The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 16 The ten dollars that were hung up on

They asked two people wandering the street how to get to the police station. They all shook their heads and said they didn't know, saying that they were also from out of town.

I found an open shop, and three people stood at the door. Before they could say anything, they closed the door with a look of disgust on their faces.

The three of them found a cleaner who was sweeping the street. The cleaner was very patient and stopped holding the big broom in his hand to listen to them. But Zhang Chen and the other three took turns and talked for a long time, but no one knew what they were talking about. What, it turns out he doesn’t understand Mandarin at all.

Zhang Chen was so anxious that he took out a pen and paper from his bag and wrote the words "police station" on the paper. The other party understood, and even after a long time of gesticulating with them, Zhang Chen and the others didn't understand.

The other party was anxious, so he put the broom between his legs, took the pen from Zhang Chen's hand, drew a straight line, and then drew a horizontal line. He felt that the horizontal line was too long, so he painted out half of it, and another straight line appeared. Another horizontal line, and then looked at them as if he had finished some heavy work, and let out a long breath.

The three of them finally understood the general direction and quickly thanked them.

They followed the vertical and horizontal route map, asked two more people, and finally found the police station. The iron door of the police station was closed tightly. To their surprise, there was not even a dog at the door, let alone a dog. When people arrived, they saw a notice posted at the gate, and then they understood the reason. The notice read:

"First, our office only processes border defense permits for Hai'an locals!!! Second, according to regulations, all foreigners must go to the place of residence to apply for border defense permits!!!"

There were two horizontal lines drawn under "Hai'an native" and "registration address", which were emphasized. From the six exclamation marks, it was obvious that they were already very troubled by the border security certificate.

Jin Lili almost cried: "What should we do? We ran in vain and we can't get through!"

Thinking of the long journey and the hard work along the way, they just ran back and ran out again. They didn't even know if they had enough money. The three of them sat down on the flower bed in front of the police station, and suddenly felt a sense of despair and despair. sad.

After a long time, Zhang Chen was the first to wake up and said to them: "Don't worry, it's still early. Let's go to the post office later when the post office opens."

"What for?" Jin Lili asked.

"Let's call Tan Shuzhen and ask her to help us go to the police station and send it over after it's done," Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, that's okay!" Liu Ligan's eyes lit up.

"But even if it's done and sent from Yongcheng, it will still take many days, right?" Jin Lili said.

"That's better than running back by ourselves." Zhang Chen said, "Do you still want to take the bus and train?"

"No, no, no." Jin Lili shook her head quickly as if she was shocked.

Finally, after eight o'clock, the three people walked to the post and telecommunications office. The scene at the post and telecommunications office was exactly the opposite of that at the police station. The place was crowded with people, all coming to make phone calls. The post and telecommunications office only had three phone booths, but there were already two queues. There are more than 100 numbers. By the time they arrive, the post office will probably be off work.

Liu Ligan went to the counter to get a number. He said that if he didn't take it, it would be free. The three of them took the number and walked along the street. They saw a small shop that also had long-distance phone service, but no one called. The three of them were happy. I was so worried that I walked outside the glass counter and asked, and I found out the reason. Long-distance calls from the Post and Telecommunications Office cost 80 cents per minute, while here they cost 5 cents. A one-minute phone call cost me two extra bowls of soup and noodles.

The three of them stood there, hesitating for a long time. Zhang Chen said it would be better to fight. If Tan Shuzhen had sent it a day earlier, we would have lost one day here. One day would cost at least a hundred dollars, which was even more wasteful.

Jin Lili rolled her eyes at him: "It's all about the money. It seems that you don't need to spend money when you arrive in Hainan. Do you think you can go home?"

Liu Ligan opened the phone number and said with a sad face, but we were number 200, so when it was our turn, the call was answered, and Tan Shuzhen ran to the police station again. The police station was probably off duty.

Jin Lili became impatient: "Let's fight, let's fight. In the worst case, we'll beg for food and go home."

After Jin Lili finished speaking, she walked aside angrily. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said, "Let's fight."

Liu Ligan dialed Tan Shuzhen's home phone. After the phone rang five times, someone picked up: "Hello, who is this?"

