The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1598 Yongcheng’s business card

The opening ceremony of "Jinxiu Yufu" attracted a lot of people. The selling price of 10,800 square meters shocked all the people in Yongcheng, and then aroused their curiosity. Everyone wanted to take a look. What does a house with more than 10,000 square meters look like?

Not only did many people from Yongcheng County come over to see it, but many business owners from the town below also drove their own cars and drove dozens of miles to come here.

When they arrived here, not only the people who came to watch the excitement, but also the city leaders who came to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony were also shocked. When they saw the opening ceremony of this building, even the provincial TV station and the city TV station came to report it. .

In Yongcheng, apart from the annual "Xin'anjiang Summer Art Festival" and the provincial TV station, what other activities can we see them in? Even if the provincial TV station occasionally appears one or two pieces of news about Yongcheng, it is also sent by Yongcheng TV station.

You must know that Yongcheng is only a county-level city. There are 89 county-level administrative districts like theirs in Zhejiang, and they are only one of the 89.

If there are any activities in the city, Yongcheng TV station will send people to carry the machine and run around. Even Hangcheng TV station rarely comes.

Today not only provincial and municipal TV stations came, but also reporters from Zhejiang Newspaper, Hangzhou News, Qianjiang Evening News and Metropolis Express. This made the leaders who came to attend the opening ceremony suddenly feel that this event is important. stand up.

This is often the case. The level of the media participating in the report determines the importance of the event. You must know that the media itself also has levels. There are also particularities about what kind of leaders should be matched with what level of media to report.

The opening ceremony went on time. First, Tan Shuzhen expressed her gratitude to the leaders and guests, then the leaders spoke respectively, and finally Zhang Chen spoke. Then the ribbon-cutting began. The secretary, the mayor, Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen clicked their four scissors together. Firecrackers and fireworks went off, announcing the end of the opening ceremony.

The luncheon was held at the only hotel in Yongcheng that claimed to be a four-star hotel, the "Huanglong Moon Bay Hotel". The owner of this hotel was a local real estate developer in Yongcheng. However, during the financial crisis, If he couldn't go down, he had already escaped. Fortunately, the hotel was originally entrusted to the "Huanglong Hotel" in Hangzhou to manage it, so the door was still open.

Zhang Chen and others also stayed in this hotel.

During the luncheon, Zhang Chen naturally became the center of everyone's attention. There was only one person in Yongcheng who could be on CCTV. Zhang Chen was actually a regular guest on CCTV. Coupled with his online videos, he was It is impossible not to become the focus of leaders' attention.

During the banquet, the secretary of Yongcheng also solemnly invited Zhang Chen to host and narrate a feature film to be shot by the city to promote Yongcheng.

Zhang Chen quickly said: "No, no, I can't even speak Mandarin well, how can I do this?"

The mayor immediately said: "Why not, Professor Zhang, your Yongcheng accent Mandarin has now become a symbol, just like Yi Zhongtian's shrill voice, everyone will know it is you who we want," That’s the effect.”

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "The leader is scolding me, right? Doesn't he speak my Mandarin well?"

"It's not scolding you, it's praising you." The secretary said, "What's the use of speaking Mandarin? The announcers in our radio and television stations speak Mandarin well, but what's the use? Who knows them?"

The mayor was right, "Professor Zhang, you are now our business card in Yongcheng. You must help your hometown with this favor."

Zhang Chen really couldn't shirk it, so he said okay, I'll do my best.

When asked about Zhang Chen’s other recent activities, Zhang Chen hadn’t said anything yet. Tan Shuzhen immediately answered for him, saying that he and Liu Chengcheng’s daughter were co-producing a new program, which would be available on CCTV soon. .

Zhang Chen kicked Tan Shuzhen under the table.

"Liu Chengcheng's daughter?" the secretary asked, "It turns out we are from Hangzhou..."

Tan Shuzhen nodded and said yes.

The atmosphere in the box became more harmonious.

After the luncheon, Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen went upstairs. In the elevator, Zhang Chen scolded: "Tan Shuzhen, do you have to sell me to be willing to sell me?"

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "You are already a business card in Yongcheng. Didn't you see that there are many people with a long list of titles on their business cards? Why don't I introduce you grandly?"

Zhang Chen glared at her and said, "Don't you know that anyone with more than three titles on a business card is a liar?"

After drinking a little too much wine at noon, Zhang Chen returned to the room, fell on the bed and fell asleep. When he woke up, it was getting dark outside.

Zhang Chen looked at his watch. It was almost five o'clock. He walked into the bathroom, washed his face, walked out of the room, walked to the door of Tan Shuzhen's room opposite, and rang the doorbell "ding dong ding dong".

The door opened and it was Xiao Wu. Zhang Chen walked in. He saw Tan Shuzhen sitting there with a serious expression. Zhang Chen asked:

"How is the situation at the sales office?"

