The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1576 Who can say for sure?

Zhang Chen took Wenwen to the vault of the "Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery". There was not only a workbench for repairing paintings, but also a sofa, a water dispenser and a refrigerator. There were also drinks in the refrigerator.

Zhang Chen would sometimes sit here for a long time, pondering paintings and reading materials. Sometimes he would also help with some repair work, so the work area here was quite comfortable.

Wenwen was overjoyed when she came in. She sat down on the sofa, spread her hands and feet, hit the back of the sofa one after another, and shouted to Zhang Chen:

"It's so comfortable, boss. I don't even need to stay in a hotel."

Zhang Chen brought her a drink from the refrigerator, and Wenwen asked, is there any coffee?

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Then I want coffee."

Zhang Chen came back from making coffee. Wenwen had already taken out a document bag from the trolley case. She took out two contracts from the document bag. They were contracts for the cooperation between Zhang Chen and the "Pictures Talk" program team to publish books. Wenwen Wen told him that this is simple, you sign with your eyes closed and you get 10% of the royalties, that is, the book's price multiplied by 10%, and then the family gets half of it.

"What is Ma Yang?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's the total price. The price of each book multiplied by the number of prints. Now we hope that the book will sell well. The more we print, the more money we will get. Oh, forget it, you don't care anyway, you don't care about this Click fee."

"I care." Zhang Chen said, "I have never received royalties in my life. This money is different from money."

"Okay, then you should work hard and make this book more beautiful." Wenwen said.

Zhang Chen signed where Wenwen asked him to sign. Wenwen put the contract away and said to Zhang Chen, boss, you can give me a lecture from now on. First, let’s talk about what the National Art College is, and what is the meaning of moving westward? what's going on.

Zhang Chen thought about an article written by Mr. Wu Guanzhong, which recalled the move of the National Art College to the west. He found it and gave it to Wenwen, asking her to read it first. Zhang Chen told her that the National Art College was the site of the National Art College at that time. The National Hangzhou Art College, later the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, and now the China Academy of Fine Arts.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, in November 1937, when Hangzhou was about to fall, principal Lin Fengmian escaped from Hangzhou with more than a hundred teachers and students in the school.

They first went to Zhuji and then to Guixi in Jiangxi, hoping to build a school there. The Japanese came again, so they continued to travel southwest to Yuanling in Hunan, where they joined the National Peking University with those who had escaped from Beijing. The teachers and students of the Art College merged to form the National Art College.

But at that time and later, because the teachers of the National Peking Art College were relatively weak and the quality of the students was also relatively poor, the subsequent achievements of the teachers and students were not as good as those of the National Hangzhou Art College. So now when we talk about the National Art College, it is actually Specifically refers to the group of people leaving Hangzhou.

They stayed in Yuanling for half a year, and the Japanese captured Changsha. They were forced to continue westward to Kunming. Due to frequent air raids, they moved to Chenggong County. They stayed in Chenggong for more than a year and retreated to Bi in Sichuan. Shan County, and finally to Shapingba in Chongqing.

In 1945, the Japanese unconditionally surrendered, and the National Academy of Fine Arts was re-divided into two schools and returned to their original locations. The one that returned to Beijing became the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and the one that returned to Hangzhou became the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts.

Zhang Chen found a group photo of teachers from the National Art College on an outing and told her which one was the principal Lin Fengmian, which one was the dean Lin Wenzheng, which one was Wu Dayu, the director of the Western Painting Department, and which one was Pan Tianshou, the director of the Chinese Painting Department.

Then he told her about Western painting professors Cai William, Fang Qianmin, Ye Yun, sculpture professor Liu Kaiqu, Chinese language professor Yu Dafu, library director Li Puyuan, etc.

"Are there two foreigners?" Wenwen asked, pointing to the photo.

Zhang Chen was right, the two foreigners were one was the Russian professor Du Fang and the other was the French professor Crodo.

Zhang Chen then took out a group photo of students, pointed at the people on it, and said names one by one that were very familiar to Zhang Chen himself. However, Wenwen looked confused when she heard this, and looked at Zhang Chen, not knowing where he was. What to say, to her, all these names are just names, there is nothing special about them.

Zhang Chen thought for a while, then changed his approach and told her that this person's paintings were now auctioned for tens of millions, and that person's paintings were now auctioned for millions. As expected, Wenwen perked up and sat there in shock. At first glance, she was shouting and screaming. After Zhang Chen finished the introduction, she couldn't wait to see these paintings worth tens of millions.

Zhang Chen showed Wenwen paintings by Lin Fengmian, Wu Dayu, Zhao Wou-Ki, Chu Dequn and Wu Guanzhong. Wenwen was immediately discouraged. She said angrily, "That's it. It's so expensive. I thought it was for money." Jin Zi's painting, they all painted it so badly, it doesn't look good at all.

"Then whose painting do you think is better?" Zhang Chen asked with a smile.

"Anyway, they are not as good at painting as Xiaoshu." Wenwen said, "Look at Xiaozhao's painting by Xiaoshu. It's so good, as if it's alive. Where are the messy paintings like them? Look at that painting. , the mouth is tilted to the ears, oh my god, if I see such a person, I won’t be scared to death, thinking I’m seeing a ghost.”

The mouth that Wenwen said is crooked to the ears refers to a self-portrait by Wu Dayu.

Zhang Chen smiled and explained to her what realism and concreteness are, what abstraction is, what are the general schools of painting, and what are their characteristics.

For example, Zhang Chen told her separately what was so good about each of these paintings.

Zhang Chen talked for a long time, and Wenwen shook her head and said, I am confused by what you said, and I still don't see what they draw well. However, you are so good at talking, so you probably have a point.

