Zhang Chen went to the airport to pick up Liu Qing. Liu Qing came back alone this time, for both business and personal reasons. She came back to stay with her mother for a few days, and also planned the filming of "The Story of Painting" with Zhang Chen.

When Liu Qing was picked up, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. Zhang Chen took Liu Qing directly to the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery".

Zhao Xin looked happy when she saw them. Zhang Chen asked, "Did you find the money?"

Zhao Xin smiled and said: "I'm happier than finding money. Boss, I'm talking about an exhibition. If the deal is successful, haha... just listen to the thunder in the silent place."

"What exhibition makes you so proud?" Zhang Chen was also infected by her and asked with a smile.

"Andy Warhol." Zhao Xin said.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked quickly: "Who, who are you talking about?"

"Andy Warhol." Zhao Xin smiled, "Why, you don't know him?"

"No, why would he talk to us about his exhibition?" Zhang Chen was surprised.

"This is also a mistake." Zhao Xin said, "Who asked Andy Warhol to go to Beijing and Shanghai? The gentlemen who reviewed and approved it were not sure whether they should let him go. They also had to consider the development of the country. Museum, how about exhibiting Andy Warhol?”

Zhang Chen understood that Andy Warhol was an important modernist painter in the United States. Many people, when they see the three words "modernist", will have a drum in their hearts and have many associations for no reason. Therefore, modernist poetry , in their view, is problematic poetry, and modernist literature is literature worthy of discussion.

In our literary and art circles, "realism" has always been superior, and "modernism" is a slightly derogatory term, so much so that Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House published a set of eight volumes of "Selected Works of Foreign Modernists". It can only be distributed internally.

"We are fine here, the door is open." Zhao Xin said, "My door is always open, of course Andy Warhol can come in.

“I called the Cultural Affairs Bureau, and they didn’t even know who Andy Warhol was. They just asked that nothing with reactionary content should appear, and that there should be no nude photos. Art works are acceptable.

"I promise, there are not even nudes in the works of art. Andy Warhol has nothing to do with these. Boss, have you seen these in his works?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and said: "I have never seen it before. Even the "MZD Portrait" he created has a very positive image. He created it when Nixon visited China and it was published in our domestic newspapers."

Liu Qing shouted from the side: "Hey, then, can any of you do a good job and tell me who this idiot is, Andy Warhol?"

Zhao Xin pointed at Zhang Chen and said with a smile: "Let Professor Zhang tell you."

"He is a representative figure of American pop art. You must have seen his works." Zhang Chen said.

"Wait a minute." Liu Qing waved her hand, "Forgive me for being such an idiot, but first tell me what 'Pop Art' is."

Zhang Chen said: "Pop art is an art genre that originated in the United Kingdom in the 1950s. To be more precise, it is an art style originating from commercial society. It is popular in the United States and is characterized by bringing the masses into Some cultural details, such as comic strips, fast food and packaging with trademarks, are enlarged and reproduced."

Liu Qing said okay, I understand, and you went on to talk about Andy Warhol.

Zhang Chen said: "He likes to stimulate people's senses by constantly copying images to form a series of paintings. For example, "Marilyn Monroe" uses nine posters of Marilyn Monroe's smiling face to form a series. The painting "Che Guevara" also used nine Guevara's heads, and "Campbell's Soup Cans" was made up of 32 posters of cans."

Liu Qing nodded: "I should have seen the picture of Monroe you mentioned."

"I must have seen it before. It is also published in domestic newspapers and periodicals." Zhang Chen said.

"Is there anything special about his works?" Liu Qing asked.

"If you look at it now, many of his works are very ordinary and nothing special, but at the time, they can be said to be epoch-making." Zhang Chen said, "First of all, his works are not paintings, but works. It comes out just like making a product.

"His significance lies in opening up the boundaries between artists and the general public, art and commerce, elegance and popularity. It turns out that the general public feels that they are far away from art. Art is the business of artists. Andy Warhol made As we all know, this is not the case. Even a bottle of Coca-Cola, a can, or a piece of soap can be art.

“Art is not only created by artists in their studios, but can also be produced by factory assembly lines. It can be created by everyone in their own garage. That is, starting from him, advertising can openly call itself advertising art. Industrial products can openly call themselves product design and packaging design. He has infinitely expanded the boundaries of art.

“Without Andy Warhol and Pop Art, our lives today wouldn’t be so colorful. The food and supplies we come into contact with every day would not have such practicality. What an exquisite design, Andy Warhol can be said to have liberated art and commodities at the same time, giving them a new definition."

Liu Qing nodded and said, I kind of understand, so if his works are exhibited here...

"It will definitely cause a sensation." Zhang Chen said, "Painters and artists from all over the country will come to see it with the mood of pilgrimage."

"Then we can also do a show?" Liu Qing said excitedly.

Zhang Chen was right, "I even thought of a name right away. It was called "Close Encounter with Andy Warhol" or "Hello, Andy!"

