"Brother-in-law, there is one more thing I want to tell you earlier." Xiaofang said on the phone.

Zhang Chen said yes, Xiaofang, you say it.

"After Beibei goes to college, I want to return to China." Xiaofang said, "I haven't told my parents about this, nor have I told Beibei. After Beibei goes to Yale, he can truly be independent."

"Xiaofang, did something happen at work?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No, it's all good. But if you continue to stay like this on Wall Street, if you can't get ahead, you will just keep working for others." Xiaofang said, "Wall Street is a Jewish world. Don't call me a Chinese. I am a non-American in the United States." Jewish white people will not have a chance to get ahead, and those who have even a little bit of success will be killed by the Jews."

Zhang Chen said: "So that's it, then you can come back."

"Well, there are quite a lot of opportunities in China now." Xiaofang said, "Not to mention several of my clients, they also hope that I can return to China and find new investment channels for them."

Zhang Chen agreed, "Then you can go according to your own plan. By the way, Xiaofang, will you be in Shanghai or Hangzhou when you come back?"

"It must be in Shanghai." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen said yes.

After hanging up Xiaofang's call, Zhang Chen sat there and thought for a while. He understood that it wasn't just today that Xiaofang knew that Wall Street was dominated by Jews. It certainly wasn't just today that she wanted to come back. The reason why she had been I still stay in the United States entirely because of Zhang Xiangbei.

Since Xiao Zhao's death, Xiaofang, the aunt, has been taking on the responsibility of taking care of Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Chen remembered that it was Xiaofang who first suggested that Zhang Xiangbei go to the United States to study and brought Zhang Xiangbei with him.

Now, Zhang Xiangbei is about to go to college and leave New York for New Haven. Xiaofang can rest assured that she can go her own way according to her own ideas.

Zhang Chen sighed, feeling a little moved.

Zhang Chen picked up the phone and called Tan Shuzhen. He asked Tan Shuzhen when the house he had booked for Xiaofang from Lao Wan could be handed over.

"It was enough years ago, what happened?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"I will decorate it as soon as I get it. After Zhang Xiangbei goes to college this year, Xiaofang may be ready to return to China." Zhang Chen said.

"That's great, Zhang Chen. All you need to do is take out the design drawings and leave the decoration to Lao Wan."

Tan Shuzhen said, Zhang Chen agreed.

"Zhang Chen, when Xiaofang comes back, you will have an extra helper." Tan Shuzhen said.

"What kind of help do I need?" Zhang Chen said, "She is also busy with her own career when she comes back."

"You are so stupid." Tan Shuzhen scolded, "What does Xiaofang do? She manages money and finds ways to make money make money. Xiaofang won't help manage your money?"

Zhang Chen chuckled and said that was true.

After hanging up Tan Shuzhen's call, Zhang Chen looked at his watch. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening. Zhang Chen thought that he was going to Shanghai tomorrow. It would take more than a week before he came back. Zhang Chen stood up and walked out. Walking to the yard and looking up, the foreign trade company upstairs was brightly lit, and Zhang Chen walked up.

When Xu Qiaoxin saw Zhang Chen coming, he shouted, Boss, it's so rare that the imperial commander personally conquered it?

"Screw you, you're using words indiscriminately. The imperial commander's personal expedition is a war, and I'm here to kill you?" Zhang Chen scolded.

Xu Qiaoxin giggled and said, "Okay, I used it wrong. It's a private visit incognito. Is that okay?" Please take a seat. I have nothing important to do right now. I can receive you in an hour.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Zhang Chen said and Xu Qiaoxin laughed.

Zhang Chen sat down and chatted with Xu Qiaoxin about the business situation, and then asked about the shipment situation of the factories below, especially the situation at Zhao Zhigang's place. He knew that Xu Qiaoxin would go to Zhao Zhigang's place two or three times a month.

Xu Qiaoxin and Zhang Chen said: "They are quite good there. Everyone is highly motivated. The most important thing is that most of the workers came from Xiasha belt, and the quality of the products has not declined. So far, the goods shipped out have been , I haven’t received any complaints from customers yet.”

