The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1581 Fire Prevention and Theft Prevention Professor Zhang (Thank you for being forty-eight y

Zhang Chen walked off the stage, and Tan Shuzhen and Wenwen walked towards him. Zhang Chen felt a little guilty and turned around to avoid it. Tan Shuzhen grabbed his shoulder, glared at him and said:

"Zhang Chen, is there something wrong with you? Are you afraid of offending everyone?"

"What's wrong, I didn't mention him by name, I just made a general reference." Zhang Chen defended.

"You're so awesome, boss. You know this city in one breath. Do you think there are so many people sitting here who can't even understand the word "city"?" Wenwen raised her thumbs towards Zhang Chen and said, "How many cities are there?" The president is sitting below, and I don’t even dare to look at them.”

As Wenwen said that, she walked to Zhang Chen's side and blocked Zhang Chen so that other people who looked over wouldn't know what they were doing.

"I'm on top, so I can't talk nonsense without conscience. What I say is all the truth." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

Tan Shuzhen scolded: "What truth are you telling? How long have you been in this city? It's been less than five hours so far. You already know this city in five hours? Why don't you just demote me here?" It's useless, what is it if it's not nonsense?

"What's the difference between you doing this and pointing at someone's nose and scolding them indiscriminately? If someone scolds you like this, can you bear it?"

"I've scolded you, so what else can you do, do you want me to take back all my words?" Zhang Chen said, "It's too late, I can't take it back."

"I know, you now regard other people as garbage and retarded. You are the only wise person in China, right? I think you are arrogant. When you stand on the stage, you no longer know who you are." Tan Shuzhen Said, "If you scold me, scold me. Yes, if you scold me here, the worst we can do is just slap your butt and leave. Zhang Chen, let me ask you, why are you talking so much?"

"Why am I talking too much?"

"Why did you bring Hangcheng into this? We are not going back to Hangzhou? Do you know that you cursed here today during the day, and all the videos of you cursing were posted online at night, and the whole Hangzhou will know about it, and there will be more next time There are a lot of messages praising and scolding, what do you want to do? Are there any people as mean as you?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. He felt that this scene seemed familiar. After thinking for a while, he remembered that this scene was so similar to his performance at the meeting on "Hangzhou style women's clothing" hosted by Liu Chengcheng. He could not have imagined that he had experienced this before. After many years, this scene happened again, and Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing.

"You are still laughing, you are so heartless." Tan Shuzhen said angrily.

Zhang Chen said okay, Tan Shuzhen, I will bear all the responsibilities myself. Anyway, I have already scolded them. Whatever they want, then just do it.

"It's terrible, it's terrible."

Wenwen whispered repeatedly. She saw Deputy Secretary-General Xue of the municipal government who invited them here waving to her. Wenwen helplessly shrugged at Tan Shuzhen and the others, made a face, then grimaced and gritted her teeth. walk over.

Tan Shuzhen looked at her back and said, "How pitiful, Zhang Chen. Do you think that working with you is a high-risk profession?"

Zhang Chen laughed, and Tan Shuzhen hooked her foot and kicked him.

People in the auditorium were leaving one after another. When some people walked out, they deliberately walked around here. Zhang Chen saw that they were holding his own books in their hands, and they seemed to be coming to ask for his signature. Before these people could reach Zhang Chen and the others, they saw Deputy Secretary-General Xue standing not far away, talking to Wenwen and looking at them, and they immediately walked away.

Zhang Chen understood that here, he was indeed the same as Tan Shuzhen said, becoming a plague god that others dared not approach.

The people in the auditorium were almost gone. Wenwen and Deputy Secretary-General Xue walked over together. Deputy Secretary-General Xue smiled from afar and stretched out his hand to Zhang Chen and said to him:

"Wonderful, wonderful, Professor Zhang, your report today is very wonderful. We all listen below and feel that we have benefited a lot."

Zhang Chen held his hand and shook it up and down. Since Zhang Chen started giving reports in various places, many people called Zhang Chen "Professor Zhang".

Wenwen passed the introduction to Zhang Chen to each inviting unit, which had multiple titles, including young entrepreneur, painter, art critic, collector, famous designer, general consultant of CCTV's "Painting Talk" program, "Hundred Schools" Lecturer of "Lecturer" and visiting professor of Zhejiang University of Communication.

Although everyone knows that among these many titles, entrepreneur is the most valuable, Zhang Chen is a real billionaire, and the visiting professor is the best, not a serious professor, but everyone still likes to call Zhang Chen "Professor Zhang". Instead of "Mr. Zhang", Professor Zhang and the podium are more suitable.

Deputy Secretary-General Xue turned to Wenwen and said, "Let's go, the leaders are still waiting."

Wenwen quickly told Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen: "The leader wants to invite us to dinner, and several mayors are here."

On the bus to the city hotel, Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen were sitting in the last row of the van. She quietly said to Zhang Chen: "Shut up, stop talking nonsense."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Okay, I'm definitely not going to throw a wrench into you with this stepping stone."

"Get out!" Tan Shuzhen rolled her eyes at him.

During the meal, everyone was polite. Several mayors were very enthusiastic when they saw Zhang Chen. They all praised the quality of his report today. The term "contaminated words" was impressive.

What surprised them was that when they saw Tan Shuzhen in front of them, they all thought that this beautiful woman was Zhang Chen's wife or confidante, who came to play with him. Only after introducing each other and exchanging business cards did they know Tan Shuzhen is actually the chairman of Splendid China.