When Liu Lizhan heard the voice of Tan Shuzhen's mother, he quickly said: "Auntie, I am Zhanzi, can you call me..."

The other party hung up the phone with a click, leaving Liu Ligan dumbfounded.

The boss shouted: "It's cleared, it's cleared, it's been cleared, we need to calculate the money."

"How much?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Five dollars."

Zhang Chen was startled: "Isn't it only five yuan a minute? I only said it for a few seconds."

"It's five yuan within one minute, whether it's fifty-nine seconds or one second, that's how the phone counts," the boss said.

While they were on the phone, there was a man and a woman standing nearby. It seemed that they were also waiting for a call. The man asked Zhang Chen, are you still calling?

"Daida." Liu Ligan said, "Wait a moment."

Liu Ligan asked Jin Lili to come over, and Jin Lili came over reluctantly. Liu Ligan said, "Lily, you fight me." When Tan Shuzhen's mother heard that it was me, she hung up.

Jin Lili dialed Tan Shuzhen's home phone number, and it was Tan Shuzhen's mother who answered the phone. Jin Lili said:

"Hello, Auntie, I'm Lily, I'm looking for Zhenzhen."

On the other end of the phone, Tan Shuzhen's mother said: "Lily, let me tell you, if you still act as a sounding board for that kid, auntie won't recognize you."

"No, no, aunt, I'm looking for Zhenzhen..."

On the other end of the phone, Tan Shuzhen's mother hung up the phone again. The boss gloated and stretched out a finger: "Again!"

They didn’t say anything, and the ten dollars were gone. Zhang Chen and the three of them stepped aside, feeling that they were helpless, and the phone number in the troupe was blocked. The three of them discussed who else they could call. Jin Lili said, I My colleagues in the factory must not be beaten. They don’t even know that I have come to Hainan.

Zhang Chen said that the advertising company can fight, but I am not familiar enough with them to ask them to go to the police station and help us apply for border defense certificates.

Liu Ligan clapped his hands and said he was right, I beat Lao Meng, Lao Meng can do it, isn't it just a trip to the police station, isn't it just a matter of applying for a few border defense passes, what a big deal.

The three of them stood by, ready to wait for the young man to finish the call, and Liu Ligan called Lao Meng from the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

The girl who had been standing by the side looked at them and couldn't help it, so she asked: "You don't have a border defense permit either?"

Jin Lili is right.

"I just heard what you said, and it doesn't seem possible. Others can't apply for the border defense permit on your behalf," the girl said.

"Really?" Liu Ligan asked.

At this time, the boy also finished the phone call. The girl told the boy about the matter. The boy said to them with certainty:

"No, you have to go to the local police station with your ID card to apply for it. We also went back to apply for it after we arrived here and couldn't cross the sea. We are from Guangdong and can go back and forth quickly. My classmate is from Guizhou. I just gave him Call, it’s not done yet, we’re waiting for them here.”

"Classmates, which school do you go to?" Liu Ligan asked.

"What about you from Peking University?"

"From Zhejiang University," Liu Ligan said.

"Oh, comrade."

The boy held Liu Ligan's hand and said meaningfully. Liu Ligan asked: "Has your border permit been processed? Can you show us what kind of treasure it is that is so troublesome?"

"Wait a minute." The boy took out two pieces of paper from his backpack and handed them to Liu Ligan: "This is it. This is temporary for us. It is said that it will last for another year. It's still troublesome. We won't need it. As long as Just cross the sea, who would go to the pier again, right?"

"Yes, yes," Liu Ligan said as he took the two pieces of paper.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili also came over to take a look. Zhang Chen stared at the two pieces of paper for a while. He lay down next to Liu Ligan's ear and whispered for a while. Liu Ligan nodded.

Liu Ligan returned the two pieces of paper to the boy. He looked around and saw a snack bar across the street. Liu Ligan said to the boy, "Classmate, why should we meet before? Let's find a place to sit?"

"Okay!" The boy agreed readily, "We have to wait here for two days anyway, so there's nothing wrong with us."

Liu Ligan led them towards the opposite side. He and Zhang Chen pointed to the snack bar opposite. Zhang Chen nodded. He and Jin Lili said, you go there with Ganzi and the others, and I'll come back as soon as I go.

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