emperor's new clothes, right?"

Zhang Chen laughed.

"Really, boss, and after seeing it, I feel that these things are not worth holding an exhibition at all. Printing a picture album and letting everyone hold it in their hands is more interesting than going to the exhibition." Zhao Xin said, "You Say, have we been deceived by the Americans?"

"A bit." Zhang Chen nodded and said, "Do you know why modern painting is rarely called modern painting, but is called modern art?"

Zhao Xin shook his head.

Zhang Chen said: "Because art is broader than painting, you can't do it without a brush at least. Otherwise, how can you paint? And many modern arts have simply moved away from the brush and the easel. The performance art exhibitions that made a lot of noise in the past few years, Those who sell hairtail in the art museum, those who wash feet, and those who make Mapo tofu are all painters, but there is no way to define it in terms of painting.

"By the way, there is no way to even define a painter. Like Cai Guoqiang, he uses gunpowder to create. Our traditional painting is two-dimensional. His works also add the dimension of time and the entire process of explosion. , is both a process of creation and a process of audience appreciation. The most valuable thing is that his works exist for a shorter period of time than all other works.

"If it were not recorded with the help of images, like his "Ladder to Heaven", the life of a work would end when it is completed."

"I still think this is not a painting." Zhao Xin said.

"Of course it is a painting, but there is no canvas. The sky has become his canvas. Miró also painted in the air, and so did you." Zhang Chen said.

"What's wrong with me?" Zhao Xin asked, "I've never been so crazy."

"Don't tell me that you have never imagined a painting in your mind, or dreamed of a painting that has never been seen in this world. You said that what you imagined, what you dreamed about, and what you saw in front of you are different. What's the difference? You can't say they are not paintings, right? The only difference between them and the works you see with your eyes or draw in your hands is time?

"Their existence is too short. It passes as soon as you think about it. When you wake up, they are gone. But if there is an instrument that can capture and record these moments, can you still see them?"

Zhao Xin nodded.

"Then tell me, put them together with the paintings printed on the album and the freeze-frame images of Cai Guo-Qiang's explosion series. What are the differences between them? Can you say that the one printed on the album is a painting, and the other two Isn’t it?”

Zhang Chen asked, Zhao Xin shook his head and nodded, Zhao Xin said: "When you say this, I am confused by you. What about this Andy Warhol?"

"Similarly, we also need to put in the dimension of time. The past time, the moment when his works were produced, and the scene also need to be replaced. His works were so popular at the time. This was an event, and the event itself It’s very curious.”

"I don't understand." Zhao Xin shook his head.

"For example, why must everyone who sees the exhibition think he is amazing? Why can't he be like you and think this is all nonsense? Why can't it be like this?" Zhang Chen asked, "The various reactions of the audience , they also participated in the completion of a creation together."

Zhao Xin stood up and said no, I can't listen to your nonsense anymore. I feel that if I continue to listen to you, I will doubt my life and that everything I learned is wrong.

Zhang Chen laughed.

"Does that mean that even the existence of our art museum is worthless?" Zhao Xin asked.

Zhang Chen is right. In the eyes of many people, they think all easel art is meaningless.

"Get away from them." Zhao Xin cursed and walked out.

One thing Zhang Chen must admit is that after watching the entire "Andy Warhol Works Exhibition", he felt very calm, even numb, and he did not feel that Andy Warhol There was something about his works that attracted him, let alone inspired him.

Even if he forced himself to look at these things, he honestly couldn't see them. He felt that the level of tolerance he could tolerate, or the level of appreciation, was at most Miró, Paul Klee, or Kandinsky.

Maybe this expectation of mine is wrong, absurd, or even lagging behind as some people say.

Zhang Chen doesn’t think so. He thinks art and science are different. Art is not a high mountain. As long as you climb up every day, today’s height will definitely be higher than yesterday. You can say science is, today’s science is definitely more developed than in the past. An improvement over the past, but the art certainly isn't.

Zhang Chen believes that art is neither progressive nor backward. Art is like a forest. Whether it is a towering tree or a small grass, they grow, but they grow on the same horizon.

No matter whether you are five hundred years old or one year old, in this forest, everyone has his own posture and position, and no one can replace the other.

Artists are like miracles. They are stars embedded in the sky. There is no question of one being better than the other. If there were, it would be like a new computer with more powerful functions coming out, sweeping and eliminating all Just like computers, the emergence of an artist makes all previous artists meaningless.

No, that's not what art is.

From this perspective, Zhang Chen feels that anyone who claims to be modern art and promotes new concepts is either pretending to be a ghost or trying to please the public.

When a person walks in the forest, what attracts him may be a tree, a grass, a leaf, or a small insect.

The same is true for art. When you put it out, it must at least attract me and make me see it. Otherwise, at least to me, you have no meaning of existence and I will ignore you.

Zhang Chen looked around and couldn't help but laugh. He saw that most of the people in the exhibition hall had blank eyes. It was the young painter who had become a bit popular on the Internet recently. Zhang Chen looked at him from a distance.

He was talking nonstop to his companions, followed by a person holding a recording pen in his hand, who was probably a reporter.

Zhang Chen looked at the young painter and talked eloquently. His companion kept nodding, but his eyes were blank.

The painter suddenly stopped and looked around the exhibition hall. Zhang Chen found that his eyes were also blank.

During this Spring Festival, many people will probably become a little crazy because of this exhibition. Zhang Chen thinks that maybe this is the purpose of this exhibition.

Why are there so many normal people? Isn’t it better for everyone to be a little crazy?

Zhang Chen thought that when everyone was at a loss, Andy Warhol would be snickering.

Just laugh.

Zhang Chen remembered that when he talked endlessly with Zhao Xin earlier, he looked very much like this young painter, and Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing.

Thank you for the tip that I didn’t even know anyone asked! Thank you Daosheng123 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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