Zhang Chen nodded and said, that's good.

"That's it..." Xu Qiaoxin hesitated.

"That's what you say." Zhang Chen said.

"That dead Zhao Zhilong seems to be different now than before." Xu Qiaoxin said.

"What's up with him?"

"It's rather arrogant. It's as if he is in charge of that factory and not Zhao Zhigang. He keeps talking about whatever I say to that dead Zhao Zhigang. I don't think Zhao Zhigang can do anything about it." Xu Qiaoxin said.

Zhang Chen frowned slightly and said nothing.

"This damn Zhao Zhilong, it turns out that he is a little afraid of you. When he got down there, he probably felt that you couldn't control him now, so this guy became rampant."

As Xu Qiaoxin said, Zhang Chen sighed secretly. He felt that what Xu Qiaoxin said was basically right. It turned out that he was in Xiasha. No matter what, he was the boss after all. Zhao Zhilong would of course be a little afraid when he saw him. Now he himself If you are the boss, you will feel a little swollen, which is normal.

Zhang Chen said: "Their brothers have their own way of getting along. I think Zhao Zhigang can still protect his younger brother."

"No, that damn Zhao Zhigang is too honest." Xu Qiaoxin shouted.

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "Oh, this is the first time I heard you say that Zhao Zhigang is honest."

"Originally, that dead Zhao Zhigang and Caidi are both very nice people and too honest. I think that dead Zhao Zhilong was led astray by his wife. His wife no longer works as a lathe now and has gone to the finance department. The department says she's in charge of finances, but she actually doesn't know anything about it, and she can't read reports. She keeps making mistakes when keeping accounts, and she has a bad temper. When others point out what she's done wrong, she gets mad."

Xu Qiaoxin couldn't help but curse, Zhang Chen shook his head, stood up and walked out.

Zhang Chen went downstairs, passed through the small door, and walked to the e-commerce department in front to take a look. He didn't see Xiaoli. Li Wei told him that Xiaoli had gone to Gongchen Bridge and had not come back yet.

Zhang Chen walked back to his office. After thinking for a while, he picked up his bag, turned off the lights and door of the office, and walked downstairs. He decided to go to Gongchen Bridge to have a look.

Zhang Chen drove the car while still thinking about what Xu Qiaoxin told him earlier. He felt very uncomfortable and a little self-blame. He felt that the current attitude of Zhao Zhilong and his wife was more or less related to the distribution of shares at that time. .

At that time, Zhao Zhilong proposed that the family should share 30%, and Zhao Zhigang agreed. That was because he and Caidi were kind, and they were probably too embarrassed to say no.

But at that time, Zhang Chen now thinks about it, he should be the difficult one and stick to his original idea. Zhao Zhigang, Caidi and Zhao Zhilong should allocate 20% of the shares to each other. Zhao Zhilong's wife should not let it go She became a shareholder.

If a person wants to be able to expand, then things falling from the sky and obtained for nothing will make her expand even more. Only then will she cherish what she has earned so hard, knowing that it is not easy for her to earn.

Zhang Chen sighed. The matter has come to this, and there is no other way. I hope they can be like what he said, and their brothers can find their own way to get along with each other.

After all, they are brothers.

Zhang Chen was a little confused when he thought about this. He thought that although he, Liu Ligan, and Meng Ping were not brothers, when the other party was in trouble, they would go all out to help. Why do so many brothers , on the contrary, for a little benefit, they will haggle over everything, and even fight, and brothers will turn against each other?

Don’t they know that those who can become family members and brothers are unique in the universe and are the result of the creation of heaven and earth? What's there to argue about?

Zhang Chen shook his head.

Zhang Chen walked into Xiaoli's office. Xiaoli was sitting there writing a craft list. Xiaojin was sitting at the desk opposite her, and he was actually playing table tennis. When he saw Zhang Chen come in, Xiaojin said:

"Should I avoid it?"

Before Zhang Chen spoke, Xiao Li said: "Of course, we adults are talking, what are your children doing around here?"