Tan Shuzhen stretched out her right thumb and index finger, circled them into a zero, and gestured towards Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen laughed "ha".

"Why are you gloating?" Tan Shuzhen asked angrily, "The whole building has been full of people all afternoon. In the sales office, there is also an endless stream of people looking at the houses. The sales staff are all hoarse, but let alone selling houses. , not even a single person made a reservation.”

"It's just what I expected." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "Yongcheng is no better than Hangzhou. You are a new thing that scares everyone at first. Why don't you give people a buffer period to let them recover? ? Don’t worry, I’ll look up at the stars and count on my fingers. Within three days, someone should buy a house.”

"What if no one buys it?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"No, there must be, Tan Shuzhen. Or let's make a bet. Whoever loses will pay for three sets of your 'Splendid Imperial Mansion' houses?" Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, I'll bet with you." Tan Shuzhen said angrily.

Zhang Chen laughed and asked, "Tan Shuzhen, are you running out of brains?"

"What's wrong with me?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"You definitely lost this bet." Zhang Chen said with a smile.


"If I buy one apartment tomorrow, won't you lose?" Zhang Chen said with a smile, "I will get three more apartments from you. I spent the price of one apartment. With four apartments, I can get three thousand and one square meter." Sold again.”

Tan Shuzhen also laughed and cursed: "Rogue."

"You are a scoundrel, don't you dare to gamble?" Zhang Chen laughed playfully, "But I am telling you the truth, don't worry, you really need to wait."

"Okay." Tan Shuzhen sighed, "Anyway, there is nothing we can do if we wait. At worst, I will make a mistake in judgment once."

"Let's go, let's go eat spicy duck feet. We haven't eaten for a long time." Zhang Chen clapped his hands and said.

"I won't go." Tan Shuzhen shook her head, "I have already booked a box downstairs. At six o'clock, I will treat you tonight, and both of you will be present."

"Who are you inviting?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Ding Baigou."

"I'm going!" Zhang Chen shouted, "I don't want to fucking eat with him!"

Xiao Wu looked at Tan Shuzhen and laughed, and Tan Shuzhen also laughed. Zhang Chen was puzzled by their laughter. He asked Xiao Wu: "Did she lie to me?"

"I'm not lying to you, but I told Sister Shuzhen that after you find out, you will definitely react like this." Xiao Wu said with a smile.

Zhang Chen said yes, absolutely, there would be no other reaction.

"Zhang Chen, are you naive? How much hatred do you have against Ding Baigou? To you, does he have the hatred of killing his father or the hatred of taking his wife? How many years has it been? , do you remember this trivial thing?" Tan Shuzhen scolded.

"What a trivial matter, I had the intention of strangling him to death. Likewise, he also wants to strangle me to death. I will definitely not eat this meal." Zhang Chen said.

"Zhang Chen, can you distinguish between public and private matters?"

"What's the business relationship between me and him? What's the relationship between me and him privately?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Okay, then I'll tell you this childish thing." Tan Shuzhen said, "Ding Baigou is now the director of the Yongcheng Cultural Bureau. Zhang Chen, do you still remember the fund we established for the Wu Opera Troupe?"

"Remember, it's none of his business, the money is not for him." Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, the money was not given to him, but now, the superiors have requested that the Wu Opera Troupe be restructured. Ding Baigou is in charge of this matter," Tan Shuzhen said.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Chen asked.

“According to the requirements of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Culture and the province, state-owned theatrical performance troupes at the county and district levels must be restructured from institutions with fixed financial allocations to state-owned cultural enterprises. The Provincial Department of Culture hopes to transform Yongcheng into As a pilot project, Wu Opera Troupe went a step further in restructuring and transformed into a cultural enterprise that combines state-owned and private operations.

"They know the existence of our fund and hope that our two companies can participate in the restructuring. If the restructuring of Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe can be successful, then all county and district-level theatrical performance troupes in the province will follow this model. Go ahead, Ding Baigou will come later, just to talk to us about this matter. Tell me, Zhang Chen, does it have anything to do with you?"

Zhang Chen was stunned by Tan Shuzhen's question. Tan Shuzhen laughed and said:

"Zhang Chen, aren't you afraid of everything? Why, are you even afraid of Ding Baigou today?"

"I'm afraid of him." Zhang Chen cursed.

"He is not a ball, he is Xu Jianmei's husband." Tan Shuzhen said with a smile, "If you are not afraid of him, then why does he dare to come to meet you, but you don't dare to meet him?"

"See you when you see me, whoever is afraid of you!" Zhang Chen said angrily.

Tan Shuzhen said, yes, we are not afraid. He is Xu Jianmei's husband, just like Xiangxiang's husband. He is also looking for a way out for the Wu Opera Troupe. Let's go and listen to what he has to say.

"Zhang Chen, just because I haven't sold a house today, take pity on me and give me some face and treat him better, okay?"

Tan Shuzhen clasped her hands and bowed to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen was amused by her.

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