Zhang Chen was immediately discouraged. He glared at Wenwen and cursed: "A donkey can be enlightened. Okay, I give up. I don't know how to teach you anymore."

Wenwen giggled: "You have to have confidence in me, boss, tonight is still very fruitful. I have memorized a lot of words, such as Impressionism, Cubism, Dadaism, and Futurism. Can I use it?" Are these words used to scare people?"

"If you meet someone who is a little knowledgeable and uses these words but doesn't speak the right words, they will immediately see that you are not only half-empty, but also have no bottom at all." Zhang Chen scolded.

"It's okay, it's okay, that's all I'll do."

Wenwen stood up from the sofa and walked to a painting. She put her hands on her chest, frowned slightly, and said:

"This painting has a good sense of rhythm... Well... Its expression is multi-layered... There is a paradoxical metaphor. Well, from the picture, we can see the pain and struggle expressed by the author..."

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing, and Wenwen also smiled and asked: "How is it, how is it?"

Zhang Chen said okay, just talk nonsense like this. Anyway, the more outrageous you are, the more likely you are to bluff people.

Wenwen was overjoyed. She pointed to an abstract painting by Zao Wou-Ki and said, "Isn't it like this? Look, this shows the vigorous reproduction ability of the universe. Can you feel this sharp penetrating power? Have you seen anything from this painting? In the painting, can you hear the rhythm of the universe?"

Zhang Chen's stomach hurt from laughing, and he shouted, "Okay, okay, that's it. Anyway, this fits your Wenwen style of nonsense."

They worked hard until about two o'clock, and Zhang Chen felt that it was almost done. He told Wenwen that it was time to close the door and call it a day. If you don't understand, you will learn slowly in the future. Don't try to eat a big fat man in one bite.

Wenwen said yes, but I am really hungry and want to eat myself into a big fat man right away.

Zhang Chen took her to Longxiang Bridge to eat seafood. By the time they finished their supper and arrived at the International Building, it was already past three o'clock, and Wenwen really got a half-price room.

When Zhang Chen walked her to the elevator, Wenwen hugged Zhang Chen, kissed him on the cheek, and said to him, it's a shame that a man and a woman were alone in a secret room before, and I didn't harass you. Now I must do it. Fragrant.

Zhang Chen pushed her into the elevator and said to her, okay, I admit, you are still very serious when working.

Wenwen giggled and shook her head proudly.

When the elevator door was about to close, Wenwen quickly waved to Zhang Chen: "Bye, bye..."

The elevator door closed and the elevator began to move upward. Zhang Chen turned around and walked towards the hotel door with a smile.

Zhang Chen appeared on CCTV's "Hundred Schools of Lectures". Although the current "Hundreds of Schools of Lectures" is not as popular as it was in previous years, it still has many fans. The most important thing is that having appeared on the CCTV screen to give lectures, it is like It was officially stamped and certified as an expert.

This is more important than any academic qualifications or degrees. If you add the words "self-taught", it will be more genuine than a real professor or a real expert.

Next, there were really many activities to invite Zhang Chen. Wenwen even arranged a press conference for a certain brand of lipstick. Zhang Chen was so angry that he cursed. Wenwen said, "You Why are you excited? There is a very strict logical relationship here.

"Is there any logical relationship between lipstick and me?" Zhang Chen scolded.

Wenwen giggled and said to him, "Think about it, you are a celebrity and a handsome billionaire. Isn't that why a woman who paints her lips like a chicken butt is just to attract handsome billionaires like you?" Rich man? What could be more convincing than your presence at this scene?

The news about Zhang Chen’s billionaire continues to be speculated on the Internet. People say that he is the most educated billionaire.

In the past two years, those entrepreneurs who have just come out of the fields and have just dropped their pants have been talking about Buddhism, Taoism, Chinese studies, or memorizing the titles of various world famous books. They all like to dress themselves up. Confucian businessmen, people like Zhang Chen, who have been on the "Hundred Schools Forum" and are really talented, must be recognized as representatives of Confucian businessmen.

Even though Zhang Chen kept laughing at himself, he said, I am indeed a milk merchant, with stinky milk.

The set of books designed by Zhang Chen was printed by Qu Tianlin and others. From binding design to printing, they were exquisite and rich in content. They were very popular after publication. Liu Qing and Zhang Chen said that the publishing house hopes to continue publishing Go down.

It is impossible for Zhang Chen not to be a Confucian even if he is famous for his books and lectures on CCTV.

Several universities came to invite Zhang Chen to be a visiting professor, but Zhang Chen turned it down. Wenwen scolded him, "Why are you so stubborn and don't do such a good thing?"

Zhang Chen said, I really don't dare to do this, and I can't do anything to mislead others.

"Are you stupid? How many students do you think are studying seriously in those shabby schools? The school wants to borrow your celebrity aura. For those students, I guarantee that billionaires are more attractive to them than professors. Also, Do you think that some of those professors are genuine? If nothing else, I can't get you. If you get those professors, just wave your hand and you can get a platoon right away..."

Wenwen cursed and cursed, making herself laugh.

Xiaofang called from the United States and said with a smile, brother-in-law, you are quite presentable. Beibei and I have watched your programs, and your speaking skills are quite good and level, really!

Regardless of whether Zhang Chen wants it or not, when he appears in public again, everyone will think that he is an expert. Even if he does not admit it, others will think that it is just his modesty. He has become a recognized humble person. celebrities and experts.

Some people couldn't stand his modesty and said, "Hey, this grandson is showing off again."

Thank you for your monthly votes from Zixi, jdd, Wu Family Courtyard, Girl Killer VIP, Tiezhongshang 1, and robingranite! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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