The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1574 Flying Pig

Liu Qing took people to Hangzhou, and Zhao Xin went to pick them up at the airport. They arrived at the "Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery". When they entered, they were attracted by Xiao Shu's painting "Sister". People say, I have seen this painting before, but I didn't expect it to be here.

A group of people stood in front of "Sister", holding their breath and not daring to breathe. Liu Qing asked Zhao Xin in a low voice who was in the painting. Zhao Xin told them, and everyone was sighing.

Zhao Xin led them to visit the art gallery first. When they returned to the office, Zhao Jingjing was already waiting for them in Zhao Xin's office.

Zhao Jingjing and Zhao Xin said that Mr. Zhang went to the Gome Library and would be back soon. He said that the guests should go to our warehouse first to have an intuitive feeling.

Zhao Xin said yes.

Zhao Jingjing and Zhao Xin went down together, and the two of them opened the warehouse below. Liu Qing and the others became excited when they saw the dazzling collections inside. Liu Qing said that with so many collections, there are so many stories to tell.

The writer asked Zhao Xin, is your collection just piled up in the warehouse?

Zhao Xin said, of course not. The works you see in the exhibition hall outside now will be returned to the warehouse in half a month. There will be another batch of collections on display, one topic at a time, and a program with you. Similarly, the specific works to be exhibited will depend on the needs of the topic, which can not only meet the needs of the audience, but also help protect these collections.

The exhibits outside are constantly changing, so as to attract visitors to come to our exhibition hall again and again. Moreover, we are also limited by the venue. If we take out all our collections and display them permanently, The area of ​​our oil painting gallery cannot be expanded even ten times.

"By the way, there is only one thing, and that is the "Sister" you saw earlier. It is always in that position." Zhao Xin told them.

Looking at such a huge collection in the warehouse, the writer sighed, I have learned that your oil painting museum currently has the richest collection of oil paintings in the country. I think there will be no museum that can surpass yours in the future, right?

Zhao Xin nodded and said yes, it's impossible. "The value of Chinese oil paintings has been discovered by the market. If the collection here is auctioned, it will cost as little as millions, as much as tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars. Who still has it?" With the financial strength to collect so many collections? Even if we miss that point in time, we won’t be able to do it again.”

"It's not just about money. Now that you have money, people hold these treasures in their hands but refuse to sell them to you. You have nothing to do. In addition to financial strength, there are no other ways to acquire them now, right? ?” the writer asked.

"It's really like this." Zhao Xin said, "We used to go out to talk to people, and we never failed. At that time, everyone felt that the things in their hands were not worth much, and no one would want them. If there is an opportunity like this to sell, we should seize it, so every time we buy more than we planned.

"Of course there are some people who trust our oil painting gallery and feel that these works that they consider very precious are not properly kept in their hands due to various objective reasons. There is such a place Those old gentlemen who could treat them kindly gave us their creations and collections.

"Many people are still very stubborn, and they really refuse to accept a penny. They feel that the nature of the matter will change if they accept the money, so they ask us to guarantee that we can take good care of these works.

"But in recent years, this phenomenon has become rare. Everyone knows that oil paintings are also valuable things. Sometimes, if someone wants to give it away, his family and children will object. Even if we want to buy it, they will not care, no matter what the other party is. Whatever the unit and the storage conditions are, as long as the price is higher than ours, we will sell it to them. It is now much more difficult to collect than before.

"Everyone's living conditions have been greatly improved compared to before, and they are not so short of money. Even the children know that artworks can maintain and increase their value, so they would rather wait to inherit these works than inherit them. When I inherited money, my willingness to sell it was very low. I felt that the money I received would be spent quickly, but I inherited the paintings and could continue to pass them on.

"There are also some special circumstances. For example, there is a batch of paintings that I have been tracking for more than three years, but have not been successfully acquired yet."

"Why?" Liu Qing asked.

Zhao Xin smiled and said: "We have reached an acquisition agreement with this old gentleman, and his children have also agreed. The two parties have even negotiated the price. We have also paid the advance payment, and the agreement has been notarized, but There is one thing: this old gentleman hopes that the works he collected can stay with him during his lifetime, so we have to wait."

Liu Qing and the others nodded, understanding.

While they were talking, Zhang Chen came back. Zhang Chen showed them the ten paintings he had selected and roughly told the story behind each painting. He said, we can try to make these ten episodes first.

The writer became excited when he heard what Zhang Chen said. He smiled and said, I don’t have to use my brain anymore. Mr. Zhang, you have organized it very well. Please expand on what you told us and write a little more. Add modifications and the script is ready.