Several mayors were quite surprised. After chatting with Zhang Chen for a while, the topic quickly turned to real estate. They were eager to hear Tan Shuzhen's views on the current real estate, and Tan Shuzhen also gave them a talk.

By the time the dinner was over, the mayor had personally sent out an invitation, hoping that Tan Shuzhen and the others, Splendid China, could participate in their city's old city reconstruction project. Tan Shuzhen also agreed and would bring relevant personnel from the company to come here again in a few days. Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the project and then further discuss cooperation matters between the two parties.

After finishing the meal, Deputy Secretary-General Xue invited Zhang Chen and the others to the box next door, and the others followed. Rice paper, ink and paint had been prepared there. They knew that Zhang Chen was a painter, but they were not sure whether he was a painter or a painter. Those who paint in oil must leave their calligraphy treasures behind.

Anyway, this is not the first time such a scene has happened. For Zhang Chen, although Chinese painting is not his strong point, he can still paint. He readily accepted the invitation and finished several paintings. Wenwen was also prepared and took out Zhang Chen's seal was inscribed on the painting.

Deputy Secretary-General Xue then asked the waiter to bring over a stack of Zhang Chen's books and took out a list. Zhang Chen looked at the list and wrote down a bunch of comrades such as "Exhort Zheng", "Ya Zheng" and "Huicun".

Holding books and paintings, the guests and hosts shook hands and said goodbye. However, when they said goodbye, no one said they welcomed Zhang Chen to come again next time. Instead, they repeatedly told Tan Shuzhen that they hoped she could arrange her itinerary as soon as possible.

Tan Shuzhen agreed with a smile.

Wenwen watched Zhang Chen laughing from the side.

The banquet room for Zhang Chen and the others was in a separate small building of the city hotel. Deputy Secretary-General Xue escorted them out of the small building and went to Building A of the hotel where they were staying. The three of them said goodbye to Deputy Secretary-General Xue at the gate and waved. Watching Deputy Secretary-General Xue get into the car and drive away.

The three people turned around and walked inside. Tan Shuzhen and Wenwen looked at Zhang Chen and laughed while walking.

Zhang Chen was confused by their laughter and asked, "What's so funny?"

"It hurts my self-esteem. They don't even welcome us back." Wenwen said with a smile.

Tan Shuzhen said: "Deputy Secretary-General Xue is probably relieved now that this god of plague can finally be sent away."

Zhang Chen laughed and scolded: "Don't talk nonsense. I didn't see that the mayor has a very good attitude and a nice smile. How can he be as sulky as you said? The leader of the party in charge , how can we do without this kind of self-cultivation?"

"Boss, you don't know, right?" Wenwen looked at Zhang Chen with a smile.

"Don't know what?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Mayor, I have only been transferred here for more than two months. You can't scold him even if you scold him. Of course he is in a better mood." Wenwen said, "There are other people scolding you, but they are not here. .”

"Besides, the reason why people treat you so well is because they want you to understand, or help." Tan Shuzhen said, "You don't even see this?"

Zhang Chen looked at Tan Shuzhen and said, "I don't see it. Tell me, what do you want me to know?"

"Okay, let me enlighten you. People are friendly to you because they hope you can accumulate some moral integrity. When you go to other places, don't talk about them like you said about Hangzhou on the stage today. Their intentions are so obvious. It's just a matter of time. I told you clearly." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Actually, the person surnamed Xue has already told me what he meant." Wenwen said, "He said that the mayor has just been transferred, and there are so many things to worry about and he is under a lot of pressure. I hope there will be no other unexpected events that will affect him." .”

The next morning, Deputy Secretary-General Xue came to see them off. He brought a lot of local specialties and sent them to the airport. Deputy Secretary-General Xue held Zhang Chen’s hand and said:

"Professor Zhang, if you have a new report, I hope you can tell me about it. I can just go online and download it myself. Listening to Professor Zhang's speech is really enlightening. I want to learn more."

Zhang Chen just said hello, and Wenwen immediately took it over and told Deputy Secretary-General Xue that I will send it to you if there is a new video. Please don't worry.

Deputy Secretary-General Xue quickly raised his hands to them and said thank you, thank you!

Deputy Secretary-General Xue said goodbye and left. Wenwen said: "Yes, we are now protecting Professor Zhang from fire and theft."

Tan Shuzhen laughed.

The three of them went through the security check together. Zhang Chen's cell phone rang while it was still in the plastic basket. Zhang Chen looked out and saw that it was Li Yong. He quickly took a few steps, passed the security gate, and picked up the cell phone from the plastic basket.

"Hey, Zhang Chen, where are you?" Li Yong asked over there.

"Airport, preparing to return to Hangzhou." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, let's wait until you return to Hangzhou. Then, Zhang Chen, I'll call you tonight and we'll have a good chat," Li Yong said.

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Look, the commotion is getting louder." Tan Shuzhen was at the side, smiling happily.

Thank you to Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48, book friend 161122124409839, Tiezhongshang 1, two fishes one up and one down, for the reward at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for the monthly votes of Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48, civer1, Forgot Password, Start Again, Watch, Flying Bat Ke Zhene, Pi Wusun, Chubby Bear Who Loves Diving, Dong Longdong, Zheluo, Book Friends 20170803182449769! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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