"'Hello, Andy!', this name is great." Liu Qing shouted.

"I can also reveal something. If this matter is negotiated, Andy Warhol's works will be shipped here from New York, and the insurance company's insurance coverage will be 4.6 billion U.S. dollars." Zhao Xin said.

"Is it true, do you need to insure this?" Liu Qing asked.

"No need, we just provide the exhibition venue, and the rest is taken care of by a US-China Cultural Exchange Foundation." Zhao Xin said.

"It's finalized, it's finalized, Zhao Xin, please finalize this matter quickly." Liu Qing said.

Zhao Xin smiled and said, "I will."

Zhang Chen looked at Liu Qing and asked, "Are you no longer in the mood to discuss the film today?"

Liu Qing chuckled: "As soon as I heard this, I got excited. OK, let's talk about business now."

"Ouch!" Zhao Xin shouted, "Look, I came here to talk about this, and I didn't even pour water for you. What do you want to drink?"

"I want coffee." Liu Qing said.

Zhao Xin asked Zhang Chen: "Are you still tea?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

Liu Qing and Zhang Chen said that we have received a lot of feedback from viewers. Their appetite has also increased. They feel that the program is too short and not enough to watch. In addition, they do not know enough about the background of the painter. I hope we can More introduction.

"Now, it is impossible to lengthen the program itself. If it is lengthened, other programs will be squeezed out. We can only think of ways in terms of format." Liu Qing said.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "You can form a series by yourself in five or six episodes. Then, you can expand the introduction of a single painting to introduce a painter, a painting school, or an important artistic event. The angle is still starting from a painting, and then going deeper, so that the style is consistent with the original..."

"But the content is richer and more fulfilling." Liu Qing's eyes lit up and she shouted: "That's great, Brother Zhang, just follow this idea, so that for the audience, after watching this series, they can have a complete You know this painter or school of painting well, right?”

Zhang Chen is right.

"Okay, I will report to the superiors based on this idea. By the way, do you have a topic to choose, Brother Zhang?" Liu Qing asked.

"If this is the case, there are too many topics to choose from." Zhang Chen said, "For example, the birth of Chinese oil painting is a topic to choose from, which can talk about Western missionaries, Matteo Ricci and Castiglione.

"By the way, I can also tell you a very interesting thing. People may not know this now. At that time, in Guangzhou, in addition to tea and silk, we also exported something to the West. That thing was oil painting, which was called 'export painting' at that time, and also called 'trade painting'.

“At that time, there were a large number of painters engaged in this work in Guangzhou, including foreign missionaries and Chinese painters who were born and raised in China and learned to paint oil paintings from the missionaries. The subjects of their paintings were Chinese landscapes and figures. 'Export paintings' traveled all over the world along with silk and tea."

"This is good, this is a good subject." Liu Qing said.

"Also, our earliest painters, including later and now, the painters who support the entire Chinese oil painting, they basically all studied abroad, some went to France, some went to Japan, some went to the United States, we can one by one , depending on the country where you study abroad, follow their footsteps..."

As Zhang Chen was talking, a sudden inspiration came to him and he said:

"We can make a series called "Masters Forgotten by History". There are many very high-level painters in them, but they have been completely forgotten now. To be honest, I am also in contact with those old gentlemen. , only then did I know their names and see their works.

"For example, Tan Huamu, Zhu Yunzhi, Sha Qi, Liao Xinxue, Liu Ziming, He Muqun, and Sanyu, whom I introduced before, etc., their level is very high, no less than these famous painters now, but they They have all been forgotten for one reason or another, and almost no one mentions them anymore. We can dig them out."

"This is okay, this topic is also okay." Liu Qing said, "But since they have been forgotten, can we find material related to them?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "We have it here, otherwise how would I know?"

Zhao Xin said: "We have their works, their exhibition passes, photos and reports from foreign media at various exhibitions abroad at that time, as well as reminiscence articles and letters from their classmates and friends."

"It's more than enough to make a series." Zhang Chen said, "Also, all the materials may be disclosed for the first time. For example, everyone thinks that there is only one female painter studying in France, Pan Yuliang. They don't know that Liu Ziming is also a Parisian. A student at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, her work "Winter Breakfast" won the school's honorary award and was also selected for the French Autumn Salon."

"Stop talking, Brother Zhang. If you keep talking, I want to start filming right away." Liu Qing said, "By the way, Brother Zhang, can you help me formulate each of these topics into words? I will report immediately. Go up so we can start as soon as possible, and on the Gome side, hold back."

"no problem."

Before Zhang Chen said anything, Zhao Xin agreed for him. Zhang Chen looked at him, Zhao Xin giggled and said to Zhang Chen:

"This is more interesting than sitting around signing autographs every day, right?"

Thank you to Crush Killer VIP for the reward! Thank you to Crush Killer VIP, Piao Ling Yi Yu, Feng Po Lang 26, gonghgx, Qingbo, Book Friends 854***984, Rainman, and Cowboy Grandpa for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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