The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1611 I’m back

This house is an L-shaped structure. If you go along the corridor, from the box where they eat in the south to the box in front where they drink tea, there are seven or eight rooms in between. The distance is not close, but if you go from window to window, That is an oblique angle, only a little distance away, and the corner of the pool is separated in the middle.

Xiang Nan yelled "Rogue!" When Wenwen heard this, her expression suddenly changed. She threw away the contract in her hand and ran out of the door. The director and Brother Yang looked at each other and quickly followed.

Wenwen pushed open the door of the box and saw that Xiang Nan had stood up and retreated to the window, glaring at Boss Chen. Needless to say, Wenwen also understood what happened. Wenwen cursed:

"What the hell do you want to do?!"

Boss Chen sat there, silent, with his hands on the table.

Brother Yang followed in, saw the scene inside, and quickly advised Wenwen:

"What's the big deal? It's just drinking and everyone is happy. What's the big deal? This is a place to eat. What can we do?"

"Shut up!" Wenwen turned around and scolded him angrily.

Brother Yang was also annoyed and scolded: "It's your first fucking day today. You don't understand this little shit in this industry. Why should the female lead give you tens of millions of dollars in a movie?" , are you a big name? Do you think you are Gong Li or Zhang Ziyi?"

"I don't care about other people. Don't do this to us here." Wenwen shouted, "We don't want to do this either."

The director quickly tried to persuade her and said, "Wenwen, Wenwen, if you have anything to say, please speak up."

"Whatever you say, I fucking trust you and treat you as a good friend, but I didn't expect you to be so unreliable." Wenwen scolded.

"It's none of my business." The director snorted.

Brother Yang sneered: "That's a big tone. Okay, if you don't want to act, you can get out right now. I found a lot of people like this. People are chasing after me to be the female lead. There are a lot of people in their school." heap."

"What did you say?" Wenwen pointed her finger at Brother Yang, "If you have the guts, if you keep your mouth dirty, let's see if I'll treat you to a slap. What do you think you are? Believe it or not, I'll give you a call and someone will come right away." This place has been torn down.”

Brother Yang was a little intimidated by this woman's aura. He had heard about it in the circle and knew that this woman was very aggressive and not easy to mess with.

Brother Yang looked at Boss Chen. Boss Chen was sitting there with a slight smile, holding the bank card in his hand and tapping the table.

He saw that the man surnamed Yang was a little wilted and said with a smile: "Xiao Yang, it seems that there is no way to continue our contract."

Brother Yang quickly said, "Okay, okay, Boss Chen. Since they are so ignorant of praise, we can change another female lead. I guarantee that she will be more beautiful than her. Director Huang, are you right?"

The director nodded quickly.

Boss Chen looked at Wenwen and then at Xiang Nan, then suppressed the smile on his face and said:

"This scene is about to be filmed, and I still identify with her. I don't believe that there are still women in this world that I can't handle."

Wenwen snorted and cursed: "Where the hell do you get your confidence? Who do you think you are, don't you just have two bad guys?"

"Yes, I just have money." Boss Chen raised the bank card in his hand, "There is one million in it. I was kind-hearted and wanted to give it to her as pocket money, but she didn't want it. How about it? If you want it, I’ll give it to you.”

Boss Chen said and handed over the card. Wenwen became angry. She took a step forward, picked up the cup on the table, poured a glass of water into Boss Chen's face, and cursed:

"Don't fucking look down on me. I'll wake you up. Do you know who her mother is?"

Wenwen surprised everyone. Even Boss Chen, who was splashed, was stunned. Hearing what Wenwen said, he asked calmly: "Who?"

"Tan Shuzhen!"

Boss Chen was shocked and blurted out: "From Splendid China?"

Wenwen cursed: "Aren't you rich? Do you want us to make you bankrupt?"

Boss Chen was so stunned that he even forgot to wipe the water from his face.

Wenwen and Xiangnan said, "Nannan, let's go."

The two of them walked to the door. When they passed the director, Wenwen cursed: "Go away, don't fucking call me again."

Zhang Chen and the others were in Shanghai this time, and the filming went very smoothly. They originally thought it would take one week to complete, but it turned out that they only took four days to finish filming the "Tushanwan Oil Painting Gallery" episode.

This episode was a trial shoot. After filming, Liu Qing and the others went back to finish post-production and then submitted it for review. If there were no objections from the higher-ups after review, the model would be finalized and they would then film "Discovery and Enlightenment", which is The episode with Castiglione and the others was shot like this for the entire series.

If there are any comments from above, this episode will have to be revised. In short, this episode must be completely finalized before it can continue.

After the work was completed, Liu Qing and the others returned to Beijing. Zhang Chen went to the airport to see them off. He did not return to Hangzhou immediately. Instead, he and Xiao Wu went to Lao Wan's place. Lao Wan took Zhang Chen to see what Zhang Chen was doing. The house booked by Xiaofang.

The houses in the entire community have been built, and now we are working on the final greening part of the community. Once this part is completed, the houses can be officially handed over.

The building that Lao Wan chose for Xiaofang was the one closest to Century Garden in the entire community. It was across a Jinxiu Road and opposite to Century Garden. It was also on the top floor. He jumped thirty-two and thirty-three floors and stood on the large terrace of the house. Above, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Century Park.

Zhang Chen was very satisfied with the house. Lao Wan gave Zhang Chen the floor plan of the house, and together with Xiao Wu, they took a measuring tape and measured all the relevant dimensions.