When Zhang Chen was talking, Liu Qing had been frowning slightly. She suddenly said, "Brother Zhang, I want to do "Sister" in the first episode, is that okay?"

Zhang Chen was shocked, and then he immediately refused, saying no, I will never do this.

"Why?" Liu Qing asked puzzledly, "I think the story of "Sister" is very touching and can move many audiences."

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said to Liu Qing slowly but seriously:

"There are some things, bit by bit, but I can only keep them in my heart. I am not willing to share them with others. I don't even have the desire to let others know. I don't want to use them to win others' sympathy, scolding, or praise. , I feel that this is what is in my heart, it always resides in my inner world, and no one can get close to it."

Zhang Chen looked at Liu Qing and continued:

"I don't know if you can understand what I'm saying. If you don't understand it yet, I understand it too. When you get older, you will understand. Everyone has his own persistence. In everyone's heart, Everyone has their softest and hardest part.”

Liu Qing and the writer both nodded. Although Liu Qing was disappointed, she still said: "I understand, Brother Zhang. Then we will follow Brother Zhang's arrangement and start from these ten episodes."

Zhang Chen nodded and said yes, thank you!

For the opening sequence of "Paintings", Liu Qing paired it with the "Walking" segment from Mussorgsky's piano suite "Paintings at an Exhibition", and then Zhang Chen appeared in the exhibition hall of the "Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery" and walked towards One of the paintings was introduced.

During the introduction, Zhang Chen's voice faded out and a voice-over was inserted. At the same time, a large amount of background information, pictures and images appeared on the screen. When it came to the key point of the story, it turned back to Zhang Chen who was sitting. The scene at that time was in a room decorated with an artistic atmosphere in the club next door.

Then as Zhang Chen narrated, the content expanded, Zhang Chen's voice faded out, and the picture also changed.

The entire film starts with a painting and ends with this painting. When previewing the paintings to be introduced in the next episode, the background music is still "Walking" from Mussorgsky's piano suite "Paintings at an Exhibition". "The fragment seems to take the audience on a stroll to the next work.

After the program was aired, it quickly attracted the attention of a large number of viewers. There was a lot of praise on the Internet, saying that this is one of the few well-made films seen in recent years. It is in-depth and interesting, and truly explains the profound things in a simple way.

Zhang Chen's Mandarin with a southern accent also attracted many people. Everyone asked, which art school is this old handsome guy a professor at? How interesting would it be if I could take his class?

Someone immediately said, if you are from the South, you should be from the United States.

Then Zhang Chen was dug out from the Internet, and everyone discovered that not only was he not a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, he had nothing to do with the Academy of Fine Arts.

As for his connection with art, he is the owner of the "Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery" and a collector.

Wow, someone discovered it. This guy turned out to be a billionaire. The word "billionaire" immediately attracted the attention of many people. Even those who had no interest in oil painting, in turn, because of "billionaire" ", to click on these programs, "Painting" quickly became popular on the Internet.

Then more identity and information about Zhang Chen were dug out, including the fashion show he designed. Zhang Chen and "Painting" became a lively news topic on the Internet. .

Liu Qing called Zhang Chen and told him excitedly: "Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang, our ratings are rising steadily, it's great!"

Zhang Chen chuckled.

Liu Qing said that a publishing house wants to publish a picture album of our "Painting Theory" with rich pictures and text. I recommend Brother Zhang to design this book. Don't refuse.

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and said, I didn't expect that so much trouble would come out of being on TV. Not only were the eighteen generations of ancestors dug up, but also all the old and rotten millet things were found out, and a lot of me were also found out. Unknown classmates and relatives came forward to give their own opinions. Fortunately, I have a good foundation and no dirty information. Otherwise, I would be dead this time.

Liu Qing giggled on the phone.

Zhang Chen said: "What other provincial and municipal TV stations are so annoying that they all come to me to tell me what programs they want to cooperate with. How can I have so much to say and not show my timidity even if I talk too much?"

"Brother Zhang, you are a celebrity now. Doesn't it feel good to be a celebrity?" Liu Qing asked.

"What's good, I just want to find a place to hide." Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, yes, you are in the right state. Many celebrities said this after becoming famous." Liu Qing chuckled, "Brother Zhang, do you know the power of our CCTV now? Some people say that as long as you stand in the center Even pigs can take off in the TV station's spotlight. Brother Zhang, you are the one taking off now..."

Liu Qing chuckled and couldn't talk any more.

Thank you poor scholar for your reward! Thank you, Crush Killer VIP, and have a safe journey! , Fantasy in the Wind, monthly ticket that Zi once said! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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