In fact, Xiao Jin is older than Xiao Li.

Xiao Jin said okay, stood up quickly, and wanted to walk out the door.

"Stop, stop."

Xiao Li shouted, Xiao Jin stopped, turned around and looked at Xiao Li, Xiao Li said suspiciously: "Are you hoping that I will kick you out and you will be free?"

Zhang Chen laughed, and Xiao Jin also laughed. He said yes, I won’t go out, and I will chat with Brother Zhang Chen.

"Go away." Xiaoli scolded, "Take the cloth tape and let me continue to beat it in the workshop. Come back and check it for me. Don't cheat, don't be lazy. I know how many buckles I can make in ten minutes. I have something on my hand. If you do, you won’t have too many hands and feet.”

Xiao Jin came back, swept the cut pieces of cloth tape on the table into a plastic bag, picked it up and walked out.

Zhang Chen smiled at Xiao Li and said, "Back then, I was still the overlord of Yongcheng. I didn't expect that you would teach me to be obedient."

"Yeah, well, I have a father here who is the overlord of Yongcheng. He won't accept it." Xiao Li said. Zhang Chen knew she was talking about Xiao Wu and laughed.

Zhang Chen sat down and asked Xiaoli, how are you doing here?

"It's a bit of a headache." Xiaoli said.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The Spring Festival is coming soon, and I learned that almost 30 people will not come again next year." Xiaoli said, "It's hard to find sewing workers in Hangzhou now."

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "It's not only difficult to recruit sewing workers, it's also difficult to recruit any kind of job now."

"There are more sewing workers," Xiao Li said. "When have we ever worried about not being able to recruit people in the past?"

Zhang Chen said yes, indeed.

In recent years, everyone has been saying that it is difficult to recruit workers, and it is getting more and more difficult. Zhang Chen has analyzed this matter. He thinks there are several reasons. First, the university has lowered the threshold and expanded enrollment every year, which has eliminated many people who may have come out to work. , all recruited to the university.

Second, the original factories were almost all concentrated in the eastern coastal cities. Workers from all over the country, especially those from the central and western regions, went to the eastern coastal cities. Now the economies of the places where these workers are exported have also developed and large-scale construction has begun. Various development zones are specially built, and the labor force is transformed nearby and no longer comes out. This is why people like Zhao Zhigang and others do not have difficulty recruiting workers.

There is another thing that the media will not report, but Zhang Chen feels that it exists objectively, that is, a large population has been organized into the underworld.

There are still many people coming to the city every year, but many of them, women go to various entertainment venues and special industries such as shampoo and massage parlors, while men no longer look for jobs and just hang out in the city. In the past few years, Debt collection companies, large and small, have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and each of them has a lot of minions like this.

There are many female workers in Zhang Chen's garment factory. In the past, there were always many beautiful girls every year. Now, there are fewer and fewer. There are only a few who have worked for a month or two and then quit. When asked, no Most of them were called away by fellow villagers and went to some entertainment venues or special industries.

Zhang Chen and his clothing company have difficulty recruiting sewing workers for special reasons. First, there are many female workers. They are little girls when they come out, but little girls will grow up. After working for a few years, they will be old enough to get married and have children. , I won’t come out after I get married.

In the past, some female workers in their factory would come back every one or two years. After they got married and gave birth to children, they left their children with the elderly and went out to work themselves. Now, because there is a factory near their home, A large number of people go to these factories. Although the wages are relatively low, they can take care of their families and children, so they are still reluctant to leave.

Another important reason is that compared with other industries, sewing was a technical job with high wages. Now, wages in other industries have caught up. Even small workers on construction sites cost more than 100 yuan a day. With a salary, who would spend that much effort to learn to sew? Sewing workers are so hard, much harder than ordinary factory operators.

"I asked them all to go back. When they come out, if they see any of their fellow villagers who want to come with them, they can bring them over." Xiaoli and Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen said yes.

Thank you w Yuanlai is your w, Kankanshanshui, Book Friends Scooter, pcm600812, georgeshao’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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