Lao Wan and Zhang Chen said, boss, just give me the design of the drawings, and I will find the best workers to do the decoration.

Zhang Chen said yes, thank you.

After finishing this matter, Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu were ready to return to Hangzhou. Lao Wan wanted to stay with them to eat, but Zhang Chen said he wouldn't eat. He would go there for half a day after eating, so why not just eat at the service area.

Lao Wan could only give up.

When Zhang Chen and the others returned to Hangzhou, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Zhang Chen sat down in the office, spread out the floor plan of the house, and opened the sketchbook. There were sketches he drew and notes. Those sizes below.

This house was for Xiaofang, so Zhang Chen couldn't follow his own preferences, but had to think hard from Xiaofang's perspective. He imagined what kind of decoration style Xiaofang should like.

He has no way to call Xiaofang yet. He knows that if he tells Xiaofang that he has bought her a house in Shanghai and is now going to decorate it, Xiaofang will immediately say, no, she does not need to buy a house and rent an apartment. Or you can stay in a hotel.

He knew Xiaofang would definitely say so.

Xiaofang has probably forgotten about the row house by the Mishi River.

Zhang Chen called Xiao Shu. He thought that since their siblings had lived together for a long time, Xiao Shu might know Xiao Fang’s preferences. Zhang Chen told Xiao Shu about the matter, and Xiao Shu said excitedly:

"Really, brother-in-law, is my sister really ready to return to China?"

Zhang Chen said that she was right, she would be ready to come back after Zhang Xiangbei went to college, but she should not tell her parents about this yet.

"Okay, I understand, brother-in-law." Xiaoshu said.

Talking about decorating the house again, Zhang Chen asked Xiaoshu, do you know what style your sister likes.

Xiaoshu thought for a moment and said, "Brother-in-law, I'll think about it carefully, and then I'll draw a picture, and you can look at it and modify it."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen put away the floor plans and sketchbooks on the table. Since Xiaoshu said he wanted to draw, Zhang Chen wanted to see if he could get any inspiration after seeing Xiaoshu's drawings.

Someone knocked on the door and Zhang Chen said come in.

The door opened and Zhang Chen was startled. He saw Xiang Nan standing at the door with a backpack on his back and a large suitcase beside him. Zhang Chen quickly stood up and asked:

"Xiang Nan, where are you from?"

"Airport." Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Chen walked over and helped Xiang Nan drag the suitcase in. At the same time, he stretched his head to take a look. He didn't see Tan Shuzhen behind him. Zhang Chen asked:

"Where's your mother?"

"I don't know." Xiang Nan shook his head, "I can fight you."

"Your mother didn't pick you up?" Zhang Chen asked, surprised.

"No, she doesn't know I'm back." Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Chen was even more surprised and asked: "Xiangnan, does your school have winter vacation so early?"

Xiang Nan shook her head and sat down on the sofa, lowering her head and saying nothing.

Zhang Chen saw that Xiang Nan had a strange look on his face and asked, "Xiang Nan, did something happen? Tell your uncle."

Xiang Nan's face was a little pale. She hesitated for a while, then raised her head and looked at Zhang Chen and said:

"Uncle, I dropped out of school."

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was startled and asked, "What did you say, Xiangnan?"

Xiang Nan bit his lip and said, "I dropped out of school. I don't want to study anymore."

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiang Nan lowered his head and said nothing again. Zhang Chen looked at her and said slowly:

"Xiang Nan, isn't the Film Academy your favorite school? Do you remember that we had to go through a lot of effort to get your mother to agree to your application?"

"I know." Xiang Nan whispered, "But I don't like it at all now. I can't stay there for a day. Really uncle, I think if I continue to stay there, I will go crazy. "

"Then you don't like making movies anymore?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I don't like it," Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Chen looked at Xiang Nan and saw that her attitude was very serious, not like she was joking. It seemed that her decision to drop out of school was, at least on her part, well thought out.

Zhang Chen even understood why Xiang Nan suddenly came back without telling Tan Shuzhen, and when she arrived in Hangcheng, she didn't go to Tan Shuzhen's place, but went to herself first.

This was really too big, and Xiangnan, after all, was still very young, so she was still a little scared.

Zhang Chen stood up, poured a glass of water for Xiang Nan, and said to her: "Come on, Xiang Nan, drink some water first, take a rest, and we can talk again later, okay?"

"Okay, uncle." Xiang Nan nodded.

Zhang Chen picked up his cell phone and walked out. He did not call Tan Shuzhen immediately, but called Wenwen. He wanted to understand the matter clearly before talking about it.

Zhang Chen called Wenwen's phone and asked her if she knew why Xiangnan dropped out of school.

Wenwen giggled on the other end of the phone and said, "What are you talking about? Nannan dropped out of school? Haha, who told you that Nannan is going to drop out of school?"

Zhang Chen scolded: "Who are you kidding? He is in my office right now, and he still has his luggage."

"Oh no."

"Why not? I asked several times, and she clearly told me that she dropped out of school." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, I'll call the school right away and ask. You wait for my call." Wenwen panicked when she heard this and said hurriedly.

Thank you to book friends 20210410153124786, book friends 120306183317897, Zi Sheng, and the rewards at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to book friend 120306183317897, book friend 140411182335525, me 19790607, the wind in my ears, wanderer Xiaoliu, the toad dreaming of flying, thomas_lhb, Donglongdong, zpengyong1 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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